blueseaheart 发表于 2004-1-12 12:18:31

issue 128也是教育的

128题: —Purpose of education: Free or Restrain our mind and spirit

"It is often asserted that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit. In reality, however, formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free."
正规的教育是自由思想的前提和基础. 事实上,现代的教学方法还没有把神圣的求知欲完全扼杀掉,这差不多是一个奇迹;因为这株脆弱的幼苗,除了需要鼓励之外,首先需要自由——没有自由它将不可避免地会夭折。”
Education is a hot issue in modern society. As for the purpose of formal education, there has long been a debate about whether it is to free our minds and spirits or not. As far as I concerned, theoretically speaking, the formal education should free our minds rather than restrain them. However, in reality, the formal education has the deteriorative effect on our free minds for some practical reasons.

Formal education serves as the foundation and premise of freely thinking.  If one person has an unlettered mind, it is hard to imagine that he/she could think freely.  Every one was born without any knowledge and skills, as we all known. It is only the formal education that implants something useful into our blank minds, except few geniuses like Albert Einstein that can teach themselves. Most of us need good teachers, schools and colleges; otherwise we have got uncultivated minds, not to mention freethinking. Before we free our minds, we must first fill our minds with basic knowledge and skills.

What’s more, if combined with good education methods, or the art of education and reasonable education system, formal education is no longer a fetter to restrain our creative minds. I have once been told such a story: one four-year old boy, once have studying in kindergarten of China, later came to America followed by his parents. From his experience, we can find out the huge difference between two distinct education systems. He is required to copy a picture by teacher of China; on the contrary, in America he can draw any picture that is in his mind.  Obviously, copy is not creation. And fortunately, the American formal education picks a free and democratic education policy and thus fosters and cultivates the ability of creation and the curiosity for the unknown. The effect of formal education, be good or ill, largely varies according to the education methods and policy.

Admittedly, I must admit that formal education emphasizes the learning of basic skills, methodologies and knowledge, which might be dull and mechanical. Furthermore, once such knowledge is entrenched in students’ minds, it is hard for them to escape from the fixed thinking patterns.    The majority of students long for freedom and individuality and detest conformity and obedience. It is very good characters and according to this, teaching staff can modify their didactical methods. The atmosphere of free study and discussion among students and between teachers and students is always better than spoon-feeding. Also, teachers must remember that imparting knowledge is not a key task, that the most important thing is to cultivate various abilities and open-minds of students.

In sum, the initial and ideal purpose of formal education is to shape students into creative individuals with free minds, not unoriginal, dull persons. However, some unwise and unreasonable educational methods and policy seriously prevent our minds from healthy development.

so猫 发表于 2004-1-12 14:16:42



128题: —Purpose of education: Free or Restrain our mind and spirit

"It is often asserted that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit. In reality, however, formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free."
正规的教育是自由思想的前提和基础. 事实上,现代的教学方法还没有把神圣的求知欲完全扼杀掉,这差不多是一个奇迹;因为这株脆弱的幼苗,除了需要鼓励之外,首先需要自由——没有自由它将不可避免地会夭折。”
Education is a hot issue in modern society. As for(as 和for重复了吧,把as去掉更好一点) the purpose of formal education, there has long been a debate about whether it is(既然是debate,这里就应该用should be或者把should省略直接用be,或者干脆就不用it is,语气就更合适一些的) to free our minds and spirits or not. As far as I (am)concerned, theoretically speaking, the formal education should free our minds rather than restrain them. However, in reality, the formal education has the deteriorative effect on our free minds for some practical reasons.

Formal education serves as the foundation and premise(promise) of freely(free) thinking. If one person has an unlettered mind, it is hard to imagine that he/she(我觉得这样的写法好象不正规吧 写成he or she更好一些吧) could think freely. Every one was born without any(去掉any) knowledge and skills, as we all known(know). It is only the formal education that implants something useful into our blank minds, except few geniuses like Albert Einstein that can teach themselves.(我总觉得这句话那里怪怪的) Most of us need good teachers, schools and colleges; otherwise we have got uncultivated minds, not to mention freethinking.(漂亮的分号用法~~~) Before we free our minds, we must first fill(fulfill更长一些哦) our minds with basic knowledge and skills.

What’s more, if combined with good education(al) methods, or the art of education and reasonable education system, formal education is no longer a fetter to restrain our creative minds. I have once been told such a story: one four-year old(four-year-old) boy, once have studying(study???) in kindergarten of China, later came to America followed(这个地方用被动语态?是他老爸老妈带他去的吧) by his parents. From his experience, we can find out the huge difference between two distinct education systems. He is required to copy a picture by (a)teacher of(in) China(to copy a picture放到后面来比较好看吧); on the contrary, in America he can draw any picture that is in his mind. Obviously, copy(copy没有名词的复制的意思) is not creation. And fortunately, the American formal education picks a free and democratic education policy and thus fosters and cultivates the ability of creation and the(去掉the) curiosity for the unknown. The effect of formal education, be(ing) good or ill, largely varies according to the education methods and policy.

Admittedly, I must admit that formal education emphasizes the learning of basic skills, methodologies and knowledge, which might be dull and mechanical. Furthermore(是用这个连词吗?), once such knowledge is entrenched in students’ minds, it is hard for them to escape from the fixed thinking patterns. The majority of students long for freedom and individuality and detest conformity and obedience. It is very good characters and according to this, teaching staff can modify their didactical methods. The atmosphere of free study and discussion among students and between teachers and students is always better than spoon-feeding. Also, teachers must remember that imparting knowledge is not a key task, that(that不能这么用的) the most important thing is to cultivate various abilities and open-minds of students.

In sum, the initial and ideal purpose of formal education is to shape students into creative individuals with free minds, not unoriginal, dull persons. However, some unwise and unreasonable educational methods and policy seriously prevent our minds from healthy development.

骑墙派式的风格 我本人是不太喜欢的 因为觉得不太好把问题展开 会显得文章少一点深度
楼主可以尝试把句子再写长一点 要知道 我们面对的是BT的ETS那帮破人~~~
至于错误 文章里有的小错误下次希望楼主先自己把一些语法错误改了以后再放上来
罗嗦了一堆 谢谢楼主的耐心 呵呵大家互相学习
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