标题: polaris的GRE备考日志 [打印本页]
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-2 09:37:35 标题: polaris的GRE备考日志
(二)备考原则:1. 脚踏实地背红宝书单词 不间断+复习
2. 做题
3. GRE不是全部,开开心心准备GRE,不追求完美,只用450就可以了,专业课还是摆在GRE的前面
4.数学不能放弃 要争取考到800
(三)做题内容: NO 题 和90-94国内题
类反:(所有题目都要好好做)section 1-21 上学期做完一部分,复习
section 22-35 新题好好做
集中突破 阅读 4月2日——4月5日
Control+F 总结单词
(五)目标: 450+800
(六)每天上网时间: 10:30——11:00 嗯,这几个月不要看电视剧,嘿嘿
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-2 09:41:25
1.红宝书 每天4个list
2.阅读集中突破 先处理自己做题思想上的问题(正确率)+做题速度(对GRE题目的熟悉度)
3. 填空老师讲义上的填空单词 每天四页
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-3 11:47:09
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-6 00:18 编辑
(2)隐藏——表明 假,骗人——真实
(3)fully developed成熟的 ——little developed 开始的
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-4 11:28:11 标题: 类比反义做题感受
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-12 18:23 编辑
odious disgust= menancing fear
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-4 15:07:42
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-23 22:48 编辑
4# polaris03
chandelier candle
charade word = mine story
1 : a word represented in riddling verse or by picture, tableau, or dramatic action
2 plural : a game in which some of the players try to guess a word or phrase from the actions of another player who may not speak
3 : an empty or deceptive act or pretense 托词<his concern was a charade>
cameo sculpture
1 a : a gem carved in relief; b : a small medallion with a profiled head in relief
2 : a carving or sculpture made in the manner of a cameo
3 : a usually brief literary or filmic piece that brings into delicate or sharp relief the character of a person, place, or event
4 : a small theatrical role usually performed by a well-known actor and often limited to a single scene; broadly : any brief appearance
withdraw candidacy= rescind law
2 a : to examine in detail; specifically : to examine (votes) officially for authenticity b : [size=-1]DISCUSS, [size=-1]DEBATE
3 : to go through (a district) or go to (persons) in order to solicit (urge sb strongly)orders or political support or to determine opinions or sentiments
intransitive senses : to seek orders or votes : [size=-1]SOLICIT
carouse 寻欢作乐 N+ V
syn: roister riot
a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression
1 a capitalized : a fire-breathing she-monster in Greek mythology having a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail b : an imaginary monster compounded of incongruous parts
2 : an illusion or fabrication of the mind; especially : an unrealizable dream <a fancy, a chimera in my brain, troubles me in my prayer -- John Donne> 缺乏真实 authenticity
3 : an individual, organ, or part consisting of tissues of diverse genetic constitution
chipmunk squrriel 的一种
1 : to bestow from or as if from a position of superiority <conferred an honorary degree on her> <knowing how to read was a gift conferred with manhood -- Murray Kempton>
2 : to give (as a property or characteristic) to someone or something <a reputation for power will confer power -- John Spanier>赠与
intransitive senses : to compare views or take counsel : [size=-1]CONSULT商谈 confer about
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-4 17:49:51
5# polaris03
List 9-12
crate produce
1.a : given to fretful fussiness : readily angered when opposed : <our long wait... left us a tad cranky -- Connecticut> b : marked by eccentricity <his bizarre and cranky mix of ideas and beliefs -- R. J. Evans>
2 : full of twists and turns : <a cranky road>
3 : working erratically : unpredicatbale <a cranky old tractor>
4 dialect
crass refined
croak frog
crochet hook
curb sidewalk
1 : a tumultuous breakup of ice in a river解冻
2 : a violent disruption (as of an army) : [size=-1]ROUT
3 a : a great disaster b : a complete failure : [size=-1]FIASCO
名词 a : something delicious to the taste b : something choice or pleasing
形容词 1 a : tasting good : tasty b : attractively prepared and served
2 : marked by delicate or diminutive beauty, form, or grace精美的,好吃的
4 a : marked by fastidious discrimination or finical taste b : showing avoidance of anything rough
convivial convulse corpuscle corroborate corrugate coterie coterminous covenant cozen crestfallen cronyism crook crouch crudity cryogenic cub culinary curmudgeon crypress cytology daft dagger dandy dappled dapper frowsy unkempt debouch debreif debunk deciduous decorum decrepit defy decry delirious denim denizen denote denouenment demotic
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-5 11:49:16
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-5 12:05 编辑
6# polaris03
List 9-10 续
denude cover
1 : to deprive of something important
2 a : to strip of all covering or surface layers b : to lay bare by erosion c : to strip (land) of forests
depose/deposition perjury
1 : to remove from a throne or other high position
2 : to put down : deposit
3 a to testify to under oath or by affidavit b : affirm, assert intransitive senses : to bear witness
1 : devoted to religion or to religious duties or exercises
2 : expressing devoted or piety <a devout attitude>
3 : devoted to a pursuit, belief, or mode of behavior : serious earnest
discography list catalog
1. : characterized by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through
2 : characterized by extreme delicacy of form : ethereal <painted diaphanous landscapes>
3 : insubstantial, vague<had only a diaphanous hope of success>
didactic adj
1 a : designed or intended to teach b : intended to convey instruction and information as well as pleasure and entertainment diactic 与 teach 和 instruction, information, pleasure entertainment 是因果关系
2 : making moral observations
digit finger
to free from error, fallacy, or misconception 消除关系
disaffect win over
to alienate the affection or loyalty of 消除关系
disbar lawyer = expel student
disburse expend
1.a : to pay out : expend especially from a fund b : to make a payment in settlement of
2 : distribute
1 : to relieve of a charge, load, or burden: a : [size=-1]UNLOAD b : to release from an obligation c : to release electrical energy from (as a battery or capacitor) by a discharge
2 a : to let or put off <discharge passengers> <discharge cargo> b : [size=-1]SHOOT <discharge an arrow> c : to release from confinement, custody, or care <discharge a prisoner> d : to give outlet or vent to : [size=-1]EMIT
3 a (1) : to dismiss from employment开除 (2) : to release from service or duty <discharge a soldier> b : to get rid of (as a debt or obligation) by performing an appropriate action (as payment)摆脱债务,职责等 c : to set aside : [size=-1]ANNUL d : to order (a legislative committee) to end consideration of a bill in order to bring it before the house for action
4 : to bear and distribute (as the weight of a wall above an opening)
5 : to bleach out or remove (color or dye) in dyeing and printing textiles脱色
6 : to cancel the record of the loan of (a library book) upon return去图书馆还书的时候,取消借书记录
intransitive senses
1 a : to throw off or deliver a load, charge, or burden b : to release electrical energy by a discharge 放电
2 a : [size=-1]GO OFF, [size=-1]FIRE -- used of a gun b : [size=-1]SPREAD, [size=-1]RUN <some dyes discharge> c : to pour forth fluid or other contents
direlict pillar of the country / extremely careful
N 1 a : something voluntarily abandoned; specifically : a ship abandoned on the high seas b : a tract of land left dry by receding water
2 : a destitute homeless social misfit : [size=-1]VAGRANT, [size=-1]BUM 无家可归的人
1. abandoned
2. lacking a sense of duty
deracinate uproot plant
1 : marked by lack of definite plan, regularity, or purpose
2 : not connected with the main subject
3 : disappointing in progress or performance : [size=-1]SLUGGISH
detritus --valuble product
devious (1)not straightforward or frank (2)roudabout winding
1 : tending or intended to cause delay <dilatory tactics>因果关系
2 : characterized by procrastination : [size=-1]TARDY <dilatory in paying bills>正面特征
1.an admirer or lover of the arts
2 : a person having a superficial interest in an art or a branch of knowledge
din hush silence
1.: to destroy the composure of
2 : to disturb the order of
discombobulate discomfit disconcert discompose dislocate 都有使混乱的含义
dissumulate dissemble 隐藏
dour draconian 严厉的
doleful dolorous dismal 悲哀的 消沉的
dislodge 取出 disgorge 呕出
discrepancy 不同
disengage free
to release from something that engages or involves
to release or detach oneself
1 a : moving from topic to topic without order b : proceeding coherently from topic to topic
2 : marked by analytical reasoning
to divest of a body, of corporeal existence, or of reality
intransitive senses
1 : to let saliva dribble from the mouth
2 : to talk stupidly and carelessly
transitive senses
1 : to utter in an infantile or imbecilic way
2 : to waste or fritter in a childish fashion
N nonsense
having a humorous, whimsical, or odd quality
an amusing person
characterized by dullness and monotony
1 : feeling, displaying, or reflecting listlessness or discouragement
2 : having nothing likely to provide cheer, comfort, or interest
a file containing detailed records on a particular person or subject
drone droop doting dour draconian douse doyen domicile (docile) dodder doff(divest) dogged doggerel doleful dolorous divulge divne ditty diva diurnal distraught distend dissuade dissolute dissident dislodge(digorge) discretionary (discretion)
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-6 10:34:13
7# polaris03
List 13-16
: of, relating to, or shaped like an ellipse 椭圆的
2 a
: of, relating to, or marked by ellipsis省略的
b (1) :
of, relating to, or marked by extreme economy of speech or writing (2) : of or relating to deliberate obscurity (as of literary or conversational style) 省略的文风
To come out from a source
: to free from restraint, control, or the power of another; especially
: to free from bondage
: to release from paternal care and responsibility
: to free from any controlling influence (as traditional mores or beliefs)
an order of a government prohibiting the departure of commercial ships from its ports
: a legal prohibition on commerce <an embargo on arms shipments>
: PROHIBITION <I lay no embargo on anybody's words -- Jane Austen>
: an order by a common carrier or public regulatory agency prohibiting or restricting freight transportation
1. of or relating to the empyrean : CELESTIAL
Enamel tooth = bark tree
Enamored be enamored of sth 狂热的喜欢着
1 : to inflame with love -- usually used in the passive with of
2 : FASCINATE 2b -- usually used in the passive with of or with
Effervesce droop
to bubble, hiss, and foam as gas escapes
: to show liveliness or exhilaration 正面特征
enjoin command
to catch or entangle in or as if in meshes
a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction
: an outrageous, improper, vicious, or immoral act
: the quality or state of being immoderate, monstrous, or outrageous; especially
: great wickedness
the quality or state of being huge
: a quality of momentous importance
to strive to attain
intransitive senses
: to take place afterward or as a result
to attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire: tempt
epigram brevity
: a concise poem dealing pointedly and often satirically with a single thought or event and often ending with an ingenious turn of thought
: a terse, sage, or witty and often paradoxical saying
: epigrammatic expression
Equable intemperate
1 : marked by lack of variation or change : UNIFORM
2 : marked by lack of noticeable, unpleasant, or extreme variation or inequality
这些全是反义词的备用选项啊 没有变化, 不明显,很快乐
1 a
: a characterizing word or phrase accompanying or occurring in place of the name of a person or thing b
: a disparaging or abusive word or phrase c
: the part of a taxonomic name identifying a subordinate unit within a genus
Esophagus 食道
Espionage 间谍活动
transitive senses
1 : to remove the contents of : EMPTY
2 : to discharge from the body as waste : VOID
3 : to remove something (as gas or water) from especially by pumping
4 a : to remove especially from a military zone or dangerous area b : to withdraw from military occupation of c : VACATE <were ordered to evacuate the building>
intransitive senses撤退 conquer
1 : to withdraw from a place in an organized way especially for protection
2 : to pass urine or feces from the body
Ewe 母羊
1 a
: to consume entirely : USE UP <exhausted our funds in a week> b
: to tire extremely or completely <exhausted by overwork> c
: to deprive of a valuable quality or constituent <exhaust a photographic developer> <exhaust a soil of fertility>
2 a
to draw off or let out completely
: to empty by drawing off the contents; specifically
: to create a vacuum in
3 a
: to develop (a subject) completely b
: to try out the whole number of <exhausted all the possibilities>
intransitive senses
: discharge empty
constituting a digression
: characterized by digression
1 : a sharp or sudden utterance
2 : vehement expression of protest or complaint
Exhort encouragement motivate 是结果
transitive senses
: to incite by argument or advice : urge strongly
intransitive senses
: to give warnings or advice : make urgent appeals
2 a
: to extinguish the guilt incurred by b
to make amends for
Explicit 精确掌握这个词要掌握三种意思
1 a
: fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication, or ambiguity : leaving no question as to meaning or intent <explicit instructions> b
: open in the depiction of nudity or sexuality <explicit books and films>所以这就是完全暴露在外面,和innate 形成反义
fully developed or formulated <an explicit plan> <an explicit notion of our objective> 根据这条含义,他和inchoate 形成反义词
unambiguous in expression <was very explicit on how we are to behave> 这个很明显啦,和vague 形成反义词
intransitive senses
: to reason earnestly with a person for purposes of dissuasion or remonstrance
extraneous intrinsic
: existing on or coming from the outside
2 a
: not forming an essential or vital part <extraneous ornamentation> b
: having no relevance <an extraneous digression>
1 a (1) : easily accomplished or attained <a facile victory> (2) : SPECIOUS, SUPERFICIAL <I am not concerned ... with offering any facile solution for so complex a problem -- T. S. Eliot> b : used or comprehended with ease c : readily manifested and often lacking sincerity or depth <facile tears>
3 a : READY, FLUENT <facile prose> b : POISED, ASSURED
Fallow —in use
Fast eat 斋戒
Fastidious ——indiscriminate easygoing coarse cursory uncritical
2 a
: having high and often capricious standards : difficult to please
: showing or demanding excessive delicacy or care c
: reflecting a meticulous, sensitive, or demanding attitude
: having complex nutritional requirements <fastidious microorganisms>
Fathom erudite
反义词 strong effective worthy responsible
ferret out = search out
Fern frond= pine needle
Fender collision 消除关系
Finesse —— heavy handedness ineptitude
: refinement or delicacy of workmanship, structure, or texture
: skillful handling of a situation : adroit maneuvering
Figurative literary
Finicky meticulous careful quality
: extremely or excessively nice, exacting, or meticulous in taste or standards
: requiring much care, precision, or attentive effort <a finicky recipe>
