苏梳眠 发表于 2014-5-14 13:13:42

Xscape by MJ

之前不小心在虾米上过了一遍remix版的《love never felt so good》,顿时被击中,无比流畅的旋律却深埋着某种让人不可自拔的忧伤,尤其是MJ已经离开如此之久的情况下。
终于挨到13号,Xscape终于首发鸟,除了love never felt so good和Xscape,MJ的demo版本简直完爆新的翻版制作,尤其loving you和slave to the rhythm,一个复古深情,一个挥洒不羁,满满都是MJ最初滴样子。Do you know where your children直指儿童被性侵丑闻,“She wrote that she is tired of stepdaddy using her,Saying that he'll buy her things, while sexually abusing her”,简单滴歌词却让人为之震惊,再回想下国内类似的案件,啧啧!A place with no name则利用简单的吉他做背景推进节奏的发展,难掩灵魂音乐的本色。Chicago则略微偏冷,低沉平叙中的爆发恰到好处,blue gansta则是一种压抑的爆发。
虾米试听:http://www.xiami.com/album/89883 ... 81.6856533.9.1OyQ29

Olivia`Z 发表于 2014-5-15 10:39:39

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