imjason 发表于 2005-4-7 14:44:31

Issue47 社会对怀疑等认知能力的重视 还是不能限时,着急哦

Society does not place enough emphasis on the intellect—that is, on reasoning and other cognitive skills.
Due to the technology explosion, our society is driving forward at an unprecedented speed while the nature of our human beings changes a little, both of these lead to little attention on the intellect.

First of all, the rapid changes in the society keep people running but no time for thinking. In this increasingly compelling competition, every body should burst out their energy and wit day and night to get the job opportunities and higher salaries. From the first appliance of the assembly-line to the automobile manufacturers in Ford, even though great productivity emerges, the blue-collar workers have been put into part of the line and repeat the same task hours and hours, months and months. Sometimes, these workers almost understand nothing about the products they produce, needless to say the cultivation of the intellect. And when the robotized offices appears, the white-collars are also involve into the no-idea world, since what they have to do is just press the button on the copy machines or the printers. The growing improvement of the personal computer is trying its most to format our head. Television, magazines, newspapers, radios and the internet throw into our brains thousands of pieces of information and alternate minutes by minutes, no room for us to consider for a while. In short, people have to and only have to run. If anyone stop to think, reason and analyze, he/she would be submerged by the explosion of the information.

On the other hand, it is the human nature, to manipulate and to be manipulated, which leads to little emphasis on the intellect. There is a growing dislike of the original, creative people in our society, especially in politics. In other words, if one questions what the superior tells, one may not find the pigeon holes for one's own. We can look no further than the Goerge Owell's horror novel, 1984, in which the people are formulized and wear the same clothes physically and psychologically, all numbered and registered. No one can deny the fact that only those who submit the leaders and do what they are told can get on in this society. This also happens in companies, where the warm and colorful men would stay at the same place for years and even be fired out. Seldom the inferiors with high intellect on reasoning, judgment, analyzed, synthesis can be promoted. Thus, as the laziness exists in most people, the ability on question and other cognitive skills has been paid little attention.

Meanwhile, our education system also contributes to the insufficient emphasis on cognitive skills. Nowadays, our education system is driving on the lane that the students should be sit down to listen to the teachers, doing what the teachers have shown. It is true that children grow up by imitating others around, but the schools fail to teach them the cognitive skills and a students with lots of questions would be considered to be abnormal. That is the consequence of Thomas Edison drummed out of school. But we are fortunate as well as Edison, attributing to Edison's mother who leads him to understand the fantastic world. Not all the children have this fortune. In schools, the grades greatly depend on the resemblance between the students' answer and the standards. The goal of our education, to foster original and creative future leaders, has been distorted.

In sum, human beings are gradually losing the basic cognitive skills due to the rapid social changes. Even though the technology in this era can help us in many fields, we still have a long way to reach the actually modern and civilized society, in which more cognitive skills are needed to improve and develop.

youif 发表于 2005-4-7 18:44:17

建议 on the one hand , on the other hand
不要 in the first place, on  the other hand

限时吧,  试 试 40min

good luck

imjason 发表于 2005-4-7 23:36:26

谢谢 youif

naiba369 发表于 2005-4-8 01:34:04

imjason 好样的



imjason 发表于 2005-4-8 08:45:30

谢谢 naiba369 的鼓励哈

smartyr 发表于 2005-4-8 09:30:16


猫猫624 发表于 2005-4-8 10:53:26

Due to the technology explosion, our society is driving forward at an unprecedented speed while the nature of our human beings changes a little, both of these lead to little attention on the intellect.

First of all, the rapid changes in the society keep people running but no time for thinking.这个表达有点怪,我明白你得意思。但是我从来没有见过这样的表达 In this increasingly compelling competition, every body should burst out their energy and wit day and night to get the job opportunities and higher salaries. From the first appliance of the assembly-line to the automobile manufacturers in Ford, even though great productivity emerges, the blue-collar workers have been put into part of the line and repeat the same task hours and hours, months and months. Sometimes, these workers almost understand nothing about the products they produce, needless to say the cultivation of the intellect. And when the robotized offices appears, the white-collars are also involve into the no-idea world, since what they have to do is just press the button on the copy machines or the printers. The growing improvement of the personal computer is trying its most to format our head. Television, magazines, newspapers, radios and the internet throw into our brains thousands of pieces of information and alternate minutes by minutes, no room for us to consider for a while. In short, people have to and only have to run. If anyone stop to think, reason and analyze, he/she would be submerged by the explosion of the information.这段感觉有点散,ts说的是rapid change in society, 而你论证的是assembly-line ,Robert 等模式化的东西。 感觉是两回事。可以重新组织一下, 说模式化的生产带来了高效率,限制的人们的创造性。另外信息爆炸不一定会限制人们的cognitive skills, 信息多样提供了更多思路,有利于人们cognitive thinking。可以说信息爆炸占用了人们很多筛选信息的时间,使得人们没有很多时间去思考

