猫咪me 发表于 2004-2-19 21:55:19


Issue 73 “In most professions and academic fields, imagination is more important than knowledge.”

Is imagination more important than knowledge in most professions and academic field? The speaker claims so. However , from my point of view, both imagination and knowledge are important in professions and academic fields, and a balance should be called between them.
In the first place, imagination plays a key role in professions and academic fields. Original ideas and creative thoughts are usually born out of imagination. Imaging gives a chance for people to leave the realistic world ,present a space to hang about, and many new ideas are therefore generated in the process. As for in the professions, take Bill Gates for example, who created windows in computer. He may think and imagine thousands of times what kind of interface of computer is suitable for most people and in the end he brought out “Windows”. As far as academic fields are concerned, consider, utopian socialism, for example. Owen, an idealist, who was born in a rich family and had natural pity for poor people, saw the poor suffer from hunger, coldness, disease, homelessness ,while the comfort, convenience and luxury was enjoyed by the rich .The tremendous difference propelled him to think about how the poor can lead a better life. He imagined whether there might be a society in which every one can lead a happy life and people can have what they need immediately from the society without any conflict. This imagination can be the very start of utopian socialism, from which Karl Marx took much and formed the Scientific Communisim Theory at last. Both the examples illustrate the significant role imagination plays in generating new ideas. In this sense, imagination contributes a lot to the progress of society.

However, on the other hand, over emphasis on imagination is harmful, resulting in fantasy, and whimsy. Why Owen ’s theory is only utopian socialism is because he didn’t take reality into account. Owen actually acted on his theory, by perchasing a big block in which a number of people live.But because of its intrinsic characteristic of unreality, his practice failed. In short, imagination is really helpful to create original ideas ,but it can’t be over weighed

Second, knowledge is no less important than imagination. Knowledge, the treasure of man, is what human has known about the nature, human, and society through thousands of years practice, exploitation and accumulation. The process of advance can be taken as a cause of accumulating knowledge. New ideas are new at the first phase, but will turn into knowledge in next stage. Moreover, no discovery or exploitation can succeed without the light of knowledge. This revealed the significance of knowledge. Newton once said :“The veneration people grant me and the keen perspectives I hold are all but because standing on the shoulders of giants makes it possible for me to see further.” This saying shows knowledge and already existing success can lead to new discoveries and creative thoughts. However, pure knowledge without imagination bears little fruit.

In most cases, knowledge and imagination go hand in hand, adding to each other. Knowledge can inspire imagination. The marriage of fantasy and reality might produce some interesting children .Take scientific fiction for example. Scientific fiction and such kinds of imagination are based on the existing scientific technology, but not confined to it. Scientific imaginations show kinds of whimsical ideas and pictures, stimulating scientists to work out such ideas so that more convenience might be brought to human. Many years ago, when we on the earth looked at moon in the sky, landing on the moon was simply imagination, but comes true now. This example reveals that with the light of knowledge and imagination shed to each other, society can be proved better.

To sum up, both knowledge and imagination have its own value. Imagination is the source where novel ideas start, whereas knowledge serves as basis for creative thoughts. In most cases, improvement is produced where they join hands. A balance should be called to evaluate them.

猫咪me 发表于 2004-2-19 21:58:06

Qq66968349   email: windfly106@sohu.com
1.Bill Gates  的例子很不恰当,但苦于没有找到更好的例子,勉强用之。希望高人能提供好的例子:imagination plays an important role in professional field.

imong 发表于 2004-2-20 16:00:41

我觉得写得还可以。and a balance should be called between them.很多人只写both are important而不写这个结果严重跑题,这篇文章至少没有。




猫咪me 发表于 2004-2-21 08:46:26


这样好写,他说也不用死抠more important,题目只是提供一个话题.是吗?

genie05 发表于 2004-2-21 08:57:49


imong 发表于 2004-2-21 10:25:01

人家的题干除了前面可以细节展开,后面整个最重要的地方就是more  important,不抠这个抠什么?



libby 发表于 2004-2-21 11:16:00


我觉得你总的来说写的不错,但我觉得你写这么多是在规定的时间里写的吗? 而且你在第2段举的例子是不是太多了啊? 我觉得一个论点一个例子就可以了,你认为呢???

