cansha 发表于 2015-1-5 21:53:35


本帖最后由 cansha 于 2015-1-12 21:55 编辑


cansha 发表于 2015-1-6 20:14:40

TPO 8 综合写作
The lecture claims that the long memoir of Chevalier is generally accurate and reliable, though some parts of it seem to be specious in some critics' eyes.

Firstly, a large amount of money as Chevalier rented from his friends, we can't infer that Chevalier is poor based on it, for his property have to be sold first and thus cannot change into money immediately. In this way, he would have to borrow from his friend first to meet the large demand of money in party and gambling business.

What's more, the professor claims that the accuracy of the conversation with Voltaire is also dependable. It's true that Chevalier didn’t write his memoir until many years past, yet, consciously or unconsciously, the critics have ignored that Chevalier recorded the content every night after his conversation with Voltaire, and kept it until composing the memoir. Thus, with the records to be referred to, the accuracy of the conversation is reliable.

Finally, the professor believe that Chevalier do have escaped from the Venice prison on his own, instead of through a bribe offered by his political well-connected friends. Influential friends as Chevalier did have, other prisoners had even more powerful friends at that time, yet none has escaped except Chevalier. What's more, reports shows that the prison has reinforced the ceiling of each cell soon after Chevalier committed his escape. What's the meaning of such action if Chevalier didn't make it through the hole he made on the ceiling?

From the three contradiction and explanation made by the lecture, it's easy to conclude that Chevalier's memoir, though seemingly specious and inaccurate, is reliable and valuable as a historical source.

一夕vv 发表于 2015-1-7 12:34:58


看得出楼主的词汇量特别丰富,很多单词转换都好高级=v= 相比起来我差远啦。。。先膜拜一下
首先,我觉得每个首段支撑living with relatives的原因都太委婉,不够直接,你一二点采取的形式都是“xx可以提供人们一些便利,却无法改善和relatives之间的关系/无法弥补空虚”这种倒推式的论证,不够有力。个人觉得文章理由支撑的首段是要明确的指出:选择和relatives住有哪些优点,比较让人一目了然。

第三点说到“there are always some useful tips we can hardly get from the network”之后,觉得应该再举出具体例子说明人们可以从邻里间学到,却无法从互联网学到的,会更有力支撑之前的观点。

还有就是,楼主的三点例子都各自有重复的地方,例如第一点人们无法“ taste the cuisines from their next door”,其实搬到第三点论证也未尝不可,第二点的feel lonely和第一点改善关系也有点相似,第三点最后一句“let alone emotional interaction concomitant.”又觉得和第二点的观点相重…………总之就是,感觉理由都不太鲜明吧=v=



cansha 发表于 2015-1-8 00:38:41

一夕vv 发表于 2015-1-7 12:34 static/image/common/back.gif

看得出楼主的词汇量特别丰富,很多单词转换都好高级=v= 相比起来我差远啦。。。先膜拜一下


cansha 发表于 2015-1-8 00:39:42

1.7 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Honesty is the most important characteristic to a leader.

Here and there, eastern and western, people never abandoned their pursuit of honesty, believing that always telling truth is the major manifestation of personal sincerity and integrity.
Let alone the leader of a particular group, as the direct representative of all the members led by him, surely, should have a high standard of ethics. Nonetheless, being excessively absolute and partial, complete honesty may be not only embarrassing but also pernicious and dangerous.

With no doubt, being chronically and habitually lying, a leader may have an untrustworthy relationship with his subordinates, because living in the infinite cycle of liars, he can never do the same thing in promises as in reality, just like his subordinates could never tell the same words before him as behind his back. As a result, the group’s common interest is in danger due to deception and suspicion. Maybe that’s why many people advocate honesty as the most important characteristic of a leader.  

Nonetheless, is it really beneficial if a leader rushes to the opposite extreme? Being the leader of a country, hardly can he tell too many personal preferences, especially the negative side, to the general public, which may cause certain business competition becoming unfair. Being the leader of a company, seldom can he tell the truly unfortunate fate they may face to his stuffs, which may engender fear, anxiety and discouragement in the latter group. Adhering to alleged personal principle such as complete honesty, the very leader may be a real disaster.

Besides the potential unnecessary and even harmful effect such unmitigated honesty may have on his group, always telling the truth may lead the group into predicament dealing with interrelationship with other groups. Again, take the present as example, dealing with the plexiform international relationship, in no circumstance could the president abandon the principle of discretion and restraining, thus we always see them use obscure diplomatic language. Needless to say keeping state secrets, such as the location of nuclear submarines, which lose protection function as soon as being located. As the leader of the whole nation, the president should be exemplary in ethic field, how can we require a common leader to be unmitigated honest if such criteria does not even suit the president?

Indeed, honesty should always be one of the most important requirement for a leader, yet hardly can we make it right the most important one, which may be misleading and deleterious dealing with practical matter. To a leader, it’s the benefit of his group that he ought to consider most. In most of situations, being candid and straightforward may be beneficial to his group, whereas sometimes a little white lie or a restrained expression may be more suitable.

hj1313 发表于 2015-1-8 16:07:58


KelvieChan 发表于 2015-1-8 17:09:34

cansha 发表于 2015-1-8 00:39 static/image/common/back.gif
1.7 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Honesty is the most important characteris ...


cansha 发表于 2015-1-8 23:17:58

KelvieChan 发表于 2015-1-8 17:09 static/image/common/back.gif
看了几遍,真不知道怎么改好了,小伙伴你的水平在我看来好高,真心的~词汇量巨大,遣词造句很棒,怎么做到 ...

呃…水平很好真的不敢当…如果说经验分享的话,建议可以看一下 李建林GRE5.5(论述部分),会有一些结构和表达上的启发,至于单词可以看一下verbal advantage,也是很不错的书。大家一起慢慢积累!

cansha 发表于 2015-1-8 23:20:13

hj1313 发表于 2015-1-8 16:07 static/image/common/back.gif


cansha 发表于 2015-1-8 23:39:30

一夕vv 发表于 2015-1-7 12:34 static/image/common/back.gif

看得出楼主的词汇量特别丰富,很多单词转换都好高级=v= 相比起来我差远啦。。。先膜拜一下


MielsZhao 发表于 2015-1-12 15:39:09


一夕vv 发表于 2015-1-12 16:33:30


备战的 发表于 2015-1-13 09:16:17

1.11的评论,一如之前评价的小伙伴说的那样,你的功底真的很高,看了文章很顺畅的感觉,但是,我觉得很严重的问题还是在于论述的角度或者方式是偏的,没有很好的切题,或者是点题,我反复看了文章,花了很大的功夫去举反例,最后论证的部分偏弱,Yes or NO,虽然我水平很菜但我觉得还是应该讲到最后回归题目,现在看起来像两个时代对衣着的不同,要用发展的眼光看

cansha 发表于 2015-1-13 20:48:45

MielsZhao 发表于 2015-1-12 15:39 static/image/common/back.gif
抱歉楼主,批改的有点晚。。楼主的综合三个点都全了,并且也有相应的解释,就是一些小细节没有太注意,例 ...


cansha 发表于 2015-1-13 20:49:12

本帖最后由 cansha 于 2015-1-13 23:46 编辑

一夕vv 发表于 2015-1-12 16:33 static/image/common/back.gif

已看过,谢谢批改~ 之前没看到你的作文,明天给你回评。
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