0202010109 发表于 2007-7-9 01:43:48


借了3张信用卡才查到的:670+800+5.0 前两张总说invalid,(因此,我没少发帖子问大家啊,不好意思啊),最后借了在武汉实习的同学的工行卡才查到的,好事多磨啊!本人工科硕士在读一年级,考到这个分数,还比较满意。下面是一些我想与大家分享的感受-------希望笑纳! 笔试强烈推荐以下资料:1.一本红包+寄托类反大全足够了,考完后我上网对了一下答案,类反基本全对,好多题目都是寄托类反大全上的原题目,前期主要红宝,后期主寄托类反大全,要非常熟悉,要形成条件反射!2.陈圣元的句子填空;3.宋昊的类反;4.杨继的阅读剖析和全真题解读;5.陈向东的数学高分快速突破;6.还有3大白皮书 陈圣元的填空,还有吴昊的类反,都是和3大白皮书真题一一对应的,我一般是模拟考完之后,再仔细研究这基本书,受益匪浅啊 写作 北美范文很好用的,以下是我的最终Argument模板,绝对有北美的遗风啊!————我考试就按这个来的,还一个好处就是可以很好的利用粘贴命令! In this argument, the author concludes that----. To justify this conclusion, the author cites-----. The argument is well presented, but is not well reasoned in the following several respects. In the first (second, third….) place, the author unfairly assumes that-----. However, the author does not provide any clear evidence to prove that this is the case. It is very likely that-----. If so, perhaps-----. Thus, without providing more clear evidence, the author cannot safely------. In sum, the argument is not sound as it stands. To bolster it, the author has to provide more clear evidence to prove that-----. To make it more convincing, the author also has to provide more clear evidence to prove that-------.   然后就是找个人,最好一对一的,这样可以保证对方对你负责,然后制定练习计划,我们当时是按照机井的从高频往低频练的,每个大概写了40篇的样子,结果考的都是高频,考场上感觉就是在默写啊,issue写完还剩下13分钟,呵呵! Argument 是当时最高频的一个,具体的看下面这个帖子吧https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=625833&highlight=%2B0202010109 总之,作文要多练,多改,多看提纲,最好自己能总结一下自己的模板——————看了我一下几篇拙作就知道了,呵呵! 小插曲我在备考作文期间一共有3个peers,在合作了几次后,莫名其妙地被前两个人(都是MM啊)拒了,最后和一个北大的MM合作的比较愉快,直到最后考试,现在还保持着联系呢。在此我也谢谢她对我的帮助!我的感受是,要找到比较适合的peer。被别人拒绝了,当时感觉有点小沮丧,但后来一想,合不来就不合作嘛,谁又不欠谁的!然后继续找合适的。希望大家以后遇到类似的情况要想开点! 考场感受头天晚上没怎么睡好,在清华四教考的。做类反还好,比较顺手,小阅读和填空也凑合,长阅读蒙了一半。该放的就放啊! 数学第一个还行,第二个就有点难了,居然蒙了2个,得满分真的很幸运啊! 还有涂卡的时候一定要小心。 7.14来要考托福了!考完托福,就要做实验了,争取早点发篇文章啊! 最后,我从寄托上没少下载东西,也没少向大家请教,我在这一并谢谢你们了! 以下是我前期的一些习作(peer修改之前的),这些和附件里的一些资料是我从邮箱里下载的!
Argument 17The following appeared in a letter to the editor of the Walnut Grove town newspaper.

"Walnut Grove's town council has advocated switching from EZ Disposal (which has had the contract for trash collection services in Walnut Grove for the past ten years) to ABC Waste, because EZ recently raised its monthly fee from $2,000 to $2,500 a month, whereas ABC's fee is still $2,000. But the town council is mistaken; we should continue using EZ. EZ collects trash twice a week, while ABC collects only once. Moreover, EZ—which, like ABC, currently has a fleet of 20 trucks—has ordered additional trucks. Finally, EZ provides exceptional service: 80 percent of respondents to last year's town survey agreed that they were 'satisfied' with EZ's performance."

In this argument, the author concludes that the Walnut Grove's town council is mistaken by advocating switching from EZ Disposal to ABC Waste and they should continue using EZ. To justify this conclusion, the author points out that EZ collects trash twice a week, while ABC collects only once and that EZ—which, like ABC, currently has a fleet of 20 trucks—has ordered additional trucks. In addition, the author cites a last year's town survey which indicates 80 percent of respondents were 'satisfied' with EZ's performance. However, a close scrutiny of the argument will reveal how groundless it is.
For one thing, the author unfairly assumes the fact that EZ collects trash twice a week, while ABC collects only once means EZ can do a better service than ABC. However, it is entirely possible that the amount of trash EZ collects in a week from the Walnut Grove town is much less than ABC, even if EZ collects trash more frequently than ABC. If so, EZ does do a worse service than ABC. So lacking clear evidence to prove that the amount of trash EZ collects in a week is much more than ABC, the author can not safely draw the conclusion that EZ indeed do a better service than ABC, just because EZ collects trash more frequently than ABC.