On the other hand, it is the human nature, to manipulate and to be manipulated, which leads to little emphasis on the intellect. There is a growing dislike of the original, creative people in our society, especially in politics. In other words, if one questions what the superior tells, one may not find the pigeon holes for one's own. We can look no further than the Goerge Owell's horror novel, 1984, in which the people are formulized and wear the same clothes physically and psychologically, all numbered and registered. No one can deny the fact that only those who submit the leaders and do what they are told can get on in this society. This also happens in companies, where the warm and colorful men would stay at the same place for years and even be fired out. Seldom the inferiors with high intellect on reasoning, judgment, analyzed, synthesis can be promoted. Thus, as the laziness exists in most people, the ability on question and other cognitive skills has been paid little attention. 这一段感觉论证有点怪,至少从我的角度。人生来是很有创造性地,并不是by nature to manipulate and to be manipulated.

Meanwhile, our education system also contributes to the insufficient emphasis on cognitive skills. Nowadays, our education system is driving on the lane that the students should be sit down to listen to the teachers, doing what the teachers have shown. It is true that children grow up by imitating others around, but the schools fail to teach them the cognitive skills and a students with lots of questions would be considered to be abnormal. That is the consequence of Thomas Edison drummed out of school. But we are fortunate as well as Edison, attributing to Edison's mother who leads him to understand the fantastic world. Not all the children have this fortune. In schools, the grades greatly depend on the resemblance between the students' answer and the standards. The goal of our education, to foster original and creative future leaders, has been distorted.

In sum, human beings are gradually losing the basic cognitive skills due to the rapid social changes. Even though the technology in this era can help us in many fields, we still have a long way to reach the actually modern and civilized society, in which more cognitive skills are needed to improve and develop.
我对这篇文章的破题 和作者不太一样。Intellect 智力,理解力,智商。与它相对的还有creativity 和 emotion
我的提纲是1 society has paid attention on reasoning and cognitive skills, 例如学校里教授的课程都是在培养逻辑思维。社会也是建立在reasoning and cognitive skills 的基础上,例如法律。 我们在这里练gre写作不也正是在培养逻辑思维吗;
2 但是由于社会的发展,模式化的工业生产,Robert, computer 等人们总是被要求按照一定的模式去工作,限制了人们的创造性
3  除了intellect 外,社会还应该注意 unintellect 方面, 例如情感教育等。

neverfly 发表于 2005-4-8 14:27:19

.... 困惑ing..等我想好了再拍

猫猫624 发表于 2005-4-8 15:26:44

最初由 neverfly 发布
.... 困惑i..


emotion 可以写健全的人格,面对困难的勇气.反例有青少年心理问题

机械化可以说mass standard production , 人成为机器的奴隶,缺乏创造性个性的

smartyr 发表于 2005-4-8 23:54:59

No.1 Issue47 社会对怀疑等认知能力的重视 还是不能限时,着急哦
Society does not place enough emphasis on the intellect—that is, on reasoning and other cognitive skills.
Due to the technology explosion, our society is driving forward at an unprecedented speed while the nature of our human beings changes a littletechnology explosion与人类的有关嘛?, both of these lead to little attention on the intellect. 开头很简单,但是感觉有点模糊

First of all, the rapid changes in the society keep people running but no time for thinking. In this increasingly compelling competition我不确认有没有这样用的, every body should burst out their energy and wit day and night to get the job opportunities and higher salaries. From the first appliance of the assembly-line to the automobile manufacturers in Ford, even though great productivity emerges, the blue-collar workers have been put into part of the line and repeat the same task hours and hours, months and months. Sometimes, these workers almost understand nothing about the products they produce, needless to say the cultivation of the intellect. 没有时间,不能说明没有重视And when the robotized offices appears, the white-collars are also involve into the no-idea world, since what they have to do is just press the button on the copy machines or the printers. The growing improvement of the personal computer is trying its most to format our head. Television, magazines, newspapers, radios and the internet throw into our brains thousands of pieces of information and alternate minutes by minutes, no room for us to consider for a while. In short, people have to and only have to run. If anyone stop to think, reason and analyze, he/she would be submerged by the explosion of the information.觉得只是说了为生么没有

On the other hand, it is the human nature, to manipulate and to be manipulated, which leads to little emphasis on the intellect. There is a growing dislike of the original, creative people in our society, especially in manipulate and to be manipulated,而且为什么说政治?说得武断了?? In other words, if one questions what the superior tells, one may not find the pigeon holes for one's own. We can look no further than the Goerge Owell's horror novel, 1984, in which the people are formulized and wear the same clothes physically and psychologically, all numbered and registered. No one can deny the fact that only those who submit the leaders and do what they are told can get on in this society. 我觉得这点不是太站得住脚的,为什么在政治领域按领导的就能得到提升?外国不一定这样吧》This also happens in companieswhen it comes to business area行不行?, where the warm and colorful men would stay at the same place for years and even be fired out. Seldom the inferiors with high intellect on reasoning, judgment, analyzed, synthesis can be promoted. Thus, as the laziness exists in most people, the ability on question and other cognitive skills has been paid little attention.觉得本段有些不妥

