kkyt 发表于 2005-4-5 22:07:14


(41). "Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science."
1、        Admittedly, the inquiry of nonmainstream areas comforts people when they confront problems beyond the capabilities of mainstream science. 比如在古代天文学知识缺乏时,我们的祖先通常以为是神主宰着下雨,因此人们通过astrology 求雨。由于缺乏医学知识的人们通过企求上帝保佑,来驱除疾病。同样,在现代人们愿意求助于fortune-telling and astrology 去解释一些现代科学解释不了的事象UFO等。
2、        However,随着现代主流科学的发展,非主流科学的的作用在逐渐降低(1)自然科学的发展。人们对各种自然现象的认识越来越深刻,人们已经认识了雨的行成方法并且人工造雨(2))现代心理学的发展,使人们学会了放松的方法
3、Moreover 过度的强调非主流科学的作用反而会对社会产生危害。一方面,非主流科学的发展在一定程度上阻碍了主流科学的传播与发展。想一想十六世纪天文学是怎样在非主流的科学盛行的时代艰难的发展就明白了。哥白尼直到临死才发表他的日新说,Galileo 被判300年监禁。Bruno 被烧死。另一方面一些可能会是人消极或不理智.中国有些人自杀

In the era of high advanced science and technology, the topic about the function of nonmainstream has been discussed for a long time. Different people have different ideas due to their own background. In my opinion, I concede that some nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling and psychic satisfy human being’s’ certain demand that is not offered by mainstream science, but, with the rapid progress of society, actually, the effect and function of nonmainstream science turn to be insignificant.

Admittedly, these nonmainstream areas of inquiry comfort people when they confront problems beyond the capabilities of mainstream science and other intellectual inquiry inherently can not explain at present. In ancient times, owning to lack of the knowledge of astronomy, our ancestors often believed that gods determined the rain, which forced them to beg for it through astrology. The undeveloped medicine science led people to fall back on asking for god to cure their illness by virtue of fortune-telling, and psychic. Similarly, nowadays, people would prefer the fortune-telling or astrology to explain some phenomenon that they can not solve by the modern science, such as UFO (unidentified flying object), black hole etc. Therefore nonmainstream science as the traditional believes of human beings serves as some complement to the mainstream science.

However, with the popularity of mainstream science, the degree of civilization tends to be more and more higher, nonstream science has played little role in gratifying people’s need. On one hand, people nowadays have more insight into all kinds of natural phenomenon. We have known how the rain drizzle form and already grasped the methods to create man-made rain. Obviously, few people would also believe those ridiculous trickeries of rain doctors. Similarly, no country would expect to win in the war only relying on a stack of tarot cards for guidance. On the other hand, through the boon of modern psychology, people have learned more skills to ease their fear, remorse, anxiety and other bad feeling that they once depended on fortune-telling and physic. Thus, the progress of modern science has indeed reduced the function of nonmainstream science.

Moreover, overstating the effect of nonmainstream science would inevitably do great harm to society. First, it may hinder the development of mainstream science. To illustrate this opinion, one can just look at the development of astronomy in the 16C when astrology and other nonmainstream science were popular and determinant in society. Copernicus did public his heliocentric theory of solar system after he died in order to shun the persecution; Galileo Galilei was confined 300 years because he challenged the traditional astrology; Bruno was burned for his stick to the so-called "heretical ideas". Second, such nonmainstream areas may prevent people from actively struggling against fate, or making effort for better future. In China, some illiterate people blindly believe what the fortune-tellers said, and then make some irrational actions; some of them even commit suicide for the purpose to go to the heaven. Therefore, nonmainstream if being overemphasized will bring out disaster to our society.   

In sum, though the traditional inquiry of astrology, fortune-telling and psychic existing for thousands of years would reassure and comfort human being's certain requirement and curiosity, to some extent, with the progress of society, those functions of nonmainstream areas will inevitable be replaced by the mainstream science.

天晴了 发表于 2005-4-6 00:01:31

这篇我也正要写 拍!  现在每天写几骗 从高频往下走的~~  太困了

天晴了 发表于 2005-4-6 08:32:21

In the era of high advanced science and technology, the topic about the function of nonmainstream has been discussed for a long time. Different people have different ideas due to their own background. In my opinion, I concede that some nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling and psychic satisfy human being’s’ certain demand that is not offered by mainstream science, but, with the rapid progress of society, actually, the effect and function of nonmainstream science turn to be insignificant.

