archboy 发表于 2008-11-9 09:53:36


本帖最后由 archboy 于 2009-5-25 03:00 编辑

应版大要求介绍下SCI-ARC, 时间不是很多,有空就进来补出一点, 转一片校庆的内部文章from Ray Kappe, 希望对SCI-ARC不太了解的朋友有所帮助.
SCI ? ARC will be 36 years old in October 2008.  For those, new and old to our school, this short history is presented.
The Founding of SCI-ARC
The Southern California Institute of Architecture SCI-ARC was founded by well-known Architect Educator, Ray Kappe FAIA, in 1972.  Already an established and recognized Architect, he had become interested in architectural education in the early 1960's when he taught classes and thoughtfully analyzed the program at USC.
In 1968 he was chosen to be Founding Chairman of the Architecture Program at California State Polytechnic University at Pomona, helping to form the School of Environmental Design.  In three and one half years the program had grown to 350 students and was developing a good reputation.  When an extremely controversial and apparently unsolvable administrative problem arose, Kappe resigned, after weeks of student demonstrations, with large building posters and tee shirts with Kappe?s image, patrolling helicopters overhead, because of student unrest, and a court decision in his favor, for the Professors Union.   It had become a ?cause celebre? on the campus and in the Los Angeles press.  Most of the young faculty having been hired by Kappe, probably would not have survived had they stayed on.  Instead, Thom Mayne, Jim Stafford, Glen Small, Ahde Lahti, Bill Simonian, as well as Shelly Kappe, who, as a volunteer consultant, had been doing special programs and PR, joined him in the alternative educational experiment that became SCI-ARC.  These six became the high-energy, committed Founding Faculty who contributed so much to SCI-ARC?s success.
Fifty students, including Michael Rotondi, Dean Nota, and John Souza courageously followed and were joined by twenty-five more from all over the U.S. and Canada.  They had heard about ?The New School,? as the students called it at first, although Kappe had already given it the name of the Southern California Institute of Architecture with the memorable acronym of SCI-ARC.
Ray Kappe had a busy, diverse practice of 19 years, having completed seventy-five buildings and projects by that time, which were recognized with numerous design awards and local, national and international publication, and was also active in the Los Angeles,  California and National American Institute of Architects organization.  All of this, plus Kappe?s having founded the Cal Poly Architecture Program so successfully, gave SCI-ARC instant credibility and professional support, and it immediately started to grow and thrive.
Growth & Development
As Founding Director and Chairman of the Board, Kappe skillfully led the school for fifteen years, having the pedagogical experience and financial expertise, as well as the interpersonal skills that enabled him to moderate the diverse personalities that made the school so successful.  Under his leadership, SCI-ARC was able to purchase 120 acres of  land in Topanga Canyon, California for experimental structures, as well as to acquire and restore a  200 year old Italian Villa in the hills overlooking Lake Lugano  in Vico Morcote, Switzerland for SCI-ARC?s European Studies Program.
Started in 1978 as a traveling European summer program,  the Vico program has given some 1000 students the opportunity to live and study in the villa and travel to see the architecture of Europe, a  very special European experience.  On June 7, 2008, the Vico Morcote program had a gala celebration of its 25 + (30th) Anniversary, attended by over 100 students, alumni, friends and faculty, including Shelly & Ray Kappe, the Founders of the program.
From the beginning, there was much interest in what was happening at SCI-ARC.  A constant stream of visiting lecturers from all over the world participated in the program.  With Shelly Kappe doing PR, Special Programs, and teaching Architectural History, and with
Design Studio Faculty Mayne, Stafford, Small, Lahti and Simonian, joined by Eric Moss and Terry Glassman in 1974, producing innovative projects with the students, many of which, especially the Glen Small / Ahde Lahti projects were covered in the press, SCI-ARC achieved national and international recognition very quickly.  In just four years it obtained national professional accreditation, with an energized student body of 200.
Ray Kappe?s talent as a designer and entrepreneurial spirit made him a good role model for and mentor to his students and young faculty, to whom he gave support and encouragement.  Many of them started their own offices and, over time, began winning design awards and publication.  The so-called ?Santa Monica School,? was mostly about the work of the SCI-ARC faculty.
Ray Kappe again served as Chairman of the Board from 1998 to 2002.  Also, in the Fall of 2001, he was appointed Interim Director to keep the school running smoothly between Directors.
The Kappe Library
The library at SCI-ARC was started with the Kappe?s personal art and architectural book collection in 1974.  Shelly Kappe continued to develop the library with book purchases and encouraging other donated collections until 1987 when she retired.   In the early 1990?s, as a gesture of appreciation, the library was named the ?Shelly & Ray Kappe Library,? with a large stainless steel nameplate at the door.  In 2002, Ray Kappe arranged for the donation of a  $3l,000 gift of Classic Modern furniture for the Sitting / Reading Area  of  the Kappe Library from Design Within Reach, in lieu of a consulting fee.  Not only were the chairs and tables by Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, and Marcel Breuer a gracious addition to the library, but it also gave SCI-ARC students the opportunity to enjoy and experience excellence of design.
Since 2000, SCI-ARC has been located in an historic, restored 1,450 ft. long reinforced concrete building, formerly, a Santa Fe Railway freight depot, which Kappe helped secure.  Adjacent to the Los Angeles River and the Artists District, and a part of the downtown renaissance, SCI-ARC has continued to grow and achieve recognition.

