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[主题活动] 8月28-29日 issue第7类同主题写作暨issue模考 [复制链接]

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发表于 2017-8-28 17:40:33 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2017-8-29 20:47 编辑
TaylorW 发表于 2017-8-28 16:35

College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.

This issue concerning suggest that the availability of jobs should be college students’ major concern when it comes to choosing a field of study. While I can’t agree with such claim for the reason that interest is a much better impulse for one and one certain field’s thrive is unpredictable. SF Moreover, one’s interest and talent in can always offer him an opportunity even if employment rate is substandard WC.


First of all, as the saying goes, interest is the best teacher. For students who have interest in his major, they would like to spend time on researching and try their utmost to solve problems . The majority of subjects needs researchers devote themselves into it for getting a little progress. Only people with interest for the result would like to sacrifices their leisure time for it. With interest works as a implosion in their researching, they can make progress easily and satisfied by that . Take newton for an example , he showed his talent in physics since four and get addicted to it . He can’t stop relating his daily life to physics theory everyday even then he rest under the apple tree. Because his interest in physics, get hit by an apple didn’t anger him but inspire him . that’s how he discover gravity. Interest is a lure in one’s life , it makes people digging truth out of nothing .

原题的关注问题是选专业是否应该基于job的多寡 那么这道题所关注的点就是学生的职业发展 你需要指出基于兴趣选专业更有利于职业发展才算切题啊  

Furthermore, the availability of jobs in a certain field is unpredictable for the fact that the world market changes every single day. It takes a student four year studying in university and there are difficulties in telling future of his field. For example, the construction business really had its heyday at the beginning of 21c. Citizens had a hunger for new apartment and stores . Contractors was building new architectures everywhere : in big cities and countryside . The price of real estate kept going high and apartments sold like hot cakes from the oven. Thousands of students choose major like architecture , designer, engineer only for getting good jobs. But four years later , the business lost the heat and went down. Some graduates could find jobs and employees get their salary cut . It is unwise to follow the trend only for employment because the market trick people sometimes .

但是你这个例子的细节太多 真正回应题目的讨论却不够  

Moreover, devote WF oneself to his interest which has few opportunity for job seekers doesn’t mean a dead end. Because interest is more likely to lead one to success . The student who has a huge interest in his major and devote his time into it has a bigger opportunity to make some achievement. And if he can be an elite in his field, offers will come to him. Steve Jobs had a hard time in his business but never gave up for he know where his interest is, he showed his first personal computer to his potential investor in the garage and get 300 grand dollars investment. The opportunity comes to you if you are qualified enough to the position.

To put it in a nut shell, college students should let their interest lead them to their field but not the market employment situation. For business changes every day but interest keep stills and it will offer you the opportunity you want if you really followed it hard.
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tesolchina + 20 + 5 第五篇

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Rank: 2

发表于 2017-8-28 19:05:59 |只看该作者
The surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but by the general welfare of its people.
Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

It is stated that the surest indicator of a great nation is represented by the general welfare of its people rather than the achievements of its rulers, artists or scientist. I partially agree with the statement and believe that all these factors matter importantly to a great nation. To be a great nation or not, the indicators would be constantly changing and the most definite indicator might mean differently to different stages of the governance.

To guarantee the welfare of its people, the nation have to firstly strengthen its economic, political and cultural competencies attached with rulers, artists and scientists. The different stage of development may be associated with different indicators but not the welfare of its people. Great nations such us United Kingdom and other European countries went through numerous wars and battles to expand its territories in sacrifice of their people’s lives when these nations were taken considerations as the most powerful nation in the world. The inevitable transformation stage couldn’t put the welfare of the people as the surest indicator but these nations are undoubtedly the great empires in the world history.

In the peaceful age, the surest indicator of a great nation is bound with overall national power and the welfare of people has been included as the consequence of the great governance in various aspects. Welfare is the consequence but not the benchmark on a great nation when considering the historical facts, cultural and religious background. For a small nation, the welfare might be easier to manage for its people in comparison with big populated nations and the greatness would belie in its creations of prosperity in culture diversity as well as the momentum of the young generations. If a nation failed to build up an opening and strong system for its people, the welfare indication couldn’t become the most prominent factor and secured eternally. Therefore, it is not always correct to put welfare indicator as the priority to evaluate a nation even in the peaceful age without historical contexts of a nation.

