thatll 发表于 2009-6-26 16:28:43


本帖最后由 thatll 于 2009-7-19 01:12 编辑



口语要坚持 和听力一样。。。
不过口语一定要说  不是读也不是背 看起来好像是废话。。。做起来还是有些困难的。。。如果学校有英语角 可以多去练习  找个口语PARTNER   或者找不到跟读也可以  说跟读不是很准确 应该是跟着说 repeat  这里再强调下 是说 不是背  具体差别在哪儿 可以自己细细体会一下~~ 呵呵~~ 这样才能有进步~~加油啦~~...
hyacinth 发表于 2009-7-3 12:13


阅读备考资料:刘文勇IBT黄金真题23篇PDF(打印版),GRE&GMAT阅读难句教程(杨鹏著),软件版或者纸版的一本韦氏大学词典(Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary)
因为《刘文勇IBT黄金真题23篇》里面收录的都是由ETS正版授权且在以前用过的真题。其中的文章和题目分别来自OG上的9篇阅读和报名时赠送的MINI TEST 1篇文章,还有剩下的13篇来自TPO模考练习中的文章和题目。因此用这些真题练习效果是最好的,你在IBT这里的阅读能力和考试能力提升也会最快。因为你要参加的是ETS的考试,所以用他官方出版的真题训练一定是最有效的,而且提升也会最快。

    这是核心问题了,首先基础能力的提升---词汇,难句是什么时候都要贯彻到底的。天天都要练习,一天都不能间断。同时用真题23篇认真训练解题思路和做题原则。如果以复习一个月的时间来计算的话,笔者建议真题23篇要至少做3-5遍。 做题的时候要学会做读书笔记。
每种题型都要搞清楚它在文章段落中的出处,必须弄清楚相关涉及的考点是什么。这种工作对于日后培养你的题感是非常有帮助的,题感这种东西是能让你取得高分的最管用的东西,很多时候比实力还要强,因为它本身也是实力的体现。一个大轮回结束后,就要开始第二遍做这23篇,第二遍就要更重视第一遍做错的题目,同时更加深入的去体会和理解每道题背后的考点是什么? ETS出这道题在为考你什么东西?他的目的是什么?这些这些都要很清楚,很明白。题目涉及的答案出处要在文章中画出来,要分析句子结构,句子的形式,分析这是什么考点。同时还要认真分析选项,选项中的错误选项为什么错?错在了哪里?因为很多时候,IBT阅读考题的正确答案改写十分朦胧,不明朗,非常难以辨别,但是错误选项却十分有规律性,用排除法做阅读把正确选项找出来是必须具备的能力。简单的说做题后要做的工作就是两点:分析和圈出考点,分析错误选项为什么错,正确选项的特点和特征。
IBT 阅读常考考点总结:

1. 主旨题:段落段首句或第二句话。整片文章主旨为各段TS(topic sentence)的高度总结和概述。
2. 以下考点除不涉及:词汇题,指代题,文章总结题,图表总结题外,其他类型题目均包含在内。







(7)强转折处是考点,引入新观点或者反驳前所叙述的主题处是考点,其中转折的方式很多,除了传统的however, but, yet外,其他方式的转折也必须注意,尤其是一个概念向向另一个概念过渡的地方。


用delta就可以了,老托福音质不好,delta语速比考试快,而且说话风格也不错,barron和delta在script上难度相仿, barron只是题目出的难度比delta大一些。 但是听力材料难度差不多
第一遍:听原文,记笔记,做题。 如果水平达不到记笔记,就先别记笔记用脑子记忆,然后做题。
第二遍,用cooledit把音频文件导入,大约每3-5秒钟时间一个停顿,开始练习听写,不必以句子为单位,但每次间隔6个左右的单词为宜。 进行听写。
你按照这五部法训练听力,但是一定要坚持,每天都要练习,保证每天练习时间不少于2小时。  这样练习1个月就会有效果。练习2个月就可以轻松听懂T听力80%以上了