SCI-ARC currently has a student body of some 500, and at the age of 36 years, over 3,000 graduates working, practicing, writing and teaching all over the world.  Many former faculty are now heading other schools.   Founding Faculty member Thom Mayne was the 2005 recipient of the Pritzker Prize, and other faculty and alumni are also achieving success, publication and recognition.  Alumni, Nick Seierup of Perkins & Will, and Steve McConnel of NBBJ, were honored with Fellowship in the American Institute of Architecture, at the 2006 National Convention; Michael Folonis and David Hertz were made Fellows at the 2008 Convention; and Michael Rotondi, who became the second Director after Ray Kappe retired, was made a Fellow of the AIA in 1997.  Illustrious alumnus Shigeru Ban, of Japan, was also made an Honorary Fellow of the AIA. SCI-ARC has long been considered to be one of the most respected schools of Architecture in the world.
SCI-ARC?s Influence
SCI-ARC, as well as, SCI-ARC Vico Morcote, Switzerland have been an inspiration and role model for many schools and programs that have followed, including:  the Woodbury School of Architecture & Design in Burbank; The LAIAD Program; the Design program of Otis College of Art; The New School in San Diego ; the CCAC School in San Francisco ; the School of Architecture at Arizona State University,;the School of Architecture, University of Michigan; The
Berlage School in Rotterdam, Netherlands; The Bartlett School at the University of London; The Academia of the Swiss Federal Technical Institute - the ETH ? in Mendrissio, Switzerland; the Como, Italy program of USC; the Kent State program in Florence and the Beijing
Architecture Studio Enterprise, among others.  The most recent to reflect SCI-ARC?s influence is the School of Architecture at the University of Limerick, Ireland, from which Ray Kappe has recently returned after attending successful Accreditation and Advisory Board meetings in the official capacity of "External Examiner," the third year of a four-year appointment.

[ 本帖最后由 lastangel 于 2008-11-9 11:16 编辑 ]

archboy 发表于 2008-11-9 10:03:17

本帖最后由 archboy 于 2009-4-1 14:57 编辑

SCI-ARC最强的PROGRAM应该是MARCH2, 所有老师都是最好的
SCI-ARC的MARCH2 PROGRAM 和一般的其他院校的MARCH2有些不太一样 一共是5个学期, 加一个暑假学前MAYA introduction.所以也可以说 SCI-ARC的2年PROGRAM也应该是美国所有MARCH2认证学位里 学习时间最长的.
MARCH2很大程度上也可以称职之为MAYA PROGRAM. 因为所有的课程都要求用MAYA操作, RHINO这些只是辅助用,不用来建模.一般一天要和MAYA打交道的时间都在7,8小时. 之所以学校如此重视MAYA, 是因为MAYA在建模的方法上,可以重新认构空间,但是有点是很明确,就是在SCI-ARC, MAYA永远只是一个设计软件,每一个SCI-ARCers 必须熟练的一个工具, 无纸化操作的背后,是用软件去解决跟多的问题,而不是FORM MAKING

还要补充下09年要普遍长学费,多余的部分全部算做奖学金给优秀的学生, 以及更新数码硬件, 目前有ABS一台,普通powder2台,COLOR powder一台.CNC两台,LASER一台.

[ 本帖最后由 archboy 于 2008-11-9 12:50 编辑 ]

archboy 发表于 2008-11-9 10:13:09

没有任何的elective class
也就是1主3小,主STUDIO 是小组合作完成,2-3人一组, 其他3个课程都会结合STUDIO的内容补充上课内容或者尽可能的教授一些对STUDIO帮助更多的知识.
STUDIO时间跟大多数学校一样MWF,基本一周1次PIN UP,一般周1或周5都是整个学校的大PIN UP DAY,因为学校从本科1年级到THESIS的都会有, 学校是一个1/4MILE长的厂房,所以会很壮观 一堵长墙都是学生的作业, 这也是ERIC所希望学校的样子,大家都可以彼此知道整个学校在干什么

学校的另一大特色就是WORKSHOP, 会有很多明星建筑师或者前卫先锋建筑师来学校的GALLERY做FABRICATION, 学生可以参加从来获得1个学分.


