~白鸽~ 发表于 2003-12-26 17:49:19

issue37 关于竞争,想写的深刻一点,感觉写着写着驾驭不住,有点弄巧成拙

37"In most societies, competition generally has more of a negative than a positive effect."


Nowadays, competition has become a main aspect of human social life. It should be said that its positive effect overweighs its negative one in generall,as is proved by facts today.

First of all, competition is the basic respect of market economy,which profoundly exert influence on our contemporary lives. Admittedly, market economy is one important kind of resources allocation mechanism,by which most of human economic activity is guided. In fact, market economy has been the advanced form of national economy institution within the extent of the whole world. Obviously, developed countries  take it as basic economy institution without any exception, such as USA, Japan, France, UK, Germany,etc. Meanwhile, most of developing countries also are striving to transit to mature market economy,from China to Russia. Such facts at least proved that people recognize the positive effect of market economy in practice. Further, they recognize the role that competition plays in market economy. Because competition provide incentive and constraints on people's action so as to market can take effect in allocating resources efficiently. Without competition, people will
lose power to use resources that they vested in the best way, and to seek the greatest satisfaction. Even they may not care about sparing,saving and protecting resources. Just those incentive and constraints which competition brings guarantee that individuals have to be prudent to act. Thereby, the whole society will allocate resources to organize economic life in a effective manner.

However, competition has unavoidable drawbacks. Odds are that competition will give rise to individual rational sense whereas it is accompanied with group irrational sense likewise.  It derives from the limitation of individual. Every single person merely has limited resources, such as information,time,energy and so forth.  Hence they will arrive at an unexpected result which is adverse to everyone in a group. At the same time, people always live in all kinds of groups. So they can act without any influence from a group.In game theory, the "prisoner's dilema" is a case in point. Every prisoner seeks for individual best result. But the final result turn out to be not the best for everyone. Therefore, people must locate other alternative mechanism to complement competition. Cooperation will be taken into account.

Conversely, competition is technically the best as main economy mechanism that people can figure out. As mentioned above, competition does exist in most of societies and is actually advocated by most of countries. There lies profound cause. That is competiton can bring  better effect than any other  mechanisms under contemporary material condition. Only with competition can people be imposed on rigid power to act effectively.

To sum up, people should not only see the negative perspective of competition but also acknowledge the activeness and rationality of it. The proper way may be to improve the effect of market econimy by maintaining the elemantary role of competition and complementing it with more other feasible alternative methods.

himeki 发表于 2003-12-26 22:02:23


第二段的前半部分不好啊我认为,你的论证顺序是这样的,说,由于很多发达国家都采用市场经济体制 ,   而且又有很多发展中国家的经济体制也在象市场经济体制改变,是因为人们意识到市场经济的好处。      这个论证本身就很薄弱,试问,就算市场经济有很多好处,你又怎么能是由于竞争不是别的因素,给市场经济带来的好处呢??        


~白鸽~ 发表于 2003-12-26 22:17:58

想写的全面一点。竞争是市场的基础阿  承认市场就是承认竞争。而且那只是一个方面的论证。
我确实写得不好, 想求深 ,却发现不可控了

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