写作:记伴侣词汇 新概念3练汉译英 然后坚持写


基础差一些的一定要断句断意群进行听写,每次以间隔8个到10个左右的单词为宜进行听写练习。 听写后反复放音跟读,晚上睡觉前把听力盲点背下来。如果觉得背诵困难就放到MP3里没事反复听,重复的多了,背诵就容易了。

基础好的同学可另寻它法:可不必断句练习听写,起初先将1-2句话放到一起播放,然后写关键词keyword,这里面包括名词,动词,表感情色彩和褒贬含义的形容词等等。 然后逐渐扩大范围,3句话,4句话,5句话或更多。当你这样坚持练习并且逐渐加大句子量累积到10句话左右的时候大概也就是一篇老托福LECTURE长度的时候,你对听力文章的把握能力将会非常好,主干和细节将会分的很清楚。达到这种能力后应对现行IBT的听力就很简单了。 无论抓重点,和记笔记还有听力基本功都得到了长足的发展。反复OG题目和研读网上机经还有经验分析将会再此基础上进一步培养敏感化你对听力文章出题点的把握和抓取能力,当你又经过一段时间已经对出题点的敏感度都形成了强烈的题感时,你就可以去考试了。即使你发挥失误,听力也一定在27分以上,如果RP好就是30满分了。一般情况下,能达到这样境界的人听力部分平均分基本在29分左右。saavedro 发表于 2009-7-9 02:01
俺是在GRE结束之后开展托福之旅的,准备时间虽说不长,也迷茫过怎样最大程度的利用GRE底子拿掉Toefl呢?为此走过一些弯路,耽搁过一些时间。 因此虽然口语砸了,还是有点经验,不管是正面的还是反面的。 遂有此文,希望能对那些和我一样经历过GRE的gter们有些帮助,能够更快更有性价比的解决掉Toefl。算是抛砖引玉吧。




我相信任何的事务都有一个陌生到熟悉的过程,我在准备的时候有一度就极为恐慌,因为感觉自己考前准备的很不充分,对题型一无所知。这在我系统的分析了TOEFL的出题模式,并具体地做完了例题以后得到极大的改善。 所以各位gter在迷茫啊困惑啊想请教前辈前,一定要亲自动手做一做。毕竟恐惧源于未知,花一天时间,做一套题目,你就大概知道各个项目考的是什么了。千万不要说我现在就练阅读,口语太差,先积累积累再来看看题目是咋回事。心理上一怕,就会拖延,一拖延这事儿就耽搁了。所以我建议花1~2天,把OG听说读写的例题做完,看看每个题的考查主旨。这样就可以去除你心理上的拦路虎。这是快准狠拿下Toefl的前提条件。

2 听力和口语打持久战。

考试时听力我感觉是比较轻松的,这很大程度是归功于scientific american的那个60s听力。 在我小猫钓鱼式的准备过程中唯有这个是认认真真完成了的。每天听抄一段,花40分钟把它完整的听下来。这样的长期积累(其实也就1个月不到吧)我觉得对于我最后的成绩还是有很大贡献。至少我后期模考分析题目的时候发现错误多是对某种题型把握的不到位;很少有听不出来的情况。至于如何获取这个听力段子,以前有板油的技术帖里详细介绍过。请善用搜索功能吧。总体来说听力我建议每天持之以恒的进行听抄训练,这是打基础。然后再统筹安排真正的听力题目训练,那是练招式。宏观上按照这样一个套路下来,听力的“内力”是应该够用的。但是可能“招式”上不太熟悉,这就需要针对性做做题目,然后仔细分析了。听力的高分我理解为分三个部分:听得懂,听得出重点,抓得准题目脉络。事实上高分不见得这3部分都做得很好,往往其中一到俩点很强就可以弥补另一方面的不足了。比如你不能听得特别清晰,但你听到了top sentence,抓住了文章主要意图;也可以拿得下大部分题目。事实上就我的感觉而言,针对ibt考试的听力,这就需要我们在听力的基本功基础之上,针对题型,针对ETS的出题思路仔细研究了。






