52jeep 发表于 2004-1-4 16:48:49

大家都写多少字呀?另外帮我看看我的issue 46


这个题目开始我也没在意,以为就是一般的竞争与合作,但细一想,这题有个限定—for leadership, 因此还真得琢磨琢磨。
A. 一个社会要发展,应该注意培养Young people的哪种素质?cooperation 还是 competition?

46 "While some leaders in government, sports, industry, and other areas attribute their success to a well-developed sense of competition, a society can
better prepare its young people for leadership by instilling in them a sense of cooperation."
46. 尽管一些政府领导,比如体育、工业和其他的领域的人把他们的成功归功于良好的

It is undoubted that the unprecedented achievement of human society results from the striving of the elites all over the world. Some leaders in government, sports, industry, and other areas are part of these elites. There is much debate over the issue about which is the most crucial quality for a successful leader. On the one hand, some people attribute the leader's success to a well-developed sense of competition; On the other hand, others maintain that a sense of cooperation is more important. Deep down, I disagree to lay much emphasis on one of them while neglecting the other one.

Admittedly, the sense of competition plays a crucial role in the development of leadership. Just as Napoleon ever said, "the soldier who nill to be a General is not a good soldier", a well-developed sense of competition is a fundamental and indispensable quality for those who want to be the leaders of their own realm. What's more, society needs competition, for its development is based on the selection of the best and the elimination of the unfit. An individual who cannot compete for survival will be thrown out of the tide of society, let alone about to be a excellent leader.

However, the sense of cooperation is so important in deciding whether a leader will be successful that it cannot be treated by ignorance. Those leaders who want to accomplish a feat in their careers always need to harmonize each part of their teams due to the limitation that today's work object is minutely divided and usually beyond the capability of an individual. This work of harmony involve the very essence of cooperation. Just suppose that how can you trust a person lack of sense of cooperation as your leader? Without trust and confidence of his employees, a leader will find that it is difficult to communicate with others and  to understand their needs and concerns. The leadership will be nonsense as a result. In another word, not only by accomplishing his own task effectively but also cooperating with other fellows in his team could a leader attain his goals.

What’s more, a society can better prepare its young people for leadership by instilling in them other qualities more than merely competition and cooperation. History is filled with examples. A good case in point is that the 16th American President Lincoln attributed his wise leadership to his perseverance and firmness. Another good illustration is that Nixon’s debacle resulted from his lack of honesty. We can learn from the examples above that to be a effective and successful leader, one must train his or her integrated personality including the sense of competition, cooperation and high moral values.

From what has been discussed above, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that the senses of  competition and cooperation both contribute to  the beneficial development of leadership as well as other qualities such as high moral values.

52jeep 发表于 2004-1-5 00:28:28


52jeep 发表于 2004-1-5 15:21:12


木耳 发表于 2004-1-5 16:08:19

最初由 52jeep 发布



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