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[作文] Daily Writing-作文特训队 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-1-3 19:26:53 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
2010年1月3日 周一:8 A, a2 ?" R& r; Y  v: S


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents cannot understand children today as the parents understood children 50 years ago.

综合: TPO15


Universally speaking
,the communication between parents and their children are somewhat different in different families.In my opinion, I don't quite hold the saying that parents cannot understand the kids today as the parents understood children 50 years ago.

Firstly, the connection between parents and their children are some kind of instinct,natural and from their bilateral inner heart, it will get more and more strenthen with the days passing by.This sort of born-to-being relationship has nothing related to the background era,whenever it is in the ancient dynasty or in the modern world.In the last year, a kind-hearted mother walked thousands of miles a day drastically to get rid of the fatty liver, in order to save his son with the liver transplantion.

Secondly,what is the meaning of the "understand"?Is it that counting on how many phonecalls we make , how long we spent with the family together or how many presents we recieve from our parents?Can we just put out a equal standard to measure the above relationship?It is obviously we can't take the emotion into the quantitive world.Since it is so ,I think the principal for considering this kind of connection also needed to be revised in our society ,which is much more modern,open and diversatile than ever before.

Finally, as I have mentioned in the opening, the communication between parents and their children are different from each other in each family.We cannot generally pose an negative attitude towards the ties between today's younsters and their keepers.for example,in my family, I get along quite well with my parents, although we cannot see each other everyday or make phonecalls so often, I bear them in my mind, and there is no so-called generation gap between us.
In a nutshell, I don’t think parents cannot understand the children today as the parents understood children 50 years ago, what’s more, most children get along with their parents quite well in today’s society.


In the lecture, the professor has mentioned three points which is corresponding with the reading assignment.She has listed a few reasons to prove that the treasure to prevent the expanding population of the cane toad is infeasible in all background.
Firstly, a national fence can block the toads from advancing, but it cannot block the young toads or the toads eggs in the stream flowing to the other side and colonizing.If the toads eggs settle on the other side of the stream ,the team of the cane toads will be stronger.
Secondly,volunteers can capture and destroy the toads most of the time, but some untrained volunteers could destroy the habitat of other spieces and our environment as well, what's more, they cannot recognize the young toads, and are not able to destroy them efficiently,
Thirdly,the virus sometimes can be useful,but it can also harm the other infected species and cause a unbalanced state in the ecosystem of this region,since the cane toad is a native specie, over controlling of them will let the foreign species to be dominant in this area.

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寄托兑换店纪念章 Pisces双鱼座 满3年在任版主 寄托优秀版主 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance 枫华正茂 枫情万种 一帆枫顺   枫华绝代 US-applicant

发表于 2011-1-3 21:26:03 |只看该作者

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-1-4 12:59:51 |只看该作者
Universally speaking
,the communication between parents and their children are somewhat different unique in different families. In my opinion, I don't quite hold the saying agree with the assertion/opinion that parents cannot understand the kids today as the parents understood children 50 years ago.
( B8 @  R- x* V. M: H! J
Firstly, the connection between parents and their children are some kind of instinct,natural and from their bilateral inner heart, it will get more and more strenthen strengthened with the days passing by.This sort of born-to-being relationship has nothing related to the background era,whenever it is in the ancient dynasty or in the modern world.In/delete the last year, a kind-hearted mother walked thousands of miles a day drastically to get rid of the fatty liver, in order to save his son with the liver transplantion. Transplantation$ [+ R3 j, l7 B  z+ t  Z
- D+ K, N5 b- g  b! S1 w& Y
Secondly,what is the meaning of the "understand"?Is it that counting on how many phonecalls we make , how long we spent with the family together or how many presents we recieve receive from our parents?Can we just put out a equal standard to measure the above relationship?It is obviously we can't take the emotion into the quantitive world.Since it is so ,I think the principal for considering this kind of connection also needed to be revised in our society ,which is much more modern,open and diversatile than ever before.
Finally, as I have mentioned in the opening beginning, the communication between parents and their children are different from each other in each family.We cannot generally pose an negative attitude towards the ties between today's younsters and their keepers.for example,in my family, I get along quite well with my parents, although we cannot see each other everyday or make phonecalls so often, I bear them in my mind, and there is no so-called generation gap between us.. R) |& j8 W! T4 ]! `
In a nutshell, I don’t think parents cannot understand the children today as the parents understood children 50 years ago, what’s more, most children get along with their parents quite well in today’s society.' Z0 J