  同时,与这个设想呼应的是,我在实践中发现,听力喜欢的考点往往在以下几个地方:Top Sentence和末句,例子和重要论断的关系。例子里的时间和名字。等等。前面TS和末句往往是宏观的,主旨题的考察目标;看你对文章的思路和大的观点把握得如何。而细节题有一部分就抓例子了,for instance,听力提到在多少多少年某A做了个实验来support一个观点; 那么细节题就可能问:“某A做的实验是用来干什么的啊” 或者问问俩个实验的结论到底是一致的?抑或相违背的?。我有几个朋友就在这种地方囧了,他说我大致知道实验是干嘛的,文章也懂了,可原文里有几个实验,忘记某A做的是哪个了。看,如果你把这篇听力当成GRE阅读,然后参照标记的方法,那么这些地方会不会错过呢?至少笔者就是靠这样的思路快速上手的。熟悉的G友可能发现我这里讲述的是不是很像花儿姐姐的39+3里面的内容呢?没错的,至少从文体上lecture类的听力和GRE阅读很相似的,因为他们都是为了阐述一定的学术问题,只不过阅读信息会更压缩,而听力里面口语话成分会多一些。把出现观点和小结的地方把握住,把人名,重要时间,重要地名记下来(做笔记只要能够大致回忆起谁是谁就行了,不能完全拼下来没关系)。然后例子是支持观点的,还是用来做反例的?把握住这些,可以把大部分题目拿下来。

5 准备后期针对薄弱题型强化。

虽说我认为大的出题思路gter们可以借鉴。但Toefl的有些题型毕竟还是有他的特点的。比如听力里面问语气的题目,阅读里面排序的题目。在对思路积累了一定了解的时候,可以统计一下错题,然后再翻看OG,OG上面有出题的考察意图。之后就分析“考察哪一方面的题目”你容易错?这个每个人总是有一些偏向的,一定要抓住这个针对性分析。分析完了就针对这个调整下自己的思路,或者单独挑出来强化下。 如果说把握好大的出题脉络是正确率第一次显著提高的机会,那么这个针对性分析就是你正确率再次跃进的机会。






5 基于做OG题目的反馈,强化弱项。这里对应于我上面最后提到的分析小结,这时可以根据自己各个部分的正确率,利用手头的材料,进一步强化薄弱环节。这时需要的是思考分析,不能一味光做,特别是有过GRE经验的gter们,需要用一贯性的思路去抓住细节。一方面利用训练材料找题感提高水平,另外一方面,针对错题,建议结合OG里对题型的介绍分析你错题的出题类型和出题意图。

6 模考,分析,调整状态。这个我大概用了1个星期不到,模拟了4套barron就上战场了。这个期间主要是用来调整作息,适应噪声,适应长时间作战。然后进一步地分析题目熟悉薄弱环节。

说明一下,其实这个计划也只是个人的经历+一点点主观完美。 对于各个人情况不一样,还是要根据自己的实际情况灵活调整的。总之抓住这个框架,具体的就看对题目的把握程度一边前进一边修缮计划就好了。希望这篇文章能够帮助各位考过GRE的人士快速上手。





Barron, 软件(这个用来模考,听力段子有些罗嗦,阅读适中,作为熟悉考试环境的用途还是很不错的。)







50天99分 经验+教训------------详见47楼


IBT speaking一二两题.无敌备考方法---------详见51楼








奔跑蜗牛 发表于 2009-6-26 16:29:12


grekokomo 发表于 2009-6-26 16:33:47


thatll 发表于 2009-6-26 16:35:10

3# grekokomo

zhtwd 发表于 2009-6-26 23:09:35


pan1986 发表于 2009-6-27 08:17:18



thatll 发表于 2009-6-27 14:30:48

【阅读+写作---经济学人选文】A new display technology-----Spots of innovation
Jun 25th 2009  From The Economist print edition
Magnetic microspheres could have a range of colourful applications
A FEW years ago Yadong Yin was experimenting with tiny beads that changed colour when a magnetic field was applied to them. This was interesting but, as the beads floated around in water with no obvious way to turn them into a product, people asked: What could be done with them? Now Dr Yin and his colleagues at the University of California, Riverside, have carried out more experiments and have come up with possible applications that range from a new type of paint to lipsticks and giant advertising billboards.