Admittedly, these nonmainstream areas of inquiry comfort people when they confront problems beyond the capabilities of mainstream science and other intellectual inquiry inherently can not explain at present【at that time】. In ancient times, owning to lack of the knowledge of astronomy, our ancestors often believed that gods determined the rain, which forced them to beg for it through astrology. The undeveloped medicine science led people to fall back on asking for god to cure their illness by virtue of fortune-telling, and psychic. Similarly, nowadays, people would prefer the fortune-telling or astrology to explain some phenomenon that they can not solve by the modern science, such as UFO (unidentified flying object), black hole etc. Therefore nonmainstream science as the traditional believes 【beliefs】 of human beings serves 【serve】 as some complement to the mainstream science.

【优点不说了 问题是 例子没有紧紧围绕ts: comfort people when they confront problems beyond the capabilities Comfort 没有体现 再多说几句 】

However, with the popularity of mainstream science, the degree of civilization tends to be more and more higher, nonstream science has played little role in gratifying people’s need. On one hand, people nowadays have more insight into all kinds of natural phenomenon. We have known how the rain drizzle form and already grasped the methods to create man-made rain. Obviously, few people would also believe those ridiculous trickeries of rain doctors. Similarly, no country would expect to win in the war only relying on a stack of tarot cards for guidance. On the other hand, through the boon of modern psychology, people have learned more skills to ease their fear, remorse, anxiety and other bad feeling that they once depended on fortune-telling and physic. Thus, the progress of modern science has indeed reduced the function of nonmainstream science. 【最后一句收的好!TS再加上一句,非主流的作用并不是很vital 】

Moreover, overstating the effect of nonmainstream science would inevitably do great harm to society. First, it may hinder the development of mainstream science. To illustrate this opinion, one can just look at the development of astronomy in the 16C when astrology and other nonmainstream science were popular and determinant in society. Copernicus did public his heliocentric theory of solar system after he died in order to shun the persecution【好像不是死后吧~~再make sure 一下 毕竟是比较大众的例子】; Galileo Galilei was confined 300 years because he challenged the traditional astrology; Bruno was burned for his stick to the so-called "heretical ideas". Second, such nonmainstream areas may prevent people from actively struggling against fate, or making effort for better future. In China, some illiterate people blindly believe what the fortune-tellers said, and then make some irrational actions; some of them even commit suicide for the purpose to go to the heaven. Therefore, nonmainstream if being overemphasized will bring out disaster to our society.  
【例子说得非主流 在当时社会下是主流的啊 不恰当!】

In sum, though the traditional inquiry of astrology, fortune-telling and psychic existing for thousands of years would reassure and comfort human being's certain requirement and curiosity, to some extent, 【这些限制词用的好!】 with the progress of society, those functions of nonmainstream areas will inevitable be replaced by the mainstream science.

kkyt 发表于 2005-4-6 08:38:34


鬼谷子 发表于 2005-4-9 15:50:21

(41). "Such nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling, and psychic and paranormal pursuits play a vital role in society by satisfying human needs that are not addressed by mainstream science."
1、 Admittedly, the inquiry of nonmainstream areas comforts 【单复数!】 people when they confront problems beyond the capabilities of mainstream science. 比如在古代天文学知识缺乏时,我们的祖先通常以为是神主宰着下雨,因此人们通过astrology 求雨。由于缺乏医学知识的人们通过企求上帝保佑,来驱除疾病。同样,在现代人们愿意求助于fortune-telling and astrology 去解释一些现代科学解释不了的事象UFO等。
2、 However,随着现代主流科学的发展,非主流科学的的作用在逐渐降低(1)自然科学的发展。人们对各种自然现象的认识越来越深刻,人们已经认识了雨的行成方法并且人工造雨(2))现代心理学的发展,使人们学会了放松的方法
3、Moreover 过度的强调非主流科学 【非主流科学?星象,算命是科学吗?】的作用反而会对社会产生危害。一方面,非主流科学的发展在一定程度上阻碍了主流科学的传播与发展。想一想十六世纪天文学是怎样在非主流的科学盛行的时代艰难的发展就明白了。哥白尼直到临死才发表他的日新说,Galileo 被判300年监禁。Bruno 被烧死。另一方面一些可能会是人消极或不理智.中国有些人自杀

