crazyrobin 发表于 2013-6-10 16:33:25


本帖最后由 crazyrobin 于 2015-10-10 18:26 编辑


托福口语分为2个部分,independent task, 也就是常见的口语第一题和第二题 (task 1, task 2), 另外便是Integrated task, 也就是常见的口语 第三题到第六题,这其中又两个系列, campus situation (task 3 & task 5) 和academic lecture (task 4 & task 6)


Task 1 & Task 2 Familiar topic

Task 1



① 拿到这道题建议直接找脑子里想到的第一个想法,然后细节展开就可以。第一时间想到的就是最好的,不要去权衡优劣。

② 建议用以下的方式 Topic Sentence — Supporting Sentence — Example/details,也就是主题句+原因或者目的+细节的方式答题。

③ 掌握好时间的控制,主题句+论点句只需1-2句话。目前比较好的方法是两点论,考官在意的你怎么阐述你的观点,也就是后面的解释+1-2句话的例子支持。


① 任何情况下不要使用模板,可以使用firstly, secondly等表述逻辑的用词,但是答问切忌假大空。

② 这道题只说一个点就可以,但是一个点的答题方法存在一定的风险性,比如例子过于冗长。有些题目比如问性格随着时间而变化这种可以答自己的过去和现在的对比,这种题可以答一个点。这道题最多只能说二个点,两点分配上建议用这个结果

主题句 Topic Sentence + 解释 How/What/Why+分析 1-2句话

③ 有没有结尾无所谓。说不完也并不影响。关键是细节要出来。

Task 2



① 一定要选择一方面,因为这样更好展开,中立态度不但两边都要照顾,同时也无法展开

② 这道题依然才用两点论,方式依然是采用 Topic Sentence — Supporting Sentence — Example/details,也就是同意或者不同意+原因1+具体例子1+原因2+具体例子2。

③ 考官不会因为你选择的观点不一样而扣分,因此拿到题后脑子里想到的观点就是最好的观点。同时选择的时候一定要找最好说的观点,也就是容易有话说的观点

对于一二题的建议,只说一个点完全足够了,一定要个人化,firstly, secondly这种模板化的词汇最好不要出现。答题建议使用 主题句+论据+具体例子的方法。




Computer and internet
题目: Describe the most important inventions in 100 years. (computer and internet)
1)online shopping
题目: talk about the disadvantage and advantage of online shopping.

题目 (1) talk about the benefits that cellphone brings to people.
题目 (2)Should cellphone to allowed to bring into classrooms?

3) Playing computer games
题目: do you agree or disagree that playing computer games is a waste of time.

2. Books and ebooks.
题目: Some colleges decide to replace paper books with ebooks,what do you think?

3. Favorite subject
题目: describe your favorite subject

4. the most favorite type of music/movie/books
the least favorite type of music/movie/books

5. skill
题目:describe one skill that you want to learn.

6. most memorable picture
题目: Describe your most memorable picture and explain why it is memorable to you.

7. most memorable gift
题目: Describe your most memorable gift and explain why it is memorable to you.

8. Ideal job
题目: If you can choose any jobs you want, which would you pick?

9. Food
题目: What is your favorite type of food?

10. Cloth
题目: Talk about one interesting type of cloth in your country.

11. Transportation
Most effective/enjoyable transportation; how to improve public transportation in your country.

题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that people should always tell the truth?
2. Optimistic
题目:Do you like people when they are optimistic?

3. Knowledgeable
题目: Describe one knowledgeable teacher.

4. Humorous
题目:What do your friends admire you most? (Humorous)

5. Creative.
题目:Which one of the following characteristics do you admire most? (Creative, intelligence, courageous)


6. Who is your favorite singer?

7. Who is your least favorite singer?


题目:Talk about one city that you have always wanted to visit but never visited before

2. Museum
题目:Your friend is going to visit the museum in your city. What would you like your friend to pay attention to.

3. Park
题目: Describe your favorite place for outdoor activities. (Park)

4. Library
题目:Describe your most favorite library and explain why do you like this library.

5. Restaurant
题目: Talk about your most favorite restaurant


What sport do you like most and explain why do you like this sport.

