无风不起浪味仙学习英语ing 发表于 2021-3-18 16:00:24


1.aero-: concerning the air or aircraft;  e.g. aerospace 航空航天(工业);航空航天技术

2.anti-: against, opposite of;  e.g. antiwar 反战

3.auto-: of or by oneself;  e.g. autobiography 自传

4.be-: to treat as the stated thing;  e.g. befriend 交朋友

5.bi-: two, twice, double;  e.g. bilingual 双语的

6.bio-: concerning living things;  e.g. biology 生物学

7.by-, bye-: less important;  e.g. by-product 副产品

8.centi-: hundredth part of a unit;  e.g. centigram 厘米

9.col-: (used before l) together, with;  e.g. collocation 组合

10.contra-: opposite  e.g. contradiction 矛盾

11.de-: showing an opposite, to remove, to reduce;  e.g. decode 解码

12.em-: (used before b, m, p) to cause to become;  e.g. empower 授权

13.extra-: outside, beyond;  e.g. extraordinary 非凡的

14.fore-: in advance, before, in or at the front;  e.g. forewarn 预警

15.il-: (used before l) not;  e.g. illegal 非法的

16.infra-: below in a range, beyond;  e.g. infrared 红外线的

17.ir-: (used before r) not;  e.g. irregular 不规则的

18.mal-: bad or badly;  e.g. maltreat 虐待

21.multi-: more than one, many;  e.g. multinational 跨国公司

22.over-: too much, above, additional;  e.g. overtime 超时地

23.poly-: many;  e.g. polycentric 多中心

24.post-: later than, after;  e.g. postwar 战后

25.re-: again, back to the former state;  e.g. reunite 重聚

26.semi-: half, partly;  e.g. semiofficial 半官方

27.therm(o)-: concerning heat;  e.g. thermometer 温度计

28.tri-: three, three times;  e.g. triangular 三角形

29.ultra-: beyond, very, extremely;  e.g. ultrasound 超声波

30.uni-: one, single;  e.g. uniform 制服

31.vice-: next in the rank; below.  e.g. vice-president 副总裁
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