fishergirl 发表于 2004-4-7 23:42:55

最初由 needle 发布
呵呵,变化是绝对的,不变是相对的 :D
我今晚好好睡一觉,希望梦到一个新论点 :cool:

PS:MM-美眉啦,千万不要叫我小孩子,我家板凳会生气的哦 :D

fishergirl 发表于 2004-4-7 23:53:04

贴上一位网友给我的修改,个人认为很多意见非常中肯,愿意和大家分享一下 :)

Are politics and morality two separate realms? Surely they are. But it will be a more mature attitude to treat they as two different realms with close relationships. They are just like mouth and teeth - separating from each other while also depending on each other.
(2 sentences with 4 "be" words. try to avoid this in the future. avoid asking the reader questions, too.)
Without any doubt, politics and morality fall into two separate realms. However, people should adopt a more mature attitude to treat them as two closely inter-related realms. This lips to teeth relationship between them means that they are heavily dependent on each other.

To begin with, let us take a look towards their similarities. Politics with the cloth of state power, policies, and tactics, has a very tight relationship with morality, which often takes a certain kind of religion or belief as its form. (which often comes in a reigious form) In many occasions, politics and morality cannot be divided exactly (are not to be separated clearly). For intense, (instance) people in the western society almost believe in the Christianity. (most people ...) So the governments there usually take the doctrines of the Christianity as moral norms to confine people's ideas for the sake of carrying out their government decrees more smoothly. (your opinion is extremely biased as u cannot provide sufficient reasons to support this. and certainly this sounds annoying to western people. should avoid this) While in China, many people join the Communist Party, then the government would rather dominate people with the doctrines of Communism. Hence, it is easy to find that such two realms are mutually dependent if only the cooperation could do good to the development and prosperity of society as well as its stability.
(religion and politics are controvercial issues. we don't want to discuss it in a short essay as there's no way to finish the discussion in half an hour. try to be objective when you develop ur argument. not all people in the world studied Marxism before. no one gives a shxt about the "religion is a tool to rule people" theory)

However, in actual practice (in real practice), the great divergence of such two realms emerges. In simple words, morality is steady, whereas politics is changeful.(morality is relatively consistent than politics) That is, morality, which is displayed as moral standard, is often handed down from thousands of years ago so that it has more stability than politics. (try to avoid using too many "be" words, see this example: Morality serves as the social moral standard and it gets more complete and stable generation after generation.) On the contrary, politics, which should be well understood as the state power or policy, is highly complicated and changeable according to the behalf of every separate country and the different demands in different circumstance. (try to paraphrase it with fewer "be" words) For instance, there are only several kinds of religionforms such as Christianity, Muslim, Buddhism and so on. All of them have been existing for thousands of years and will change a little if there is any. While as for politics, the political situation changes from time to time in that there is too much competition and interests struggle (conflicts) among the countries. Allies may turn into enemies, and adversaries may also become cooperators. No one can forebode what would change in the next minute. Seeing from this angle, it is obvious that politics and morality are two separate realms.
(this part suggests that politics may seem more to be on the change than morality, as a social standard. however, i cannot directly draw a conclusion that they are two separate realms. you may find other examples.)

Furthermore, another great difference between politics and morality is that the former is pragmatic while the latter is idealistic. The interesting relationship of (between) the United States and China is a case in point. It is known to all that the United States is always averse to the condition of the human rights in China. (It is known to all that the governments hold conflicting opinions on many polticcal issues such as human rights) Some of national policies of China such as the birth control become the proof of Chinese government’s autocracy. Meanwhile, in plenty of international affairs, both the governments choose to cooperate as partners as they both have extensive political influence and strong political power. In a sense, morality is just an idealistic and necessary fiction which is used by a state power to limit its people’s minds and fulfill its political goals. When facing with realistic profit, those moral standards are so frail to be broken out and cast away. Only when it really masters the core spirit of politics and morality, can a government or a politician be effective to protect the stability of its country and lead its people forward to the more prosperous society.
(this is a good point. however, the writing is too chin-english. and ur opinion, again, is biased and generally unacceptable in a western culture. ur example is not sufficient to convince me that countries only cooperate for financial profits.)

All in a word, with a deeper and wider comprehension to politics and morality, people should understand that the attitudes to take them as two isolate realms or a whole are both one-sided. To be a wise and mature observer and commentator towards the two realms, people should be aware of their difference as well as relation.

(a good conclusion, correct the minor grammartical errors)

fishergirl 发表于 2004-4-8 21:14:35

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查看完整版本: Issue169,政治类,是否高频我不知道