A nation’s greatness couldn’t be disconnected with the general welfare of its people and a nation for people is always regarded great. If the dictatorship in the nation has put the importance of economy, technology and arts over the rights of people and the advantages are achieved at the cost of people’s benefits, the nation couldn’t be called as a great one and its dictatorship would be overwhelmingly against by its people. North Korea is a typical case to demonstrate the imbalance of its military competition and its people’s welfare.

Generally to say, a great nation in common sense should guarantee people’s welfare by advancing its governance, technology and arts and other cultural competencies and to evaluate its governance different indications should be included in order to make fair judgement according to its national history and status quo. A more diversified perspective to look at a nation would contribute to the advance of a nation, especially a great nation.

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发表于 2017-8-28 19:24:26 |只看该作者

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发表于 2017-8-28 19:38:07 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2017-8-29 21:07 编辑

Issue Test:
I don’t agree with the statement and believe college students should base their choice of a field of study on their own interest rather than the availability of jobs in that filed. The primary reason is future job market is so unpredictable nowadays and the new challenge for young generation is to create new jobs with application of their learning experience in college years which is driven by their own interest and passion. Additionally, college students should prepare themselves in cross-discipline study not only in one field but two or more fields to create new industries out of the vision at the current stage.
the new challenge for young generation is to create new jobs 不懂你的意思 要毕业生创业么?
create new industries 不懂
我觉得用非母语写作文不要标新立异 首先要考虑在自己语言表达能力范围内选一些比较靠谱的观点和例子 能把话说清楚 有基本的层次结构 其实就有机会拿4分了

The current job market is changing dramatically along with high technologies and globalization. College students couldn’t predict what will happen in the next five to ten years when they are studying. The choice made in accordance with the job trendy market might be secured for the time being but couldn’t cover the emergent factors to be bold and wise. Ellen Mask and Steve Jobs are the most well-known representatives to illustrate how the field of study is related to the job. They are driven by their own interest and intuition of career development rather than following a text book or prototype in self-development. Actually it becomes the challenge that every one would have to face nowadays.

Furthermore, it limits a person’s potentials by choosing the study to only fit into the job market needs. The industrial times has been gone and every college student should be encouraged to seek for their interests and passions by trials in attending different fields of study via elective course system or gap year. The top education providers have already created the space for students to explore their passions and interest and it is students and parents that should be more open-minded to the choice. It is admitted that the knowledge couldn’t be the only power to fulfil the achievement but one’s grit, passion and interests that would be the final call to create valuable life.

Last but not the least, college students should be on their own after fulfilling their study in college and they need to consider what job they would like to take and the factor of job expectancy shouldn’t be ignored totally in the selection of fields of study. Alternatively, students should make balance between the job market needs and their interests. For instance, students from Engineering should not only look at their own disciplines but also be more knowledgable to the other related fields such as project management, environment sustainability, climate study so that when they enter the industry abundant choices for them to choose and create cross-industries based on experience accumulated through the internship or first piece of job available in the job market.  

All in all, it is essentially important for college students to be open-minded in selecting their major of study based on their interests but not the visible job at the current stage to limit the life possibilities.  

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tesolchina + 5 第六篇

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发表于 2017-8-28 19:47:34 |只看该作者

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发表于 2017-8-28 20:02:02 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2017-8-30 16:42 编辑

College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.

Should college students be encouraged to take their field of study on the basis of the availability of jobs in that filed or just select filed that truly interest them? From my point of view, pursing interest should be prioritized over practical concerns (for students from well-to-do families). but students with financial difficulties may find it more important to take courses that will lead to decent jobs. It is also worth pointing out that students can choose fields based on their interests while also taking classes to improve their employment prospects.

Some people argue that students from poor financial background should also have the rights to pursue their interests... Yet, they can always take some elective courses to do so  

Interest is the most powerful motivator in students’ academic endeavors so pursing subjects which interest them may lead to greater academic achivements. When students face challenges in their classes, they must have a firm belief that helps them to carry on or they might simply quit. Although the prospect of a well-paid job may seem like a strong motive, it is actually far less effective than personal interest. This is because when students strive for decent careers, it takes a long time for their effort to pay off. Consequently, their motivation could fail whereas personal interest could sustain them. Therefore, in order to make greater intellectual achievements, students should be encouraged to choose field of study which really interest them.

