runwow 发表于 2004-1-31 05:05:04

Issue225, 我在痛苦中挣扎,issue把我打击不行了,请各位兄弟、姐妹、大侠指点,

225"People often look for similarities, even between very different things, and even when it is unhelpful or harmful to do so. Instead, a thing should be considered on its own terms; we should avoid the tendency to compare it to something else."

Comparison is a familiar word and we usually do in this way. The speaker advocate that we should avoid the tendency to compare one thing to something else for the sake of it is unmeaning and even harmful or unhelpful. However, according to personal experience and respective angles I conclude that in a whole comparison is very helpful for us in the long run. In the following discussion, I would like to provide evidence to illustrate my standpoint.

To begin with, it is common sense that things are different. Oh the one hand although some things are exact similar to each other in our daily, indeed, things are different in consisting of factors, shape, weights and so on. As the saying goes (and I paraphrase):” There is no a leaf the same as another one in the world.” On another hand, different people hold different views on the same thing based on personal experience and observation of life. Take Taiwan problem for example, China insist on uniting, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, but the government of Taiwan acclaim Taiwan is an independent country. It is true we have different standpoint about it. Therefore, it is obvious that we consider things to be different.

Additionally, It is true that we sometimes suffer from harm when we compare one thing to something else. Our knowledge is abundant and vast, but as a mater of fact, we know little about our world. When we look for similarities or differences between different things, a lot of factors hiding behind are ignored, result of comparison is not considerable complete. On the other hand, our emotion disturbs us usually. It is very like for us to judge badly as we are in over high or low spirit. On this condition, the result of comparison is unreasoning. To see it clearly, let us consider an example: envy, man love to envy when they compare whit other people. If a man is jealous of the neighbor with a higher status, he will buy many expensive things such as a costly car, which he does not need actually but waste money, so as to balance himself. Thereby, we sometimes get some trouble by comparison.

If the assertion of the speaker amounts to that we should avoid the tendency to compare one thing to something else, however, it will exceed my support. In my point of view, reasoning comparison is good for us in the long run.

Ever since primitive age, we are comparing different things continually and enthusiastically. Through comparison, we ceaselessly not only perfect our ethics, extent things, our world, but also eradiate deficiencies and import the advantage of other things. A good example is not far to seek: radar and airplane, which is the invention for the sake of observation and comparing ourselves with bat and bird for a long time. Thus we can travel faster and safer and get into Earth village age. As a result, we benefit from comparison in the long run.  

To sum up, on the basis of reasons and analysis mentioned above, which sometimes correlate each other to form an organic whole and thus becoming more believable than any single one of them. As a result, any thinking people must arrive at the conclusion that we will ceaselessly compare and import the advantage of other different things.


coolwits 发表于 2004-1-31 10:45:05

No.1 Issue225, 我在痛苦中挣扎,issue把我打击不行了,请各位兄弟、姐妹、大侠指点,谢谢!!!!
225"People often look for similarities, even between very different things, and even when it is unhelpful or harmful to do so. Instead, a thing should be considered on its own terms; we should avoid the tendency to compare it to something else."

Comparison is a familiar word and we usually do in this way. The speaker advocate that we should avoid the tendency to compare one thing to something else for the sake of it is unmeaning and even harmful or unhelpful. However, according to personal experience and respective angles I conclude that in a whole comparison is very helpful for us in the long run. In the following discussion, I would like to provide evidence to illustrate my standpoint.

To begin with, it is common sense that things are different. Oh the one hand although some things are exact similar to each other in our daily, indeed, things are different in consisting of factors, shape, weights and so on. As the saying goes (and I paraphrase):” There is no a leaf the same as another one in the world.”(as之后怎么没有下文了?as可以引导单独句子?请指教) On another hand, different people hold different views on the same thing based on personal experience and observation of life. Take Taiwan problem for example, China insist on uniting, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, but the government of Taiwan acclaim Taiwan is an independent country. It is true we have different standpoint about it. Therefore, it is obvious that we consider things to be different.
这一段后一个分论点不妥. 你说了事物是不同的,怎么能用"不同的人对相同的事物有不同观点"来支持自己呢?

Additionally, It is true that we sometimes suffer from harm when we compare one thing to something else. Our knowledge is abundant and vast, but as a mater of fact, we know little about our world.(这种下结论的语句要小心,除非是人所共知的常识常理,最好再稍微说明解释一下) When we look for similarities or differences(这里就只说similarity就好了) between different things, a lot of factors hiding behind are (may be)ignored, result of comparison is not considerable complete. On the other hand, our emotion disturbs us usually. It is very like for us to judge badly as we are in over high or low spirit.(spirits) On this condition, the result of comparison is unreasoning. To see it clearly, let us consider an example: envy, man love to envy when they compare whit other people. If a man is jealous of the neighbor with a higher status, he will buy many expensive things such as a costly car, which he does not need actually but waste money, so as to balance himself. Thereby, we sometimes get some trouble by comparison.

If the assertion of the speaker amounts to that we should avoid the tendency to compare one thing to something else, however, it will exceed my support. In my point of view, reasoning comparison is good for us in the long run.

Ever since primitive age, we are comparing different things continually and enthusiastically. Through comparison, we ceaselessly not only perfect our ethics, extent things, our world, but also eradiate deficiencies and import the advantage of other things. A good example is not far to seek: radar and airplane, which is the invention for the sake of observation and comparing ourselves with bat and bird for a long time. Thus we can travel faster and safer and get into Earth village age. As a result, we benefit from comparison in the long run.

To sum up, on the basis of reasons and analysis mentioned above, which sometimes correlate each other to form an organic whole and thus becoming more believable than any single one of them. As a result, any thinking people must arrive at the conclusion that we will ceaselessly compare and import the advantage of other different things.

runwow 发表于 2004-2-1 15:30:38



body2比较有时候造成不良后果(例子envy论证our emotion disturbs us usually,攀比是比较一种表现形式,而且带有人类强烈的感情色彩,也常给我们造成麻烦,不是吗?)
body3比较是有益的 in the long run.( “这里举例论证也不好”可否解释?本人想法:人类比较中学习,而比较bat and bird 使我们发明了radar and airplane,逐渐形成地球村的观念。)

"” There is no a leaf the same as another one in the world.”as之后怎么没有下文了?as可以引导单独句子?" 句子里as接another one 没有引句子啊,那句话中文意思是世界上无相同的两片叶子。as之后或觉得无下文了,或觉得再接有冗余的感觉。as不可以引导单独句子,可以引定语从句。

coolwits 发表于 2004-2-1 15:56:48

文题说的比较,明确说了是look for similarities,那和攀比应该没什么关系吧?所以我觉得body2有点偏掉了
body3里面写的从比较bat and bird 使我们发明了radar and airplane,也和look for similarities关系不是很明显,你要这样写,最好再深入论述一下
还有,这里的key是look for similarities,不是compare,compare只是后来作者对look for similarities的一个不那么准确的替换,所以你抓住compare来做文章,显然扩大化了


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