Flip flippant lacking proper respect or seriousness
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-6 10:51:06
8# polaris03
list 13---16 没有掌握的单词 4月5日
dummy duplicitous (duplicity) duress dwarf(V) dyslexia dyspeptic easel ebullience edifice edify effervesce effete egregious effulgent effluvia elated elicit emblematic embed emend emissary emote
emulsify encomiast enfetter enfalme engrave enrage ensconce ensemble entree environ epicure epidemic(endemic) epidermis episodic equine(cannnie)equanimity esclate(esclation) ersatz
erstwhile erasure esoteric espy estimable eucalyptus etymology ethos(学习雷锋好榜样) exacerbate exempt(depose) execrate execrable exculpate(exonerate) excursion (incursion) exorcise
exposition(expository) expunge expurgate extant extenuate (guilty) extirpation extrapolate(divne) exult(convivality effervesce elated) facetious factotum(白展堂) fad fallibility(exitability) famish(V)
fatuity fecundity fidget fetus fetid (effluvia)fester feint felicitous(薛宝钗) feral fig
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-6 11:21:02
9# polaris03
3.阅读集中突破的任务,只完成了首段,首句,内容展开的部分 突破,没有完成选项 题干 的集中突破
(1)早上起的太晚 8点,嗯,如果提前1.5h, 就能有很多时间背单词,嗯,不要赖床啦,hoho~~~~~~~,监督自己
(2)背单词的方法有点笨,不过还是要坚持,下阶段要提高效率,2小时解决4list,1h-1.5h 查自己看红包书看不懂的单词(每天晚上 10:00——11:30)
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-6 11:30:20
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-6 11:37 编辑
10# polaris03
4月7日——4月12日 六天时间
每天分给GRE 4-5h 的时间(2h单词 2h做题总结)
1.红宝书 list17——list40 坚持仔细查单词,把这一篇做仔细了,以后就能快了,不要求快
2.阅读100个题干集中突破 周二
3.阅读300个选项集中突破 周三
4.复习新东方上课时填空老师讲的题目,掌握讲义上的26种方法 每天看20道题 和 7种要点
4月18日小模考一下 目标是:阅读能有时间做,不能全部通猜;填空能比上次寒假模考的时候反应快一些;数学尽量考满分
作者: sliping 时间: 2009-4-6 11:33:11
这样确实可以监督自己啊 可是我没勇气像楼主一样发帖子监督自己 只有羡慕+嫉妒了:)
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-6 11:39:19
12# sliping
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-7 23:09:24
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-8 21:24 编辑
13# polaris03
list17——20 he
flout fluffy flustered fluvia forage ford forgo fosse fret sulsome gall gallant galvanize gape gerontocracy giddy gingerly glitch gloom gluttonous gnarled glut gobble goblet gospel gossamer
grasping grate(grating) gravity(levity) grimace(disgust disapproval pain face contortion) grit gripe grind grisly groove grope grotto grovel grove grueling guffaw guise gully[img=74,79]http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:k7DmZj0IF9BeDM:[/img](erosion )
gulp gustation hallucination hangdog hankering haphazard hearken hearten heartrending hedonist hegemony heinous heir heirloom hemostat herbaceous herbicide hereditary heresy herpetologist
hiatus hidebound hideous hie (要迟到啦~~~~~) highbrow hike hilarious hinge hirsute histoligy histrionic hoary hoe homeostasis hoodwink hoof hortative hospitable hovel hubris huckster hue
historic hover
hulk hull
humdrum (Life will never be so )
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-7 23:20:04
14# polaris03
list17——20 没有掌握的单词(2)
hunch(女人的直觉) hydrant hyperactivity hypertension hyphen hypnotic hypocritical hypotenuse icicle idyll ignoble imbroglio hysteria imbibe illuminati immannet immemorial immure imp impasse
impecunious impersonate impertinence imperturbable(柯南) importune imposing imposture imponderable impuissance
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-7 23:28:52
15# polaris03
incendiary(晋文公) incessant incinerate incogitant(毛利小五郎)increment inculpate indebted(晋文公)
indelible(冬季恋歌) industrious(哈哈,我) indubitable(我是人) indices(index)
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-7 23:50:23
16# polaris03
同义词 形近词
impenitent 不后悔的
impertinence 粗鲁 无礼
imperturbable 镇静的
(2)complain discontent
grouch grouse gripe grumble
1 : to make a pillaging or destructive raid on : [size=-1]ASSAULT
2 : to force to move along by harassing <harrying the terrified horses down out of the mountains -- R. A. Sokolov>
3 : to torment by or as if by constant attack
1 to annoy persistently
2 to worry and impede by repeated raids <harassed the enemy>
to harass and try to disconcert with questions, challenges, or gibes
to harass or annoy persistently
heinous hatefully or shockingly evil
hideous 1 : offensive to the senses and especially to sight : exceedingly ugly
2 : morally offensive
作者: grekokomo 时间: 2009-4-7 23:52:50
作者: obietwice 时间: 2009-4-7 23:57:36
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-8 13:59:41
18# grekokomo
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-8 14:01:12
19# obietwice
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-8 21:02:53
21# polaris03
list17——20 考法精确词义
List 17——20
类比 foil metal 层儿
填空 frustrate 挫败
Founder 1: to become disabled; especially
: to go lame
: to give way : collapse
3 : to become submerged :
: to come to grief :
a noisy quarrel
1 tending to be troublesome: UNRULY
Be fraught with
Forfeit 丧失
: to lose or lose the right to by some error, offense, or crime
: to subject to confiscation as a forfeit
Forge 稳步向前 照假 铁匠铺
Fumble handle sth adroitly
to apply smoke, vapor, or gas to especially for the purpose of disinfecting or of destroying pests
Futile bootless
Fusillade projectiles=Armada vehicles
Fuss attend
1 a
: to create or be in a state of restless activity; especially
: to shower flattering attentions <fussing over the grandchildren> b
: to pay close or undue attention to small details <fussed with her hair>
2 a
: to become upset : WORRY
: to express annoyance or pique : COMPLAIN
transitive senses
- fuss·er
1 British : impaired by age or dampness : MOLDY 发霉的
2 : saturated with dust and stale odors : MUSTY
3 : rigidly old-fashioned or reactionary
过时的 古板的
synonym see MALODOROUS 有臭味的
Gadfly 正面特征: annoying
rude churl
: any of various flies (as a horsefly, botfly, or warble fly) that bite or annoy livestock
: a person who stimulates or annoys especially by persistent criticism
Garish 两个特征:很艳,很没品位让人犯
: clothed in vivid colors
2 a
excessively vivid : flashy
: offensively or distressingly bright : glaring
: tastelessly showy 没有品味的showy
synonym see gaudy
: ostentatiously or tastelessly ornamented 过分的,又没有品味的装饰了
: marked by dazzling brilliance, showiness, or extravagance 令人炫目的brilliance showiness ,extravagance
to dress or adorn gaudily
often capitalized
: characterized by waving curves suggesting flames <flamboyant tracery> <flamboyant architecture>
: marked by or given to strikingly elaborate or colorful display or behavior 非常精细,非常彩色的展览和行为
: characteristic of a fop <a foppish dressing gown> b
: behaving or dressing in the manner of a fop(a man who is devoted to or vain about his appearance or dress) dandy (不能简单的理解成花花公子的,dandy, foppish 都是用来形容很关心自己的着装的男人)
: of or relating to a prostitute 妓女: having the nature of prostitution <meretricious relationship>
2 a
tawdrily and falsely attractive
superficially significant
: pretentious<scholarly names to provide fig-leaves of respectability for meretricious but stylish books -- Times Literary Supplement>
: marked by or suggestive of flashy vulgarity or crudeness
: marked by a careless unconventionality
cheap and gaudy in appearance or quality
Garner 动词 disseminate
1.to gather into storage b
: to deposit as if in a granary
2 a
: to acquire by effort :earn
: accumulate collect
being at once relevant and appropriate :fitting
名词1 a
: a mechanical device for secretly and dishonestly controlling gambling apparatus b
: an ingenious or novel mechanical device
2 a
: an important feature that is not immediately apparent反面特征:apparent
: an ingenious and usually new scheme or angle 正面特征: ingenious new novel
: to alter or influence by means of a gimmick
: to provide with a gimmick -- often used with up
Ginger 名词 精力 姜
动词 使有生气to make lively : pep up
: marked by ease and informality 正面特征
: showing little forethought or preparation <glib answers> 缺乏关系c
: lacking depth and substance
: superficial <glib solutions to knotty problems>
: marked by ease and fluency in speaking or writing often to the point of being insincere or deceitful <a glib politician> 两个特征,流利轻松,骗人的
小结:(正)ease informality fluency insincere deceitful
(反)forethought preparation depth
substance superficial
Gloat 行为动作,反应 smug 的心理
表面上很光彩,很炫,但是这只是一种表面的光彩. 为什么是表面的呢,因为,这是假的,deceptively 或因为没有深究 too lightly 所以有反义 scrutinize
: a surface luster or brightness
2 a
: a deceptively attractive appearance
: bright often superficial attractiveness
: a transparent cosmetic preparation for adding shine and usually color to the lips
动词1 a
: to mask the true nature of : give a deceptively attractive appearance to -- used with over <the misery was general, where not glossed over by liberal application of alcohol -- Marston Bates> b
: to deal with (a subject or problem) too lightly or not at all -- used with over <glosses over scholarly controversies rather than confronting them head-on -- John Israel>
两种含义,解释 / 错误的解释 gloss explanation blur notice
名词1 a
a brief explanation (as in the margin or between the lines of a text) of a difficult or obscure word or expression
: a false and often willfully misleading interpretation (as of a text)
2 b
: an interlinear translation c
: a continuous commentary accompanying a text
动词1 a
: to provide a gloss for : explain interpret
to dispose of by false or perverse interpretation <trying to gloss away the irrationalities of the universe -- Irwin Edman
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-8 21:04:34
22# polaris03
Graft 嫁接(植物学上的) 贪污(illegal gain)
Graft multiply 嗯,前者的目的是multiply
transitive senses
1 a
: to cause (a scion) to unite with a stock; also
: to unite (plants or scion and stock) to form a graft b
: to propagate (a plant) by grafting
2 a
: to join or unite as if by grafting b
: to attach (a chemical unit) to a main molecular chain
: to implant (living tissue) surgically
: a usually roofed stand for spectators at a racecourse or stadium
: audience
形容词: done for show or to impress onlookers <a grandstand play>
to play or act so as to impress onlookers行为以及其目的
2 a
: to torment as if by broiling b
to question intensely
Groan 行为表示心情
1.: to utter a deep moan indicative of pain, grief, or annoyance
: to make a harsh sound (as of creaking) under sudden or prolonged strain
Gum rubber plant 分泌的
Gustatory relating to or associated with eating or the sense of taste
writer writing
calm peaceful
affluent 反义就是贫瘠啦
: free from defect, disease, or infirmity: sound
: retaining exceptional health and vigor <a hale and hearty old man>
Hangar airplane
Pan (+) harsh
Haven a place of safety
: wide and general destruction : DEVASTATION
: great confusion and disorder <children can create havoc in a house>
: lacking in calmness or restraint <a headlong torrent of emotion>
: characterized by activity, excitement, or confusion <the hectic days before Christmas>
intransitive senses
to play the bully :
transitive senses
to intimidate or harass by bluster or personal pressure
名词1 a
: a fence or boundary formed by a dense row of shrubs or low trees b
: a means of protection or defense (as against financial loss)
: a calculatedly noncommittal or evasive statement
: to enclose or protect with or as if with a hedge : ENCIRCLE
: to hem in or obstruct with or as if with a barrier : HINDER <hedged about by special regulations and statutes -- Sandi Rosenbloom>
: to protect oneself from losing or failing by a counterbalancing action <hedge a bet>
: to plant, form, or trim a hedge
: to evade the risk of commitment especially by leaving open a way of retreat : TRIM
: to protect oneself financially: as a
: to buy or sell commodity futures as a protection against loss due to price fluctuation b
: to minimize the risk of a bet
: of, relating to, or designed for a hedge
: born, living, or made near or as if near hedges : ROADSIDE
Hermetic ——easily comprehended
砍伐/ conform adhere hew to the line 遵守
动词to trick into believing or accepting as genuine something false and often preposterous
名词1. an act intended to trick or dupe : imposture
: something accepted or established by fraud or fabrication
Hatch hold 船舱
Pistol holster = dagger scabbard
sermon = logic argument
: the art of preaching
Horticulture flower 园艺学
: the promoter, manager, or conductor of an opera or concert company
: a person who puts on or sponsors an entertainment (as a television show or sports event)
: empty insubstantial
: lacking significance, meaning, or point
Incarnate 化身
Inclement balmy
lacking mildness:
a. unmerciful b
physically severe : STORMY <inclement weather>
indemnity 保险公司的赔偿那个意思吧
1 a
security against hurt, loss, or damage b
: exemption from incurred penalties or liabilities
Indict exculpate
: to charge with a fault or offense
: to charge with a crime by the finding or presentment of a jury (as a grand jury) in due form of law
Indurate soften
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-8 22:29:05
23# polaris03
list 21——24 Part one
inexorable(革命党人) inexplicable infantry(八路) inferno(鬼地方) infest(骚扰系列词) infinitesimal infinity infirm infraction ingenue(卖花姑娘) inimical inimitable iniquious injuction(enjoin) injurious——innocuous
inordinate inscrutable(hermetic) insolvency interplay intersperse inundate(flood) inviolable irk ironclad irrevocable (打折机票) jaundice jaunty(jocound, jovial) jest (jocular<killjoy) jolt jot kindred
knave lactic knead knotty lacerate
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-8 22:35:12
24# polaris03
ker nel
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-8 22:35:50
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-9 06:57 编辑
(1)interregnum :government/ hibernation: activity 缺乏关系
(2)inundate ——drain
1 : to cover with a flood :OVERFLOW
1 a : to petition for help or support b : to appeal to or cite as authority
2 : to call forth by incantation
3 : to make an earnest request for
4 : to put into effect or operation
5 : bring about cause
1 : lacking nutritive value <jejune diets>没有营养的
2 : devoid of significance or interest : dull<jejune lectures>反面特征:significance interest
3 : juvenile, puerile <jejune reflections on life and art>年少的,儿童的,也就是没有深度啦,反义thougth-provoking
produced or performed with labor <labored breathing>; also : lacking ease of expression <a labored speech>
看这里对应的多好,glib 的正面特征: ease fluent deceptive 中的ease, 非常漂亮的反义,不用管中文翻译那么麻烦的东西,节省空间,不要记那些乱七八遭的翻译
(6)inveterate ——causal uninitiated
1 : firmly established by long persistence
2 : confirmed in a habit : habitual <an inveterate liar>
1 : tending to cause discontent, animosity, or envy因果关系 <the invidious task of arbitration>
2 : envious
3 a : of an unpleasant or objectionable nature b : of a kind to cause harm or resentment因果关系<an invidious comparison>
(8)lacrymose cheer= obdurate budge
1 : given to tears or weeping : tearful
2 : tending to cause tears : mournful
lacking life, spirit, or zest : languid
(10 )jog exercise = barter trade
(11)laity 填空题
1 : the people of a religious faith as distinguished from its clergy 反义词
2 : the mass of the people as distinguished from those of a particular profession or those specially skilled
作者: tracywlz 时间: 2009-4-8 22:38:25
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-12 20:25:50
26# polaris03
List 21-24part two
lance lancet landlocked lap largesse leery legerdemain legion leniency levelheaded lexicographer ligneous limpid lineage long-winded loon lunatic lopsided lukewarm lug ludicrous lucid
