iq28 发表于 2007-5-26 07:13:21








现在的平衡观念文章已经逐渐变了味道,绝大部分人的平衡思路文章布局,就是前半部分赞同(反对),然后中间忽然来一句'However, blablabla'接着后半部分反对(赞同).这样的布局,根本无法体现出平衡思路的优势,更像是半篇赞同思路和半篇反对思路的文章的生硬拼凑,即无法展示出思维方向的多样性,而且每个方向的挖掘深度还极其浅薄,试问这样的文章凭什么来拿高分?





"Both the development of technological tools and the uses to which humanity has put them have created modern civilizations in which loneliness is ever increasing."

Does the technological equipment cause the loneliness we feel in the current society? I admit the feeling of loneliness increases in the modern society, while technology is not the major fact of that, instead of this, technology of communication actually help us connecting each other. (首先说两种感觉孤独这种情况是在现代社会存在的,似乎在同意题目的观念,下面话锋一转,却说科技并不是主要原因,而且还帮助人们相互联系.明晰地提出自己观念的同时顺带指出了题目的intricacy)

With the development of technologies such as telephone, Internet and mobile phone give us the ability to communicate with each other without face-to-face communication. (第一个现代科技方便人们交流的原因:不用face-to-face) We only need to sit in front of a desk and send an Electronic mail to others, or use a mobile phone to call another. It is the truth that the times we meet with other people become less than before, (小让一步) when our predecessors needed to take a trip to see their families or send a mail and wait for several days.

Admittedly, the lack of direct connection (针对上一段的ts中without face-to-face communication的条件提出这种情况下的缺点.) with each other makes us easily to feel lonely for we only listen to the voices and words instead of the real figures everyday. Although we can turn to Internet to appease our emotion (再让一步,可以看到图象) we will feel even more lonely or helpless when we find there are only illusions made with digital bytes because we cannot be together with the person in another side of the wires.

上面两段长度都不长,甚至可以说有点单薄.没有举出什么华丽的例子.语言也不是特别出彩.但是两个层次之间关系非常明晰,下一段针对上一段without face-to-face communication.的不足.论证的每一句话都strike the target.紧紧围绕着本段ts.

This condition, however, is not really caused by these new technologies. (话锋再次一转,针对上一段的lonely,虽然是和科技发展共存的,但并非科技发展导致了人们更加孤单) We actually have modern transports like airplanes and high speed railways, which make our trip much more convenient than before. (科技也有使人们方便见面的一方面) Even if we can not feel better with the tools like Internet and mobile phone, we can visit others easily when we have enough time. (引出时间,下面开始本段重点论证) However, we do not (have) enough time actually. (很短的一句话,朴实到家了,但是效果非常,好承上启下) The strong pressure of competence and fast life pace make us like machines only designed for working. We have to compete with others since the primary school, we need to get good grades and win a chance to enter a better college. After we graduate, we will face both the pressure from the society and the goals of ourselves. Thus, we just feel busy and lonely every day, (这一句话可以放在下面一句后面,下面一句是lonely的终极原因~否则直接来busy and lonely让人觉得武断了:为什么会lonely?busy了就lonely了?) although we may have chances to know our classmates and colleagues, we often take them as competitors rather than friends. (这句加精) This is the real reason for our loneliness. It is the feeling of pressure and the ambition for success make us feel lonelier than before. (得出总结ts,压力和野心会导致孤独,同时也导致没时间看朋友亲人,更孤独.一气呵成)


On the other hand, the wide spread of communication tools like mobile phones and Internet actually give us a precious opportunity so that we can keep connection with our families and friends in the limited leisure time. (这一段ts科技使人们方便交流是虽然是重点强调了节省时间方面,但下面的论证其实多少会和第一个body重合(那儿好像强调的是空间~),显得不是很好.也许点明了这段是时间那段是空间,论述的时候再注意拉开一点会更好.但文章的宏观结构还是很清楚的,本段ts是针对上一段time已经很少的情况之下,科技还是帮了我们很多忙的~) Without them, we may not have enough time to drive a car to our friend’s home hundreds of miles away or write a mail and take it to the post office. If so, we may lose the feeling of affection and we may no longer know what is loneliness, since we only live with ourselves and never know each other.

In sum, the development of communication technology actually helps us connecting with each other instead of making us feel lonely on the surface. It is the pressure and competence make us feel lonely, and the introduction of these new tools have made their efforts to overcome this effect, although they are limited.



最后总体对于科技是有保留的正态度,不过这个论证的过程是+ - + + ,而且一环套一环,明显比很多人(包括以前的我)只会先正再让步最后再来个这两个是incompatible的要强很多了.





