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发表于 2010-12-18 11:31:37 |只看该作者
15# fengyanhong

As the transportations become much more convenient today, people tend to argue though airplane is more advanced, the cars are still has a greater influence on our society. I agree with the statement for more people located in various places driving cars frequently than taking plane.

The number of people who can afford a car has increased recently. In developed countries it is likely to possess two cars in a family and even in developing countries like China, almost very family have a car. Some dozen years ago, the one who possesses a car in China always be regarded to the upper class(改为 the people who possessed a car in China always was regarded as one of the upper-class.). However, now the situation has been totally changed, those who do not have a car are recognized as lower class.(这里太偏激了吧,没车的就是下层社会的?) That is the first aspect how cars change the people's life and altitude towards others. And if you take a look at the road now, especially in some metropolises of china, road(加s) are crowed with the(去掉) cars and the lane designed for the bicycles has been narrowed to give way to the jammed cars. That is the second aspect how cars change the traffic system designing due to the increasing number of people who uses them. However, though(这两次重复了吧) airplane is useful, compare to the cars, not everyone can afford it and the airport is still outside the traffic center of the people's life.

The frequency of people using cars undoubtedly is much higher than the plane, so there is no way the plane can have more influence than the car.(太绝对了吧) For one thing, not all people have the occasion to take plane, because plane(加s) are designed to cover long distance travelling, and people do not move from place to a far place every day. For another, not everyone would like to take plane, because some couldnt (正式论文中不应有简写形式
could not )
afford the airplane tickets especially in developing countries, and taking trains are (is)the considerable alternation for people who want to travel to some place far away and appreciate the beautiful scenery along the way.However, in weekday, commuters may choose cars to work, and in weekend, it is still convenient to drive a car to go shopping, to go to friends' house, and to take kids to park.

Last but not the least, you can drive a car to every place as long as the road will lead you to, while the airport is not own by every city. Still lots of people view airplane as a stranger, whereas cars have rooted in their life.

As a conclusion, the car has a grater influence on the society than the airplane, because they are shared by much more people frequently on all over the word.


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发表于 2010-12-18 15:10:37 |只看该作者
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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-12-18 21:31:50 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 fengyanhong 于 2010-12-18 23:46 编辑

Do you agree or disagree Most of theadvertisements make products appear better than they really are.

Posting advertisement is becoming an indispensable method for company to promote their products; as a consequence, the way to advertise is much more diverse today. Only to emphasize how good their products are has been out of date. So I do not agree that most of the advertisementsmake products appear better than they really are.

Companies now usually advertise theirproducts by letting people fancy about what they could provide people with,other than boating their product. Lots of sagacious companies would like to give the people a notion that they can gain an exclusive lifestyle through buying their products. Most automobile advertisements, for example, will give you a feeling of comfortable, when driving it with your family in the spacious room,enjoying the advanced navigation system, and adjusting the finest seat. Almost all cars manufactured today can provide you with all these facilities, so the advertisements are not telling the lie. Whereas the smartness is they enable people to construct their own imaginary life with the visual aid of the advertisements and eventually prompt people to take action, buying this kind of products and gaining a desirable life.

Other companies may cultivate a group of raving fans to love their business culture and appreciate the value they convey through the advertisement. These methods are far better than boasting their products. So most advertisements today are like a small piece of movie with inspiration, rather than piles of exaggerations. To let people remember their  bands is the first step to gain favor. The Chivas, whose advertisement I like best, usually shoot a video aimed at applauding the chivalry virtue. It plays a word trick between the Chivas and chivalry, so that people can easily remember the brand. What is more, by telling a sprite-lifting conception or just a lovely phrasea company can earn consumers’ favor. Some automobile ads would inspire people by highlighting the statement that it is not the destination but the beautiful scenery is more valuable.

Those companies who only exaggerate theirproducts without telling the truth can not survive for a long time. Consumers can not be fooled easily, and sooner or later, the lie will be uncovered.Besides, laws do not permit such kind of cheating as well. Consequently, this kind of commercial strategy will lose its audience and bound to death, so does the exaggerative advertisement.

Nowadays, marketing has already been mature.Smart sales manager will not be reduced to fooling their consumer for short term profit, because they have much more better advertising tactics. Consumers,protected by the laws, are not inclined to believe in the foolish advertisements.As a result though the exaggerative advertise may appear, it should not be the main stream of the advertisement.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-12-18 23:50:12 |只看该作者

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-12-20 00:44:45 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 Sudden2012 于 2010-12-20 22:45 编辑

Posting advertisement is becoming an indispensable method for company to promote their products; as a consequence, the way to advertise is much more diverse today. Only to emphasize how good their products are has been out of date. So I do not agree that most of the advertisements make products appear better than they really are.

