archboy 发表于 2009-4-24 01:28:37

SCI-ARC All School Exhibition 04.24.09 - 05.17.09

04.24.09 - 05.17.09 |
Opening reception: Friday, April 24 from 7-9pm

All School Exhibition
Please join us from 7-9pm for the third annual SCI-Arc All School Exhibition. Design studio work from the undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate programs as well work from the visual studies and applied studies programs will be installed throughout the school for this exhibition and will be on view for the public through May 17, 2007.

The works on view in the exhibition are a culmination of the year of study and in many cases of their careers as students at SCI-Arc. This exhibition acts not only as way of marking time, but of marking the shift of ideas and practices from year to year. SCI-Arc’s commitment to the provisional paradigm, the ever-shifting target is literally exhibited. The exhibition’s simple title represents the open-ended nature of the exhibition and that rather than representing a “school,” it reveals the multitude of distinct and individual voices cultivated under the aegis of this particular institution.


archboy 发表于 2009-4-24 01:37:18


archboy 发表于 2009-4-24 01:50:42


qinc0045 发表于 2009-4-24 03:00:45


kavinrock 发表于 2009-4-24 09:11:56

archboy对环形的空间很有爱阿,不过我觉得就空间来说环还是不够丰富,是一种deform后的直线。如果剖面上更多的互相穿插变化就牛鼻了。另外scale change很不错,整体图都很漂亮。有点像一个cell 不断sub divide后卷起来。

archboy 发表于 2009-4-24 15:01:09

本帖最后由 archboy 于 2009-4-24 15:05 编辑

5# kavinrock

还是kavinrock厉害,一眼就感觉到SECTION的问题,这个学期有些不同,这个STUDIO要结合HIGHTECH做 不能做的太夸张的形体,我所用的这个方案都是直的PLASTIC TUBE都是按市场上的常规尺寸设计,所以没有很多错综复杂,毕竟不是HERNAN的STUDIO,有时候回到实践建设中考虑还是有一个balance的
BTW,这次带我的是TOM WISCOMBE,现在在他的EMERGENT做,你也知道他的风格就这个样子,PATTERN是编程做的

kavinrock 发表于 2009-4-24 15:14:57

本帖最后由 kavinrock 于 2009-4-24 15:21 编辑

另外我们前两天做的digi fab的东西跟你那个透视很像.

kavinrock 发表于 2009-4-24 15:25:23

另外sci arch在scripting这块比感觉比我们这儿要强,这边基本是刚上道,还没有很惊艳的东西。

archboy 发表于 2009-4-26 08:04:59

8# kavinrock

有时间也发写PENN的作品吧,我再发点X LAB HERNAN领导的东西。大家多交流

archboy 发表于 2009-4-26 08:35:40

本帖最后由 archboy 于 2009-4-26 08:37 编辑


kavinrock 发表于 2009-4-26 08:49:34

你们那边有多少3d printer阿?那么多大尺度模型到期末怎么抢得过来啊哈哈

archboy 发表于 2009-4-26 09:03:22

我们3台一般的石膏,1台ABS,其实大部分都是校外去PRINTER的 一个CUBE大概在100左右
有些是SLA 有些是SLS 因为地处洛杉矶,有好莱芜,所以这些特殊模型公司还是非常多的。这个也是GREGLYNN为什么选洛杉矶发展的原因,其实DIGITAL技术在西部能发展很多都是在借用好莱芜的优势

archboy 发表于 2009-4-26 09:07:45


kavinrock 发表于 2009-4-26 09:25:41


archboy 发表于 2009-4-26 09:41:26

他们凭感觉喷的 渐变的效果
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