blueseaheart 发表于 2003-11-23 12:05:30

issue 154关于教育的问题 请指教

154. "Both parents and communities must be involved in the local schools. Education is too important to leave solely to a group of professional educators."人的教育是一项系统的教育工程,这里包含着家庭教育、社会教育、集体(托幼园所、学校)教育,三者相互关联且有机地结合在一起,相互影响、相互作用、相互制约.

Schools are not "islands unto themselves." They are part of the fabric of a community. And formal education in school could be necessary and first important to children, yet, we need to be aware that our family and the community have equal responsibility to raise and educate the children. Therefore, Effective education involves close linkage between schools, families, and the larger community.

Since families play a critical role in their children’ growth and development, it seriously requires family-school collaboration, which is a cooperative process of brings together school staff, parents, and children, to maximize resources for child achievement and development. Parent involvement in school means that parents are actively or passively engaged in school’s affairs and help parents more fully participate in their children’s education both at home and at school through a variety of activities. First, educators need to learn a great deal about families from which their students come, such learning is useful for teachers to more fully understand their students’ characters and behavior. Thereby, they can better manage and reduce students’ inappropriate behavior by cooperation of parents and teachers. Secondly, through some programs parents learn how to supplement schoolwork by instructing their children at home in academic tasks such as reading and math. Third, parents’ regular meeting with staff can help address some problems and propose some plans. Finally, parents can serve as volunteers in social affairs, such as classroom aides, and even parents can develop a high degree of involvement. For instance, as a member of school development committee, parents can make a decision about some important problems. In a word, parents and staff share two-way information during the children’s process of learning and it is obvious that students are more successful in school (higher test scores, higher grades, better attendance, more positive attitudes and behavior, higher graduation rates) when their parents are actively involved. Parent involvement promotes a healthy and consistent learning environment by establishing mutual goal between parents and educators and developing activities that bridge home and school.

When this partnership is extended to include the larger community, the benefits are greater yet. New age calls for the genuine community involvement, because of the drastically growing divorce rate, the increasing unwed mother, and the diminish/reduce of parents’ spare time. If community members together concern about those miserable children, they undoubtedly benefit a lot from community throughout their life. The community also provides a unique resource, the opportunity to bridge the gap between the “real world” and that of the school. Students are able to see the connection between the curriculum in the school and the skills that are required in the real world. And communities offer a wide range of resources that are valuable to schools and the families they serve. These resources include people who volunteer their time in the school, organizations that offer enrichment opportunities, businesses that offer career-related information and workplace experiences, and agencies that provide various social services for students and families. Further, such activities are also conducive to children’s learning: 1) open other community facilities and churches as neighborhood-based safe havens and meeting sites for parent-teacher conferences and other school-related gatherings 2)use businesses and community organizations to help students with special projects; 3) sponsor bands, athletics, arts programs, clubs, and other wholesome activities for students. Perhaps most important is that when responsibility for children's learning is shared by the school, home, and community, children have more opportunities for meaningful, engaged learning.

Schools don't operate in a vacuum. Parent and community involvement are essential ingredients -- perhaps the most crucial components -- of building stronger schools and increasing student achievement. Parents and communities have a mutual responsibility to become involved in schools and to open and carry on dialogues. When families and community members volunteer their time and talent in the schools, both schools and students increase their capacity to do more and to do it better," Strong families and strong schools make strong communities. Strong communities make a strong nation!

blueseaheart 发表于 2003-11-23 12:11:56

第一段:父母在local schools 中的重要性。
第二段:为什么社区必须卷入到local school 中?
4 结尾

Ivy0929 发表于 2003-11-24 17:03:36

1,which is a cooperative process of brings(bringing) together school staff,
2,Thereby, they can better manage and reduce students’ inappropriate behavior by cooperation of parents and teachers. they指的是educator吧,也就是teacher,应该改为:by cooperation with parents.
3,to maximize resources for child achievement(成就?在这里不恰当吧) and development.
4,First, educators need to learn a great deal about families from which(应该是where) their students come

第三段,社区的作用,我认为可以把实践的作用放在前面,然后进一步论述社区有利于单亲家庭孩子们的psychological health(这个观点很棒!)。

to maximize the available resources
businesses(companies)  that offer career-related information and workplace experiences


blueseaheart 发表于 2003-11-25 01:21:05


jorge 发表于 2003-11-25 09:58:15

楼主 MM ,麻烦你下次可以不用 "拍转" 这两个词吗?  :)


parents' behavior may greatly affect there children...

good study-atmosphere  plays an important role in learning

guys who participate juvenile crimes always come from these families which lost there parents

木耳 发表于 2003-11-25 14:40:02


再说这种合作扩展到社会(When this partnership is extended to include the larger community,)又会如何。

1 manage and reduce students’ inappropriate behavior by cooperation of parents and teachers.
2 use businesses and community organizations to help students with special projects;
3 sponsor bands, athletics, arts programs, clubs...





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