Igraic 发表于 2019-11-8 04:08:32

2019 法国 马赛考场

本帖最后由 Igraic 于 2020-3-5 22:52 编辑

2019.11.5号刚在马赛考了第一次(估计也是唯一一次)GRE General,成绩达标心情不错,为了感谢寄托论坛(GRE Issue资料+申请欧洲学校的信息也给我不少帮助),同时为了给那些以后可能因为某些原因不得已要去马赛考GRE的同学一些指引,特地开一个小帖子说一下自己的经验过程吧。



考场位置:Kangourou Provence, 7 Rue Gaston de Flotte Immeuble Actipole 12, 13012 Marseille
由于约的是下午的考试,我买了早上7点的火车票从Lyon Perrache车站前往Gare de Marseille-Saint-Charles,这边建议各位去马赛考试的同学选择这个终点站,如无意外应该是最靠近考场的车站了。


之后一路从Noailles坐车坐到LA BOISERAIE就是考场附近了,车程大概28分钟,算上到站后走到考场的路程,单程全程一共34分钟左右,还是比较快的。由于在考场附近后也会标识显示Kangourou Provence考试中心的标识,因此不难找到。

我先去确认考场位置后,就原路从LA BOISERAIE坐T1返回,到GEORGE站下车(大概17分钟),那里3分钟路程有个麦当劳,有wifi,可以在那里休息+吃午饭+继续复习。

大概中午12点,我再次从George出发前往考试地点,大概12:30到达。与设想的不同,考试中心只是在一栋楼里面的一层而已(本来以为整栋楼都是考场。。。)没记错的是deuxième étage。进去后考试中心人员告诉我,我可以在1:30之前开始考试,只要我准备好了。那这点还是很人性化的,最后选择在里面的等候室复习多30分钟,1:00提前开考。

Issue:68 Some people believe that the purpose of education is to free the mind and the spirit. Others believe that formal education tends to restrain our minds and spirits rather than set them free.
Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.

60. The following appeared in a letter from a firm providing investment advice for a client.
"Most homes in the northeastern United States, where winters are typically cold, have traditionally used oil as their major fuel for heating. Last heating season that region experienced 90 days with below normal temperatures, and climate forecasters predict that this weather pattern will continue for several more years. Furthermore, many new homes are being built in the region in response to recent population growth. Because of these trends, we predict an increased demand for heating oil and recommend investment in Consolidated Industries, one of whose major business operations is the retail sale of home heating oil."
Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.


成绩达标还是很开心的,希望这个帖子能给我攒点人品吧,不过有没有用,作文给我个4.0,同时保佑保佑ETHZ要我= =

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