Companies now usually advertise their products by  letting people fancy about what they could provide people with, other than boating(boasting) their product. Lots of sagacious  companies would like to give the(去掉) people a notion that they can gain an exclusive lifestyle through buying their product. Most automobile advertisements, for example, will give you a feeling of comfortable, driving it with your family in the spacious room, enjoying the advanced navigation system,and adjusting the finest seat. Almost all cars manufactured today can provide you with all these facilities, so the advertisements are not telling the lie. Whereas the smartness is they enable people to construct their own imaginary life with the visual aid of the advertisements and eventually prompt people to take action, buying this kind of products and gaining a desirable life.

Other companies may cultivate a group of raving fans to love their business culture and appreciate the value they convey through the advertisement. These methods are far better than boasting their products. So most advertisements today are like a small piece of movie with inspiration, rather than piles of exaggerations. To let people remember their bands(brands) is the first step to gain favor. The Chivas, whose advertisement I likebest, usually shoot a video aimed at applauding the chivalry virtue. It plays a word trick between the Chivas and chivalry, so that people can easily remember the brand. What is more, by telling a sprite-lifting conception or just a lovely phrase a company can earn consumers’ favor. Some automobile ads would inspire people by highlighting the statement that it is not the destination but the beautiful scenery is more valuable.

Those companies who only exaggerate their products without telling the truth can not survive for a long time. Consumers can not be fooled easily, and sooner or later, the lied will be well uncovered. Besides, laws do not permit such kind of cheating as well. Consequently, this kind of commercial strategy will lose its audience and bound to death, so does the exaggerative advertisement.(这里最好再加一个例子,比如电灯,广告里说可用1000小时,实际上只用了100个小时就坏了,那么就不会有人再去买了,短期效益之类之类的

Nowadays, marketing has already been mature. Smart sales manager will not be reduced to fooling their consumer for short term profit, because they have much more better advertising tactics. Consumers, protected by the laws, are not inclined to believe in the foolish advertisements.As a result though the exaggerative advertise may appear, it should not be the mainstream of the advertisement.


例子很贴切(比如芝华士,让我想到了佳能 canon);


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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-12-20 17:36:30 |只看该作者
12.20 TPO4
The passage argues that dinosaurs may be endotherms for some of them lived in the cold climates, their leg position is the same as all the modern endotherms, and their bone structure is in fact a characteristic of endotherms. The speaker, however, did not think the reasons hold water.

First, though dinosaur fossils were found in Polar Regions, at that time this region were warmer than it is now. So that it is possible for reptiles to live. What is more, during the cold season, it is likely that the dinosaurs migrated from the cold area to the warmer place as the most reptiles did. Accordingly, the fossils discovered in the Polar Regions do not prove dinosaurs are endotherms.

Second, the passage said that dinosaurs' leg position are the same as the endotherms. However, the speaker indicated that the passage overlooked the fact that the dinosaurs legs did not allow them to do that much of physical activities as endotherms' legs, but to sustain their heavy body, which is totally different from the endotherms.

Third, the passage showed that the bones of dinosaurs include structures called Haversian canals, which the endotherms also have. The speaker disclosed that besides Haversian canals, dinosaurs also have growth rings in the bones, which suggests that they did not grow in the way endotherms does. Dinosaurs cannot grow rapidly all year round, instead during the cool time they grow slowly, and even stop growing. Their alternate growing pattern contradicts to the endotherms, who can grow constantly. Thus having Haversian canals is not solid evidence.

As a conclusion the speaker thought the dinosaurs should not be endotherms.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-12-20 20:18:07 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 fengyanhong 于 2010-12-20 20:33 编辑

12.20 独立作文
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising is a waste of time and money because customers already know what they want., b+ e%
Nowadays advertisements permeate every corner of the world. People would appeal that they have already know what they want, so it is a waste of time and money for sales mangers to post annoying advertisements. However, people may actually do not aware of the imperceptible influence the advertisements imposed on their daily life, and this marketing tactic is of certain value both to the consumer and the producer.  