[ 本帖最后由 archboy 于 2008-11-10 09:43 编辑 ]

archboy 发表于 2008-11-9 10:36:14

STUDIO上特别注重创新和实践,老师所要的不是任何一种以前的设计手法去重复,即便是一个CASE STUDY,你必须从中重新创造你的建筑法则,现在学校最红的一个方向算是 HERNAN领导的X LAB, 为未来而设计.今年的THESIS大奖得主 STEVEN MA也是这个方向. 当然这种设计方向本身就存在争议,即便是在今年THESIS的评图上,Tom,Neil,Sylvia Lavin,Detlef,Eric也争的面红儿赤, ERIC对建筑教育的见解和AIA也是不太一致,这可能也是学校一直不能挤入TOP5的很大原因, 美国的建筑大调子还是对现有建筑,建筑师可以做什么,用现有技术去实现. SCI-ARC更愿意讨论不存在的东西,然后去试验.即便是ERIC最有名的umbrella, 看上去很美,在当时安装和生产的时候都有很多的问题, 大片大片的掉下来,漏雨. 都是最后不断的在完善,不断的推动着前进,这个可能也是SCI-ARC最精髓的部分.试验推进再试验.失败并不可怕,可怕的是没有试验创新的勇气.
ERIC 对我们SCI-ARCers影响很大的一段话:
"Dont worry about who thinks what. Over a period of time, what you do will work or it won't. If it works it has durability,if it does not, you move on to the next thing. "That, I think, is what today endures at SCI-Arc.

[ 本帖最后由 archboy 于 2008-11-9 12:18 编辑 ]

archboy 发表于 2008-11-9 10:38:48

本帖最后由 archboy 于 2009-7-13 09:52 编辑

有兴趣的朋友可以自己上YOUTUBE搜SCI-ARC的作业,有很多我们学校的设计的动画. 因为我们要求必须会MAYA动画.

[ 本帖最后由 archboy 于 2008-11-9 10:41 编辑 ]

jessye.chien 发表于 2008-11-9 11:05:07

ARCHBOY真是好人呢,不过这个名字翻起来像“建男”:rolleyes: 。。

archboy 发表于 2008-11-9 11:08:59

SCI-ARC在数码界 经常和COLUMBIA 和AA 拿来做比较, 3个学校之间也建立有很多的联系,老师之间互相往来. 论坛上也有很多这样的讨论, 仁者见人了,看你自己的喜欢, 因为地方都很好 伦敦, 纽约, LA.
Please be aware that SCI-Arc's tuition is much less than schools of equal caliber, such as Columbia, AA, Yale, and Penn. The living costs in LA are also much less than in other major metropolitan areas like NY / East Coast, or London, while the living conditions are more optimal in terms of the amount of space per dollar of rent, neighborhood quality, cost of culture/museums, and of course weather/lifestyle. And as far as culture goes, Los Angeles is also regarded by many as the new cultural capital of the US. The art scene (artists, museums, and galleries) as well as the architecture community are regarded as being the most experimental and creative, more so than for example New York. Our graduates are working at OMA (, BIG (, Morphosis (, and Disney Imagineering (

archboy 发表于 2008-11-9 11:14:15

SCI-ARC Graduate School 现在有4个不同的PROGRAM 包括MARCH 1,2 ,SCIFI和 MEDIA
SCIFI算是在SCI-ARC里最不另类的一个PROGRAM 关于urbanism.
SCIFI is the only US postgraduate program that focuses on urbanism and architecture from a global perspective, comparing urban conditions throughout the world with a commitment to design for cities in both advanced and developing nations. SCIFI is the only program in which each semester students travel abroad to a city of study to see firsthand emerging contemporary urban conditions. It is also the only Master of Architecture program to use motion graphics / video as the primary form of analysis, design, and presentation. Unlike any other major US post-professional degree program, SCIFI is structured to create a strong and continued relationship between our core faculty and students throughout their term of study. This unique on-going faculty / student dialogue has help our students to advance immeasurably in their professional interests and in their careers after graduation.
每年SCIFI全球也就8-10个人 都是各个国家一些很优秀的很有想法的人,有工作好几年的也有刚毕业过来的. 去年有一个中国的MM刚毕业, 往上也很少有中国人录取.

archboy 发表于 2008-11-9 11:16:17

原帖由 jessye.chien 于 2008-11-9 11:05 发表
ARCHBOY真是好人呢,不过这个名字翻起来像“建男”:rolleyes: 。。

这个都被你想到了! 以前玩CS的时候沿用的站队名......

最後の使徒 发表于 2008-11-9 11:17:34

建哥动作真快,好贴,赞一个 ;d:

archboy 发表于 2008-11-9 11:21:01

关于MEDIA我不是很了解. 但是应该也是很强的,众所周知, Hollywood在LA, 经常有大电影的视频剪辑和导演过来LECTURE或者讲课,讲一些应用.比如少数派报告, 查里的巧克力工厂这样的编辑, 学校也经常被邀请去参加最新电脑技术的研讨.
MARCH1 PROGRAM 要求入学前参加一个MAKING AND MEANING的PROGARM.也就是对建筑空间的一个认识和动手能力的3周课程. 这个课程也可以是其他任何专业的同学参加.面向全国.

[ 本帖最后由 archboy 于 2008-11-9 11:32 编辑 ]

archboy 发表于 2008-11-9 11:35:37

原帖由 lastangel 于 2008-11-9 11:17 发表
建哥动作真快,好贴,赞一个 ;d:


sunshy3 发表于 2008-11-9 13:23:35


melty 发表于 2008-11-9 13:47:22


kavinrock 发表于 2008-11-9 16:02:47

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