For another, the author unfairly assumes that EZ will use the additional trucks ordered to serve the Walnut Grove town. However, it is very likely that EZ will use the additional trucks ordered to serve other places rather than Walnut Grove town. If so, the number of trucks EZ uses to serve the Walnut Grove town remains the same. Thus, without more information to prove EZ will use the additional trucks ordered to serve the Walnut Grove town, the author can not safely concludes this is the case.

Last but not least, the author unreasonably assumes that the last year survey is statistically reliably. It is quite possible that the survey surveyed only a small number of people of the Walnut Grove town. If this is true, these people are not representative of the whole town people. Therefore, lacking more evidence to support the last year survey is statistically reliably, the author can not safely draw any firm conclusion based on the survey.

In sum, the argument is not sound as it stands. To bolster it, the author has to provide more evidence to prove the amount of trash EZ collects is much more than ABC in a week and prove EZ will use the additional trucks ordered to serve the Walnut Grove town. In addition, the author should supply us with more information to prove the last year survey cited is statistically reliably.

117 The following is a memo from the business manager of Valu-Mart stores.

"Over 70 percent of the respondents to a recent survey reported that they are required to take more work home with them from the workplace than they were in the past. Since Valu-Mart has not seen impressive sales in its office-supply departments in the past, we should take advantage of this work-at-home trend by increasing at all Valu-Mart stores the stock of home office machines such as printers, small copy machines, paper shredders, and fax machines. We will also increase stock of office supplies such as paper, pens, and staplers. With these changes, our office-supply departments will become the most profitable component of our stores."

In this memo, the business manager of Valu-Mart stores recommends that they should take advantage of the work-at-home trend by increasing at all their Valu-Mart stores the stock of home office machines and supplies to make their office-supply departments become the most profitable component of their stores. To justify this recommendation, the manager cites a recent survey in which 70% of its respondents indicate they are required to take more work home with them than they were in the past. In addition, the manager points out that Valu-Mart has not seen impressive sales in its office-supply departments in the past. However, a close scrutiny of this recommendation will reveal how groundless it is.

In the first place, the manager unfairly assumes that the recent survey is statistically reliable. However, the manager provides no evidence to prove this is the case. In fact, it is very likely that only a small number of people were surveyed. If so, they are not representative of the whole people in this region. Thus, without more evidence to prove the recent survey is statistically reliable, the manager can not safely draw any firm conclusion based on it.

In the second place, even if the manager can prove the survey is statistically reliable, the manager unfairly assumes that those who working at home will need what their stores will stock. However, the manager provides no evidence to prove this is the case. In fact, it is very likely that they do all their work in the electronic form on computers. If so, they will not necessarily need what their stores will stock. Thus, without more evidence to prove those working at home will need what their stores will stock, the manager can not safely draw any firm conclusion.

In the third place, even if the above two assumptions can be proven true, the manager can not assure that their office-supply departments will become the most profitable component of our stores after their stores stock the home office machines and supplies listed in the memo. In fact, it is very likely that the cost of doing so is more than its revenue. If so, they will lose money. Thus, without more evidence to prove the cost of doing what the manager recommends is less than its revenue, the manager can not safely draw the conclusion that after their stores stock the home office machines and supplies, their office-supply departments will profit, let alone become the most profitable component of their stores.