People may not always know exactly what they need, if there is no advertisement. Sometimes we suppose we are clear about what we need. My watch is broken so I need another one.I like the convenient electronic toothbrush so I would like to buy one. However, when choosing the exact brand and version of the thing in need, we may have no ideas. If at that time a suggestion is offered or a brand occurs to you, it is possibly due to the repeating advertisements that surround us. People have an inclination to buy object they are familiar with. Thus when choosing the commodity, they would prefer the one always heard or saw.

Some people may argue that they know what they need------ the best one is their only choice. In their opinion, those products of best quality even if without advertising can win people's preference. However, the truth is that, good products still need promotion strategy to be known by the majority. Take the famous movie Avatar for example. Though it is a movie with high quality, it cost 150 million USD to promote world wide. Compared(还是 comparing?) to the 310 million USD to produce, undoubtedly promotion cost large amount of money. As a result, people all over the world pay the cinema willingly. I would suspect whether it can gain as much as now without investing in advertising.

Besides, the advertisements can persuade people to buy thing they do not want at the first thought. This compensates for the money put in the promotion. Some cosmetic companies would pay a great deal of money training their sales assistants to attract customers and boast their product in an acceptable way. That is also a method to advertise. And the outcome is that young lady may buy cosmetics without anticipation. They simply yield to the sales man's amiable persuasion.

As a conclusion, the ground that customers already know what they want is not solid enough to eliminate the thriving advertising business; people may be confused in choosing brands and have no judgment on which is the best. What is more, through proper promotion strategy, sellers can win extra consumers.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-12-21 11:10:28 |只看该作者
路过看了你综合~~~很好,但第二的反驳有点差,主要重点应该放在lecture中,说passage overlook什么,事实上是passage重抄passage的信息, 重点应该放在者结构是用来支持更大的体重的,体重越大的越有优势。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2010-12-21 20:36:37 |只看该作者
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-12-22 09:30:14 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-12-22 13:17:31 |只看该作者

The passage said the Chaco Canyon may be the purely residential, while the speaker pointed out it may look like a big house from the outside, but it cast doubt on the theory when studying the inside. The reason is that the building had relatively fewer fire places than it should be as a residential. In the large one, it only contains fire place for 10 families to use, whereas the room in it can hold as much as hundreds of families.

The passage also mentioned the building's possibility of being storage for food, because it is large and empty. However the speaker also thought it didn't hold water, because there is no trace of maize left on the ground and no evidence of food containers.

Last, the passage suggested the building may be the ceremonial centers for broken pots are founded. The speaker indicated that in addition to the broken pots it still remains building materials such as sand stone and even construction tools. Following the passage's logic, it may also be a construction trash center, and the people gathered there were workers; they left their meal and tools there.

As a conclusion the speaker thought none of the three possibilities can well illustrate the function of the great house.

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-12-22 13:20:02 |只看该作者

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-12-22 22:00:53 |只看该作者
12.21 独立 不好意思 我晚了
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All university students should take basic science courses, regardless of their field of concentration.

As most prestigious university such as Yale and Stanford have brought their basic science courses on the Internet, there arose (时态对哇)a world wide debate on whether university students should learn basic science courses that beyond their major. The trend now should have it reasons to exist, so I fully convinced that students in college should take wide range of basic science curriculums.

University students may not be totally devoted to their major course, and university should provide an access to wider range of study field. When student chose their major during their high school period, most of them may only know what they are good at and what majors seemed to be appealing. What they do not know is there are lots of interesting fields he got little ideas of, for they only studied mathematics physics and chemistry in high school. One of my friends, for example, is a student in physics when she was a freshman. She learnt physics quiet excellent in high school, and even won the prize of the nation competition. However, after she participated in the university basic science courses designed for students in the college of electronic and engineering, she found she can not help fall in love with it. In the following year, she transferred to that major.

What is more basic science courses,which appeared to be unrelated,may give a student inspiration in researching in his own field. As nowadays interrelated subjects combined and developed faster unprecedentedly, students are required to get master of something beyond his own field. The boundary between different subjects becomes vague now. For example the major I learn is called information security, which combines the field of communication and computer science. Besides, when considering the security, encryption is a must, so that students should also have a solid basic knowledge of mathematics.

Last but not the least; students should learn basic science courses because they are basic, fundamental and thus necessary. That is to say, students should consider it as the common sense one should get grasp of. If a girl majored in mathematic does not have a basic knowledge of biology she may be easily fooled by cosmetic companies when they exaggerate their magic effect of products. If a boy majored in biology does not have a basic knowledge of economy he could hardly budget his life well. As a human being living on(还是in?) the complicated society, we should learn the basics.

