aestheticism 发表于 2018-7-16 21:12:36

求大佬帮忙看看套磁信 小白第一次写

Dear Professor Huang Guangbin:

My name is Shi Qiushi.I come from Nanjing and now study as an undergraduate student at Hohai University . I am nearing the end of my honors Engineering degree in the Department of Automation, and I have begun to consider possible research labs for continuing my studies as a PhD student.

I joined the Intelligent Robotics Lab,which is the best lab in my school, last year and completed many projects under the guidance of Professor Ni Jianjun. I became interested in artificial intelligence and completed two related projects independently.Both of them obtained the patent of invention.My tutor said that I have a good research potential for the reason that I have strong learning ability and hands-on ability at the same time.I have learned some information about ELM recently and found it an effective way to accelerate single-layer neural networks.Compared to traditional methods ,it reduces the training time greatly.That’s why I want to do some research on machine learning acceleration in my PhD studies as well.

It looks like we could have a good match in terms of research fields, so I am keen to further my PhD studies under your supervision. Please let me know if there is a possible opening for a PhD student in the 2019 fall terms.My GPA is good(90), especially in the last year(94).You will find other details about me for your consideration in my CV attached. Thanks for sparing time to read my letter. I appreciate any time you can reply me.


Shi Qiushi


不雨亦潇潇 发表于 2018-7-21 21:14:15


企鹅不太冷 发表于 2018-7-22 12:31:15

Dear Professor Huang Guangbin:

Nice to meet you, my name is Shi Qiushi from Nanjing, China. I am currently pursuing my Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in the Department of Automation as an undergraduate student at Hohai University, one of the "211" Project University.

I have been doing research in ELM through my undergraduate years and found an effective way to accelerate single-layer neural networks by _________(给个数据,说出能提高多少e.g. by 13% using xxx method/approach). Compared to traditional methods, this will result in a shorter training time around _____(说出能减少多少时间e.g.  around 23%).

As this field is closely related to your background in ______(说出那个教授厉害的地方e.g. Neural Networks and Learning Systems) I would be very pleased to have a discussion with you and further my PhD studies under your supervision. As for my results, my average GPA is 90/100 with the latest GPA (2018) being 94/100. I have attached all my academic track records and achievements in the CV attached below.

A little background for myself, as I will be graduating in the coming ______(毕业的月份 e.g November 2018), I am looking for a lab that allows me to further my research and contribution in this field as a PhD student. NUS fits the criteria I am looking for.

During my university, I am a member of the Intelligent Robotics Lab(elite lab) and have completed many projects, most prominent project to be _______(说出一个你参与的project)under the guidance of Professor Ni Jianjun. ____________(说出你的贡献,要有人,事,屋,标准e.g I managed to produce an Artificial Intelligence algorithm that allows the robot to identify obstacles and maneuver over it at that time deemed impossible.)After the completion of the project, I did further research in the field of artificial intelligence mainly in ______(第一个Project的名字)and ______(第二个project的名字). Both of them obtained the patent of invention ______(给他看你patent of invention的链接).

I look forward to hear from you soon.
If you need any more information, please let me know

Shi Qiushi

别逼逼太多,教授通常只会看前面几行,有兴趣他才会再往下看。所以第一段直接说你有什么,你想做什么,还有你可以做到什么。接着才自我介绍等。说话不要太模糊,I can accelerate the speed... 你能提升多少巴仙的速度啊?提升了又能对这行业有什么贡献?减少机器学习的时间能减多少?你心中一定要有一个合理的数字即使现在还不能证明。用什么方法?为什么目前为止没有人这么做?等等我写的这些供你参考,有些地方若改的不大妥当那你再改改

aestheticism 发表于 2018-8-1 07:09:39


lzc101203 发表于 2018-9-13 15:21:05

aestheticism 发表于 2018-8-1 07:09 static/image/common/back.gif

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