maculated machination magpie malfeasance malleable mangle manure manumit (林肯)mare maze (maize)maven measly meek mendacious mendacity mesa mete metrical
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-12 20:57:37
28# polaris03
【同义词 形近词比较】
1.languid 形容词
languish 动词
languor 名词
lank 形容词
1 : drooping or flagging from or as if from exhaustion : weak
2 : sluggish in character or disposition : listless
3 : lacking force or quickness of movement : slow
2. libel 诽谤系列词汇
3. lucid
1 a : wan and ghastly pale in appearance b : of any of several light or medium grayish colors ranging in hue from yellow to orange
2 : shining with the red glow of fire seen through smoke or cloud
3 a : causing horror or revulsion : grusome b : melodramatic, sensational; also : shocking<paperbacks in the usual lurid covers -- T. R. Fyvel>
4. lump(一个含义) lumber (两个含义,有一个意思是木材 杂物,没有考过,无视之)
li mp (两个含义,跛行和firm 反义词)
li mb (一个含义) limber(一个含义)
1 a : to walk lamely; especially : to walk favoring one leg b : to go unsteadily : falter 走路走不好
2 : to proceed slowly or with difficulty <the ship limped back to port>
to move ponderously
5.柔软的 lissome lithe limp limber
6. lounge loll 懒洋洋的斜躺啊 逛啊
7. lush luxirant 丰富的
8. malevolent malicious 怀有恶意的
9. mangle
mantle 就是地幔那个词啦,它还有披风斗篷的意思,做动词有覆盖的意思
动词1 : to injure with deep disfiguring wounds by cutting, tearing, or crushing <people... mangled by sharks -- V. G. Heiser>
2 : to spoil, injure, or make incoherent especially through ineptitude <a story mangled beyond recognition>
名词: a machine for ironing laundry by passing it between heated rollers
动词: to press or smooth (as damp linen) with a mangle
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-12 21:23:32
29# polaris03
lathe ship= clasp fasten
lexative 除了泻药外, having a tendency to loosen or relax; specifically : relieving constipation
leaven volume= distill purity 扩大
legend map = glossary text , 作为传奇之意,与obscure 形成反义
lethargy tonic
1 : abnormal drowsiness
2 : the quality or state of being lazy, sluggish, or indifferent
lope run= drawl speak
libertine licentious
1 usually disparaging : a freethinker especially in religious matters
2 : a person who is unrestrained by convention or morality; specifically : one leading a dissolute life
- libertine adjective
1 : lacking legal or moral restraints; especially : disregarding sexual restraints
2 : marked by disregard for strict rules of correctness
libretto opera lyrics song
lien claim subpoena command 一种claim
1 : a charge upon real or personal property for the satisfaction of some debt or duty ordinarily arising by operation of law
2 : the security interest created by a mortgage
lint covering tarpaulin garment 种属关系
lionize admire 动作 心理
to treat as an object of great interest or importance
list 熟词辟义 倾斜
loom weave= needle knit
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-14 08:52:25
30# polaris03
a person of prominence or brilliant achievement
macabre 因果关系 macabre shudder= hilarious laugh 这也是形容词对动词常常考的一个方向
1 : having death as a subject : comprising or including a personalized representation of death
2 : dwelling on the gruesome
3 : tending to produce horror in a beholder
synonym see ghastly
macerate——harden by dying 浸泡 烤干
transitive senses
1 : to cause to waste away by or as if by excessive fasting
2 : to cause to become soft or separated into constituent elements by or as if by steeping in fluid; broadly : steep soak
intransitive senses : to soften and wear away especially as a result of being wetted or steeped
macerate 哈哈erate (那个万恶的评分被水给泡了,变消瘦啦)
macabre (abre)
magenta mauve maroon
a person of rank, power, influence, or distinction often in a specified area
malapropism verbal =gaffe social
malaise——cheerful feeling
1 : an indefinite feeling of debility or lack of health often indicative of or accompanying the onset of an illness
2 : a vague sense of mental or moral ill-being
manipulative ——guileless
margarine butter= saccharin sugar
mash pestal awl pierce
masticate tooth
1 : drunk enough to be emotionally silly
2 : weakly and effusively sentimental(同义词) maudlin sentiment 是形名同义词
1 : having an insipid often unpleasant taste
2 : sickly or puerilely sentimental
mellifluous ——raspy cacophonours
和食物相对,ambrosial savory
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-14 09:05:03
31# polaris03
4月14日 List25——28
minaret mint misgiving mirth mischievous misinform misnomer misshapen mitten mite mnemonics mollycoddle monolithic monomania monsoon mote motley mottled mulish mutineer(背叛者系列词汇) myopia morsel
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-14 09:21:56
32# polaris03
narcotic natal nefarious (巫婆)nick nonchalance noncommittal nonconformist nonsensical nonviable nudge oafishness(痴呆系列词汇) obituary
obliterate oblivious obloquy obsolescent(obsolete) obstreperous obtuse(苕系列词汇) obverse obviate (obliterate)odyssey offbeat(怪与平常系列词汇) offish
ordnance override overriding overrule paean pall pander panache omniscient onerous opprobrious opine oust outgrowth outmaneuver
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-14 09:31:37
33# polaris03
parch pare pariah parlance pasteurize pastiche pastoral pathogen pauchy patrimony pediatrics pejorative(贬低系列词汇) pelf pell-mell pennant penultimate peregrination
peripheral perishing perky permissive perpendicular personification
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-14 09:50:10
34# polaris03
perspicuty 同下
perspicuous plain to the understanding especially because of clarity and precision of presentation perspicacious of acute mental vision or discernment : keen
2. petroglyphy a carving or inscription on a rock
3. petal
4. 有害的
pestilent pernicuous
5. pathological
6. 清晰的pellucid lucid
7. 无价值的:paltry nugatory
8. oratory 演讲术
oratorio 长ditty
9. parable
10. oafishness 痴呆
offish 冷淡的
11. obliging 形容人性格的,褒义词
oblige 强制/施恩慧于
oblivious 形容人往事儿
obloquy 诽谤别人 别人
obliterate 就一个动作 去除
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-14 09:51:58
35# polaris03
Moat 陪考选项 护城河
Molar tooth=rib bone 是一种牙齿
Ruffle shirt= molding cabinet = hem garment
Mongrel ——purebred混血 纯血
1 a
: a legally authorized period of delay in the performance of a legal obligation or the payment of a debt
: a waiting period set by an authority
: a suspension of activity
填空: moratorium on sth 什么什么的延迟
对比: reprieve 1
: to delay the punishment of (as a condemned prisoner)
: to give relief or deliverance to for a time
所以掌握这个词的核心就是,delay of sth, 而这个sth 就是 legal obligation, payment of a debt, activity
Mordant ——genial 就记genial 的反义词
biting and caustic in thought, manner, or style : incisive <a mordant wit>
: acting as a mordant
:burning, pungent
: a chemical that fixes a dye in or on a substance by combining with the dye to form an insoluble compound
: a corroding substance used in etching
动词: to treat with a mordant
Moribund 反义词 三个 beginning /vital/ current
: being in the state of dying : approaching death
: being in a state of inactivity or obsolescence
Mortuary 停尸间 陪考词汇
: a representative specimen : SAMPLE
2 a
: an act of assembling; specifically
: formal military inspection b
: critical examination c
: an assembled group : COLLECTION
动词1 a
: to cause to gather : CONVENE
: to enroll formally -- usually used with in or into <was mustered into the army> c
: to call the roll of
2 a
: to bring together : COLLECT
: to call forth : ROUSE
: to amount to : COMPRISE
intransitive senses
: to come together : CONGREGATE
synonym see SUMMON
Mute 三种含义,分别和三种词性对应,是形容词就是silent undiscovered, unrecognized, 词汇书上只注重silent 的含义,也许ETS会考察 undiscovered, unrecognized 这个含义呢,其次就是动词,也就是消弱,这个的反义词是amplify 三个呢,就是名词,消声器,安装在乐器上的 mute trumpet 陪考选项
: unable to speak :
: characterized by absence of speech: as a
: felt or experienced but not expressed <touched her hand in mute sympathy> b
: refusing to plead directly or stand trial
: remaining silent, undiscovered, or unrecognized
: a person who cannot or does not speak
: a device attached to a musical instrument to reduce, soften, or muffle its tone
: to muffle, reduce, or eliminate the sound of
: to tone down : SOFTENsoften,subdue
Molt 反义词 wholesome verdant salubrious
反义词 fledge
类比词 shed(hair) slough(snake)
Monocle single
形容词1 a
: of, relating to, or characteristic of disease
: affected with or induced by disease
: productive of disease <morbid substances>
: abnormally susceptible to or characterized by gloomy or unwholesome feelings
GRISLY, GRUESOME <morbid details> <morbid curiosity>
Nag 就记动词含义吧 骚扰系列词语
: to find fault incessantly : COMPLAIN
: to be a persistent source of annoyance or distraction
transitive senses
: to irritate by constant scolding or urging
Natty ——sloppy and slovenly
trimly neat and tidy
Nautical: astrolabe= culinary: colander
Neologism 反义词 archaism well-established expression
: a new word, usage, or expression
: a meaningless word coined by a psychotic
Nepotism 关系(我们中国人的关系)
favoritism (as in appointment to a job) based on kinship
Nepotism: kinship = jingoism nationality
Nepotism : relative= cronyism friend
Nettle 激怒系列词汇
1 : to strike or sting with or as if with nettles
2 : to arouse to sharp but transitory annoyance or anger
Nicety 熟词辟意 precision
Nil 0
Nil quantity= vacuum matter
Meticulous 的过分级别
Criticize 的过分级别 cavil object
Noisome 两种含义 臭烘烘的,和不利于健康的
2 a : offensive to the senses and especially to the sense of smell b : highly obnoxious or objectionable
Nonplus 在填空中是,discomfit 的程度升华版
a state of bafflement or perplexity
to cause to be at a loss as to what to say, think, or do
nonporous 无法渗透的 impervious impenetrable impermeable
Nostrum remedy = alchemy science
: a medicine of secret composition recommended by its preparer but usually without scientific proof of its effectiveness
: a usually questionable remedy or scheme
Without notches ——serrated
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-14 09:52:30
36# polaris03
: of marriageable condition or age
: sexually attractive -- used of a young woman
Nucleus 核儿~~
Nucleate ——scatter disseminate
1 : of little or no consequence : TRIFLING, INCONSEQUENTIAL
2 : having no force : INOPERATIVE
Numismatist coin
Obfuscate 缺乏 clarity
1 a : DARKEN b : to make obscure
Oblique 斜儿~~~~~~~~
形容词1 a
: neither perpendicular nor parallel b
: having the axis not perpendicular to the base c
: having no right angle <an oblique triangle>
2 a
: not straightforward : INDIRECT; also
: situated obliquely and having one end not inserted on bone 4
: taken from an airplane with the camera directed horizontally or diagonally downward
: something (as a line) that is oblique
: any of several oblique muscles; especially
: any of the thin flat muscles forming the middle and outer layers of the lateral walls of the abdomen
Obnoxious odiously or disgustingly objectionable: highly offensive非常令人讨厌的
Obscure 没有名
1 a
: shrouded in or hidden by darkness c
: not clearly seen or easily distinguished : FAINT
: not readily understood or clearly expressed; also
relatively unknown: as a
: not prominent or famous <an obscure poet>
: to make dark, dim, or indistinct
: to conceal or hide by or as if by covering
: to reduce (a vowel) to the value \&\
Odium aversion ——infatuation
1.: the state or fact of being subjected to hatred and contempt as a result of a despicable act or blameworthy circumstance
: hatred and condemnation accompanied by loathing or contempt
: disrepute or infamy attached to something : OPPROBRIUM
exciting or deserving hatred or repugnance
ode poetry 的一种
动词: to shut off from view or exposure 反义词 bare
: not revealed : SECRET
: not easily apprehended or understood : ABSTRUSE, MYSTERIOUS
: hidden from view : CONCEALED
: of or relating to the occult
: not manifest or detectable by clinical methods alone <occult carcinoma>; also
: not present in macroscopic amounts <occult blood in a stool>
名词: matters regarded as involving the action or influence of supernatural or supernormal powers or some secret knowledge of them
transitive senses
: to close up or block off : OBSTRUCT
: without premeditation or preparation : EXTEMPORE
2 : done or made offhand
Officious attentive meddle
2 : volunteering one's services where they are neither asked nor needed : MEDDLESOME
1 a
: a person (as a priestess of ancient Greece) through whom a deity is believed to speak b
: a shrine in which a deity reveals hidden knowledge or the divine purpose through such a person c
: an answer or decision given by an oracle
2 a
: a person giving wise or authoritative decisions or opinions b
: an authoritative or wise expression or answer 正面特征: wise authoritative
Oratorio ditty novel anecdote 长短关系
: a primitive means used to determine guilt or innocence by submitting the accused to dangerous or painful tests believed to be under supernatural control <ordeal by fire>
: a severe trial or experience
Overhaul 大检查
Palate mouth ceiling room
: the roof of the mouth separating the mouth from the nasal cavity
2 a
: a usually intellectual taste or liking b
: the sense of taste
Palpable ——subtle
1 : capable of being touched or felt : TANGIBLE
2 : easily perceptible : NOTICEABLE
3 : easily perceptible by the mind : MANIFEST
synonym see PERCEPTIBLE
1 : deficient in color : WAN <a pallid countenance>
2 : lacking sparkle or liveliness : DULL <a pallid entertainment>
Pandemonium 混乱系列词
Panther claw talon eagle
a usually short fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle
parable story homily lecture
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-14 09:53:10
37# polaris03 ogle leer 同义词
1 : of or relating to another country : FOREIGN
2 a : strikingly out of the ordinary : BIZARRE <an outlandish costume> b : exceeding proper or reasonable limits or standards
3 : remote from civilization
synonym see STRANGE
Parch steep 烘干 浸润
Paroxysm 要和那个矛盾的词儿区别开了
1 : a fit, attack, or sudden increase or recurrence of symptoms (as of a disease) : CONVULSION <a paroxysm of coughing>
2 : a sudden violent emotion or action : OUTBURST <a paroxysm of rage>
Shell pecan 壳儿的关系
Patina essential quality
: an appearance or aura that is derived from association, habit, or established character
: a superficial covering or exterior
: to act as patron of :
provide aid or support for
: to adopt an air of condescension toward : treat haughtily or coolly
: to be a frequent or regular customer or client of
同义词: 名词condescension 形容词condescending
2 a : going or performed on foot b : of, relating to, or designed for walking <a pedestrian mall>
还有一个反义词 rarefied
1 : of, relating to, or interesting to a select group : ESOTERIC
2 : very high
Peevish 暴怒系列词
: querulous in temperament or mood : FRETFUL
: perversely obstinate
: marked by ill temper
Perfervid ——impassive
marked by overwrought or exaggerated emotion : excessively fervent
of, relating to, or characterized by perfidy
minion : dependent / groveler : petitioner
Peripatetic ——rooted stationary
2 a
: of, relating to, or given to walking b
: moving or traveling from place to place :
: characterized by routine or superficiality 2
: lacking in interest or enthusiasm
1 : highly injurious or destructive : DEADLY
Persecute 很坏的骚扰 insisdent injure haunt badger
: to harass in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict;
