AustinT 发表于 2018-8-27 16:49:30


本帖最后由 AustinT 于 2018-8-27 16:52 编辑

Analysis of 47.5-million-year-old fossils from Pakistan has yielded fresh insights into the early ancestors of modern whales. For example, Maiacetus inuus was a land animal (i)_____ life in the sea. One Maiacetus innus fossil encased a fetus positioned for a head-first delivery, which is typical of a land mammal and suggests the species gave birth onshore. But it probably spent much of its time (ii)_____: its big teeth were suited for catching fish, while its flipper-like feet must have been (iii)_____ walking.

A resistant
B removed from
C  adapted to
D in the water
E fleeing from predators
F protecting its young
G incompatible with
H clumsy for
I strengthened by


LXcoppor 发表于 2018-8-28 06:50:07

这里也许会误选incompatible,但是文章前文说M是typical of a land mammal,证明它至少可以在陆地上生存(至少能走吧)。后面flipper-like也不是在完全否定它不适合走路(毕竟乌龟也会爬不是么)。所以这里用incompatible,表示M的身体构造和陆地行走格格不入,这是不正确的。文章需要一个词来体现它的构造不那么适合行走,而不是全盘否定。

AustinT 发表于 2018-8-28 10:17:25

LXcoppor 发表于 2018-8-28 06:50 static/image/common/back.gif
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