wallis 发表于 2004-2-14 13:22:41

issue 208, 这几天没来, 不知写的怎样,galaxysong来看看,谢谢!

“The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society’s ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people.”

  The speaker states that only through observing the appearance and behavior of a society's people could we tell much about a society’s ideas and values, for the reason that the way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. Although I readily accept his conclusion, yet I fundamentally disagree with his reason for the conclusion, .
Does people's appearance and behavior reveals their attitudes and interests? As far as I am concerned, sometimes that would well serve to reveal, however that could probably at times be used as disguises to cover up what they really mean.

Since every individual has his inherent way to act in certain circumtances, some of their actions might serve to reveal his attitudes and interests just like the senario presented in the saying "explore one's inmost through the eyes". But things would be quite different when the society is classified naturally into various groups according to the people's interests. Everyone thus wants to identify himself with one of the social groups, and therefore his behaviors are always adjusted to reflect the characteristic of his community, otherwise he might be alienated or even exculded by his companions. For instance, we could judge from the way a man is dressed whether he is a white collar worker. In some cases, we might associate well-dressed, neat, acumen in speech with a well-educated man. Conversely, if a teacher wears or acts in a too avant guard style that he has a strong willingness to do, he may be criticized by his colleagues and students and might eventually lose his positon as a teacher.

  It clearly shows from the above that identity with a certain community in a society sometimes, however, only serves to help cover up what people really mean by his appearance and behavior, for most people have a natural inclination and desire to be accepted and appreciated to obtain certain psychological satisfaction by his peers. And it is of course due to this effect that certain individual desires and interests are sacrificed to accomadate to the overall characteristic of the community. One extreme example lies in the country in a non-democratic society--the former Iraq as an example. People act cautiously in accordance with the ruler of supreme power to prevent persecution, no matter how they really feel. In many communist countries, everyone dare not express any discontent with the government for fear of being punished. In the case of this kind of society, people's appearance and behavior are not determined only by their own will, and so, obviously, they do not at all reveal people's real attitudes and interests.

Since people's behavior and appearance are the consequences of the interplay between the them, it might to some extent tell about a society’s ideas and values. Social ideas and values seems a propulsion when people act according to them, while an obstacle in the way when their behaviors go beyond them. In the United states, for instance, the society encourage philanthropy donations in the way that those who do such deeds will enjoy the advantage in tax offered by the government. That may very well accounts for why so many rich man in the U.S. prefer make donations to the public cause.

In sum, the way people look, dress, and act sometimes does not reveal their actual attitudes and interests, and it usually serves as the result of interaction between the various interests in a certain community. Moreover, it is just due to this very reason that we could tell much about a society’s ideas and values from the appearance and behavior of its people.

wallis 发表于 2004-2-14 15:14:07

lack of coherence. 你要说the mass 本来fond of t-shirt/ jeans (which stand for western fashion),但因为 political pressure 他们不敢却只能穿被单一样的衣服

wallis 发表于 2004-2-14 16:04:00

issue208, 重新写了一下,感觉好多了!sunshine看看:)

“The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a society’s ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people.”

  The speaker states that only through observing the appearance and behavior of a society's people could we tell much about a society’s ideas and values, for the reason that the way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. Although I readily accept his conclusion aside from some exceptions, yet I fundamentally disagree with his reason for the conclusion.

Does people's appearance and behavior reveal their attitudes and interests? As far as I am concerned, sometimes that would well serve to reveal, but at times, however, that could probably be used as disguises to cover up what they really mean.

Since every individual has his inherent way to act in certain circumstances, some of their actions might serve to reveal his attitudes and interests just like the scenario presented in the saying "explore one's inmost through the eyes". But things would be quite different the time when the society is naturally classified into various groups according to the people's interests. Everyone thus wants to be identified by one of the social groups, and therefore his behaviors always have to be adjusted to reflect the characteristic of his community, otherwise he might be alienated or even excluded by his companions. For instance, if a teacher wears or acts in a too avant guard style that he has a strong willingness to do, he may be criticized by his colleagues and students and might eventually lose his position as a teacher.

It is clearly showed from the above that identity with a certain community in a society sometimes, however, only serves to help cover up what people really mean by his appearance and behavior, for most people have a natural inclination to be accepted and appreciated by his peers to obtain certain psychological satisfaction. And it is of course due to this effect that certain individual desires and interests are sacrificed to accommodate to the overall characteristic of the community. Hence, since people's behavior and appearance are the consequences of the interplay between them, it might to some extent tell about a society’s ideas and values.

But exception still exists insofar as a society's ideas and values do not stand for the will of most people. One extreme example lies in the country of a non-democratic society--the former Iraq as an example. People act cautiously in accordance with the ruler of supreme power to prevent persecution, no matter how they really feel. In many communist countries, almost everyone dare not express any discontent with the government for fear of being punished. In the case of this kind of society, people's appearance and behavior are not determined by the natural social adaptation , and so, obviously, they do not at all convey any information about the society’s ideas and values, and while they only represent the values of those who have seized the power.

In sum, the way people look, dress, and act sometimes does not reveal their actual attitudes and interests, and it usually serves as the result of interaction between the various interests in a certain community. Moreover, it is just due to this very reason that we could tell much about a society’s ideas and values from the appearance and behavior of its people.

wallis 发表于 2004-2-14 21:59:18

倒数第二段式说了一下exception, 举了独裁国家为例子, 这些国家人民的behavior and appearance并不能代表这个社会的ideas and values, 只是为了服从统治者的利益。
还有我觉得the way people look, dress, act 和corresponding ideas, attitudes, interest基本等同,所以没有建立联系:)
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查看完整版本: issue208 这几天没来, 不知写的怎样,galaxysong来看看,谢谢!