: to cause to suffer because of belief
: to annoy with persistent or urgent approaches (as attacks, pleas, or importunities) : PESTER
frivolous bantering talk : light raillery
| persiflage:incite=exhortation:motivate
挖苦:激发=勉励:激发(动作及其结果) |
Personable ——unattractive
pleasant or amiable in person : ATTRACTIVE
peruse smattering stare leer 反义词关系
1 a : to examine or consider with attention and in detail : STUDY b : to look over or through in a casual or cursory manner
2 : READ; especially : to read over in an attentive or leisurely manner
嗯,主要还是记 study 这个含义吧
Petulant 暴怒系列
insolent or rude in speech or behavior
: characterized by temporary or capricious ill humor :
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-14 09:54:10
38# polaris03
现在把前28个list 干干净净的解决了,目前还剩下23个list. 争取在周六前解决~~~~~~~周日模考
作者: thatll 时间: 2009-4-14 12:48:38
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-14 19:01:27
40# thatll
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-14 21:09:18
41# polaris03
List 29——32
philistine pidding pied pilgrim pinch pinnacle pinpoint pirouette pithiness pithy pittance placebo plod plaintive plait plangent plaque platitude platonic plume potable precis precipitate
pregnant proselytize premonition premium prerogative progeny prognosis providential provisional
pulchritude pugilism puny purgative purgatory purloin pusillanimous purvey quandary quay quartet
quiescent rabble raconteur racy raffish raffle rampant rampage rambunctious raisin rail raid ramshackle rapids rapport rapt rasp reciprocal recompense recondite reek refinery refrain
reiterate reminisce remiss remunerative rend rendering rendezvous replenish repine repartee reprieve
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-14 21:47:24
42# polaris03
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-14 22:27:54
42# polaris03
【形近词 同义词总结】
2.poke pillory
4. precept
5. pontificial
6. philatelist
7. premiere
8. privation
9. proprietary
10. provender
11. providential
12. pullet
13. quirk
14. rampage 怒
ravage 摧毁
raze 摧毁
15. ravenous
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-15 16:00:11
44# polaris03
1 : resembling, consisting of, or producing the humor
2 : having or showing a slow and stolid temperament
synonym see impassive
to expose to public contempt, ridicule, or scorn
chide: pillory=humor:mollycoddle
pillory(名词):ridicule= guillotine execute
1 : to pull or pick off or out
2 a : to remove something (as hairs) from by or as if by plucking3 : to move, remove, or separate forcibly or abruptly <plucked the child from the middle of the street>
4 a : to pick, pull, or grasp at b : to play by sounding the strings with the fingers or a pick弹拨
名词1 : an act or instance of plucking or pulling
2 : the heart, liver, lungs, and trachea of a slaughtered animal especially as an item of food
3 : courageous readiness to fight or continue against odds : dogged resolution勇气
plumb 三种含义, 测深度(以及测深度的东西)examine minutely and critically 垂直的
名词: a lead weight attached to a line and used to indicate a vertical direction
动词1 : straight down or up
3 : in a direct manner : [size=-1]EXACTLY; also : without interval of time : [size=-1]IMMEDIATELY
动词1 : to weight with lead
2 a : to measure the depth of with a plumb b : to examine minutely and critically <plumbing the book's complexities>反义词; examine superficially
3 : to adjust or test by a plumb line
4 : to seal with lead
5 [back-formation from plumber] : to supply with or install as plumbing
intransitive senses : to work as a plumber
形容词1 : exactly vertical or true
2 : thorough, complete
synonym see vertical
反义词: horizonal/ superficial
: of, relating to, or constituting a portent 预示的
2 : eliciting amazement or wonder : prodigious 反义词: regular
3 a : being a grave or serious matter <portentous decisions> b : self-consciously solemn or important : pompous 自大的c : ponderously excessive
synonym see ominous
posit/postulate ——deny
an affected or insincere person
a miscellaneous collection : medley 串烧
动词1 a : to show displeasure by thrusting out the lips or wearing a sullen expression
transitive senses : to cause to protrude <pouted her lips>
名词1 : a protrusion of the lips expressive of displeasure
one practices a profession
quack-honest practitioner fledging- experienced practitioner
to talk long and idly
to walk about in an idle or leisurely manner
precarious——safe /firmly grounded
1 : depending on the will or pleasure of another
2 : dependent on uncertain premises : dubious<precarious generalizations>
3 a : dependent on chance circumstances, unknown conditions, or uncertain developments b : characterized by a lack of security or stability that threatens with danger
synonym see dangerous
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-15 16:42:22
45# polaris03
preposterous ——commensensical 就记成没有常识的
contrary to nature, reason, or common sense : absurd
pristine——corrupted by civilization/ contaminated/ squalid
1 : belonging to the earliest period or state : original
2 a : not spoiled, corrupted, or polluted (as by civilization) : pure b : fresh and clean as or as if new
pristine: decay= stable: fluctuation 反义
adulterate: pristine=dismantle: unity
1 : to make known by open declaration : proclaim
2 a : to make known or public the terms of (a proposed law) b : to put (a law) into action or force
lying down ——erect upright standing up
prone prostrate supine recumbent
除此以外,supine : exhibiting indolent or apathetic inertia or passivity; especially : mentally or morally slack
1 : favorably disposed : benevolent
2 : being of good omen : auspicious <propitious sign>
3 : tending to favor : advantageous
synonym see favorable
联想一下, portentous 表示的就是不吉利的
protract——curtail summary
1 : to reduce (as by crushing, beating, or grinding) to very small particles
2 : annihalate demolish
联系; raze ravage
: marked by or concerned about precise accordance with the details of codes or conventions
联想: scrupulous meticulous
a : an outlying or adjacent district
2 a : a frequently visited place : haunt
类比: extraordinary purlieu= tout commodiousness
pylon: guy = wing strut
含义一: 人所追求的东西
2 : game; specifically : game hunted with hawks
3 : one that is sought or pursued : prey
含义二: 采石场
quash ——engender foment
动词: to suppress or extinguish summarily and completely
动词: to nullify especially by judicial action
联想: quell repress squelch
1 : habitually complaining
2 : fretful, whining <a querulous voice>
rabid ——logical detached
1 a : extremely violent : furious b : going to extreme lengths in expressing or pursuing a feeling, interest, or opinion
rabid 形容词,形容太疯狂的
rapids 名词 急流
rail 动词 berate
raid 名词 突袭
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-15 17:04:03
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-15 17:06 编辑
46# polaris03
: of, relating to, or characteristic of a rake : dissolute ( lacking restrain)
1 : having a trim or streamlined appearance suggestive of speed <a rakish ship>
2 : dashingly or carelessly unconventional : jaunty<rakish clothes>
rancid 联想: noisome
bitter deep-seated ill will
敌意和善意 系列用词
rankle 动词
1 : to cause anger, irritation, or deep bitterness
2 : to feel anger and irritation
rant 行为,由anger 而导致
1 : to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner
2 : to scold vehemently
transitive senses : to utter in a bombastic declamatory fashion
名词1 a : a bombastic extravagant speech b : bombastic extravagant language
导致 愤怒 咆哮
1 a : to talk irrationally in or as if in delirium b : to speak out wildly c : to talk with extreme enthusiasm <raved about its beauty>咆哮
2 : to move or advance violently : storm
transitive senses : to utter in madness or frenzy
- rav·er noun
名词1 : an act or instance of raving
2 : an extravagantly favorable criticism <the play received the critics' raves> 赞扬 pan
rampart barrier= tower edifice
1 : a protective barrier :
2 : a broad embankment raised as a fortification and usually surmounted by a parapet
3 : a wall-like ridge (as of rock fragments, earth, or debris)
ratiocination : thinking= articulating : talking
1 : disagreeably harsh or strident : hoarse <raucous voices>
2 : boisterously disorderly
联想: raspy cacophonious mellifuous
unusually attractive, pleasing, or striking
rebus symbols =notes score
动词 解开 unravel /反义词 knit
名词 纠缠
作者: xishuai 时间: 2009-4-15 17:30:00
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-15 17:34:16
47# polaris03
list 29——32 补充
【形近词 同义词】
1.reconnaissance 侦查
2. recess recessive
regress regressive
名词1 : the action of receding : [size=-1]RECESSION 萧条时期
2 : a hidden, secret, or secluded place or part
3 a : indentation, cleft <a deep recess in the hill> b : alcove<a recess lined with books>
4 : a suspension of business or procedure often for rest or relaxation
动词1 : to put into a recess <recessed lighting>
2 : to make a recess in
3 : to interrupt for a recess
: to take a recess
recessive 后退的,隐性的(dominant)
1 a : tending to recede b : [size=-1]WITHDRAWN
2 a : producing little or no phenotypic effect when occurring in heterozygous condition with a contrasting allele <recessive genes> b : expressed only when the determining gene is in the homozygous condition <recessive traits>
1 : an organism possessing one or more recessive characters
2 : a recessive character or gene
regress 倒退
1 a : an act or the privilege of going or coming back
2 : movement backward to a previous and especially worse or more primitive state or condition
3 : the act of reasoning backward
intransitive senses
1 a : to make or undergo regress : b : to be subject to or exhibit regression
2 : to tend to approach or revert to a mean
transitive senses : to induce a state of psychological regression in
1 : tending to regress or produce regression
2 : being, characterized by, or developing in the course of an evolutionary process involving increasing simplification of bodily structure
3 : decreasing in rate as the base increases <a regressive tax>
reprise refrain 音乐中的重复
reprisal 报复
requite——leave unrepaid
1 a : to make return for repay b : to make retaliation for : avenge
2 : to make suitable return to for a benefit or service or for an injury
rescind rescission
1 : to take away : remove
2 a : take back , cancel b : to abrogate (a contract) and restore the parties to the positions they would have occupied had there been no contract
3 : to make void (as an act) by action of the enacting authority or a superior authority : repeal
指责; reprehend reprimand reproach reprobate reproof reprove
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-15 17:35:12
48# xishuai
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-15 18:19:24
50# polaris03
gullible 的正常版
recourse to 依靠 依赖
1 a : a turning to someone or something for help or protection b : a source of help or strength : resort
2 : the right to demand payment from the maker or endorser of a negotiable instrument (as a check)
recital 独奏
recite 背诵
transitive senses
1 : to give and take mutually
2 : to return in kind or degree <reciprocate a compliment gracefully>
intransitive senses
1 : to make a return for something <we hope to reciprocate for your kindness>报答
2 : to move forward and backward alternately <a reciprocating valve> 反义 moving undirectionally
reconstitute ——dehydrate
recoil ——advance
recollection memory
redeem 补救 形容词 redeptive
esdeem 尊敬
redoubtable—not impressive
1 : causing fear or alarm : formidable
2 : illustrious, eminent; broadly : worthy of respect
1 : characteristic flavor; especially : pleasing or zestful flavor
2 : a quantity just sufficient to flavor or characterize : [size=-1]TRACE
3 a : enjoyment of or delight in something that satisfies one's tastes, inclinations, or desires <eat with great relish> b : a strong liking : [size=-1]INCLINATION <has little relish for sports>
4 a : something adding a zestful flavor; especially : a condiment (as of pickles or green tomatoes) eaten with other food to add flavor
(to go back on a promise or commitment)
: to rescind or annul by authoritative act; especially : to revoke or abrogate by legislative enactment
2 : abandon renounce
repellent —— attractive
repose 休息
1 a : an act or instance of resigning something : surrenderb : a formal notification of resinging
2 : the quality or state of being resigned: submissiveness
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-15 18:44:03
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-15 18:49 编辑
51# polaris03
List 33——36
Part one
resplendent respondent responsive restive restiveness retinue (retainer) retiring retard retaliate retort rind retrace retribution revealing revelry revile rile rickety rig riveting riven
roster rostrum ruse sabotage saboteur sepulchral shambles sedulity seedling(scion shoot) scurrilous scrub screwdriver screw sleigh slither sliver slot
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-15 19:27:56
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-15 20:10 编辑
52# polaris03
1. salvage
形容词1 a : not domesticated or under human control : untamed <savage beasts> b : lacking the restraints normal to civilized human beings : fierce, ferocious
2 : wild, uncultivated
3 a : boorish, rude b : malicious
4 : lacking complex or advanced culture : uncivilized
名词1 : a person belonging to a primitive society
2 : a brutal person
3 : a rude or unmannerly person
动词: to attack or treat brutally
2. revelry
3. sanctify 神化
sanction 批准
sanctimonious ( : affecting piousness)
4. revere 尊敬
reverie 梦幻曲
5. 使复活
6. 报复; reprisal retribution retaliation revenge
7. 烤: singe parch scorch
8. shrub scotch 压得粉碎
scrub 同义~
9. sill
10. scribble scrawl
11. 有知觉的—敏感的—理智的,智慧的
sensation sentient
sane sapient sensible
1 a : a mental process (as seeing, hearing, or smelling) due to immediate bodily stimulation often as distinguished from awareness of the process -- compare perception b : awareness (as of heat or pain) due to stimulation of a sense organ c : a state of consciousness of a kind usually due to physical objects or internal bodily changes <a burning sensation in his chest> d : an indefinite bodily feeling <a sensation of buoyancy>
3 a : a state of excited interest or feeling <their elopement caused a sensation> b : a cause of such excitement <especially : one (as a person) in some respect exceptional or outstanding <the rookie hitting sensation of the American League>轰动
1 : responsive to or conscious of sense impressions
2 : aware
3 : finely sensitive in perception or feeling
1 : proceeding from a sound mind : rational
2 : mentally sound; especially : able to anticipate and appraise the effect of one's actions
3 : healthy in body
possessing or expressing great sagacity
sensible 好像就是 sentient sensitive conscious 加一快了
1 : of a kind to be felt or perceived: as a : perceptible to the senses or to reason or understanding c (1) : perceptible as real or material : substantial (2) : of a kind to arouse emotional response
2 a : capable of receiving sensory impressions b : receptive to external influences : sensitive
3 a : perceiving through the senses or mind : cognizant also : convinced by perceived evidence : satisfied b : emotionally aware and responsive c : conscious
4 : rational reasonable
作者: thatll 时间: 2009-4-15 19:36:06
你这个 revalry什么意思?