Dr Yin’s beads are magnetochromatic microspheres. They are made from(不知道大家是否忘记小时候学的be made of 和be made from 的区别,from表示看不出原材料是什么)tiny blobs of polymer(聚合物,作为形容词讲是聚合的,我们托福里有polymerization意为聚合) that contain particles of iron oxide. The structure of these particles changes in a magnetic field in a way that produces “interference” colours when light is shone on them. Interference, in which fine details(小零件;细节)on an object’s surface cause light waves to cancel each other in some places and reinforce one another in others, is what creates the iridescent colours of many bird feathers, butterfly wings and beetle shells. In the case of Dr Yin’s beads, it is the rearrangement of the particles’ microstructures that produces the pertinent detail.
注意:最后这句话这种强调的感觉是如此的自然和必要,特别是用在in the case of...后面,尤其的贴切

To make their spheres Dr Yin and his colleagues stir iron-oxide particles into a liquid polymer resin(聚合树脂), which is then dispersed in oil. The oil and the resin will not mix, so the result is droplets of resin floating in the oil. A magnetic field is then applied to the droplets to produce the required colour and the colour is fixed by curing the polymer into a solid structure.
The kingfisher’s wingOr, rather, it is almost fixed. For, just as the colour of an iridescent feather changes with the angle you look at it, so the colour of a droplet can be changed by rotating it. It can even be switched on and off. Moreover, since the form of iron oxide used to make the droplets is magnetic, a magnetic field can be used to rotate them. And, by rotating groups of microspheres of different colours in this way it should be possible—if they are suitably arranged—to create images, including moving ones.

The spheres have to be dispersed in some form of liquid medium if they are to rotate. But, as Dr Yin observes, that medium does not have to be liquid all the time. It could, for example, be a wax. When the wax was heated, the spheres would be able to change orientation, but they would be held in place when it cooled and solidified again.

The researchers, whose latest study is published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, say there are a number of ways their spheres could be employed. Because they can be tuned across the whole spectrum they might provide a safe and environmentally friendly replacement for pigments in paint. Iron oxide, after all, is not toxic. They could also be used in other coloured substances, such as ink, cosmetics and textiles.

In theory, the moving version of the product might be used in computer and television screens. In practice, Dr Yin thinks liquid-crystal technology is so well developed that his microspheres will never catch up. But they could form pixel-like elements in posters and outdoor signs, allowing those signs to be updated, or even to display videos. Such signs would not have to be backlit(从背后照亮的) in the way that a screen is, and they would probably be cheaper to make than liquid-crystal displays.

Dr Yin, a chemist, is collaborating with a team at Seoul National University in South Korea to produce a control system to switch the colour of microspheres on display devices so that they can form moving images. One way this might be done is to place a grid of wires behind them and induce a magnetic field where the wires cross. The spheres at the intersections would then rotate. But the speed of change may be less important in an otherwise static image on an outdoor billboard than it is on a television, so a scanning process that moved in increments across rows of microspheres would probably be just as effective. It might take a little time, but it would be more convenient than climbing up a ladder with a big bucket and a brush to paste on new sheets of paper.

float: to rest on the surface of or be suspended in a fluid

glamorousky 发表于 2009-6-27 17:45:27

加油~ 小组弄得如何了

thatll 发表于 2009-6-27 20:37:56

June 26, 2009
Wind's Power Potential QuantifiedIn a report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers calculate that U.S. wind turbines could produce 16 times the electricity we now use. Karen Hopkin reports
[The following is an exact transcript of this podcast.]
Last month, President Obama pledged nearly half a billion dollars toward the development of solar and geothermal energies. But what about wind? A team of scientists estimates that wind turbines in the continental U.S. could produce 16 times more electricity than we currently use. They present their data in the current Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

