Keying08 发表于 2018-11-9 09:04:50

CS/CE 路易斯安娜大学CS招PL方向的PhD(RA/TA)

Several PhD positions are available for fall 2019 and spring 2020.Each RA/TA position comes with a full financial support, including a tuition waiver, a mostly paid health insurance, and a monthly stipend.  

The requirements to PhD applicants are as follows,

1 Have a real passion in programming languages, especially in functional programming
2 Self-motivated and hard working

Priority will be given to applicants with one or more of the following

a)Be good at formalizing problems, algorithms, and properties through logics, inference rules, etc.
b)Be proficient in some specific programming languages, such as Haskell, C/C++, Coq, and/or Python
c)Be able to efficiently prototype given ideas.
d)Be familiar with machine learning/data mining algorithms and have some experience of applying them

If you are interested in the openings, please contact Dr. Chen directly or send your application materials(including CV/resume, GPA, TOEFL and GRE scores, etc.) to Dr.Chen( or

Dr.Chen is an assistant professor at the school of computing and informatics at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. He received an NSF CAREER award in December 2017. Dr. Chen's research area is programming languages and software engineering, with a focus on improving type error debugging for functional languages, improving the usability of gradually typed languages, using machine learning(big data) to solve programming language problems, improving the safety and security of C/C++, scaling static analysis for highly configurable software systems, and increasing the dependability of big data applications written in dynamically-typed languages, such as Python. His research group has publications at top conferences/journals, including POPL, OOPSLA, ICFP, and TOPLAS. If you are interested in his research, please take a look at his webpage(

The programming language research community is very rigorous and vibrant,offering enormous training opportunities through Programming Language Mentoring Workshops and summer schools. All new students will be provided with such career development opportunities through the support from Dr.Chen and ACM SIGPLAN.

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