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-15 20:09:14
53# polaris03
retouch picture= revise mauscript
retract 收回 retract statement repeal regislation
transitive senses
1 : to draw back or in
2 a : take back , withdraw <retract a confession> b :disawow
intransitive senses
1 : to draw or pull back
2 : to recant or disavow something
synonym see abjure recede
1 : prevalent especially to an increasing degree <fear was rife in the people>
2 : abundant common
3 : copiously supplied : abounding -- usually used with with <rife with rumors>
saintly holy
sacrilege(sacrilegious)—— respect reverent
名词1 : an unctuous adhesive substance for application to wounds or sores
2 : a remedial or soothing influence or agency <a salve to their hurt feelings>
动词1 : to remedy (as disease) with or as if with a salve
2 : quiet, assuage <give him a raise in salary to salve his feelings -- Upton Sinclair>
relating to clothes 填空题目里面
relating to hair
: a person of learning;
scourge 填空题中
名词1 : [size=-1]WHIP; especially : one used to inflict pain or punishment
2 : an instrument of punishment or criticism
3 : a cause of widespread or great affliction
2 a : to punish severely b : afflict c : to drive as if by blows of a whip d : chastise
scotch encourage
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-15 20:12:01
54# thatll
哈哈,写错了, rivalry
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-15 21:58:16
56# polaris03
scoff 嘲笑系列词汇
scoop concave= spatula flat 体会纵向对应
1 : lacking in resourcefulness : inefficient
2 : lacking in ambition or incentive : lazy
shelve to put off or aside <shelve a project>
septic——free of infection
1 : of, relating to, or causing putrefaction(腐败物)
sere —— verdant lush
1 : being dried and withered
serried ——widely seperated
sever 分开连接系列词汇
: to put or keep apart : divide; especially : to remove (as a part) by or as if by cutting
: to become separated
sham 就一个字,假
名词1 : a trick that deludes : hoax
2 : cheap falseness
3 : an ornamental covering for a pillow
4 : an imitation or counterfeit purporting to be genuine
5 : a person who shams
synonym see imposture
形容词1 : not genuine : false feigned
2 : having such poor quality as to seem false
debunk ——perpetuate to sham
sensitization allergic = habituation inured 原因结果, 使……怎么怎么样,结果怎么怎么样
: the action or process of sensitizing
2 : the quality or state of being sensitized (as to an antigen)
porfolio : securities= dossier; reports
: keeping a quiet steady attitude or pace : unruffled (比较raffle ruffle)
sedentary ——migratory
1 : not migratory : settled <sedentary birds>
2 : doing or requiring much sitting
3 : permanently attached <sedentary barnacles>
1 a : good-looking, handsome b : agreeably fashioned : attractive
2 : conventionally proper : decorous
3 : suited to the occasion, purpose, or person : fit
2 : to soak or saturate in a liquid
2 a : to be in a state of rapid agitated movement b : to churn or foam as if boiling
3 : to suffer violent internal excitement
seething sea
动作以及其结果 scuff abrasion= heat viporation
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-15 22:02:18
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-18 01:03 编辑
57# polaris03
考工具以及其使用者的关系, scythe reaper
secretive ——grandiloquent
disposed to secrecy : not open or outgoing in speech, activity, or purposes
secrete(和 secret区别开来)
: to form and give off 分泌 反义词 absorb
1 : to deposit or conceal in a hiding place 隐藏,保守秘密, 反义词, divulge
2 : to appropriate secretely
seamy—— decent and respectable
a : unpleasant b : degraded, sordid
scruple scrupulous scrutable
scruple 因为道德的考虑而坐某事非常犹豫, 顾虑重重 never scrupled to do sth, 做某事而没有什么担忧
名词1 : an ethical consideration or principle that inhibits action
3 : mental reservation
动词1 : to have scruples
2 : to show reluctance on grounds of conscience :
1 : having moral integrity : acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper
2 : punctiliously exact : painstaking <working with scrupulous care>
synonym see upright, exact
所以,现在明白了吧,unscrupulous 并不是,punctiliously exact 的反义词, 而是,having moral integrity 的反义词。就是 unprincipled 的意思啦~~~~~嗯,这个意思记全了~~~~~~~
scrutable 通过仔细检查可以理解的
capable of being deciphered : comprehensible
1 : to contract the brow in an expression of displeasure
2 : to exhibit a threatening aspect
: a facial expression of displeasure :frown
scrap 名词含义呢就是垃圾碎片,废物的意思,而引申出来的动词的含义就是, 抛弃, 所以有反义词 retrieve
: consisting of scraps <scrappy meals>
1 : quarrelsome
2 : having an aggressive and determined spirit : feisty 反义词,胆小的
sidereal 红宝书里面有很多这样的词,什么什么和什么相关,arboreal trees, fluvial river 等等
of, relating to, or expressed in relation to stars or constellations
shudder 是一个动作,由什么引起的呢,是,害怕! macabre
shunt是一种特殊的转向 ,divert
s imulate
1 : to give or assume the appearance or effect of often with the intent to deceive : imitate
sinecure——arduous employment
2 : an office or position that requires little or no work and that usually provides an income
sinew 同义词, tendinous 本义是tendon, 隐身含义就是 power
1 : tendon;
3 a : solid resilient strength : power <astonishing intellectual sinew and clarity -- Reynolds Price> b : the chief supporting force : mainstay -- usually used in plural <providing the sinews of better living -- Sam Pollock>
: to strengthen as if with sinews
1 a : of a serpentine or wavy form : winding b : marked by strong lithe movements
2 : intricate , complex
skit 短 play 联想, ditty 是短 opera
slant——assert without bias
1 : a slanting direction, line, or plane : slope
2 a : something that slants b : diagonal3 c : a football running play in which the ballcarrier runs obliquely toward the line of scrimmage
3 a : a peculiar or personal point of view, attitude, or opinion
-1 : to take a diagonal course, direction, or path
2 : to turn or incline from a right line or a level : [size=-1]SLOPE
transitive senses
1 : to give an oblique or sloping direction to
2 : to interpret or present in line with a special interest : [size=-1]ANGLE <stories slanted toward youth>; especially : to maliciously or dishonestly distort or falsify
2 : satisfy, quench <slake your thirst> <will slake your curiosity>
slate candidate 候选人名单
: a large number <a slew of books>
slick 滑的, glib, trite, clever, deft, extremely good
1 a : having a smooth surface : slippery <slick wet leaves> b : having surface plausibility or appeal : glib, <slick advertising> c : based on stereotype : trite <slick stories soon forgotten>
3 a : characterized by subtlety or nimble wit : [size=-1]CLEVER; especially : [size=-1]WILY <a reputation as a slick operator> b :deft skillful <a slick ballplayer>
4 : extremely good
名词1 a : something that is smooth or slippery; especially : a smooth patch of water covered with a film of oil b : a film of oil
2 : an implement for producing a slick surface: as a : a flat paddle usually of steel for smoothing a sample of flour b : a foundry tool for smoothing the surface of a sand mold or unbaked core
3 : a shrewd untrustworthy person
4 : a popular magazine printed on coated stock and intended to appeal to sophisticated readers
5 : an automobile tire made without a tread for maximum traction (as in drag racing)
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-15 22:07:26
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-15 22:11 编辑
58# polaris03
List 33——36
part two
strew stricture sluice smarmy sly smattering snarl sneaking sod sorcery sow spank spartan speck spike spell splint splurge sprain sprawling sprightly sprout spruce squall squint stance starchy
stench stigma(stigmatize) stilted shoddy
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-15 22:28:10
59# polaris03
1. solicitude 关心 牵挂 ——indifference
solidarity 团结一致
solidify 使团结——pulverize
2. 湿
soggy sodden sop soak sopping steep
3. spate
spate—— dearth/ trickling flow
1 : flood
2 a : a large number or amount b : a sudden or strong outburst : rush <a spate of anger>
4. 炫耀 sport splurge
5. spiny
1 : covered or armed with spines; broadly : bearing spines , prickles, or thorns
2 : abounding with difficulties, obstacles, or annoyances : [size=-1]THORNY <spiny problems>
3 : slender and pointed like a spine
1 : of a disproportionately tall or long and thin appearance that often suggests physical weakness <spindly legs>
2 : frail or flimsy in appearance or structure
6. 臭: stench reek noisome stink rancid
7. stationary 静止的
statuary 雕像
status 身份
stature 身高
statute 法规
作者: thatll 时间: 2009-4-15 22:37:15
作者: thatll 时间: 2009-4-15 22:41:18
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-15 22:45:24
60# polaris03
现在list 33——36 还有 大概四个帖子的【考法】总结没有完成
距离 deadline 还有 周四 周五 周六 三天时间
明天要写实验报告,和准备实验,就没有很多时间查单词了,能搞定 8list 单词分类工作
周五,晚上 八点——十一点 可能有时间,
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-15 22:49:02
thatll 发表于 2009-4-15 22:37
[size=-1]DELIGHTFUL, [size=-1]EXCELLENT; especially : [size=-1]DELICIOUS
猜: 不仔细的
答案: unprincipled, 反义词probity
嗯,scrupulous 的意思还是勉强记住了,heihei
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-15 22:52:12
thatll 发表于 2009-4-15 22:41
答案: 啊,完全不对,原来是弯弯曲曲的意思
作者: thatll 时间: 2009-4-15 23:01:59
作者: lollipops80 时间: 2009-4-15 23:08:22
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-18 09:18:43
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-18 20:27 编辑
63# polaris03
List 33——36
part two
smother 就是一个使窒息的意思啦~~~
名词1 a : thick stifling smoke or smudge b : a state of being stifled or suppressed
2 : a dense cloud (as of fog, spray, or dust)
3 : a confused multitude of things : welter
intransitive senses : to be overcome or killed through or as if through lack of air
transitive senses
动词1 : to overcome or kill with smoke or fumes
2 a : to destroy the life of by depriving of air b : to overcome or discomfit through or as if through lack of air c : to suppress (a fire) by excluding oxygen
3 a : to cause to smolder b : to suppress expression or knowledge of <smothered his rage> c : to stop or prevent the growth or activity of <smother a child with too much care>; also : overwhelm d : to cover thickly : blanket <snow smothered the trails> e : to overcome or vanquish quickly or decisively
4 : to cook in a covered pan or pot with little liquid over low heat
动词1 a : to sleep lightly : doze b : sleep
2 a : to be in a torpid, slothful, or negligent state b : to lie dormant or latent
名词1 a : sleep b : a light sleep
2 : lethargy,
smirk 动作表达心理感情, smirk: smugness
to smile in an affected or smug manner
1 : trim or smart in dress : spruce
2 : scrupulously clean, neat, or correct : tidy
3 : highly self-satisfied
smooth ——spiny corrugated serrated
sand (动词,用沙子磨光)smooth
smuggle 类比里面三种:
正常与偷偷: smuggle: convey=collude: cooperate
人及其主要行为: smuggler: import= embezzler: appropriate
所逃东西: smuggle: tarrif = stowaway: fare
transitive senses
动词1 : to import or export secretly contrary to the law and especially without paying duties imposed by law
2 : to convey or introduce surreptitiously
intransitive senses : to import or export something in violation of the customs laws
snatch 这个很大的可能是作为一种特殊的take 来考
动词: to attempt to seize something suddenly
: to take or grasp abruptly or hastily; also : to seize or grab suddenly without permission, ceremony, or right
名词1 a : a brief period <caught snatches of sleep> b : a brief, fragmentary, or hurried part : bit <caught snatches of the conversation>
3 : a lift in weight lifting in which the weight is raised from the floor directly to an overhead position in a single motion -- compare clean and jerk, press
1 a : false, counterfeit b : practicing deception : dishonest <a snide merchant>
2 : unworthy of esteem : low <a snide trick>
3 : slyly disparaging : insinuating <snide remarks>
名词1 a : a small piece that is snipped off; also : fragment, bit b : a cut or notch made by snipping c : an act or sound of snipping
2 : a white or light mark; especially : a white spot between the nostrils of a horse
3 : a presumptuous or impertinent person; especially : an impertinent or saucy girl
动词to cut or cut off with or as if with shears or scissors; specifically : to clip suddenly or by bits
intransitive senses : to make a short quick cut with or as if with shears or scissors
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-18 09:20:18
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-18 20:47 编辑
68# polaris03
solicitous 现在就考了concerned 这个含义,但是综合起来这样掌握这个词呢,还有 非常仔细,非常渴望,害怕这样的含义。
1 : manifesting or expressing solicitude<a solicitous inquiry about his health>
2 : full of concern or fears : apprehensive <solicitous about the future>
3 : meticulously careful <solicitous in matters of dress>
4 : full of desire : eager
联想: 关心,有褒义词,也有贬义词,也有程度的不同
tend(正常) fuss (过分关心) solicitous(算正常吧) attentiveness(正常) obsequious (贬义) concerned (正常) obsessed(过度)
不关心: nonchalant indifferent
表示不关心的动作: shrug
somatic ——physical
soot combustation 的产物
sphism 假 reason 嗯,我怎么记住这个词呢, s ph is m Sverder 说,ph 是我,无聊。
sophistry 也是假 reason
soporific 重点词汇,要求能见到它认识
1 a : causing or tending to cause sleep b : tending to dull awareness or alertness 考点