We all know that wind can be harnessed to do work. But this power source can be a bit fickle: today it might gust, while tomorrow could bring barely a breeze. So how much can we count on the movement of air to meet all our energy needs? The scientists used data from satellites, balloons, and aircrafts, to estimate wind speeds around the planet. They excluded cities, forests, and ice-covered areas, which would all be hard to harvest.

Crunching the numbers, they concluded that a global network of land-based turbines could make 40 times more electricity than the world currently consumes—even if they only operated at 20 percent of their capacity.

People may balk at the sight of a sea of wind turbines. And flying wildlife may be bollixed by the blades. But wind power’s benefits may blow away its problems.
—Karen Hopkin


thatll 发表于 2009-6-29 15:21:44

【阅读+写作-----The Economist】
The earliest granaries---Food for thought----Jun 25th 2009

Storing grain predates agriculture, and may have propelled it
THE period when humans stopped hunting and gathering and settled down to become farmers is one of the most important in history. It ranks with the original human exodus(: a mass departure  : EMIGRATION) from Africa about 60,000 years ago, which led to Homo sapiens becoming a global species, and the beginning of the industrial revolution, 250 years ago, when many people stopped being farmers and began to earn their livings in other ways. Yet it is not well understood. A piece of research published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Ian Kuijt of the University of Notre Dame, in Indiana, and Bill Finlayson of the Council for British Research in the Levant, may shed more light on the matter.
这里的第二句和我们前一篇中的一句一样,是一种很好的描述事态发展的表述:先讲一件事情,original human exodus,后接一个从句很好的表达了这种想法which led to Homo sapiens becoming a global species,事实上这里也同样有两个过程,用一个现在分词becoming表达了出来。后面的半句也一样。

Dr Kuijt and Dr Finlayson have been excavating a site called Dhra, in Jordan, near the Dead Sea. They have uncovered evidence that sophisticated ways of storing grain had been developed well before cereals were actually domesticated. The discoveries the two researchers describe appear to be small granaries, about three metres across and three high. They are made of mud, in some cases reinforced by stone. But, being over 11,000 years old, they predate the domestication of cereals in the Middle East by a millennium. Instead, they seem to have been used to store wild barley and wild oats.
这里的第二句我们要注意找到什么的证据的正确表达方式,uncover evidence that。。。

The period leading up to the domestication of cereals was one of erratic climate change, as the last ice age ended. In the Middle East people started to build settlements as early as 15,000 years ago, a period called the Early Natufian, but a drying of the climate made them nomadic again between 12,800 and 11,500 years ago. A second attempt to settle, known to archaeologists as the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A, then began and led, arguably, to modernity—at least in the West.
The granaries themselves are circular and quite sophisticated. From the arrangement of a system of internal stone supports, for example, they appear to have had raised floors. That would have allowed air to circulate, reducing the risk of fungal spoilage and providing some protection against rodents. The floors also sloped, apparently deliberately—probably to make moving grain around them easier. And evidence of barley straw at the site helps confirm that the buildings were, indeed, used to store grain.
对某人来说就是什么的这个表达:known to archaeologists as the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A
这里的插入语arguably : as may be argued or shown by argument  *an arguably effective strategy*  *arguably the greatest writer of his era*
这里的A second attempt to settle, known to archaeologists as the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A, then began and led, arguably, to modeinity--at least in the West.也是一个很好的表达动态过程的方式,一个名词直接表明了一个动作,然后一个then接上下一个发展中的动词到达了下一个过程。
rodent又是一个托福单词,我们在托福单词里有barley,但是好像没有barley straw,这是麦秆的意思
lead up to:导致,引导