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发表于 2011-1-4 13:02:24 |只看该作者
3# tiandiyouyong
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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-1-4 21:07:43 |只看该作者

2010年1月4日 周二:- U& E6 u) [& x+ |9 U7 k% s) b+ v8 J; D) _/ y1 A4 v: M' ]

09.05.09NA# v6 \, ?! G- N, F9 R+ A
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to become a financially responsible adult, people should be taught how to manage money at an early age.
/ h. P4

Since a good habit which is cultured in one's early age will product a profound effect on his/her life journey, and the education supports the basic development of our society,I am on the side of viewpoint that people should be taught how to manage money at an early age in order to become a financially responsible adult.

To put that first to support my perspective, I totally agree that the childhood memory affects a human being on his/her way of growing.And the memory may consist of so many trivals which can be categolized into different types, of which the infancy education
definitly would be dorminant ,and most of the educational tasks pose such a great responsibity on the parents' shoulders. In the early age, if we are taught to be deligent, not to buy something we actually don't need, then to put them on something useful,then when we are adults, we have already formed a beneficial financial value of ourselves.for example, we can store the money which our relatives give us in the spring festerval to pay for our tuition in the coming semester or buy some presents for our parents on their birthday, instead of wasting them on surfing the Internet pub.

Second, our parents are the pioneer models of being a deligent person.In our early age, if we watch our parents budge the family costs quite well ,which cast a unconcious or subconcious behavioural figure for us ,and we will almostly imitate them in the way.Generally speaking,the children have a strong ability to imitate everything they observe in their small world, and at that time ,it is their parents spent so much time getting
along with them. so the parents should play a active and posive actors in teaching their children to manage money more reasonable.

To sum up, we are all born to know nothing in the world, it is the parents and teachers' responsibity to teach us how to manage money ,how to be more deligent, how to treasure everything we obtain, so if we are cultivated to have such positive value or benign habit, we can be a behavioural model to our children in turn.


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发表于 2011-1-5 08:22:35 |只看该作者
Daily Writing-作文特训小组 1.4
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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-1-5 18:18:20 |只看该作者
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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-1-5 22:02:32 |只看该作者
2010年1月5日 周三:
* i$ _9 {! K- J4 I# b- w6 I独立:
0 ~( D) y* d! e4 i09.11.8NA7 @/ Q" m- {; W2 f' V
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Government should pay more attention to health care issues than to environmental issues.

Some people think that government should pay more attention to health care issues than to environmental issues, while others do not. As far as I am concerned,the tax dollars should be spent on more of the environmental issues, such as protecting the extincting animals and plants, reducing pollution and poinous gas emission.
In the first place, nowadays the pollution of environment has become the main concern in the whole modern world with the advanced technology.Almostly the issues including soil erosion,global warming,resource extinction and industrial pollution have become the daily content on the national news broadcast. Some research says that we human being would not find the clean water to drink if they did not do some work to keep their water clean. There would be no fresh air if every people in the city drive car to go and from work. And there would be no more wild animals if people let the forest be destroyed like what is to be done now. For example, due to the human arbitrary devastation, for instance,over-grazing,farmland dormination and urban desertification, more and more animals have lost their habitats. Therefore, it is the government’s responsibility to attach ing more importance to keep the water clean, keep the air fresh and keep the animals healthy.
In the second place, without a comfortable environment, improving the public health care services would be an armchair strategist. Just look around, we now live in a spectacular setting community surrounded by huge stocks of daily rubbish, which are hard to break down through thousands of years, the water we drink, the air we breath, and the food we eat, the results of the environmental destruction have played a rebound effect on ourselves. The mortality and morbidity of some diseases are increasing every year, such as the lung cancer, the liver cancer and the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. So for the sake of improving the national health condition,the environmental problem should come first to be settled.
From what I have discussed above, everyone can see that there so many things a government should do in the aspect of protecting our environment, such as improving the public awareness, establishing some companies to deal with exhausted water and gases, which will eventually benefit their people and descendants. Consequently, I think a successful government should invest more on the environmental issues instead of spending as much money as possible on the health care issues.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-1-6 17:41:45 |只看该作者