2 : of, relating to, or marked by sleepiness or lethargy考点
: a soporific agent; specifically : hypnotic 考点
联想:insomnia 失眠
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-18 09:21:34
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-18 21:07 编辑
69# polaris03
sordid —wholesome/ noble
1 : marked by baseness or grossness : vile<sordid motives>
2 a : dirty, filthy b : wretched, squalid
3 : meanly avaricious : covetous
4 : of a dull or muddy color
联想: 卑鄙与高尚
《卑鄙》base mean reptile(的人) turpitude nefarious ignoble vile
<高尚> noble magnificent sublime virtuous
specifics =minutia
名词1 : petty ill will or hatred with the disposition to irritate, annoy, or thwart
2 : an instance of spite
动词1 a : annoy, offend b : to fill with spite
2 : to treat maliciously (as by shaming or thwarting)
spleen ——goodwill
4 : feelings of anger or ill will often suppressed
splice 连接断开系列词汇之连接
2 a : not firm or solid b : being in the form of a metallic sponge <spongy iron>
squalor ——splendor
the quality or state of being squalid
squat ——thin and tall
2 a : low to the ground b : marked by disproportionate shortness or thickness
staid 沉着的,柯南, 嗯,不是呆呆的,静止不动的那种
: marked by settled sedateness and often prim self-restraint : sober, grave
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-18 09:22:48
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-18 21:35 编辑
70# polaris03
stalk 这是一个重点词汇,嗯,属于偷偷干某事的系列
1 : to pursue quarry or prey stealthily
2 : to walk stiffly or haughtily 这个含义倒是没有考过,注意一下喽
联想: 偷偷干什么: collude smuggle stalk 欢迎大家替我补充一下喽,这个记得陈绮上课强调过的
形容词: marked by outstanding strength and vigor of body, mind, or spirit <stalwart common sense>考反义词,lank/ timorous
synonym see strong
名词1 : a stalwart person 这个人的正面特征就是 constant 考过
2 : an unwavering partisan
stanch 就记住一个搭配 ,stanch flow= damp variation
line 组成stanza组成 poet/ ballad
stark填空: stark oppositions 决然的对立
形容词1 a : rigid in or as if in death b : rigidly conforming (as to a pattern or doctrine) : absolute <stark discipline>
3 : utter, sheer<stark nonsense>
4 a : barren, desolate b (1) : having few or no ornaments : bare <a stark white room> (2) : harsh, blunt <the stark realities of death>
5 : sharply delineated <a stark contrast
stencil lettering = pattern sewing
stentorian extremely loud 这个词的难度就在于看见它是否认识了, 好,我一定把你记住,
his torian
stentorian 就记,把 historian 的his 换成 sten 就好了
stetho scope 听诊器
stock 重点单词
名词 存货清单 inventory stock
动词1 : to make (a domestic animal) pregnant
2 : to fit to or with a stock
3 : to provide with stock or a stock : [size=-1]SUPPLY <stock a stream with trout>
4 : to procure or keep a stock of
5 : to graze (livestock) on land
intransitive senses
1 : to send out new shoots
2 : to put in stock or supplies <stock up on canned goods>
形容词1 a : kept regularly in stock <comes in stock sizes> <a stock model> b : commonly used or brought forward : standard <the stock answer> 这是常考义
2 a : kept for breeding purposes : brood <a stock mare> b : devoted to the breeding and rearing of livestock <a stock farm> c : used or intended for livestock <a stock train> d : used in herding livestock <a stock horse> <a stock dog>
3 : of or relating to a stock company
4 : employed in handling, checking, or taking care of the stock of merchandise on hand <a stock clerk>
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-18 21:51:13
71# polaris03
终于进入下一阶段了,哎,还是有15个lists, 嗯,目标不变,自己尽量去好好做好了,毕竟这项工作很繁重嘛
List 37——40
stultify stunning stylus submit subterfuge succor succumb suffrage suffragist sumptuous sultry sulky surealism swerve sweltering swell sustained swine sybarite sybaritic synoptic
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-18 22:02:38
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-18 22:40 编辑
72# polaris03
tactile tag taking talisman tally tambourine tangy tantrum taper tardy tarpaulin tatty tawdry taxing taxonomist technocrat temp tempest(tempestuous)temporize tenet tenor testator(testament) thatch thicket throwback thwart tickler ticklish tire
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-18 22:39:36
73# polaris03
traceable trance trample trajectory transcribe transfigure transport treacherous treason treatise trespass trim trinket trowel truancy truculent turret tumult twinge unanimous unbecoming uncouth vacillate vacuous vagary(vaporous) vagrancy vagrant valedictory
vandalism vandalize variance variegate venial ventriloquist verdigris veterinary
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-18 23:17:17
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-19 00:29 编辑
74# polaris03
【形近词 同义词总结】
专题一: un 取非系列
一般这样的词都是形容词,有两种类型,(1)形容词直接取非,很简单 (2)动词 取非成形容词,这个一般要好好理解一下,不是那么直接 还有一种特殊情况,就是,取非的时候意思发生了一定的变化,这样就理解错了,对于这一堆,un 打头的词,采取的措施是
(2) 解决那些动词本体形容词
(3)解决那些意义发生改变的取非词 好好记
【flappable 容易兴奋的 | gainly 优雅的 | kempt 整洁的 | obtrusive 非常引人注目的| palatable 对于自己的嘴和脑子都是愉快的| prepossessing attractive | seemly 得体的| wont 习惯】
【requite报答—— unrequited | scathe 烫伤——unscathed| stint 节省——unstinting | tap 开发——untapped| impeach 指责——unimpeachable| direct 指导——undirected| enlighten 教育感化—— unenlightened】
【initiate 传授基本知识—— uninitiated 外行的,没有经验的| exceptional 例外的——unexceptionable=unimpeachable|fail 失败——unfailing 无穷的|prvoke 激起——unprovoked 无缘无故的|regenerate 新生——unregenerate 不知悔改的| scrupulous取 考虑很多道德 这个含义——unscrupulous| sound取 身体好, 坚固的,valid这三个意思—— unsound | told——untold 数不清的| toward—— untoward 不好管的,不幸运的, 不得体的| wield ——unwieldy 笨重的| wit—— unwitting =unaware , not intended】
嗯,注意一下, unexceptional, 和 unexceptionable
1 : difficult to guide, manage, or work with : unruly, intractable
2 a : marked by trouble or unhappiness : unlucky b : not favorable : adverse, unpropitious<untoward side effects>
3 : improper, indecorous
作者: thatll 时间: 2009-4-18 23:22:35
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-18 23:31:05
75# polaris03
专题二 under 系列
(—)underbid=undercut 要价过低 underestimated=underrate, understated, underplay,
(+) undergird 加强 underscore 强调
(在下面) underdog 受人欺负的人, underhanded 不是光明正大的 underling 手下, underlying 潜在的
understudy 替补演员
(其他) underwrite 同意为什么什么负担费用
underplay to act or present (as a role or a scene) with restraint
avoiding obvious emphasis or embellishment
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-18 23:31:32
76# thatll
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-18 23:38:53
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-19 00:47 编辑
78# polaris03
1. suffuse to spread over or through in the manner of fluid or light
suffuse 的考法, 就是,tint : suffuse= damp quench 程度类比
2. super
superb 都是很好的意思啦, 麻烦,就统一化处理
3. superintend= supervise
4. supercilious -superiority 傲慢的
superfluous - superfluity 多余的—— integral
superficial 表面的,肤浅的
surfeit 名词食物 过量过度
5. supple - compliant pliant
supplement 补充
6. sustenance 粮食
7. supersede= supplant 取代
supplant 考法:supplant replace = snatch take
10. suppliant 1 : humbly imploring : entreating
2 : expressing supplication supplicant
supplicant 乞求者
supplicate 乞求
12. tenuous 稀薄的
sinuous 弯曲的
作者: thatll 时间: 2009-4-18 23:51:24
Not varying from a norm; usual.
Not subject to exceptions; absolute.
Difficult or impossible to impeach: an unimpeachable witness.
Beyond reproach; blameless: unimpeachable behavior.
Beyond doubt; unquestionable: “works of such unimpeachable greatness” (Musical Heritage Review).
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-19 00:23:00
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-19 21:30 编辑
79# polaris03
13. tacit —— explicit 形容词
tactic —— 手段 战术名词
tact —— 1 : sensitive mental or aesthetic perception 2 : a keen sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense
14. tamp to put a check on
tamper 2 a : to interfere so as to weaken or change for the worse b : to try foolish or dangerous experiments tamper adjust= mispresent communicate
15. tempo 步调节奏
temporal 时间的
16. timber 木材人品
timbre 音质
17. tenable 站的住角的
tenacious 固执的
tendentious 有偏见的
18. toil 辛苦劳作
coil 圈圈
recoil 撤退
roil 激怒
19. 怒: umbrage (名词)touchy testiness testy
20. tout 招徕顾客
taut 紧的
21. t rite - banal
22. troupe 剧团歌剧团
toupee 假发
23. unconscionable 无节制的 过度的 没有了 conscience
unconscious 没有意识到的
24. 英勇的 valiant valorous
25. truce 停战休战协定
26. 背叛者系列: 形容词: treacherous , 好了言归正传, traitor, turncoat renegade quisling
27. tyro 新手 rookie
typo 印刷错误 print
typograhical 印刷上的
28. transcendent
(de scendent)
transcendental 别给自己找麻烦了,就把这两个词看成一样的
29. traverse
1 a : to go against or act in opposition to : oppose, thwart
2 : to move or pass along or through <light rays traversing a crystal>
3 : to make a study of : examine
4 : to lie or extend across : cross<the bridge traverses a brook>考试的时候考的是这个意思!!!
travesty —— paragon 不要写错喽~~~ paragon paragon paragon
30. varigate- varigation 又写错啦, variegate variegate variegate
31. vile 卑鄙的
rile 激怒 roil
32. 以 ous 结尾的单词
vicarious ——directed
veracious 说真话的
vicious 邪恶的
vicissitudinous 变化的
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-19 00:30:01
80# thatll
啊, 我又写错了,应该是 unexceptionable ,而不是unexceptional ,真的太谢谢你了:handshake
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-19 00:49:39
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-21 08:34 编辑
81# polaris03
1. tackiness tacky 表示的是粘的意思, adhesive 的正面特征就是 tackiness
2. tackle hiost 工具以及其作用
3. tapestry 正面特征: intricacy
4. tare
5. tart
形容词1 : agreeably sharp or acid to the taste
2 : marked by a biting, acrimonious, or cutting quality
名词1 : a dish baked in a pastry shell : pie: as a : a small pie or pastry shell without a top containing jelly, custard, or fruit b : a small pie made of pastry folded over a filling
2 : prostitute 妓女
8. teeter
1 a : to move unsteadily : wobble b : waver, vacillate <teetered on the brink of bankruptcy>
2 : seesaw
9. telling
carrying great weight and producing a marked effect : effective, expressive <the most telling evidence>
10. temerity
1 : unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger or opposition : rashiness, recklessness
2 : an act or instance of temerity
11. temper
动词1 : to dilute, qualify, or soften by the addition or influence of something else : moderate <temper justice with mercy> 缓和
3 : to bring to a suitable state by mixing in or adding a usually liquid ingredient: as a : to mix (clay) with water or a modifier (as grog) and knead to a uniform texture b : to mix oil with (colors) in making paint ready for use
4 a (1) : to soften (as hardened steel or cast iron) by reheating at a lower tempreture(2) : to harden (as steel) by reheating and cooling in oil b : to anneal or toughen (glass) by a process of gradually heating and cooling
5 : to make stronger and more resilient through hardship : toughen锤炼<troops tempered in battle>
6 a : to put in tune with something : attune
名词2 a : the state of a substance with respect to certain desired qualities (as hardness, elasticity, or workability); especially : the degree of hardness or resiliency given steel by tempering b : the feel and relative solidity of leather性情脾气
3 a : a characteristic cast of mind or state of feeling : disposition b : calmness of mind : composure c : state of feeling or frame of mind at a particular time usually dominated by a single strong emotion d : heat of mind or emotion : proneness to anger : passion
12. tenable——unsound/ fallacious/ specious
capable of being held, maintained, or defended : defensible , reasonable
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-19 00:51:53
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-4-19 21:43 编辑
83# polaris03
1. tender tinder
动词: to make tender : soften, weaken
动词: to make a tender of
: to present for acceptance : offer <tendered my resignation> 这个意思考过
intransitive senses : to make a bid or tender <tender for a building contract> <tendered for 6% of the stock>
3. tether ——loose/ detatch/ tear
名词1 : something (as a rope or chain) by which an animal is fastened so that it can range only within a set radius
2 : the limit of one's strength or resources <at the end of my tether>
动词: to fasten or restrain by or as if by a tether
4. therapeutic 治疗的,医院的正面特征
5. thread screw= tooth gear
6. threadbare 两层含义, shabby, trite
1 : having the nap worn off so that the thread shows : shabby
2 : exhausted of interest or freshness
7. titular tittle
8. tine
: a slender pointed projecting part : prone
: a pointed branch of an antler
tined 尖端的
9. torpor
: apathy, dullness
: a state of mental and motor inactivity with partial or total insensibility : extreme sluggishness or stagnation of function
synonym see lethargy
11. totter
1 a : to tremble or rock as if about to fall : sway b : to become unstable : threaten to collapse
2 : to move unsteadily : stagger, wobble
: an unsteady gait : wobble
12. stygian
: extremely dark, gloomy, or forbidding
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-19 00:54:06
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-5-7 23:35 编辑
84# polaris03
2. stroll leisure idle 的走
1 : to walk in a leisurely or idle manner : ramble
2 : to go from place to place in search of work or profit <strolling players> <strolling musicians>
3. strut重点复习词汇!!!