In sum, the recommendation is not sound as it stands. To strengthen it, the manager should provide more evidence to prove that the recent survey is statistically reliable and those working at home will need what their stores will stock .To make the recommendation more convincing, the manager has to provide more information to prove   the cost of doing what the manager recommends is less than its revenue.
Issue 144. "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value." Nowadays, there is a growing public concern over the issue that who gives society something of lasting value in the field of art, the artist or the critic. And as to this issue, the speaker asserts that it is the artist, but not the critic, who gives society something of lasting value. Generally speaking, I agree with this opinion with some reservation. In my view, it is the artist’ creative work that makes the art become realistic, which is the precondition for the art to have any value. But we should never ignore the critic’s function, which helps the art produced by the artist to own some lasting value. First of all, the artist’ creative work makes the art become realistic, without which the critic has no objective to assess. That is, without artist, there will be no art existing in the world. For example, if Da Vinci has not created the world-famous portrait “Mona Lisa”, it will not exist today, no matter how excellent the critic is. That is because the premise for the critic to evaluate the art is the existence of the art itself. This principle is true to all forms of art. In a word, it is the artist’ creative work makes the art become realistic, which is the fundamental basis for the art to have lasting value. Nevertheless, we should also attach much importance to the critic’s work, which can help the artist in one way or another. In the first place, since the critic has more knowledge about a artist’ works than an average person, he or she has a better understanding about special art works, which can help us learn more about the ideas the artist wants to express and then enjoy the art works better. Take Da Vinci’s world-famous portrait Mona Lisa for example again. When I first came into contact with it, I just saw a beautiful woman with a smile on her face, without being aware of the meaning conveyed by the portrait.However, after listening to some critics’ explanation about the portrait, I begin to realize that Da Vinci intends to tell us that, after the Renaissance, the middle class citizens in Europe led a better life than before and were content with their present life. In the second place, sometimes, the critic can give some good advice to the artist, which more often than not can help the artist to produce even more wonderful art works. For instance, it is said that, the famous English playwright and poet Shakespeare, often received many pieces of good advice for his works from his contemporary critic, which ultimately helped him to produce the well-known works, such as Hamlet. In general, we should make better use of the critic’s function, instead of ignoring it, in that it can promote us to appreciate the art thoroughly or assist the artist to create much greater art works. In the final analysis, from what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that:on the one hand, we should realize that it is the artist’ creative work that makes the art become realistic, one the other hand, we should pay more attention to the critic’s opinions, which in a sense can help us to understand the art better and help the artist to create more excellent art works.Therefor, we should rely on both the artist and critic to enrich our artistic treasures and provide the society with something of lasting value.
48"The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten."
Nowadays, there is a growing public concern over the following issue: whether the study of history places too much emphasis on individuals, in that the most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten. And as to this issue, considering the fact that the most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten, the speaker asserts that the study of history indeed places too much emphasis on individuals. In my opinion, however, the speaker oversimplifies this issue. As far as I am concerned, in such fields as social movement, it is the famous few and the groups of people who made the most significant events and trends in history together, thus we should places the same emphasis on both parts in the study of history; and in such fields as science, the most significant events and trends in history were made possible by the famous few, but not by groups of people, thus the study of history should place too much emphasis on the individuals.

On the one hand, in such fields as social movement, it is the famous few and the groups of people who made the most significant events and trends in history together, thus we should places the same emphasis on both parts in the study of history. That is because, it is the famous few who made the decision to do something and it is the groups of people who carried out the decision. Without the decision, the groups of people will have no direction to make efforts; and without the groups of people’s efforts, the goals set by the famous few will not be realized. Take Gandhi, a famous Indian nationalist and spiritual leader, for example. At that time, he was the very person who advocated the practice of nonviolent disobedience to fight for the independence of India from Britain. And a great deal of people responded to his idea actively and carried out the practice of the nonviolent disobedience against Britain, which eventually forced  Britain to grant independence to India. Thus, to have a better understanding of this period of history, we should learn how Gandhi thought out this idea and how the people carried out the practice of nonviolent disobedience. Only in this way, can we have a better comprehension of the whole event. In a word, in such fields as social movement, it is the famous few and the groups of people who made the most significant events and trends in history together, thus we should places the same emphasis on both parts in the study of history.

On the other hand, in such fields as science, the most significant events and trends in history were made possible by the famous few, but not by groups of people, thus the study of history should place too much emphasis on the individuals. This is because the scientific discoveries and inventions more often than not result from the creative work of some scientists involved and the laypeople contributed little. A case in point is Einstein, a famous physical scientist. It is said that it was almost Einstein’s own work that made the Theory of Relativity out, and few people were able to understand his theory at that time. Thus it was impossible for the groups of people whose identities had long been forgotten to make some contributions to this theory. So, to have a better understanding of this theory, we should focus much on Einstein and his work. Only in this way, can we have a better comprehension of this theory. In general, in such fields as science, the most significant events and trends in history were made possible by the famous few, but not by groups of people, thus the study of history should place too much emphasis on the individuals.

In the final analysis, from what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that: in such fields as social movement, it is the  famous few and the groups of people who made the most significant events and trends in history together, thus we should places the same emphasis on both parts in the study of history; and in such fields as science, the most significant events and trends in history were made possible by the famous few, but not by groups of people, thus the study of history should place too much emphasis on the individuals.

希望对大家有所帮助! 再次谢谢所有寄托的朋友!

gre啊gre 发表于 2007-7-9 01:47:42


Demo 发表于 2007-7-9 01:50:31

刚想发短消息邀请你来写经验呢 ^_^

0202010109 发表于 2007-7-9 01:52:33

呵呵, 我从寄托上学到不少啊,所以回报一下也是应该的!


dianalin 发表于 2007-7-9 06:12:50


最後の使徒 发表于 2007-7-9 08:05:44

很宝贵的资料, 谢谢LZ分享, 相信对于后来人会有所启示

H-Kevin 发表于 2007-7-9 08:52:36


猪圆玉润 发表于 2007-7-9 09:01:53


yifei4727 发表于 2007-7-9 10:43:26

expire7 发表于 2007-7-9 11:13:11

thanx for sharing

linghan 发表于 2007-7-9 11:58:21

thanks for sharing

nothing506 发表于 2007-7-9 12:11:54

dg336688 发表于 2007-7-9 12:24:54


Iris0907 发表于 2007-7-9 12:35:49


nirvana_cool 发表于 2007-7-9 12:57:18

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