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[资料分享] 2012年SAT2考试介绍 [复制链接]

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发表于 2012-7-3 17:05:48 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
# [4 J2 B  G5 K; r- [( O, n% ]
1 }  |2 \: s9 b5 iBiology E/M" {5 Q* h( l7 Q0 T

% i. K; V; W5 ZThere are two biology tests. Each test starts off with 60 general-knowledge biology questions on cellular and molecular biology, ecology, classical genetics, organismal biology, and evolution and diversity. Students who registered to take the Biology E test then have 20 additional questions on ecology. Biology M test takers have 20 additional questions on molecular biology.( F8 r# S8 f  E, N  f' v) v
$ B6 l" {: {! s1 y" b
Literature, b/ l5 T; t8 ^" n, [

/ v' H7 F" R- v( Y8 V9 AThere are about 60 questions on the literature test, based on six to eight passages. Split pretty evenly between the poetry and prose genres, about 30% of the exam is focused on literature of the Renaissance and seventeenth century; 30% covers literature of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; 40% is focused on works written after 1900.
2 C) {. E. a1 J0 ~: a- p! X7 Q1 R
Math Level 17 j5 ^' c" T9 J0 s* R

3 P- r4 r6 V+ n* U" j: g9 nThe Math Level 1 exam includes 50 questions. The test covers the following material: algebra, geometry (plane Euclidean, three-dimensional, and coordinate), trigonometry, statistics/probability, and miscellaneous topics (logic, elementary number theory, and arithmetic and geometric sequences). Approved scientific and graphing calculators can be used on the test, and it might be to your advantage to use one on up to half the items on the test. So be sure to check the calculator requirements on the College Board Web site and know how to use the calculator.
3 {$ Z9 s% {1 J) F& L9 Y6 C7 w, k/ l: ]
Math Level 2
. H$ d/ ^# P' q' q6 }% Q7 i, a& M5 c/ r/ m# P( k
There are 50 questions on the Math Level 2 exam. The test covers the following material: algebra, geometry (plane Euclidean, three-dimensional, and coordinate), trigonometry, functions, statistics (probability, permutations, and combinations), and miscellaneous topics (logic and proof, number theory, sequences, and limits). Approved scientific and graphing calculators can be used on the test, and it might be to your advantage to use one on up to half the items on the test. So be sure to check the calculator requirements on the College Board Web site and know how to use the calculator.
8 c4 G: q, e* H; N" e/ z5 @  |/ @2 O* e( f, M' O# g- }* E# t
Physics2 u+ h: h2 f8 W
' p3 Y% X6 C; ^
This test contains 75 questions on the following material: mechanics; heat, kinetic theory, and thermodynamics; waves; electricity and magnetism; modern physics; and miscellaneous topics (measurement, math, laboratory skills and the history of physics).
* c; Q) M, O  D& X( w
  K+ ]2 Z7 D0 E# L* \U.S. History
, }4 n5 j; _0 V4 z. V  f# i- `' Z# ^4 H$ }* V3 V
The U.S. history test contains between 90 and 95 questions. About 20% are based on history from pre-Columbian times through 1789 and 40% are from 1790 to 1898; the rest cover the period from 1899 through the present.( Z  ~, r- r/ ^# F- A9 T0 d( ]
' d+ m0 J% g- ^8 j
World History6 N+ P$ A- w( \4 u6 @+ `4 W  D
0 h+ N, I! e; D4 t8 u/ _3 ?+ U7 G- ^
This test contains 95 questions that cover world history from ancient times through the present. About 25% of the test is on world history through 500 C.E.; 20% covers the years 500 through 1500 C.E.; 25% covers 1500 through 1900 C.E.; and 20% is on history from post-1900 C.E. The last 10% is cross-chronological.
, |0 M6 \) ]' q* Q! ^" ~0 c* M& [, w& y; [" J* ]8 _5 R( V
Chemistry7 B+ g* X1 O9 R8 c

  h" b) h- `: H3 F" IThe chemistry test consists of 85 questions. To do well, you should be familiar with the structures of matter, states of matter, reaction types, stoichiometry, equilibrium and reaction rates, thermodynamics, descriptive chemistry, and general laboratory skills. The test will include about five items asking you to evaluate two related statements that are based on predicting chemical reactions and/or equation balancing. Your answers will be recorded on a special section of your answer sheet% K' v# R2 n* A