动词1 : to become turgid : swell
2 a : to walk with a proud gait b : to walk with a pompous and affected air
transitive senses : to parade (as clothes) with a show of pride
名词1 : a structural piece designed to resist pressure in the direction of its length 支柱
2 : a pompous step or walk
3 : arrogant behavior : swagger
: to provide, stiffen, support, or hold apart with or as if with a strut
strut : wing=buttress: wall= guy :pylon
strut: walk = pontificate: speak
4. studied 好吧,这个意群是该总结的时候了!!!——spontaneity
1 : carefully considered or prepared : thoughtful
2 : knoledgeable, learned
3 : produced or marked by conscious design or premeditation : caculation<studied indifference>
5. stuffy重点复习词汇!!!!
1 : lacking in vitality or interest : stodgy , dull 没有活力的,没有兴趣的, 和 vitality, interest 在类比中考缺乏关系, 在反义中,和vital 这样的词考
2 : ill-natured, ill-humored
3 a : oppressive to the breathing : close b : stuffed up <a stuffy nose> 哈哈就鼻塞的意思啦, 记住吧,以后感冒了,可以这样说哦, I've got a stuffy nose.
4 : narrowly inflexible in standards of conduct : self-righteous 自已为是的
stodgy 重点词汇
1 : having a rich filling quality : heavy <stodgy bread> 感觉反义词也许是tenuous
2 : moving in a slow plodding way especially as a result of physical bulkiness 可以考类比中的因果关系, physical bulkiness, stodgy walking
3 : boring , dull 嗯,这个是个boring 的高级用法哦, 学着了, a rather stodgy trip 这个反义词就是 exciting
4 : extremely old-fashioned : hidebound <received a pompously Victorian letter from his stodgy father -- E. E. S. Montagu> 这个和, conservative 考过程度类比
5 a : drab 枯黄色的,无聊的 b : dowdy , 取 old-fashioned 之意
来,小结一下,这堆意思, heavy——plodding——boring——old-fashioned(dowdy)
6. stupor 重点复习词汇
虽然这个词,只和 alert 考过类比中, 反义关系,但是从它的词条可以看出, 它的潜在考法很多
1 : a condition of greatly dulled or completely suspended sense or sensibility <drunken stupor> 和 dull 考形名同义, 和sensibility 考, 如果, 也有一个词是 suspended ~~~~~就有可能一块考哦
2 : a state of extreme apathy or torpor (麻木)resulting often from stress or shock : daze 和 apathy, torpor 放在一块考 程度,哦也许不可能,因为,好像没有名词程度的考法,嗯,就先这样记吧, 还可能和stress of shock 放在一块考 因果关系, 最重要的是 记住, stupor 和 sensibility 的关系, 和 apathy , torpor 的同一关系
synonym see lethargy
7. stunt
动词: to hinder the normal growth, development, or progress of
名词1 : one (as an animal) that is stunted
2 : a check in growth
3 : a plant disease in which dwarfing occurs
名词1 : an unusual or difficult feat requiring great skill or daring; especially : one performed or undertaken chiefly to gain attention or publicity
2 : a shifting or switching of the positions by defensive players at the line of scrimmage in football to disrupt the opponent's blocking efforts
动词: to perform or engage in a stunt
8. stymie
to present an obstacle to : stand in the way of
9. subdue—— unruly/ flamboyant/ indomitable 屈服
动词1 : to conquer and bring into subjection : vanquish
2 : to bring under control especially by an exertion of the will : curb <subdued my foolish fears>
3 : to bring under cultivation
4 : to reduce the intensity or degree of : tone down
10. subject
臣民: potentate disgress subject= stray group
11. sublime
动词1 : to cause to pass directly from the solid to the vapor state and condense back to solid form 升华
2 a (1) : to elevate or exalt especially in dignity or honor (2) : to render finer (as in purity or excellence) b : to convert (something inferior) into something of higher worth
形容词 1 a : lofty, grand, or exalted in thought, expression, or manner b : of outstanding spiritual, intellectual, or moral worth c : tending to inspire awe usually because of elevated quality (as of beauty, nobility, or grandeur) or transcendent excellence
2 d : complete, utter <sublime ignorance>
complete utter
反义词: ridiculous furtive despicable worthless
12. subliminal
1 : inadequate to produce a sensation or a perception
2 : existing or functioning below the threshold of consciousness <the subliminal mind> <subliminal advertising>
反义词: at a perceptible level
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-19 00:55:47
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-5-8 00:05 编辑
85# polaris03
1.suborn 会不会在填空里面考呢,知道这个词的意思就是,诱导别人做坏事,做伪证 固定搭配有,suborn a witness
1 : to induce secretly to do an unlawful thing
2 : to induce to commit perjury; also : to obtain (perjured testimony) from a witness
2. subside 落下,坐下,心情下(平静)——without pressure/ promote /burgeon
1. : to sink or fall to the bottom : settle
2 : to tend downward : descend ; especially : to flatten out so as to form a depression
3 : to let oneself settle down : sink <subsided into a chair>
4 : to become quiet or less <as the fever subsides> <my anger subsided>
3. subsume 包含
to include or place within something larger or more comprehensive : encompass as a subordinate or component element <red, green, and yellow are subsumed under固定搭配the term "color">
4. subversive
1 :a systematic attempt to overthrow or undermine a government or political system by persons working secretly from within
动词 subvert
reinforce. sabotage: subvert=bull intimidation
5. suggestive
暗示的, 没有考过
6. superimpose
to place or lay over or above something
superimpose above= insert between
7. surmise 也许有一天会和conjecture 放一块考察统一关系
to imagine or infer on slight grounds
thought or idea based on scanty evidence
8. surly
2 : irritably sullen and churlish in mood or manner
3 : menacing or threatening in appearance <surly weather>
10. surcharge—— discount
11. surrender —— appropriate to take or make use of without authority or right
inalienable: incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred
动词1 a : to yield to the power, control, or possession of another upon compulsion or demand <surrendered the fort> b : to give up completely or agree to forgo especially in favor of another
2 a : to give (oneself) up into the power of another especially as a prisoner b : to give (oneself) over to something (as an influence)
12. surrenptitious
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-19 00:57:34
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-5-8 20:59 编辑
86# polaris03
1. suture ——avulse incision
2. swill 大快朵颐的词要打包一块记的
swill: sip= gobble: nibble
3. swindle
swindle : cheater=proselyte: convert
implacable: compromise= honest: swindle
4. sycophant
a servile self-seeking flatterer
miser :hoard / dandy : preen / extortionist : intimidation / pundit : opinion / narcissist : self-absorb /
5. table—— consider
6. synergic——antagonistic
working together : cooperating
8. toy ——think over seriously
9. transgress
transitive senses
1 : to go beyond limits set or prescribed by : violate<transgress divine law>
2 : to pass beyond or go over (a limit or boundary)
intransitive senses
1 : to violate a command or law
2 : to go beyond a boundary or limit
10. transmute
change or alter to a higher form
11. trapeze
梯形 不规则四边形
12. tribunal
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-19 01:00:16
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-5-8 21:25 编辑
87# polaris03
1. trudge
动词 to walk or march steadily and usually laboriously <trudged through deep snow>
transitive senses : to trudge along or over
名词: a long tiring walk
lug carry= trudge walk
2. turquoise 一种 gem
1 : a mineral that is a blue, bluish green, or greenish gray hydrous basic phosphate of copper and aluminum, takes a high polish, and is valued as a gem when skyblue
2 : a light greenish blue
3. turpitude ——probity/ saintly behavior
inherent baseness : depravity <moral turpitude>; also : a base act
4. turgid 两个含义: swollen/ pompous
1 : being in a state of distension : swollen, tumid <turgid limbs>; especially : exhibiting turgor
2 : excessively embellished in style or language : bombastic, pompous
5. tuber
6. truss
动词1 a : to secure tightly : bind b : to arrange for cooking by binding close the wings or legs of (a fowl)
2 : to support, strengthen, or stiffen by or as if by a truss
7. truncate : extent= simplify: complexity
to shorten by or as if by cutting off
9. umpire
动词 裁判的动作 裁决呗
10. unctuous
1 a : fatty, oily b : smooth and greasy in texture or appearance
2 : plastic<fine unctuous clay>
3 : full of unction; especially : revealing or marked by a smug, ingratiating, and false earnestness or spirituality
sanctimonious: devoteed= unctuous: earnest 直接就考到了, false earnestness 的这一层含义
salve: unctuous= placebo: innocuous
11. vanquish
1.: to overcome in battle : subdue completely
2 : to defeat in a conflict or contest
3 : to gain mastery over (an emotion, passion, or temptation)
attack: vanquished=goad: provoked
12. vaunting ——meek
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-19 01:02:00
本帖最后由 polaris03 于 2009-5-8 21:54 编辑
88# polaris03
1. veer
名词a change in course or direction <a veer to the right>
动词 swerve
veer:direction= convert:blief
veer=maintain constant
2. venal
1 : capable of being bought or obtained for money or other valuable consideration : [size=-1]PURCHASABLE; especially : open to corrupt influence and especially bribery : [size=-1]MERCENARY <a venal legislator>
2 : originating in, characterized by, or associated with corrupt bribery <a venal arrangement with the police>
3. vendetta
blood feud 这个词应该能和feud 在一块考同义词
: an often prolonged series of retaliatory, vengeful, or hostile acts or exchange of such acts <waged a personal vendetta against those who opposed his nomination>
4. venom
venome: toxin= milk: nutrient
5. ventilate
ventilate: current/circulation/breathing 陪考选项
1 a : to examine, discuss, or investigate freely and openly : [size=-1]EXPOSE <ventilating family quarrels in public> b : to make public : [size=-1]UTTER <ventilated their objections at length>
3 a : to expose to air and especially to a current of fresh air for purifying, curing, or refreshing <ventilate stored grain>; also : [size=-1]OXYGENATE, [size=-1]AERATE <ventilate blood in the lungs> b : to subject the lungs to ventilation <artificially ventilate a patient in respiratory distress>
4 a of a current of air : to pass or circulate through so as to freshen b : to cause fresh air to circulate through (as a room or mine)
5 : to provide an opening in (a burning structure) to permit escape of smoke and heat
6. verbiage
7. verismilar
: having the appearance of truth : probable
2 : depicting realism (as in art or literature)
反义词: implausible
8. vernacular
形容词1 a : using a language or dialect native to a region or country rather than a literary, cultured, or foreign language b : of, relating to, or being a nonstandard language or dialect of a place, region, or country c : of, relating to, or being the normal spoken form of a language
2 : applied to a plant or animal in the common native speech as distinguished from the Latin nomenclature of scientific classification
3 : of, relating to, or characteristic of a period, place, or group; especially : of, relating to, or being the common building style of a period or place
名词1 : a vernacular language, expression, or mode of expression
2 : the mode of expression of a group or class
3 : a vernacular name of a plant or animal
vernacular: place= jargon: profession
9. veritable 真的
being in fact the thing named and not false, unreal, or imaginary -- often used to stress the aptness of a metaphor <a veritable mountain of references>
10. vertigo
1 a : a disordered state in which the individual or the individual's surroundings seem to whirl dizzily b : a dizzy confused state of mind
2 : disordered vertiginous movement as a symptom of disease in lower animals; also : a disease (as gid) causing this
hemorrhage: bleeding= vertigo: dizziness
11. verve
the spirit and enthusiasm animating artistic composition or performance : vivacity b : energy, vitality
12. vestige重点复习词汇
1 a (1) : a trace, mark, or visible sign left by something (as an ancient city or a condition or practice) vanished or lost (2) : the smallest quantity or trace b : footprint vestige: remainder=figurine: statue
2 : a bodily part or organ that is small and degenerate or imperfectly developed in comparison to one more fully developed in an earlier stage of the individual, in a past generation, or in closely related forms
vestigial ——fully developed
14. vilify ——extol honor beautification
1 : to lower in estimation or importance
2 : to utter slanderous and abusive statements against : defame
作者: corpuscle 时间: 2009-4-19 19:29:21
作者: thatll 时间: 2009-4-19 19:45:03
本帖最后由 thatll 于 2009-4-19 19:50 编辑
81# polaris03
tiride ?
