Discuz! Database Error
The database has encountered a problem. Need Help?

Error messages:
  • [Type] 查询语句错误
  • [1064] You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank,\x0D\x0A @current_sid := p.sid\x0D\x0A FROM (\x0D' at line 8
  • [Query] SELECT a.item, a.sid, a.count FROM ( SELECT p.item, p.sid, p.count, p.updatedate, @rank := IF(@current_sid = p.sid, @rank + 1, 1) AS rank, @current_sid := p.sid FROM ( SELECT item, sid, COUNT(*) as count, MAX(updatedate) as updatedate FROM ui_riposte WHERE `type` = 'thread' AND status = 1 and `sid` IN('1723805','1747329','1740144','1758068','1753945','1755528','1755005','1755071','1243184','1298082','1753658','1744134','1753289','1751988','1743670','1749522','1748723','1748898','1746238','1746092','1745474','1739643','1740874','1739557','1735657','1734329','1733259','1730484','1728482','1721217','1723896','1723783','1719747','1718817','1718964') GROUP BY sid, item ) p JOIN (SELECT @current_sid := NULL, @rank := 0) AS vars ORDER BY p.sid, p.count DESC, p.updatedate ASC ) a WHERE a.rank <= 3
Program messages:
  • [Line: 0110]forum.php(require)
  • [Line: 0867]source/module/forum/forum_forumdisplay.php(DB::query)

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