枫xiaoyu 发表于 2015-3-19 17:54:46

[独立写作] 枫xiaoyu作业贴

In order to succeed in doing a new job, the ability to adapt oneself to the new environment is more important than the excellent knowledge.

When it comes to what characteristic is most significant for a person to have a bright career, opinions vary from person to person, some people think that adaptability is more important, because adaptability indicates the potential development of a person, however, some people hold the view that excellent knowledge is more important, since it indicates the ability of a person in certain field. As far as I am concerned, I hold the brief that we should get conclusion case by case.
      The capacity to adapt in a new environment plays an important role in doing a job successfully, since it indicates you potential in the company. This ability enables you to fit in group and become friend with your colleagues quickly, which is beneficial to you career in the company, as we all know, the most essential thing for a new worker is to fit in the group, so you can receive many feasible suggestions and practical helps from older colleagues, and you will benefit a lot from their suggestions because they are full of experience. In addition, adaptability is also important for you to become a member of team, nowadays we have to cooperate with others, no single one are compare with a team.
      An excellent knowledge is also crucial for succeeding in a new job, since an excellent knowledge is a convenient way for every one to start a new job. In other words, excellent knowledge enables you to be efficient in your work, you don’t need time to learn new things and practice new skills. As we all know, company often have new works to participate a internship to practice their skills in order to help them work well, with a excellent knowledge means you no longer need to take part in internship and can save the cost of you boss at same time which can earn favor from your boss easily.
     Judging from the above evidence mentioned, I hardly agree with the statement the adaptability is more important than excellent knowledge, it depends on the category of the job, for instance, to these who work in spaceflight, it no doubt that an excellent knowledge is far more important than adaptability, since they have to own strong foundation knowledge in physics and mathematics and engineer so that they are capable of working in the spaceflight field. However, to these salesman, it’s undeniable that adaptability is more important than excellent knowledge, because business requires them to communicate with different kind people, and persuade them to buy their company’s products, thus the ability to fit in the group is extremely important for them.
    In conclusion, different types of work have different requirements, some pay more attention to excellent knowledge, however, some think adaptability overweighs knowledge, consequently, I hold the idea that we should get conclusion case by case.

YoungDan 发表于 2015-3-20 17:34:50

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