cxqq2002 发表于 2004-3-20 17:58:24

求issue 102的思路,感激不尽

issue 102
For better of worse, education is a process that involves revising the ideas, beliefs, and values people held in the past.

dalloway 发表于 2004-3-20 18:19:46



jellyopps 发表于 2004-3-20 18:26:46

我觉得教育的作用肯定要从两方面来讲,一方面是传承传统,令一方面是对旧的知识的 批判,是不是可以从不同层次的教育来谈呢
老套,再想 :mad:

cxqq2002 发表于 2004-3-20 18:32:59

谢谢楼上二位,对这道题我想先谈教育一方面继承和发扬以前的知识,另一方面revise,这里我想从ideas, beliefs and values 三个方面谈。但是得具体分析教育为什么revise ideas, 比如说在前人成果的基础上独立思考,从而破旧立新,这个过程是否应详细叙述?

Liuna 发表于 2004-3-20 18:35:09

issue 102
For better of worse, education is a process that involves revising the ideas, beliefs, and values people held in the past.

position: agree, revising the ideas, beliefs, and values people held in the past is one the most important tasks of education.
1,  Eeveryone  has defects, so do their ideas and beliefs and values. No ideas and beliefs and values that we can totally sure to be right forever.example: Earth-center theory--> Sun-center theory-->infinite universe theory,  Quantum thoery-- > relativism thoery.

2, Education as an organization to teach ideas and beliefs and values is responsible to scrutinize them in details and point out what is wrong and what is right within the present knowledge level.

3,  The process that involves revising the ideas, beliefs, and values is also a cognition and recognition process. Recognition old ones through which discover new ones .

可能是胡说 只是个人想法而已

dezhi 发表于 2004-3-20 18:59:46


P : Partly agree


cxqq2002 发表于 2004-3-20 19:48:18

5楼,你的例子很好,还能想出关于修正beliefs and values的例子吗,谢谢。

鱼的宝贝 发表于 2004-3-20 20:50:12

于个人replace an empty mind with an open one,旧的东西怎么可以用于将来的工作中去。
于社会, preparing a new generation to operate the social machine,and form a uniform recognition of moral standard too keep the harmony circumstance of the society.
2. 教育的确是在revising the sterotype of the old ones
从思想上,教导学生critical and logical thinking of the contributions of the scientists.
在教材上:compare the similarity of the old theories and the new ones, introducing up to date ideas and the hypothesis.
3.学生学会如何通过critical thinking 来revising the theories would help him/her to form a ablity to couple with the problems in the future.

chindychen 发表于 2004-3-20 21:34:58

六楼的想法是武汉新东方阿杜的推荐模式,即why--so--however 但是我觉得很难写出critical 的思想.所以我一般不用.( 其实大部分文章是可以套出来的, 说不定考场上没招了,还是会用的,呵呵阿杜老师不要扁我)
1. 传统的教育灌输给学生社会的整体信念价值. 这也是教育在最初阶段做到的.例:美国的品格教育(布什政府提出)
2. 每一个时代的价值观或多或少有所不同, 而教育也相应传递不同的思想.但是教育的思想是随社会而变,他自身很难修改社会的价值.(小日本想大同, no door!!)
3. 成功的教育会推动社会的改变.  例还没想好,总觉得启蒙运动那会儿有例子,再查查!

Liuna 发表于 2004-3-21 11:32:19

还能想出关于修正beliefs and values的例子吗,谢谢。

It is not a big deal to set examples. We can think what ETS gives us in many ways. Such as beliefs and values.
At first, I think it is very important to define what are beliefs and values.

Religious thoughts, such as Buddism and Catholicism and Puritanism and so on, can be called beliefs since the devotees of each one believe in something. Presently, we do not ask or claim to believe them anymore. So our beliefs in religious thoughts are being changed. Furthermore, besides religious thoughts, there are still many others, such as Falungong which has been verified to be heresy though there were many people believed into it. In this case, the belief is rectified.

As to values, much more cases are in point. 1 Value of the person. egoism-->altrulism 2 Value of the family multi-generation scale--> single-generation scale  3 Value of the community  survival-->comfortable-->super-->the best 4 Value of the county slavery-->monarchy-->stratocracy-->democracy  

hope those could help you in some way.
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