(2)Describe one time you have failed something and explain how did you fail it. (sport)

(3) Describe the most difficult skill that you have learned. (sprot skill, such as dribbling, crossover, sprint, etc)

2. Celebration
题目: Describe the most memorable celebration you ever had in a restaurant and explain why it is memorable to you.

3. Public event
题目:Talk about one social or political event that happened recently in your country.
4. Volunteer work
题目:If you could do one thing for your community, what would you do.

5. Difficulties: describe/problem/how to solve/who helped you/social difficulties for students


1. Suggestions: time/grades/speech/difficult class/major/laptops in classrooms/foreigner/interview/job/extra money/open restaurant];’’

2. Future life/goal; Future change; Life stages

3. Environment: improve/method/air pollution

crazyrobin 发表于 2013-6-10 16:33:50

本帖最后由 crazyrobin 于 2013-6-10 18:36 编辑

Task 3 & Task 5 - Campus Situation

Task 3

也就是Campus situation, 这题是托福口语的第一道综合口语。也就是先阅读材料,然后根据听力回答。


① 阅读材料中的三个点
1) proposal/plan的内容
2) 原因/目的 1
3) 原因/目的 2

② 听力中的两个点
1) 支持或者反对的原因 1
2) 支持或者反对的原因 2



②这题开始可以使用firstly, secondly等提示词

以TPO 15 Task 3为例

Reading Part:

University should pave running trails

The university has about three miles of unpaved dirt running trails that pass through the forest near campus. I think there trails should be paved with cement. One reason for paving the trails would be to increase their safety. When it rains, the dirt turns to mud and becomes very slippery, so the runners who use them can slip and fall. Pavement would solve this problem. Also, paving would make the trails look nicer, which would encourage students to use them. Bumps in the trail would be smoothed out and weeds would be paved over, making the trail more attractive to runners.
Sally Jacobs



1) Proposal, pave the dirt trails
2) reason 1, make it safer
3) reason 2, make it nicer and attrack more runners


1) will make it not safe but hurt your bones and joints
2) will not attract more runners because student would like to enjoy the nature and get away from campus or city.


The proposal is university should pave the dirt trails with cement because by doing this, university can make the trail less slip and the runners won't be falling. And also, they are hoping the pavement will make the trails look better and attract more runners.

The man thinks this is a terrible idea. Speaking of the reason, he thinks that running on hard surface frequently will not make the runners safer, because being exposed to hard surface will actually lead to injuries and harm to bones or joints. Besides, it won't attract more runners because the pavement will make the trails just like any other sidewalk. Students like to run on the dirt trail since it makes them feel like getting away from cities and running in the nature.

Task 5

这道题也是campus situation的一道,也是综合口语中最简单的一道。主要是听力材料+作答


① 答题三个点
1) 听力材料中男/女遇到的问题
2) 2个解决方案
3) 你自己的建议

② 关于问题解决方案和你自己的suggestion 建议1:1, 也就是前面30S 后面30 s


① 平衡好答题时间

② 尽量用自己的话说

以TPO 15 Task 5为例



crazyrobin 发表于 2013-6-10 16:34:03

本帖最后由 crazyrobin 于 2013-6-10 21:36 编辑

Task 4 & Task 6 - Academic Lecture

Task 4

Task 4是口语中最难得一道题,因为涉及到一个学术概念,听力中教授用一个例子说明了这个概念。


① 概念定义,用自己的话说明某个概念,技巧:看到诸如 “this is known as”, “this is referred to as”, “this is called”, “people call this”, “people refer to this as”等类似表达的时候 , 此表达的前边一句话 , 很可能便是阅读中概念的定义句 .