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-1-6 19:52:38 |只看该作者
8# 冬咚宝

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Government should pay more attention to health care issues than to environmental issues.% h  v; y' s2 e6 e8 [0 D

Some people think that government should pay more attention to health care issues than to environmental issues, while others do not. As far as I am concerned,the tax dollars should be spent on more of the environmental issues, such as protecting the extincting animals and plants, reducing pollution and poinous gas emission.& z:
u8 }5 X" D9 M; ]( [
In the first place, nowadays the pollution of environment has become the main concern in the whole modern world with the advanced technology.Almostly  Most of the issues including soil erosion,global warming,resource extinction不应该用extionction 但是我也想不起来该用什么词exhaustion and industrial pollution have become the daily content on the national news broadcast. Some research says that we human being would not find the clean water to drink if they did not do some work to keep their water clean. There would be no fresh air if every people in the city drive car to go and from work. And there would be no more wild animals if people let the forest be destroyed like what is to be done now. For example, due to the human arbitrary devastation, for instance,over-grazing,farmland dormination and urban desertification, more and more animals have lost their habitats. Therefore, it is the government’s responsibility to attach ing more importance to keep the water clean, keep the air fresh and keep the animals healthy.
In the second place, without a comfortable environment, improving the public health care services would be an armchair strategist. Just look around, we now live in a spectacular setting community surrounded by huge stocks of daily rubbish, which are hard to break down through thousands of years, the water we drink, the air we breath, and the food we eat, the results of the environmental destruction have played a rebound effect on ourselves. The mortality and morbidity propagation? of some diseases are increasing every year, such as the lung cancer, the liver cancer and the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. So for the sake of improving the national health condition,the environmental problem should come first to be settled.
From what I have discussed above, everyone can see that there so many things a government should do in the aspect of protecting our environment, such as improving the public awareness, establishing some companies to deal with exhausted water and gases, which will eventually benefit their people and descendants. Consequently, I think a successful government should invest more on the environmental issues instead of spending as much money as possible on the health care issues.


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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-1-8 22:07:15 |只看该作者
201018 周六:
, o- m: O- B9 J( `10.1.30) M4 m/ x% a; u# @& h& v4 g

Physical exercises are more important for older people than for younger people.
It is widely acknowledged that physical exercises play a vital role in our body building, it can strengthen our physical force as well as relaxing us from the heavy pressure in daily life. When we come down to the questionFor which group people are physical exercises more important, some argue that it certainly the younger people, without adequate physical exercises, we cannot build strong body to concentrate on our work which is so important for our subsistence. Whereas I am on the other side, I’m in favor of the viewpoint that physical exercises are more important for older people.
Firstly, some of the functionality of old people are getting degenerative with the growing ages, they need more proper physical exercise to resume the former energy. Take the muscle for example, When people step into the senility period, the strength, elasticity, stamina and controlling force are all weakening through the aging, they are so easy to run out of their strength and get fatigue. Even the muscle issue in the body of trained athletes will be replace by the adipose at the age of sixty more or less. Some researches have statistical evidence to prove that when women at the change of life, that is at the stage of menopause, five hundred grams of muscle issue are lost for per capita annually , while instead, about one thousand grams of fat tissue are increasing. Obviously, the lack of physical exercises contributes to the above phenomenon.
Secondly, the morbidity of certain kinds of diseases is multiplied for older people. For instance, the cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, senile dementia usually take place on the people whose ages are above sixty. Some people may argue that physical sports are responsible for the sudden death of older people, I don’t doubt that, but let us take a close look, we will discover that it is the fierce sports or do excessive sports that lead to the tragedy of older people, especially for those people with potential cardiovascular diseases. And another forceful data has demonstrated that the morbidity of the diseases which has been mentioned above is decreased by 35% for the senility who participate some regular moderate sports everyday, for example, playing shadowboxing or gate balls, doing the yangko dance,fishing, gymnastics or horticulture, which are more suitable for older people.

