tesolchina_RA 发表于 2015-12-9 17:21:41

范文 issue 64

The human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

value judgment - search engine
emotion - robot nurse
creativity - corpus linguistics  

With the advancement in electronic engineering and artificial intelligence, machines embedded with microprocessors have become increasingly intelligent with the abilities to perform a wide variety of tasks that only humans could perform in previous decades.  Some people predict that in the foreseeable future machines will become smarter than humans as the speed of CPU increases exponentially.  I believe that human mind will always be superior to machines because of our abilities of making value judgment, processing information emotionally and creating new ideas.  

To begin with, human minds will always surpass machines in making decisions because we can make judgment based on our experiences and value systems.  When we read a book, for example, we can not only process the information presented in the book through reading comprehension. We can also decide how valuable the information is relative to the books or other materials we have read before.  This ability of making value judgment is almost impossible for machines to learn because developing a value system of human minds is a cumulative and mysterious process that we do not understand very well. Therefore, it is very difficult to build a machine to emulate this ability. In fact, the search engines such as Google rely on the human judgement on the value of webpages to find the most relevant information for each search.  In other words, machines can always be used to keep track of the value judgments made by human minds; but they cannot make the judgements themselves.  

Another important function of human minds that machines can hardly develop is the ability to process information emotionally. Digital computers are built based on sophisticated mathematical models that are efficient in processing information logically and rationally. But when it comes to information that involves human emotion, the logical approach to information processing cannot go very far.  For example, with built-in high-resolution camera and microphone, a machine can be used to monitor a baby and alert the parents when the baby cries. Maybe with more advanced technologies in natural language processing, one can even build a robot to interact with a baby, understanding its rudimentary language and talking back a bit.  But it would be impossible for a machine to interact with the baby at emotional level, e.g. to understand the body language of the baby that carry infinite amount of emotional information that only the parents can possibly comprehend.  Again, machines such as baby monitors can help human minds to collect certain information but can never replace human care providers.  

Finally, human minds have the ultimate ability of creating new ideas that machines cannot develop even with the most advanced algorithms.  Take the process of writing academic papers as an example. With the Internet and the database technologies, scholars nowadays can access numerous journal articles that form the basis for writing new articles.  But scholars also need to identify the gap in the literature and develop research ideas to pursue through rigorous research projects before they can write up a report as a journal article. Some people have invented tools like SCIGen to create journal articles automatically. But this tool can only generate articles based on published works that are not original and do not contribute to the process of knowledge construction.  

In conclusion, it is clear that in the foreseeable future machines can never overtake human minds in making decisions and creating new knowledge because we humans have the unique capabilities of making value judgments, processing information emotionally and thinking creatively.  


AsceticGimpel 发表于 2019-5-23 09:42:47


fjun67 发表于 2021-3-28 07:04:08

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