~白鸽~ 发表于 2004-1-27 10:56:46

issue79 政府制定政策胜过民众 大家拍死我好了

79"Major policy decisions should always be left to politicians and other government experts, who are more informed and thus have better judgment and perspective than do members of the general public."

Admittedly, politicians and other government experts do have preponderance in policy decision-making. However, they also should learn to use voices from other sides in society for reference. That will be conducive to the final effect of policy decisions.

First of all, such persons usually have more knowledge and experience related to policy-making. Most of them usually have acquired systematic formal relevant education and training. They may come from famous law schools, public administration schools, economics departments and so forth of universities. And long term political campaign and experience will shape them sotisphicated politicians or experts. Apperantly, they are more likely to treat policy decisions maturely and
skillfully than any others.

Furthermore, their status tends to help make policy considering the big picture. That is, they can master and control more resources through political power so as to administrate the nation at large,including more information, more human resources,more funds,etc, which undoubtedly contribute to understand and judge the tendency from macro scope. Meanwhile, that is of great significance for the regular run of a nation. As political leaders, they must devote themselves to the overall development of a society, even the world. They must check interests from many respects to make a resonable trade-off.Thereby, it is more possible for politicians and government  experts to make policy decisions comprehensively and considerately than general public. For instance, government  can utilize the national economics statistics which gathered and treated by relevant departments to analyze and predict the national economy situation, so that they can make economy policy according to actual circumstance based on data.

Nevertheless, they still need listen to  general public as much as possible.Because, on one hand, information which they gain may be not veracious enough. In fact, people can not rule out the possiblity that those data are anamorphic due to various objective and subjective causes. They entail revision, which can be fortunately provided by feedback directly from general public.On the other hand, politicians usually are prone to be arbitrary and irresponsible since they come into power, as will spoil their judgement enormously. Considerate, for example, the SARS occured in China last year. Goverment did not take it seriously at all firstly until some doctors in public claimed its seriousness in practice over and over again and situation had turned out to be out of control. That gives rise to great damage just owing to government's hasty judgement and action.

In conclusion, generally speaking,politicians and other government experts will perform better in
policy making than general public. Anyway, they also can never depart from the public  views and reaction at the same time. Without the masses, they will be lost themselves.

coolwits 发表于 2004-1-27 12:32:06

79"Major policy decisions should always be left to politicians and other government experts, who are more informed and thus have better judgment and perspective than do members of the general public."

Admittedly, politicians and other government experts do(这里do和前面的Admittedly似乎有些重复) have preponderance in policy decision-making. However, they also should learn to use voices from other sides in society for reference. That will be conducive to the final effect of policy decisions.

First of all, such persons(这里是指代政治家吗?前面隔得太远,简单指代不是很清楚) usually have more knowledge and experience related to policy-making. Most of them usually have acquired systematic formal relevant education and training. They may come from famous law schools, public administration schools, economics departments and so forth of universities. And long term political campaign and experience will(这里用完成时比较好) shape them sotisphicated politicians or experts. Apperantly, they are more likely to treat policy decisions maturely andskillfully than any others.

Furthermore, their status tends to help make policy considering the big picture. That is, they can master and control more resources through political power so as to administrate the nation at large,including more information, more human resources,more funds,etc, which undoubtedly contribute to understand and judge the tendency from macro scope. (这个长句不是很清楚,最后那个which应该是指代整个事实把?却放在funds等具体事务之后,很容易引起误解。)Meanwhile, that is of great significance for the regular run of a nation. (that指代不清)As political leaders, they must devote themselves to the overall development of a society, even the world. They must check interests from many respects to make a resonable trade-off.(这里我读不太懂。但是,论证的时候,应该说明they can,不是they must )Thereby, it is more possible for politicians and government experts to make policy decisions comprehensively and considerately than general public. (他们must do sth,难道就真的能do sth吗?)nce, government can utilize the national economics statistics which gathered and treated by relevant departments to analyze and predict the national economy situation, so that they can make economy policy according to actual circumstance based on data.