② 例子

③ 说明这个例子和概念的关系,这也是很多同学4题只能拿到Fair的原因,因为少了这句话。


① 概念只需要一句话就可以, 用时保证在10-15s

② 例子只需要summary便可以,不用引用过多细节。适当加入小细节可以展示获取信息能力,但是矫枉过正就得不偿失了

③ 一定要简单概括这个例子和概念的关系

④ 如果听力部分的例子中出现专有名词(如植物名和动物名), 可以用诸如 a kind of plant和 a kind of bird之类的短语表达 , 不会说专有名词不会造成扣分

⑤ 想要口语高分一定要用自己的话来总结概念和例子,同时说出例子和概念的关系。


Perceptual Constancy

How an object affects our senses depends in part on external conditions, and these conditions are always changing. An object viewed from one angle presents a different shape to our eyes than when viewed from another angle; similarly, as the distance from which we view an object changes, the object will appear larger or smaller. In spite of this, even as conditions change and we see objects differently, we still recognize that they remain the same. This is what is known as perceptual constancy. If not for perceptual constancy, we might have difficulty recognizing familiar objects if we viewed them in a new and different context.


从 This is what is known as perceptual constancy.我们知道前面一句话就是 Perceptual constancy的定义, even as conditions change and we see objects differently, we still recognize that they remain the same


1) kitchen plate角度不同,一个circle, 一个 oval
2) 在教室距离不一样,professor看起来体积不一样。


1)The first example shows that the shape of the plate changes, but because of the concept of perceptual constancy, we don’t think we have two plates
2) The second example shows that although the professor seems to have different sizes in the two situations, again, because of perceptual constancy, we know he’s the same person.


Task 6 - Academic Lecture

目前托福口语Task 6的几种考法

1. 解决一个问题的两个方案
2. 一个物体或方法的两种使用方法
3. 一个过程的两个步骤
4. 一个原因导致的两个现象
5. 一个后果产生的两个原因
6. 一个概念的两种定义


① 5个点

1) 教授在讨论的主题
2) 教授讨论的主题的第一个方面
3) 第一个方面的例子
4) 教授讨论的主题的第二个方面
5) 第二个方面的例子

② 总结听力中的例子时候应该抓住最核心的要点


① 想获得高分一定要用自己的话转述

② 如果听力部分的例子中出现专有名词(如植物名和动物名), 可以使用诸如 a kind of plant和 a kind of bird之类的短语表达

下面以 TPO 2 Task 6为例



1.The professor is discussing two different definitions of money.
2.A broad definition of money is anything that can be used to make purchases with.
3.For example, people might give a taxi driver coins or bills, or even vegetables for a ride.
4.A narrower definition of money is something that must be accepted as payment, legal tender.
5.For example, a taxi driver must accept coins and bills, but he does not have to accept vegetables, because vegetables are not legal tender in the U.S.


The professor is talking about two different definitions of money. A broad definition of money is anything that can be used to make purchases with. For example, people might give a taxi driver coins or bills for a ride. If they don’t have coins or bills, they may even use vegetables as a form of money to purchase the service, I mean, the ride. A narrower definition of money is something that must be accepted as payment, in a more formal way, legal tender. For example, a taxi driver must accept coins and bills because they are legal tender in the U.S., however, he does not have to accept vegetables, because he is not required by the law to do this.

秋雨荆州 发表于 2013-6-10 17:18:02


yzy0704 发表于 2013-6-10 17:46:48

来了,支持Ben叔牛经验!!希望带领万年19的我走出阴影 {:b_0047:}

方若一 发表于 2013-6-10 17:50:22


GLJESUSJL 发表于 2013-6-10 18:01:03


GLJESUSJL 发表于 2013-6-10 18:07:19


HOMIE 发表于 2013-6-10 18:13:00


希望中的玫瑰 发表于 2013-6-10 18:14:21

看了robin的perspicaciou suggestion,深刻体会到task1 里面出现firstly, secondly很机械化,决定abandon之,用personal的主题+观点+细节。

crazyrobin 发表于 2013-6-10 18:31:33

秋雨荆州 发表于 2013-6-10 17:18 static/image/common/back.gif


crazyrobin 发表于 2013-6-10 18:32:16

GLJESUSJL 发表于 2013-6-10 18:07 static/image/common/back.gif


天薇凉 发表于 2013-6-10 18:43:55


GLJESUSJL 发表于 2013-6-10 18:48:47

crazyrobin 发表于 2013-6-10 18:32 static/image/common/back.gif


奔跑小子 发表于 2013-6-10 19:35:47

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