Behind the claim that students should take fields likely to result in promising salary is the assumption that it is possible to determine whether or nota specific academic filed is capable of leading money. This assumption may not always hold true because the job market changes quickly and can be hard to make accurate prediction. For example, in the field of job market, there are incessant changes these years. A few years ago, fiance was the most popular choice for many students because it was helpful when searching for a job. It did not take long, however, for computer science become dominant and finance market it no longer popular. In short, such “useful ” fields can become obsolete by the time students graduate because of the short timescale of changes in the job market. This is definitely not a desirable outcome for students.

However, students suffering from financial difficulties may dependent on a promising career to improve their economic situation. They may prefer to place more emphasis on filed that can earn more money than what they are really interested in. In this particular situation, the argument that a interest led career choosing will not hold true because the desire to change one’s financial situation can be extremely powerful.

Finally, it is also necessary to take into the underlying assumption the debate that fields which interest students are different from those lead to a decent income. This is problematic and does not always hold true. Even in the fileds that seem to have few practical connections to the real world can still teach students vital skills needed to secure decent jobs and succeed in their careers. For example, advanced therotical physics involving abstruse ideas may seem useless in the job market at the first glance, but these filed is essential to provide us the keys into investigating the world of unknown. So it can lead to jobs of course.

In conclusion, it is beneficial for students to pursue fileds that interest them but students should take their financial condition into consideration when making decisions. Job avaliability and interests should not be irreconcilable: there are both interesting and remunerative jobs.  
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tesolchina + 5 第七篇

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发表于 2017-8-28 20:51:57 |只看该作者


本帖最后由 Angelyyy 于 2017-8-28 20:53 编辑


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发表于 2017-8-28 20:52:36 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2017-8-30 16:37 编辑
Angelyyy 发表于 2017-8-28 19:47

College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your position, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.

How to choose the field in the college is a topic always discussed by the parents and the students. Whether to choose a field which on the availability of jobs depend on which kind of fields you are interested in or what you plan to do. When it comes to the field such as computer science, physics and mathematics, which are not so closed to the jobs, you don’t need to choose the field on the availability of jobs. But if you want to focus on the fields cannot be analyzed without the actual working or you want to make your own living as soon as possible, you’d better to choose your field on the availability of jobs, like management. And I will discuss the details of my position.

which on the availability of jobs depend RP
so closed to the jobs RP  
focus on the fields cannot be analyzed SS

语言表达的问题比较严重 以至于我不太能明白你的观点
其实我一直以来都主张有了合理的思路再写全文 但是实际上有很多同学在上考场前并没有做到这一点  
如何帮助更多的同学找到合适的思路 确实需要再进一步思考  

To begin with, if the college students interested on the fields such as computer science, physics and mathematics, there is no need to prepare too much for the further jobs because these fields require pure research work and have very weak link to the jobs. For example, the computer science researches should only focus on their programs, and the results of their programs have both academic value and commercial value. Thus, if the interested field linked weakly with jobs, students are not persuaded to focus on the career.

However, if the college students interested on the fields such as management, financial analysis, it’s better to prepare for the further jobs. Besides, if you are planning to make your own living after your graduation, choosing these fields would also be a good idea. For example, business management has close links with actual jobs, it’s important to focus on the availability of jobs because business management require your experience and the knowledge of cooperation within a company which you will use in the career in the future. As a result, if students interested in the fields linked strongly to the jobs, they’d better to prepare them in the college major earlier.

One may challenge that if students interested in the field as financial analysis, there is also no need to focus on the availability of jobs because many colleges also have financial institutes focuse only on researches instead of joining the jobs. I would admit the fact that different colleges have different focus on the same field, while the intrinsic of financial analysis linked very close to the actual business. The data shows about ninety percent of the financial analysis researches are worked based on the actual reports from enterprises. Thus, if students interested in financial analysis, they’d better join this field in college early.