Meanwhile, our education system also contributes to the insufficient emphasis on cognitive skills. Nowadays, our education system is driving on the lane that the students should be sit down to listen to the teachers, doing what the teachers have shown.你说的是中国的情况吧?人家西方才不会restate,倾向于question的方式 It is true that children grow up by imitating others around, but the schools fail to teach them the cognitive skills and a students with lots of questions would be considered to be abnormal. That is the consequence of Thomas Edison drummed out of school. But we are fortunate as well as Edison, attributing to Edison's mother who leads him to understand the fantastic world. Not all the children have this fortune. In schools, the grades greatly depend on the resemblance between the students' answer and the standards. 还是没有说出为什么没有重视reasoning,thinking,cognitive skillThe goal of our education, to foster original and creative future leaders, has been distorted.

In sum, human beings are gradually losing the basic cognitive skills due to the rapid social changes. Even though the technology in this era can help us in many fields, we still have a long way to reach the actually modern and civilized society, in which more cognitive skills are needed to improve and develop
楼主的语言不错,但是本文的逻辑我看来是不能理解的;【personal opinion】

imjason 发表于 2005-4-9 00:32:43



naiba369 发表于 2005-4-9 00:42:53





bluebirdcstony 发表于 2005-4-9 01:53:59

Due to the technology explosion, our society is driving forward at an unprecedented speed while the nature of our human beings changes a little, both of these lead to little attention on the intellect.

First of all, the rapid changes in the 去掉吧 society keep people running but no time for thinking. In this increasingly compelling competition, every body[是不是应该连起来?] should burst out their energy and wit day and night to get the[去掉,THE不是特指吗?感觉你挺喜欢用THE的] job opportunities and higher salaries. From the first appliance of the assembly-line to the automobile manufacturers in Ford, even though great productivity emerges, the blue-collar workers have been put into part of the line and repeat the same task hours and [我记得好像是AFTER,不知道怎么对了]hours, months and months. Sometimes, these workers almost understand nothing about the products they produce, needless to say the cultivation of the intellect. And when the robotized offices appears, the white-collars are also involve into the no-idea world, since what they have to do is just press the button on the copy machines or the printers. The growing improvement of the personal computer is trying its most to format our head. Television, magazines, newspapers, radios and the internet throw into our brains thousands of pieces of information and alternate minutes by minutes, no room for us to consider for a while. In short, people have to and only have to run. If anyone stop to think, reason and analyze, he/she would be submerged by the explosion of the information.

On the other hand, it is the human nature, to manipulate and to be manipulated[总感觉这个词有贬义], which leads to little emphasis on the intellect我觉得如果控制别人的话就得有intellect啊. There is a growing dislike of the original, creative people in our society, especially in politics[能不能说清楚点为什么是政治,展开一点,不太明白]. In other words, if one questions [改成the superior行吗?], one may not find the pigeon holes for one's own. We can look no further than the Goerge Owell's horror novel, 1984, in which the people are 感觉怪怪的,前边好像都是说工式化和穿一样的衣服,后边是身体上和心理上,感觉跟穿衣不太对, all numbered and registered. No one can deny the fact that only those who submit the leaders and do what they are told can get on in this society. This also happens in companies, where the warm and colorful men would stay at the same place for years and even be fired out. Seldom the inferiors with high intellect on reasoning, judgment, analyzed , synthesis can be promoted. Thus, as the laziness exists这个前边例子里没提到啊,是懒吗? in most people, the ability on question 感觉这个词不对 and other cognitive skills has been paid little attention.

Meanwhile, our education system also contributes to the insufficient emphasis on cognitive skills. Nowadays, our education system is driving on the lane that the students should 被动吗? down to listen to the teachers, 还是感觉不太对把DONE行吗?. It is true that children grow up by imitating others around, but the schools fail to teach them the cognitive skills and a students[单复数错了] with lots of questions would be considered to be abnormal. That is the consequence上边的是原因吧?不是结果啊 of Thomas Edison drummed out of school. 怪怪的 Not all the children have this fortune. In schools, the grades greatly depend on the resemblance between the students' answer and the standards. The goal of our education, to foster original and creative future leaders, has been distorted.我觉得教育的作用不是为了培养领导者的,

In sum, human beings are gradually losing the basic cognitive skills due to the rapid social changes. Even though the technology in this era can help us in many fields, we still have a long way to reach the actually modern and civilized society, in which more cognitive skills are needed to improve and develop.
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