To settle down in one place requires a reliable food supply, so the discovery of granaries is no surprise. Pits that might (or might not) have held grain have already been found, but the latest discovery is on a far grander scale. It helps confirm what had previously been suspected—that it was a technological change to the gathering half of the hunting-and-gathering lifestyle that propelled the domestication and cultivation of crops.
What happened next (indeed, what was probably already happening) was the deliberate planting of wild seeds, in order to make the gathering process less onerous. From there, it was but a short leap to choosing seeds from the most productive plants to sow next season and the consequent evolution, partly by accident and partly by design, of early versions of many of the grains that now feed the world.
第三句话的表达很好,帮助证实之前被怀疑的事情,而这个事情就是什么的表达,注意后面还用了一个强调句型和change。。。to。。。的改装,change to sth sth

rank : to take or have a position in relation to others
erratic : characterized by lack of consistency, regularity, or uniformity

thatll 发表于 2009-6-29 20:49:37

本帖最后由 thatll 于 2009-6-29 21:05 编辑

Genetic Protection Against Sleep DeprivationA study in the Journal of Neuroscience finds that people with a particular version of a gene called Period 3 are better able to handle sleep deprivation because more of their brains get involved in counteracting the lack of zzz's. Cynthia Graber reports.
[The following is an exact transcript of this podcast.]

Numerous studies have shown that lack of sleep hurts—it can lead to weight gain, diseases, and of course weakened cognitive functioning. But a bad night’s sleep doesn’t hurt everyone equally. Unlike me, some people can think clearly no matter what. A study published June 24th in the Journal of Neuroscience helps explain why.

Scientists looked for a genetic marker called Period 3 known to predict the effects of sleep deprivation. People with short versions of the gene do okay when they lose sleep. But the longer gene leads to suffering with lack of sleep.

Researchers tested attention and cognition before and after both good and bad nights’ sleeps. Those with the long Period 3 had poor function in the part of the brain that would usually spring to life. Even after a decent night, the long-gene people had reduced brain activity towards the end of the day. But folks with the short gene did better, and their brains even pulled in extra assistance from surrounding brain areas. I can guess which variation of the gene I have—which means not only should I get a good night's sleep, I should probably write my scripts in the morning.
—Cynthia Graber

spring to life:突然活跃起来
decent: fairly good  : ADEQUATE, SATISFACTORY

sliping 发表于 2009-6-30 06:50:16

像thatll 学习 踏实

lili_ya 发表于 2009-6-30 10:03:33


thatll 发表于 2009-6-30 16:00:24

【阅读+写作----The Economist 】----Jun 25th 2009

The evolutionary origin of depression
Mild and bitter
Depression may be linked to how willing someone is to give up his goals
这里的表达我们值得学习---什么和什么的程度相关联---sth is linked to how # sb is ...
这里的mild和bitter我们也要学会主动的使用:mild : not severe  : TEMPERATE  *a mild climate*  *mild symptoms of disease*; bitter: marked by intensity or severity

CLINICAL depression is a serious ailment, but almost everyone gets mildly depressed from time to time. Randolph Nesse, a psychologist and researcher in evolutionary medicine at the University of Michigan, likens the relationship between mild and clinical depression to the one between normal and chronic pain. He sees both pain and low mood as warning mechanisms and thinks that, just as understanding chronic pain means first understanding normal pain, so understanding clinical depression means understanding mild depression.
from time to time= at times
just as...., so....的正确使用好学会,我们在前面也已经碰到过了。

Dr Nesse’s hypothesis is that, as pain stops you doing damaging physical things, so low mood stops you doing damaging mental ones(这里又是as..., so....)—in particular, pursuing unreachable goals. Pursuing such goals is a waste of energy and resources. Therefore, he argues, there is likely to be an evolved mechanism that identifies certain goals as unattainable and inhibits their pursuit—and he believes that low mood is at least part of that mechanism.
这一段作者提出了N的一个假设,那就是一个机制的存在性,以及low mood和这个机制的关系。

