Anonymous 发表于 2019-3-23 15:22:46

北京J1暑研 首签被拒 分享经验并求帮助


个人分析:VO在面谈的过程中似乎不相信我作为本科生能够完成一个phd级别的项目(事实上我的Study plan上并没有说是什么phd level,但VO坚持说这是一个phd level的项目),我以自己成绩、学校较好为理由回答。但似乎没能完全说服他......后面的问题似乎都是围绕专业展开的(怎么认识的教授、为什么在电子系却做物理相关课题),我的回答似乎不够有力,因此猜测VO可能不相信我有足够的能力作为J1交换学生去参加科研项目。

另一方面,关于移民倾向,VO只是问了我的资金来源。我回答是家庭(DS2019上也注明了personal funding)。此外问题完全不相关,我很难把话头转移过去......我不知道最后拒我是不是怀疑我有移民倾向。


全程只看了我的DS-2019, DS-7002, 个人简历。




me: I'm applying for J-1 visa.
VO: What are you going to do in ... the University of Illinois?
me: I’m going there as a student research intern
VO: Can I see your research plan?
me: it's in my DS-7002 form
VO: (reading carefully) What's your education level?
me: I'm currently an undergraduate student in Tsinghua University.
VO: you say you are an undergraduate, but this is a phd program.
me: it doesn't say it's a phd program.
VO: But I can tell it's a phd level program.
me: ehh, I am capable enough for this program.
VO: you are?
me: Yes, since as said in my resume, my GPA is within top 5% in XX University, which is one of the best Universities in China.

VO: who pays for this visit.
me: My family.
VO: But, ehhh... personal fund...
me: Since I'm a student, my personal funding means my family funding.

VO: How do you know this professor?
me: I'm been working on this field with professors in my university. And I’ve read some paper of Prof. Chitambar ……

VO: which paper do you read? (我尝试拿导师简历,但被VO制止)don't look at your document, just tell me.
me: Prof XX has written many papers, on of which called "a critical examination of the physical implementability of incoherent operation". It is published on Phys. Rev. Lett.

VO: Ok...  You major in electronic information, but why do you work on Physics?
me: Firstly, prof. Chitambar is in electronic department ...
VO: but you work on quantum information…
me: Quantum information is an interdisciplinary subject that combines Physics with ...
VO: (interrupt)ok (smile).
VO: sorry sir, I cannot approve your visa……

Anonymous 发表于 2019-4-2 13:21:27




kuankuankuan 发表于 2019-4-11 07:36:25

Chensenrui 发表于 2019-4-2 13:21 static/image/common/back.gif

感觉关键还是要说清楚去做的事情、目的,关 ...

我有一个相关的问题想麻烦请教一下,暑研学校在发DS-2019的时候是允许你是personal funding的吗?我最近也在申暑研,但对方学校说我不可以是personal funding,funding需要“from Chinese government or your institution or some organization with a clear funding letter. ”,最近为这件事很头疼,请问楼主可不可以分享一下J1 funding的细节,或者指点一下我现在应该怎么应对呀?

Anonymous 发表于 2019-4-23 21:28:26

kuankuankuan 发表于 2019-4-11 07:36 static/image/common/back.gif
我有一个相关的问题想麻烦请教一下,暑研学校在发DS-2019的时候是允 ...

我了解的情况是这样:部份学校要求J1签的funding一定比例非personal,但也有部分学校允许纯personal funding。我去的地方是后者。关于前者,你可以和学校或院系沟通一下,写一份funding letter证明学校会给你出钱(学校相关部门很可能有模板,实在没有可以网上找找)。我们这边是学校同意帮忙办理funding letter,尽管上面写的数额学校不一定真的会给你,但可以用作证明。
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