7shevchenko 发表于 2003-7-17 20:05:29

issue44 觉得越写越郁闷了

44"Government should not fund any scientific research whose consequences,either medical or ethical,are unclear."

Scientific research,which is generally regarded as an indispensable part in the human beings' process of pursuing the truth,plays a key role in the development of human society.Almost all the high technologic facilities that people take advantage of nowadays are the outcome of scientific research.Nevertheless,while it brings much convenience to people's daily life,scientific research does not necessarily promote the development of society,especially when its consequences,either medical or ethical,are unclear.In this case,I strongly believe that the government should not fund any kind of this research.

In the first place,as far as the medical science is concerned,scientific research has undoubtedly contributed a lot.One does not need to be reminded that while people were completely helpless decades of years before when they confronted the ravage of diseases such as pneumonia,malaria,rabies and so on,as the result of scientific research in this field,those diseases are by now under strict control of human beings and precautions exist to prevent people from being infected.There seems no reason for the government not to fund such meaningful research as is for the well-being of people.However,it should not be neglected that science is a two-edged weapon which can be used for both good and evil.If the consequence of certain medical research is unclear,that means,the outcome may not favour the society or even has a devastating impact on people,the authorities should definitely cease funding it.For example,the human gene project, which is the world's focus in recent years,could on one hand help human beings get a better understanding of themsevles as well as the origin of diseases,on the other hand,we can not rule out the possibility that by taking advantage of this achievement,some extremists may turn a man into some kind of killer machine through the process of eliminating the defects of the human genes.Hence,careful investigations on what its consequences would be should be done before the government decides whether to fund the scientific research or not.

In the second place,great emphasis must be put on the ethical consequences of any scientfic research because it is a matter of whether the social order could be kept and it is really a challenge to the social morality.A typical example is the technique of clone.So far,the human scientists have already cloned many species of animals,while I concede that this itself is indeed a breakthrough in the human history of technology,it might also mean a disaster-----some scientists are keen on cloning human beings.If this comes true,every single person in this world may lose his or her own characteristic of being a unique individual.What else can we call it except a disaster?Since it would greatly undermine the ethics as being the foundation of human society and be a serious challenge to the social morality,the government has the responsibility to suspend any research concerning cloning human beings,let alone funding it.

In sum,scientific research whose medical or ethical consequences are unclear should not be funded by any rational government since the outcome may be a disaster to the human society.Only after careful investigations have been made on them could the authorities or the government decide whether the research should be completely cancelled or be carried out under the government's guidance.

ljb 发表于 2003-7-18 06:27:08

不明白题目为什么要,加上either medical or ethical这句,science又不是只包括这两种,或者是题目限定只能讨论这两方面的研究?

imong 发表于 2004-1-3 19:55:29

总体来说第二段部分句子行文不是很舒服,不太地道的感觉。keen on cloning human being不如改成keen on 这种experiment,毕竟还是没clone人现在。



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