Thirdly, most older people are in front of the period of accustoming to retiring from their work, which they have put all their energy and spirits on. They more or less cannot get used to the life which leave them so much leisure time, especially for those mental labors. Once they get retired from the former position, they can easily cease their mental work and be idle all the day. It is hardly for them to realize that it is the most appropriate time to strengthen their degenerative bodies by playing some milder but regular sports, and they will make new friends sharing similar sports interests.
As the proverb goes “ Life lies in sports”, so it is the time to advocate for body building in a national wide range, especially for our older people, since we are in an aging society. Given the special function, physique and period of older people, I believe that physical exercises are more important for older people than younger people.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-1-9 19:51:51 |只看该作者
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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-1-11 21:46:35 |只看该作者
抱歉之前考试没有来得及修改 现在补上
It is widely acknowledged that physical exercises play a vital role in our body building, it can strengthen our physical force as well as relaxing us from the heavy pressure in daily life. When we come down to the question:For which group (of)people are physical exercises more important, some argue that it certainly (should be)the younger people, without adequate physical exercises, we cannot build strong body to concentrate on our work which(which 一般最直接指代前面的词 也就是work,你这里是要说work对我们的生存很重要么) is so important for our subsistence. Whereas I am on the other side, I’m in favor of the viewpoint that physical exercises are more important for older people.3 y, N* e: t$ x
Firstly, some of the functionality of old people are getting degenerative with the growing ages, they need more proper physical exercise to resume the former energy. Take the muscle for example, When people step into the senility period, the strength, elasticity, stamina and controlling force are all weakening through the ageing(注意拼写不是aging我觉得through the ageing process 比较通顺), they are so easy to run out of their strength and get fatigue(词汇量很多哦,但似乎run out of their strength 和 get fatigue是一个意思吧,可以去掉一个) Even the muscle issue in the body of trained athletes will be replace by the adipose at the age of sixty more or less. Some researches have statistical evidence to prove that when women at the change of life, that is at the stage of menopause, five hundred grams of muscle issue are lost for per capita annually , while instead, about one thousand grams of fat tissue are increasing. Obviously, the lack of physical exercises contributes to the above phenomenon.这段我觉得你在说老了之后身体会会有什么变化,但没有把这种变化和缺乏运动紧密联系,最后一句话的结论就显得不是那么obviously。
Secondly, the morbidity(好高级的词) of certain kinds of diseases is multiplied for older people. For instance, the cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, senile dementia usually take place on the people whose ages are above sixty. Some people may argue that physical sports are responsible for the sudden death of older people, I don’t doubt that, but let us take a close look, we will discover that it is the fierce sports or do excessive sports that lead to the tragedy of older people, especially for those people with potential cardiovascular diseases. And another forceful data has demonstrated that the morbidity of the diseases which has been mentioned above is decreased by 35% for the senility who participate some regular moderate sports everyday, for example, playing shadowboxing or gate balls, doing the yangko dance,fishing, gymnastics or horticulture, which are more suitable for older people.7 h; f' ]: y4 h' [3 n2 q1 h

Thirdly, most older people are in front of the period of accustoming to retiring from their work, which they have put all their energy and spirits on.(in front of the period是什么意思 in front of 都是指空间上在什么的前面) They more or less cannot get used to the life which leave them so much leisure time, especially for those mental labors. Once they get retired from the former position, they can easily cease their mental work and be idle all the day. It is hardly for them to realize that it is the most appropriate time to strengthen their degenerative bodies by playing some milder but regular sports, and they will make new friends sharing similar sports interests.
As the proverb goes “ Life lies in sports”, so it is the time to advocate for body building in a national wide range, especially for our older people, since we are in an aging society. Given the special function, physique and period of older people, I believe that physical exercises are more important for older people than younger people.3 V7 y( z8 h4 A词汇量好大,超级羡慕!建议在用词的搭配上再斟酌一下。有些用法查英文版的google如果未见一例相似使用,还是慎用的好。

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