杀青 发表于 2004-2-12 22:51:54


Issue190 “As long as people in a society are hungry or out of work or lack the basic skills needed to survive, the use of public resources to support the arts is inappropriate-and, perhaps, even cruel-when one considers all the potential uses of such money.”

Is the arts basic element or obligatory to human being compared with eating or working? From the speaker's claim, we can conclude that we should not give the financial support to the arts until all the problems regarding the surviving problems have been solved. Though the speaker's view seems plausible, careful scrutiny reveals that the speaker neglect some practical factors.

In history, the arts play a detrimental role on accelerating the social development and coloring people's lives. The arts are one of the most significant parts in human civilization. The arts are originated from the daily life going with the coming of human being, even before the important invention-writing. From ancient times, the arts have already show great influence and inspiration on human behaviors. The arts indefinitely fulfill human's potential which consists of creativity and enthusiatism. Therefore, the function of the arts is to guide people into goals creatively.Meanwhile, without existence of the arts, people's lives become unmeaning. Jane Alexander, a famous Broadway actress once said (I paraphrase), when she vested the former East Germany during the cold war, she could only find several stated-supported arts and the society seemed gray-looking, she could not feel a lot of vibrancy of color; in contrast with East Germany, when she arrived a Caribbean countries, she was so shocked that the whole countries is full of painting or music. Though people are not fully aware of the role of the arts play in their everyday experience that may be subtle or intangible, role of the arts is as vital as bread in one's individual life.

The recommendation to postpone the support from public resources until people are beyond surviving problem lacks careful reasoning, and therefore hinders the development of the arts forever. As a highly-civilized society, even though human race have been exiting in the earth for more than one million years, there are still numerous people in the earth are still hungry or unemployed. It is hard to imagine the situation of our society, if people haste to support the arts from the very beginning of the origin of human species. Moreover, unemployment and hunger are not result of supporting the arts, people should securitize these problems, as the causes of which are practically complex.

In addition, distributing the financial support to the arts not only undermine the solution to these social problems, but only help to solve them quickly. As above-mentioned, the arts encourage the creativity, the vitality, which are catalysts for people to solve problems more productively and efficiently. What is more, even some arts directly accelerate the economy. The Bauhaus Improvement in art designing originated from Germany, become prosperous in the U.S.A. Not only was it a revolution in arts, but also it affected ordinary people life. The concept of designing was revolutionary fleshed and promote the development of economy in America after the World War Two

In conclusion, the speaker's claim seems convincing in a single way, but if the solution to these problems is at the expense of sacrificing the arts, the whole society will hastate to terminate. The way to solve these social problems needs more consideration and investigation.


吭哧吭哧啃啃 发表于 2004-2-12 23:21:10

I only check out your first body.

In history, the arts play a detrimental role on accelerating the social development and coloring people's lives. (The arts are one of the most significant parts in human civilization. The arts are originated from the daily life going with the coming of human being, even before the important invention-writing. From ancient times, the arts have already show great influence and inspiration on human behaviors. The arts indefinitely fulfill human's potential which consists of creativity and enthusiatism. 天,连续四个the arts 开头)Therefore, the function of the arts is to guide people into goals creatively.Meanwhile, without existence of the arts, people's lives become unmeaning. Jane Alexander, a famous Broadway actress once said (I paraphrase), when she vested the former East Germany during the cold war, she could only find several stated-supported arts and the society seemed gray-looking, she could not feel a lot of vibrancy of color; in contrast with East Germany, when she arrived a Caribbean countries, she was so shocked that the whole countries is full of painting or music. Though people are not fully aware of the role of the arts play in their everyday experience that may be subtle or intangible, role of the arts is as vital as bread in one's individual life.
some examples:造一个:村上春树的作品激励了日本一代又一代人上进

杀青 发表于 2004-2-12 23:28:59



Kali 发表于 2004-2-13 04:17:04

村上春树 = Murakami Haruki

uocasii 发表于 2004-2-13 11:26:35

“in the history”这一段是写得很让人费解。。例子我也看不懂

paisley 发表于 2004-2-13 14:08:14

用村上的例子我觉得并不合适,第一,他在中国算是有名,可能在亚洲国家都还比较有名,可是在美国呢?有多少美国人愿意看除了他们自己国家以外的人写的东西?ETS的评分人是否知道他?就算知道是否了解他的作品呢? 第二,村上是当代作家,怎么可以说激励“一代又一代日本人”呢?第三,也是更重要的原因,村上的时代感太强,还活着,他的作品到底有没有价值只能留待历史来评价,今天的人是看不清楚的。而且他的作品实在和“激励”扯不上什么关系吧,只是消极地反映一代人的生活和心态而已,虽然不乏对生活的思考,但是绝对不是黄钟大吕的作品,缺少对人类终极价值的关怀和思索,更没有感人肺腑的力量。


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查看完整版本: issue190 艺术,心力憔悴,完全不知道在干吗