boyjim 发表于 2005-7-16 11:06:31


coffeetea 发表于 2005-7-16 11:11:48


The author asserts that in the contrast to few famous individuals, the groups of people are often be neglected although they did great comtribution to the progress of the society. As far as I am concerned, it is rational to put the emphasis on individuals in the study of history while we should bear it in mind that the only through the joint efforts of large groups of people can the few be famous and documented in the history.
History never follows in a straightforward line. There are ceaseless conflicts between the old and new social idology and structure and the changes in them are the direct force in the progress of the society. At the crucial and turning points of history, the few individuals emerge. The historical events need the leadship. Without the core in the revolution, the large group will be in mess: the direction is unclear, the effort by every part of the group can’t be organize well and the consequence will be the a dispersed group which lacks in solidarity and will eventually lead to failure. The few individuals are always better informed, provident and sophsticated than the common ones. In their command, the various relationship are better harmonized and the group will be more united to fight for their common goals. And the few have strategic view which increase the probability of victory and superior ability to arose the morale of the large group of people.
Just as we can not fully document all the datails in our daily lives, the history can not record everyone who made the history. The group of people, which is large in quantity, construct the basis of the few individuals display their talent. If their idendities are all written in the history book, it is impossible to read through and have a certain idea of a history period. To understand the history, we should give up unimportant details and concentrate on key events . Consequently, the few individuals who are so essential to happening of events are supposed to be mentioned and studied.
Admittedly, the group of people is the true force in the advance of history. Although we put emphasis on the few individuals, the group of people should never be neglected. On the contrary, their endervors made the history possible. Without their joint efforts, the few individuals can not perform their outstanding capability not to mention the realization of their dreams. There is a notion that the mass people are the creators of the history and it perfectly demonstrated the the large mass is the pillar of the historic events and trends.
Then we can arrived at the conclusion that the few individuals worth the emphasis but the group prople should not be forgotten. The seemingly unequal status in history is in fact a misunderstanding. In order to understand history, we should never forget the essential force of the mass people as the creators of history as well as the few individuals who are in the leadship of the social change.

songwei1765 发表于 2005-7-16 11:19:03

Originally posted by lingli_xiaoai at 2005-7-16 01:32




staralways 发表于 2005-7-16 11:57:29


edgarlu 发表于 2005-7-16 12:16:32


[ Last edited by edgarlu on 2005-7-16 at 15:35 ]

Alexandra 发表于 2005-7-16 13:21:02


dd_dog 发表于 2005-7-16 13:25:49


mmmonnn 发表于 2005-7-16 13:40:17


[ Last edited by mmmonnn on 2005-7-16 at 23:36 ]

zhiheng 发表于 2005-7-16 13:43:51

1、        在政治领域,个人起着很大的作用,例如:一些政治领导决定着国家的命运
2、        在科学领域,很多个人都作出过突出贡献,如:爱因斯坦
3、        让步:好多成果是多人合作的结果

[ Last edited by zhiheng on 2005-7-17 at 12:42 ]

armstrong 发表于 2005-7-16 16:44:57

交作业了!!:) 大家来砸!

beckhangong 发表于 2005-7-16 17:11:41

写过 一会再写一篇

yufengfeng9 发表于 2005-7-16 17:32:59

这么巧我刚刚写完! 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧

[ Last edited by yufengfeng9 on 2005-7-16 at 17:54 ]

yufengfeng9 发表于 2005-7-16 17:50:27

Originally posted by armstrong at 2005-7-16 16:44
老兄  你好像写错题目啦!

matlab 发表于 2005-7-16 22:06:17

野战一个  呵

[ Last edited by matlab on 2005-7-16 at 22:13 ]

Alcoray 发表于 2005-7-16 22:06:20


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查看完整版本: 0510G同主题写作第五期——Issue48