泡泡情结 发表于 2019-4-10 16:24:12


The science of astronomy was begun by amateur and today remains dependent on their contributions, which are incisive by virtue of being _____ by the a priori assumptions that often vitiate the work of professional research scientist.

which are incisive 修饰their contribution, by virtue of .... the a priori assumption 是解释incisive, 那么that often 后面的从句是修饰的啥?thir contribution 还是a priori assumption?

答案是unencumbered, 这题要是that 修饰前面,我能理解这个答案,修饰后者,我就有点不能理解了。望各位指点。

另外,机经里的easy medium section的题做起来,逻辑是顺的,读起来也在舒适区,hard section里的题,感觉逻辑和自己的逻辑完全拧巴,句子读起来也不舒适,请问各位该作何训练?

以希 发表于 2019-4-10 22:37:26

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