作者: thatll 时间: 2009-4-19 20:02:07
本帖最后由 thatll 于 2009-4-19 20:04 编辑
83# polaris03
tackle:hoist(兄台打错了,呵呵)-- an assemblage of ropes and pulleys arranged to gain mechanical advantage for hoisting and pulling
作者: thatll 时间: 2009-4-19 20:10:39
84# polaris03
3. tether ——loose/ detatch---detach/ tear
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-4-19 21:32:43
93# thatll
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-5-8 22:01:15
94# polaris03
list 41——44
【没有掌握的单词】75 个词
Vintner volition vulgar whiff winsome viral volley vying willowy wizened vitrify vitriolic vituperative vituperate vocalist vogue voracious votary vouch warmonger weasel weld wilt wince windbag windy witticism wrangler wrench
Wretched xerophyte yokel zephyr abduct achromatic acronym aeronautics agape albino alliterate almond alms ambulatory amethyst anodyne aperture apotheosis
Aquiline askance
Arachnid archer aureole aurora avocation avowal azure avuncular bacchanal backslide backwater baron barrister bassoon bather bauble bawl beet belch
Blare bleachers blinds bottleneck bough bovine bower
Volition 做决定的能力
: an act of making a choice or decision; also
: a choice or decision made
: the power of choosing or determining :will
Vulgar 就两个意思的记好了, popular 和 lacking cultivation/ perception
形容词1 a
: generally used, applied, or accepted b : understood in or having the ordinary sense
: vernacular 本土的<the vulgar name of a plant>
3 a
: of or relating to the common people : plebeian
: generally current :public <the vulgar opinion of that time> c : of the usual, typical, or ordinary kind
4 a
: lacking in cultivation, perception, or taste :coarse
morally crude, undeveloped, or unregenerate : gross 没有教养的 c : ostentatious or excessive in expenditure or display : pretentious 挥霍的
5 a
: offensive in language :earthy
: lewdly or profanely indecent 语言粗俗的
Whiff blast= trickle gush
Winsome 迷人的+ cheerful
: generally pleasing and engaging often because of a childlike charm and innocence
: cheerful gay
Tarnish dull= vitrify smooth
填空中的反义词为 civility
something felt to resemble vitriol especially in caustic quality; especially
virulence of feeling or of speech
to abuse or censure severely or abusively : berate
intransitive senses
: to use harsh condemnatory language
synonym see SCOLD
votary——reactionary/ skeptic
3 a
: verbose, bombastic
: lacking substance : empty
Witticism 填空题的题干
: a cleverly witty and often biting or ironic remark
Lariat: wrangler= crook shepherd
Wretched —— elation
形容词1 : deeply afflicted, dejected, or distressed in body or mind
: extremely or deplorably bad or distressing <was in wretched health> <a wretched accident>
3 a
: being or appearing mean, miserable, or contemptible <dressed in wretched old clothes> b
: very poor in quality or ability :inferior <wretched workmanship>
albino; pigment= prairie: tree
Alliterate (interesting intelligent inciting)
Spider: arachnid= orange: fruit
Backwater 填空题题干
an isolated or backward place or condition
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-5-8 22:05:24
95# polaris03
【形近词 同义词】
两个同义啦, 注意weary 有动词的含义, weary of sth 厌倦了……
: exhausted in strength, endurance, vigor, or freshness
: expressing or characteristic of weariness
: having one's patience, tolerance, or pleasure exhausted -- used with of
: wearisome
动词intransitive senses
: to become weary
transitive senses
: to make weary
wheedle cajolery 诱骗
heedless 不加注意的
wither wilt blight shrivel wizen
削减: whittle wane curtail retrench
尖酸的(caustic, harsh, bitting) acrimony
mordancy—genial acerbic—sweet tart
acronym 首字母缩写简称
acrimony 尖酸刻薄
即兴 动词: ad-lib extemporize improvise 形容词 impromptu offhand extemporaneous 名词: extemporization
amiss 有毛病的 出差错的 amid 在什么什么中间
auger 螺丝专
anger 愤怒
aural 听力的
auricular 耳的
beckon 招手示意
reckon 猜测
betoken 预示
骗 beguile bamboozle
behold 目睹
beholden 欠人情
brattish mischievous
brackish repulsive
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-5-8 22:09:20
96# polaris03
wag 正面特征: humorous
wan——hale rubicund
形容词1 a
: suggestive of poor health : SICKLY, PALLID
: lacking vitality : FEEBLE
: LANGUID <a wan smile>
动词: to grow or become pale or sickly
装merchandise or commodities
: one who dissipates resources foolishly and self-indulgently : PROFLIGATE
weather 经受的注
1 a
: WRITHE, TOSS; also
: to rise and fall or toss about in or with waves
: to become deeply sunk, soaked, or involved
: to be in turmoil
: a state of wild disorder : TURMOIL
: a chaotic mass or jumble <a bewildering welter of data>
: to sharpen by rubbing on or with something (as a stone) <whet a knife>
: to make keen or more acute : EXCITE, STIMULATE <whet the appetite>
: something that sharpens or makes keen: a
: a drink of liquor
: a capricious or eccentric and often sudden idea or turn of the mind : FANCY
: a large capstan that is made with one or more radiating arms to which a horse may be yoked and that is used in mines for raising ore or water
synonym see CAPRICE
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-5-8 22:13:06
97# polaris03
full of wiles : CRAFTY
synonym see SLY
: full of yearning or desire tinged with melancholy; also
: inspiring such yearning <a wistful memoir>
: musingly sad : pensive
woo adore= adulate fawn (后者导致前者)
: to sue for the affection of and usually marriage with :
: to solicit or entreat especially with importunity
: to seek to gain or bring about
intransitive senses
: to court a woman
something written : WRITING <Sacred Writ>
2 a
: a formal written document; specifically
: a legal instrument in epistolary form issued under seal in the name of the English monarch b
: an order or mandatory process in writing issued in the name of the sovereign or of a court or judicial officer commanding the person to whom it is directed to perform or refrain from performing an act specified therein <writ of detinue> <writ of entry> <writ of execution> c
: the power and authority of the issuer of such a written order -- usually used with run <outside the United States where... our writ does not run -- Dean Acheson>
a writ commanding a person designated in it to appear in court under a penalty for failure
为了掌握好,writ, 只用掌握好, subpoena 就可以了
: to bring to pass : effect
<work miracles>
2 a
: to fashion or create a useful or desired product by expending labor or exertion on : forge, shape <work flint into tools> b
: to make or decorate with needlework;
3 a
: to prepare for use by stirring or kneading b
: to bring into a desired form by a gradual process of cutting, hammering, scraping, pressing, or stretching <work cold steel>
: to set or keep in motion, operation, or activity : cause to operate or produce <a pump worked by hand> <work farmland>
: to solve (a problem) by reasoning or calculation -- often used with out
6 a
: to cause to toil or labor <worked their horses nearly to death> b
: to make use of : EXPLOIT
: to control or guide the operation of <switches are worked from a central tower>
7 a
: to carry on an operation or perform a job through, at, in, or along <the salespeople worked both sides of the street> <a sportscaster hired to work the game> b
: to greet and talk with in a friendly way in order to ingratiate oneself or achieve a purpose <politicians working the crowd> <worked the room>
: to pay for or achieve with labor or service <worked my way through college> <worked my way up in the company>
9 a
: to get (oneself or an object) into or out of a condition or position by gradual stages b
: CONTRIVE, ARRANGE <we can work it so that you can take your vacation>
10 a
: to practice trickery or cajolery on for some end <worked the management for a free ticket> b
: EXCITE, PROVOKE <worked myself into a rage>
intransitive senses
1 a
: to exert oneself physically or mentally especially in sustained effort for a purpose or under compulsion or necessity b
: to perform or carry through a task requiring sustained effort or continuous repeated operations <worked all day over a hot stove> c
: to perform work or fulfill duties regularly for wages or salary
: to function or operate according to plan or design <hinges work better with oil>
: to exert an influence or tendency
: to produce a desired effect or result : SUCCEED
5 a
: to make way slowly and with difficulty : move or progress laboriously <worked up to the presidency> b
: to sail to windward
: to permit of being worked : react in a specified way to being worked <this wood works easily>
7 a
: to be in agitation or restless motion b
: to move slightly in relation to another part d
: to get into a specified condition by slow or imperceptible movements <the knot worked loose>
- work on
: AFFECT <worked on my sympathies> 2
: to strive to influence or persuade
- work upon
: to have effect upon : operate on : INFLUENCE
Main Entry: 2wrought
Etymology: Middle English, from past participle of worken to work
Date: 14th century
: worked into shape by artistry or effort <carefully wrought essays>
: elaborately embellished : ORNAMENTED
: processed for use : MANUFACTURED <wrought silk>
: beaten into shape by tools : HAMMERED -- used of metals
: deeply stirred : EXCITED -- often used with up <gets easily wrought up over nothing>
wry 考法:弯—直,同义词 humorous
动词 twist
transitive senses
: to pull out of or as if out of proper shape : make awry
Main Entry:2wry
: having a bent or twisted shape or condition <a wry smile>; especially
: turned abnormally to one side <a wry neck>
: wrongheaded
: cleverly and often ironically or grimly humorous
Yarn knit crochet hook plaid
yeast fermentation = bacteria: decomposition
: PRODUCTIVE <a high-yielding wheat>
: lacking rigidity or stiffness : FLEXIBLE
: disposed to submit or comply
: fruitless, unsuccessful
: imperfectly formed or developed
: tending to cut short
actuarial (actuary 精算师)
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-5-8 22:15:42
98# polaris03
动词transitive senses
: to throw into confusion : CONFOUND
intransitive senses
: to become rotten : SPOIL
: to become confused
to offer as example, reason, or proof in discussion or analysis
联想: induce 诱导引起 educe to bring out (as something latent)
seduce : to persuade to disobedience or disloyalty
: to lead astray usually by persuasion or false promises
: to carry out the physical seduction of : entice to sexual intercourse
synonym see LURE
deduce推演 traduce 诽谤
to settle judicially
to act as judge
struck with terror, amazement, or horror : SHOCKED
mellifluous: music= ambrosial food
to remove by or as if by cutting; especially
: to cut (as a limb) from the body
名词: a date assigned to an event or document earlier than the actual date of the event or document
动词1 a
: to date as of a time prior to that of execution b
: to assign to a date prior to that of actual occurrence
: to precede in time
: to call (a defendant) before a court to answer to an indictment : charge
: to accuse of wrong, inadequacy, or imperfection
asinine 笨
: marked by inexcusable failure to exercise intelligence or sound judgment <an asinine excuse>
: of, relating to, or resembling an ass
: affected with, relating to, or correcting astigmatism
showing incapacity for observation or discrimination <an astigmatic fanaticism, a disregard for the facts -- N.Y. Herald Tribune>
- astigmatic
guilt atonement= fatigue repose
: to supply satisfaction for : EXPIATE
refusing or likely to refuse to proceed, act, or function as directed or expected <a balky mule>
synonym see CONTRARY
作者: polaris03 时间: 2009-5-8 22:17:52
99# polaris03
: to bat (as a tennis ball) to and fro
2 a
: to toss from side to side or pass about from one to another often in a careless or inappropriate manner b
: EXCHANGE; especially
: to exchange (words) argumentatively c
: to discuss lightly or banteringly d
: to use in a glib or offhand manner -- often used with about <bandy these statistics about with considerable bravado -- Richard Pollak>
名词: a game similar to hockey and believed to be its prototype
of legs
1: of, possessing, or imparting beatitude
: having a blissful appearance <a beatific smile>
to dress or adorn gaudily
: to perceive through sight or apprehension : SEE
: to gaze upon : OBSERVE
intransitive senses -- used in the imperative especially to call attention
: to procreate as the father : SIRE
: to produce especially as an effect or outgrowth
1: left wet and limp by or as if by rain
2: soiled and stained by or as if by trailing in mud
<bedraggled buildings>
: to deprive of something -- usually used with of <madam, you have bereft me of all words -- Shakespeare>
: to take away (a valued or necessary possession) especially by force
: an ancient Scandinavian warrior frenzied in battle and held to be invulnerable
: one whose actions are recklessly defiant
Main Entry:2berserk
: FRENZIED, CRAZED -- usually used in the phrase go berserk <sinister ravings of an imagination gone berserk -- John Gruen>
: to make confused : BEWILDER
: to occupy the attention of : ABSORB
beseech 恳求 乞求
1: to beg for urgently or anxiously
2: to request earnestly : implore
intransitive senses
: to make supplication
Supplicant: beseeching= coquette: flirtation
: highly absorbent
2 a
: fond of alcoholic beverages b
: of, relating to, or marked by the consumption of alcoholic beverages
1 a
: of or relating to bile b
: marked by or suffering from liver dysfunction and especially excessive secretion of bile c
: appearing as if affected by a bilious disorder
: of or indicative of a peevish ill-natured disposition
: a great wave or surge of water
: a rolling mass (as of flame or smoke) that resembles a high wave
- bil·lowy /'bi-l&-wE/ adjective
: to rise or roll in waves or surges
: to bulge or swell out (as through action of the wind)
transitive senses
: to cause to billow
: to vote against;
: to exclude from membership by casting a negative vote
2 a
: to exclude socially : OSTRACIZE ostracize
: boycott
apathetic to pleasure or excitement as a result of excessive indulgence or enjoyment : WORLD-WEARY
bluff 这样看这个词吧,无论词性,总体上来说,有cliff, good naturedly frank and outspoken,以及 deceive or feign (目的是frighten)
形容词1 a
: having a broad flattened front b
: rising steeply with a broad flat or rounded front
: good-naturedly frank and outspoken
- bluff·ly
- bluff·ness
noun 这下面的一堆词说的都是, 行为语言上的不得体
synonyms BLUFF, BLUNT, BRUSQUE, CURT, CRUSTY, GRUFF mean abrupt and unceremonious in speech and manner. BLUFF connotes good-natured outspokenness and unconventionality <a bluff manner>. BLUNT suggests directness of expression in disregard of others' feelings <a blunt appraisal>. BRUSQUE applies to a sharpness or ungraciousness <a brusque response>. CURT implies disconcerting shortness or rude conciseness <a curt command>. CRUSTY suggests a harsh or surly manner sometimes concealing an inner kindliness <a crusty exterior>. GRUFF suggests a hoarse or husky speech which may imply bad temper but more often implies embarrassment or shyness <puts on a gruff pose>.
名词: a high steep bank : CLIFF
动词1 a
: to deter or frighten by pretense or a mere show of strength
: FEIGN <the catcher bluffed a throw to first>
: to deceive (an opponent) in cards by a bold bet on an inferior hand
intransitive senses
: to bluff someone : act deceptively
- bluff·er
名词1 a
: an act or instance of bluffing b
: the practice of bluffing
: one who bluffs
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