猫咪me 发表于 2004-2-21 15:16:19


鱼的宝贝 发表于 2004-2-21 15:42:33

很久以前人们就梦想作出和自己或者和亲人一模一样的个体,在丧失亲人,朋友的时候更是如此。生物学家也在不停的在这个方面作出努力,到底怎样才能抛开有性生殖?基于细胞可以自身分裂,是不是可以在细胞的基础上在体外进行动物繁殖呢? 人身体上的任何部分都有活细胞,是不是能只有一个细胞就可以产生一个新的个体呢? 1996年科学家克隆出了多利羊,使这个假想变成了现实。同年,美国科学家克隆出了猴子--人类的近亲,这说明里克隆人即将变成现实。(cloning, in a theory, allows you to turn any cell into an animal.  So instead of injecting DNA into an egg, you can shoot DNA into cells into any cell in a body, allow them to grow and look among millions of cells for the type of genetic attention you want.
clone: a group og genetically identical cells or organisms derives from a single cell or individual by some kind of asexual reproduction.)

猫咪me 发表于 2004-2-21 15:52:06

how nice of you!yu.
I appreciate it very much! :)

知道了,斑竹说的对,我也觉得key point在which is more important上。

libby 发表于 2004-2-21 16:14:26

Issue 73 “In most professions and academic fields, imagination is more important than knowledge.”

Is imagination more important than knowledge in most professions and academic field? The speaker claims so. However , from my point of view, both imagination and knowledge are important in professions and academic fields, and a balance should be called between them.
In the first place, imagination plays a key role in professions and academic fields. Original ideas and creative thoughts are usually born out of imagination. Imaging gives a chance for people to leave the realistic world ,present a space to hang about, and many new ideas are therefore generated(created) in the process. As for in the professions, take Bill Gates for example, who created windows in computer. He may think and imagine thousands of times what kind of interface of computer is suitable for most people and in the end he brought out “Windows”. As far as academic fields are concerned, consider, utopian socialism,(这里consider要不要个主语啊?) for example. Owen, an idealist, who was born in a rich family and had natural pity for poor people, saw the poor suffer from hunger, coldness, disease, homelessness ,while the comfort, convenience and luxury was enjoyed by the rich .The tremendous difference propelled him to think about how the poor can lead a better life. He imagined whether there might be a society in which every one can lead a happy life and people can have what they need immediately from the society without any conflict. This imagination can be the very start of utopian socialism, from which Karl Marx took much and formed the Scientific Communisim Theory at last. Both the examples illustrate the significant role imagination plays in generating new ideas. In this sense, imagination contributes a lot to the progress of society.

However, on the other hand, over emphasis on imagination is harmful, resulting in fantasy, and whimsy. Why Owen ’s theory is only utopian socialism is because he didn’t take reality into account. Owen actually acted on his theory, by perchasing(purchasing) a big block in which a number of people live. But because of its intrinsic characteristic (characteristics) of unreality, his practice failed. In short, imagination is really helpful to create original ideas, but it can’t be over(我看NCE4 都用这个词unduly) weighed

Second, knowledge is no less important than imagination. Knowledge, the treasure of man, is what human has known about the nature, human, and society through thousands of years practice, exploitation and accumulation. The process of advance can be taken as a cause of accumulating knowledge. New ideas are new at the first phase, but will turn into knowledge in next stage. Moreover, no discovery or exploitation can succeed without the light of knowledge. This revealed the significance of knowledge. Newton once said :“The veneration people grant me and the keen perspectives I hold are all but because standing on the shoulders of giants makes it possible for me to see further.” This saying shows knowledge and already existing success can lead to new discoveries and creative thoughts. However, pure knowledge without imagination bears little fruit.

In most cases, knowledge and imagination go hand in hand, adding to each other. Knowledge can inspire imagination. The marriage of fantasy and reality might produce some interesting children .Take scientific fiction for example. Scientific fiction and such kinds of imagination are based on the existing scientific technology, but not confined to it. Scientific imaginations show kinds of whimsical ideas and pictures, stimulating scientists to work out such ideas so that more convenience might be brought to human. Many years ago, when we on the earth looked at moon in the sky, landing on the moon was simply imagination, but comes true now. This example reveals that with the light of knowledge and imagination shed to each other, society can be proved better.

To sum up, both knowledge and imagination have its own value. Imagination is the source where novel ideas start, whereas knowledge serves as basis for creative thoughts. In most cases, improvement is produced where they join hands. A balance should be called to evaluate them.

请问这里的imagination 是不是就算 creative idea 的意思,还是单纯的说是想象力啊?
说真的我的水平太低了,我都看不出别人的文章中的语法错误. Sigh!

雪夭 发表于 2004-2-21 16:25:21

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