In conclusion, whether to choose a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field is depending on the interest of students. If they interested in the fields are not very closed to actual jobs, they don’t need to choose the field on the availability of jobs. If they interested in the field strongly linked with their careers, they would be persuaded to choose a field on the preparing for the job in that field.
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tesolchina + 5 第8篇

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发表于 2017-8-28 21:20:25 |只看该作者

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发表于 2017-8-28 21:48:56 |只看该作者

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发表于 2017-8-28 21:53:44 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 tesolchina 于 2017-8-30 16:57 编辑
youzi42 发表于 2017-8-28 21:20

   Whether college students should take the availability of jobs into consideration when choosing which fields they will major in, depending WF on the their financial situation and their own interests. For those who are not that rich and should count on the fields they choose to earn a better living, they'd better focus on the oppurtunities of jobs in the fields they would take. On the contrary, a college students with superior background or one who is well informed of his interests, then, SS thet can make decisions based more on their own interests.
with superior background RP

   To earn a more promising future, the college students who have difficulty in their financial POS, should choose those fields which are more likely to garantees them a good jobs. If the students, who is less rich, choose a less promising fields, then he is less likely to gain a good salary, thus may dishearten them RP. For them, when deciding the majors they take, they should focus more on the inputs and outputs. A good salary can help them more accessible to a more successful futures.

  When choosing which field to major in, the students with good economy situations would less possible to give in the job market. Given the superior background, they can have a diversity of choices. For them, to enhence their knowledges in specific fields, which may beneficial them much when they begin manage their family corporations.

   This statement may not hold true when applied to those who are gifted in certain fields. They do not have to cater for the job market. On the contrary, they should focus more on the fields which they are immersed in, becoming more mastery so as to make breakthrough to benefits the humankind.
   In conclusion, this statement may hold true when considering the less rich students. But for those who are not worry about the financial problems, they should focus more on the fields which may help them gain useful and beneficial skills.

第一次模考issue, 有几点不足:
4. 没有例子。。。

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tesolchina + 5 第9篇

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发表于 2017-8-28 22:35:19 |只看该作者

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发表于 2017-8-29 00:01:48 |只看该作者
liuhoujiang 发表于 2017-8-28 22:35


Obviously, most of the students are frustrated on their future majors of study. Due to their limited knowledge about the college courses and especially the obscure understanding of themselves, here comes the dilemma, whether we should base on the availability of jobs or the proclivity of previous interest in choosing a field of study. To my perspective, unless students have their explicit views of studying, the availability of jobs needs to be taken into a more careful consideration.

Because of their pure preconception on all fields, it is more likely for students to form their interest on their jobs. First, a pure thought enable students to embody a more peaceful attitude to any major. Just as for children first come to school, all their motivation on learning base on their initial curiosity of the world. Therefore, for freshman in college, it is nature for them to learn the subjects on the basis of inner curiosity. Second, due to their practical living requirements after graduation, subjects which are more available in market will enhance their opportunities in job hunting.

However, if we have a definite interest on the subject, I suggest students should adhere to their inner desire. Only inner desire can motivate your self-learning, which may help you get through lots of difficulties from lives. For instance, most of the celebrities in the history such as Einstein and Confucius prove the interest as their power resources. Without focus by any predecessors, the obscure lab assistant kept studying on his own and finally established the theory of relativity. And for the teacher Confucius, without any adoption by emperor from his theory, he still traveled around in order to trumpet his announcement, cultivating people the correctness of social relationship, justice and sincerity.

However, someone may argue that if student’s interest is not available in today’s job market, it is irresponsible for him to stick to such choice. In my opinion, I disagree with such decisive effects from the above arguments which suggests that people can predict the trend of market in the future. Practically speaking, just as the truth that those currently available jobs may gradually become needless because of the increasingly supply, those jobs which are less required today, may turn into an attractive career in the future. On the other hand, the establishments of every college courses in different fields rely on their material demand from the society. Therefore, it is just a matter of the magnitude of demands in market, but no decisive claim that there is no available opportunity in less popular subjects.  

To sum up, students should balance their consideration between future demand in the market and inner interest on choosing the field of study. From the view of a material living basis, it is reasonable for students without tendency to choose jobs that are more available. On the other side, students who stick to their own interests are not necessary to be concerned on the future accessibility on their subjects.

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发表于 2017-8-29 08:44:10 |只看该作者

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发表于 2017-8-29 08:47:10 |只看该作者

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