Nevertheless, they still need listen to general public as much as possible.Because, on one hand, information which they gain may be not veracious enough. In fact, people can not rule out the possiblity that those data are anamorphic due to various objective and subjective causes. They entail revision, which can be fortunately provided by feedback directly from general public.On the other hand, politicians usually are prone to be arbitrary and irresponsible since they come into power(这句话说得太不负责任了,怎么说人有了权力就会失去公正呢), as will spoil their judgement enormously. Considerate, for example, the SARS occured in China last year. Goverment did not take it seriously at all firstly until some doctors in public claimed its seriousness in practice over and over again and situation had turned out to be out of control. That gives rise to great damage just owing to government's hasty judgement and action.

In conclusion, generally speaking,politicians and other government experts will perform better in
policy making than general public. Anyway, they also can never depart from the public views and reaction at the same time. Without the masses, they will be lost themselves.
我先看你的开头,感觉这篇文章的重点在should learn to use voices from other sides in society for reference. 上,因为admittedly这种句子明显是强调后半个分句的,可正文却把重点放在了politicians are more informed and thus have better judgment and perspective than do members of the general public."上,感觉不是很好。


cale 发表于 2004-1-27 16:40:55


papajohns 发表于 2004-2-4 10:38:11

issue79 在版主的启发下,重写一片。请指点

79 "Major policy decisions should always be left to politicians and other government experts, who are more informed and thus have better judgment and perspective than do members of the general public."

Position: agree
2政府部门的成员是政治精英善于处理和调整各种社会关系和社会问题。and have better judgment and perspective.而且有think-tank咨询。这就保证了决策的质量问题。
In retrospect of our history, we find that decision-maker has been gradually shifted from one person, monarch of the feudal age, to a large cooperative group nowadays. This change is positive and increasingly close to democracy. Although absolute democracy has not yet been realized today, in my view, to leave the power of policy decision to the government and other experts is the best way at present we have to choose. But it doesn’t mean that we could disregard the opinions and interests of the public. After all, the public is ultimate objective that government serves.

To begin with, the members of government are those representatives elected or appointed by the electorate or government through the constitutional process. And those representatives form our local and national government and stands for the interests of different groups of people. Oftentimes, when they make a decision, they would consider and discuss some issues from their own stands. After a hot debate among them, a final decision, which might balance different groups’ interests as possible as it can, will come into being.

Secondly, other than being representatives of citizens, those members of government are also the specialists and political elite in dealing with the complex relationship and problems of modern society. Of course, they have better judgement and insight. Moreover, government can use various sources to make a perfect policy. For instance, when politicians alone cannot handle some problems, they always consult think-tank which includes many excellent experts in different realms. It is beyond doubt that equipped with many outstanding elite, government can make thoughtful and perfect decision.

Another reason why the power to make decision should be given to politicians and experts is that special group or department have much more efficiency and effectiveness than the general public do. Imagine what will happen if the general public would make a decision. First, government explains related situation in detail; and then each citizen offers his/her proposal to government. Finally by gathering and analyzing these feedback, government reach a conclusion. In spite of modern medium and rapid means of communication, the above process still costs a long time. The greatest weakness of such an approach is the apparent inability of decision-making to rapidly address social problems with high quality. In short, any society with a rapid pace of lives must relegate more and more authority to its government.

Admittedly, Government should provide opportunities for every citizen to develop policy options that satisfy many key interests. Active participation from the public will not only ensure the government's policy decision making process more scientifically designed, but also is helpful to the implementation of the decision. The experts noted that it will also enable the government to better know the needs of the people and take relative concrete steps.

To sum up, the government and the experts play crucial roles in the process of making decision. Also government should listen attentively to the public’s opinions. In any case, we  must remember Lincoln’s remark that the government of the people,by the people,for the people,shall not perish from the earth.
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