Issue test1
"Both the development of technological tools and the uses to which humanity has put them have created modern civilizations in which loneliness is ever increasing."

I disagree with the argument that "Both the development of technological tools and the uses to which humanity has put them have created modern civilizations in which loneliness is ever increasing."" Arguments can be made for this thesis, but they depend largely upon what I believe to be a poor definition of "loneliness".

简单明了地提出论点(有谁见过这么懒的开头… -,-!) 华丽指数: -10 优点: 快!

If one defines loneliness as the absence of as much physical, face-to-face contact with other people, then this argument is probably true.  The invention of modern telecommunications devices such as telephones, fax machines, and computers has definitely cut down on the amount of physical contact with other people.  This is especially true in recent times due to the extremely rapid expansion of the Internet.  E-mail and tele-conferencing are direct substitutes for physical contact, especially in the business world.

准确地把握住论证地basis – the definition of loneness,假设定义是A,原结论成立

However(引出全文论证地基础 -- 定义B,), I believe that loneliness can be better measured by intellectual contact with other individuals.  Unarguably, modern technology makes this faster and easier, with better communication with a larger number of people.  Some employers have argued that productivity is lessened since they have had computers linked to the Internet, as the employees spend much of their time "chatting" with friends, acquaintances, or business contacts across the country.  This is probably not a good thing for the employers, but it demonstrates the increased degree of communication due to modern technology.


Of course, some technologies have increased loneliness by any standards, such as the automobile or other transportation mechanisms. These encourage substantially longer commutes between home and work.  Automobiles have made possible the pattern of suburbanization that has been in place in the United States since immediately after World War Two.  Time spent commuting is generally unproductive and spent alone, unless the individual in question is car-pooling or using mass transit.  The contribution of the commuting culture to loneliness may actually be changing now due to new technology that is being invented and used by the general public.  Popular new devices, such as the cellular phone, the laptop computer, and the combination thereof may actually convert commuting time to a period of increased communications between people, to "pass the time".  This will be especially true as use of mass transit grows, which will probably happen, due to problems with gas shortages, air pollution, and the creation of further mass transit by federal and local governments.


The motivation for the declaration that loneliness is increasing may be due to the fact that many people, especially blue-collar workers, are unable to afford or use these new devices.  However, since the advent of the personal computer, the price per computing power has continually lowered rapidly, and this trend shows no sign of changing.  Several companies, such as Sun Microsystems and Oracle have announced that they are attempting to develop terminals with little computing power, but a full capability to access the Internet.  These devices will be in approximately the $500 price range, which is much more reasonable than the price of the current top of the line PC.  In addition, to cater to a larger mass of the public, software companies have been carefully making their products easier to use by non-"computer nerds".  This trend is not likely to cease.


In conclusion, although early development of modern transportation may have increased loneliness, I believe that more recent technologies are actually doing the opposite, stimulating interpersonal contact and encouraging intellectual expansion.  The perception that the opposite is true derives from what I believe is poor definition of loneliness and the difficulty that the working class has in acquiring and using modern telecommunications devices.


其论证流程如下 definition A-->conclusion A(被驳的论点)-->however, the truly definition is B-->自然而然的推出:科技促进交流-->尽管早期科技导致孤独-->但是当今科技可以改变现状-->分析conclusion A出现的原因-->指出现代科技可以解决导致conclusion A的问题,并得到conclusion B:现代科技不会导致孤独





[ 本帖最后由 iq28 于 2007-5-26 10:06 编辑 ]

iq28 发表于 2007-5-26 07:14:09


ILOVEISSUE 发表于 2007-5-26 07:31:06

:) 板凳 yeah

Demo 发表于 2007-5-26 07:35:11

趴地板上学习 ^_^

... ls大人是起得太早还是睡得太晚?

ILOVEISSUE 发表于 2007-5-26 07:36:34


iq28 发表于 2007-5-26 07:37:57

ls的俩又开始发挥无敌的水性了:mad :mad

expire7 发表于 2007-5-26 10:01:50


zhixintx 发表于 2007-5-26 10:26:29

good job!

iq28 发表于 2007-5-26 10:37:00




pippo1983 发表于 2007-5-26 17:11:53

大概都怕站错队吧;d: ;d: ;d: ;d:

pippo1983 发表于 2007-5-26 17:14:30


laura001 发表于 2007-5-26 19:50:05


华19860321 发表于 2007-5-26 21:45:39


gaoyurui820722 发表于 2007-5-27 12:35:30


H-Kevin 发表于 2007-5-27 12:50:39

受益匪浅, 谢谢LZ:) ``````
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查看完整版本: 对于Issue的一些想法(暨平衡思路的结构组织分析)