In the era of high advanced science and technology, the topic about the function of nonmainstream 【说全了】has been discussed for a long time. 【这个句子是为了背景而背景,没有实际意义,硬加上的,跟后文衔接不好】Different people have different ideas due to their own background. 【这句无用,多余】In my opinion, I concede that some nonmainstream areas of inquiry as astrology, fortune-telling and psychic 【这里也要说全了,关键的问题上不能省略】satisfy human being’s’ 【's' ???】certain demand that is not offered by mainstream science, but, with the rapid progress of society, actually, the effect and function of nonmainstream science turn to be insignificant. 【作用是对于谁的作用,人们的,那么社会呢?】

Admittedly, these nonmainstream areas of inquiry comfort people when they confront problems beyond the capabilities of mainstream science and other intellectual inquiry inherently can not explain 【be explained】 at present. In ancient times, owning to lack of the knowledge of astronomy, our ancestors often believed that gods determined the rain, which forced them to beg 【pray?】for it through astrology. The undeveloped medicine science led people to fall back on asking for god to cure their illness by virtue of fortune-telling, and psychic. Similarly, nowadays, people would prefer the fortune-telling or astrology to explain some phenomenon that they can not solve by the modern science, such as UFO (unidentified flying object), black hole etc. Therefore nonmainstream science as the traditional believes of human beings serves as some complement to the mainstream science. 【你的例子都是人们做什么了,结果呢?是否真的得到了安慰呢?没有说出来,那么,怎么支持你的论点?】

However, with the popularity of mainstream science, the degree of civilization tends to be more and more higher, nonstream science 【是非主流研究领域而不是非主流科学,严重错误。另外,不能只是用主流有用这样的表达来反对非主流的用处,应该有对比】 has played little role in gratifying people’s need. On one hand, people nowadays have more insight into all kinds of natural phenomenon. We have known how the rain drizzle form 【forms】and already grasped the methods to create man-made rain. 【是什么让人们取得进步了呢?是主流科学。总是把现象提出来就不管了,进一步说清楚问题!】 Obviously, few people would also believe those ridiculous trickeries of rain doctors. 【雨博士?】Similarly, no country would expect to win in the war only relying on a stack of tarot cards for guidance. On the other hand, through the boon of modern psychology, people have learned more skills to ease their fear, remorse, anxiety and other bad feeling that they once depended on fortune-telling and physic. Thus, the progress of modern science has indeed reduced the function of nonmainstream science. 【描述了一堆,实际上只是一些做法和想法上面的变化和不同,至于你的论点,主流科学对于社会的影响,一点都没论述】

Moreover, overstating the effect of nonmainstream science would inevitably do great harm to society. 【每个论点,每个TS都是孤立的,其间没有过渡和衔接,不成整体】First, it may hinder the development of mainstream science. To illustrate this opinion, one can just look at the development of astronomy in the 16C 【懒】 when astrology and other nonmainstream science were popular and determinant in society. Copernicus did public his heliocentric theory of solar system after he died in order to shun the persecution; Galileo Galilei was confined 300 years because he challenged the traditional astrology; Bruno was burned for his stick to the so-called "heretical ideas". Second, such nonmainstream areas may prevent people from actively struggling against fate, or making effort for better future. In China, some illiterate people blindly believe what the fortune-tellers said, and then make some irrational actions; some of them even commit suicide for the purpose to go to the heaven. Therefore, nonmainstream if being overemphasized will bring out disaster to our society.

In sum, though the traditional inquiry of astrology, fortune-telling and psychic existing for thousands of years would reassure and comfort human being's certain requirement and curiosity, to some extent, with the progress of society, those functions of nonmainstream areas will inevitable be replaced by the mainstream science.


kkyt 发表于 2005-4-9 16:09:46


快乐王子 发表于 2005-4-9 16:49:57

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