As a conclusion, students should consider the basic science course as the common sense and learn it willingly, for it not only make them know better about their interests but also shed light on their own filed studying.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2010-12-23 01:06:34 |只看该作者
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All university students should take basic science courses, regardless of their field of concentration.
2 S) }; Q5 C: J: r& Q4 t  j- d
As most prestigious universities such as Yale and Stanford have brought their basic science courses on the Internet, a world wide debate on whether university students should learn basic science courses that beyond their major is aroused. The trend now should have its reasons to exist, and I fully convinced that students in college should take wide range of basic science curriculums.
. O1 ]0 B" w* a! `- s3 |
University students may not be totally devoted to their major courses, and university should provide an access to a wider range of study fields. When student chose their major during their high school period, most of them only know what they are good at and which majors seemed to be appealing. What they do not know is there are lots of interesting fields he got little ideas of, for they only studied mathematics physics and chemistry in high school. One of my friends, for example, is a student in physics when she was a freshman. Her physics was quiet excellent in high school, and even won the prize of the nation competition. However, after she participated in the university basic science courses designed for students in the college of electronic and engineering, she found she can not help fall in love with it. In the following year, she transferred to that major. 1 i) B. V  ?, n
4 v+ k' U9 e& x. Y6 r- R! k
What is more, basic science courseswhich appeared to be unrelated
may inspire students
in his own field. As nowadays interdisiplines develop
unprecedentedly, students are required to have a good command over something beyond his own field. The boundary between different subjects becomes increasingly vague now. For example the major I learn is called information security, which combines the field of communication and computer science. Besides, when considering the security, encryption is a must, so that students should also have a solid base of mathematics.1 m7 N3 e: O8 ~9 ]# \; e

Last but not the least; students should learn basic science courses so as to face challenges from this world of diversity. That is to say, students should consider it as the common sense one should get grasp of. If a girl majored in mathematic does not have a basic knowledge of biology she may be easily fooled by cosmetic companies when they exaggerate their magic effect of products. If a boy majored in biology does not have a basic knowledge of economy he could hardly budget his life well. As a human being living in(还是in) the complicated society, we should learn the basics. 9 a7 h! J& Q: C7 ^6 z' y4 k. |

As a conclusion, students should consider the basic science course as the common sense and learn it willingly, for it not only make them know better about their interests but also shed light on their own filed studying.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2010-12-23 01:55:48 |只看该作者
12.22 独立

Whether a serious and strict teacher is more effective than a teacher who is humorous and easygoing is hard to determine. Everyone has his own standard of judging what effectiveness is, and have varied preference of person's characteristic. Thus I think both kinds of teacher have advisable aspects and deficiencies.

If we define the efficiency of teachers is to better communicate with the student, then a teacher who wins students respect and gains their obedience may be the effective one. As we know if a person appreciates you, she or he is willing to accept what you said and taught. Accordingly a humorous teacher who is more acceptable may get a desirable teaching outcome. After all, studying is a quite demanding process, and hardly any one can  fully focus on it. A humorous teacher is good at catching students' attention and conveying his or her knowledge in a relaxed way. What is more, adolescents are notoriously rebellious. It is likely that students will be seriously angry when criticized by their strict teacher. A high demanding teacher may more likely to trigger their extremist act, but I doubt anyone could be raged at a humorous person.

If we consider the efficiency of teachers as cable of making their student get firm grasp of lessons, then a teacher who has the well arranged teaching strategy should win the competition. The student of the serious and strict teacher may perform better in their academic studying. For one thing, students especially at an early age do not have the ability to control themselves, so a serious teacher will help them to devote more time to their study. For another, the person who treats other strictly and seriously tends to do the same to himself. As far as I know, those teachers who picked my fault seriously never make the same mistakes as they pointed out. So it is more likely that they performed better in making their teaching syllabus, assigning proper homework, and revising the students work.

What is more, different people appreciate teacher differently. Some tend to like the people opposite to their own personality and some are not. I neither believed everyone will regard humorous teacher as easy going but superficial, nor am I certain about all strict  teachers are recognized as horrible. So it is too hard to determine which kind of teacher could gain the favor of the majority.

As a conclusion, to better judge which kind of teacher is more efficient, the first step is to define what efficiency is, and I take a leave to doubt whether there is a standard definition. Besides, all judgment made by individual towards others are subjective, thus the result of the comparison must be differed according to individual.

我把 effectiveness 酱油成了efficiency  差别大么? effective 这玩意名词是什么玩意?effectiveness ?effect? 有人有朗文电子词典么...

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