It is a neat hypothesis, but is it true? A study published in this month’s issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology suggests it might be. Carsten Wrosch from Concordia University in Montreal and Gregory Miller of the University of British Columbia studied depression in teenage girls. They measured the “goal adjustment capacities” of 97 girls aged 15-19 over the course of 19 months. They asked the participants questions about their ability to disengage from unattainable goals and to re-engage with new goals. They also asked about a range of symptoms associated with depression, and tracked how these changed over the course of the study.
1 : free from dirt and disorder  : habitually clean and orderly
2 a : free from admixture or dilution  : STRAIGHT  *neat brandy*  *neat cement*  b : free from irregularity  : SMOOTH  *neat silk*
3 : marked by tasteful simplicity  *a neat outfit*
4 a : PRECISE, SYSTEMATIC  b : marked by skill or ingenuity  : ADROIT
5 : NET  *neat profit*

Their conclusion was that those who experienced mild depressive symptoms could, indeed, disengage more easily from unreachable goals. That supports Dr Nesse’s hypothesis. But the new study also found a remarkable corollary: those women who could disengage from the unattainable proved less likely to suffer more serious depression in the long run.

Mild depressive symptoms can therefore be seen as a natural part of dealing with failure in young adulthood. They set in when a goal is identified as unreachable and lead to a decline in motivation. In this period of low motivation, energy is saved and new goals can be found. If this mechanism does not function properly, though, severe depression can be the consequence.
set in:Begin to happen or become apparent

The importance of giving up inappropriate goals has already been demonstrated by Dr Wrosch. Two years ago he and his colleagues published a study in which they showed that those teenagers who were better at doing so had a lower concentration of C-reactive protein, a substance made in response to inflammation and associated with an elevated risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Dr Wrosch thus concludes that it is healthy to give up overly ambitious goals. Persistence, though necessary for success and considered a virtue by many, can also have a negative impact on health.

Dr Nesse believes that persistence is a reason for the exceptional level of clinical depression in America—the country that has the highest depression rate in the world. “Persistence is part of the American way of life,” he says. “People here are often driven to pursue overly ambitious goals, which then can lead to depression.” He admits that this is still an unproven hypothesis, but it is one worth considering. Depression may turn out to be an inevitable price of living in a dynamic society.


thatll 发表于 2009-6-30 22:31:53

本帖最后由 thatll 于 2009-6-30 23:02 编辑

【听写----SSS】June 30, 2009
Women Better Than Men With A Hammer
Research presented at the Experimental Biology Annual Meeting reveals that women may be more accurate than men at using a hammer in certain conditions.
Christie Nicholson reports.
[The following is an exact transcript of this podcast.]

We might think that women are not as adept as men at wielding heavy tools, like say, hammers, according to popular stereotypes.
But turns out that women may have a leg up when it comes to hammering in certain situations. This was announced at the recent Experimental Biology Annual Meeting in Glasgow, Scotland.
Scientists measured the accuracy and force of men's and women’s blows to a metal plate. They also tested their hammer style in rooms that were either brightly lit or pitch dark. (Glow-in-the-dark stickers marked the targets.)
Indeed they found that men struck twice as hard as the women. But women were 25 percent more accurate than men in well-lit conditions. Surprisingly both sexes were better than expected at hammering in the dark, although men had an advantage, with about 10 percent higher accuracy.
The researchers theorize that maybe men and women inherently use different strategies, putting more emphasis on either force or accuracy, respectively. But these are preliminary results. They intend to do further studies with larger sample sizes in different conditions.
But for now that old stereotype might need to be retooled.
—Christie Nicholson

1) : to handle (as a tool) especially effectively  *wield a broom*
2) a : to exert one's authority by means of  *wield influence*  b : have at one's command or disposal  *did not wield appropriate credentials---G. W. Bonham*

2,have a leg up:享有优势
according to popular stereotypes; when it comes to sth.;

3, brightly lit:很亮; pitch dark:非常黑

4,for now:(口语)目前,眼下
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