* Z0 A! E2 W  vChinese with Listening
( u) Q9 J; @  ?5 G& w0 [& o7 ~+ f& T) k& q9 F* y) S% v9 d
The Chinese with Listening test contains 85 questions that measure your usage and reading and listening comprehension of Mandarin Chinese.  T7 \3 c" m6 C8 ]6 h

+ ?# y) g( Q! R: H; tFrench
9 V; }3 \- \  i, t
) ?3 {) p6 S1 D+ j* WThis test contains 85 questions that gauge your understanding of vocabulary in context, structure, and reading comprehension.3 M& h- q- x& ^+ ^1 Q$ W( |

( S* Y- q: i& {1 n7 Q: C; YFrench with Listening1 q/ t' K" j, P1 M7 d  ]
) a3 \( ^# F8 M7 |7 S6 j+ `
The French with Listening test includes about 20 minutes of listening questions and 40 minutes of reading comprehension questions. The listening section contains pictures, short dialogues, and long dialogues. The rest of the test covers vocabulary, structure, and reading comprehension.
0 |- G8 Y1 E0 u$ N& j! U! l; x
0 |9 U' @0 _& d- H5 \1 S1 M" m/ GGerman
; ^/ n) Z0 A: _, K6 X  H  s4 x3 ]0 Y$ |1 K3 {; X
This test contains 80 to 85 questions that measure reading ability only.  E9 _  f2 C& ~4 ?. T% X

8 q) f1 G+ t6 R6 z+ P8 F4 K* q+ XGerman with Listening
' _% p0 m- g; a: X/ i" c( `  E% }, Z4 @7 m0 l, b2 R
The German with Listening test features a 20-minute listening section, including long and short dialogues. There is also a 40-minute section that covers vocabulary in context, structure in context, and reading comprehension.
8 X7 U  r: z- r8 e: E
: S5 a( `4 [" vModern Hebrew! _+ a' P; n3 q

, s' \5 \4 @' \* R' ]This test contains 85 questions that measure your reading comprehension skills, ability to understand vocabulary in context, and knowledge of structure and context.& P2 `3 f$ c; P$ \1 v
/ ?4 L8 }3 w7 _( R: [. R
( r1 B* s' [; L" k
+ |4 G8 l# L& C; d6 S1 _  K; f$ M7 YThe Italian test consists of 80 to 85 questions. To do well, you must understand vocabulary in context, successfully answer fill-in-the-blank questions, and demonstrate good reading comprehension skills.
! d( B4 p6 n2 I9 N; G; D9 c! c& v- N" U3 I* W5 e
Japanese with Listening
% D9 R# B4 I2 i& U
0 e/ @, W; \/ ^* O1 W9 e' n2 Q4 R9 BThis test includes 80 to 85 questions and covers listening comprehension, usage, and reading comprehension.& I  V: C8 f5 ?3 M% S

- _6 d, I, n+ ]! {5 gKorean with Listening  M* `' H- |7 @+ S- m6 S& s0 S

1 q) i  o. A, q$ p% HThe Korean with Listening test features 80 to 85 questions and includes a 20-minute usage section and a 40-minute reading comprehension section.
9 _8 I, n  x* j( w) F, l# W
! Y: |" U0 P8 D& D5 Q3 i6 NLatin
3 S/ T- ~1 j: Y( ?1 c* k. X% e2 E& \' v7 C7 A
This test contains 70 to 75 questions. About 65% of the test measures your translation ability, 5% covers derivatives, and roughly 30% covers grammar and syntax.
5 v' @: x3 j8 C. d2 g5 ?
0 G' @$ u* h$ z$ p2 iSpanish* c0 i# I' t4 m; f" t9 u
8 Q; \! W# U1 m: t3 T5 ^" o8 l
The Spanish test consists of 85 questions. Test material equally covers vocabulary and structure, paragraph completion, and reading comprehension.' r- v% q  E4 Y: U, t
- s! z% A/ g, a7 q4 H$ J' }% }$ J
Spanish with Listening
; ^8 |0 L3 F( V' p: O- t8 p8 y
This test features 85 questions, including a 20-minute listening section and a 40-minute reading section.
! V; G) j$ }9 b
# H- x5 u, T8 q* ~' r/ L以上就是这些SAT2考试要求的全部内容,包括了绝大部分的考试要求。SAT2考试科目一共有20门,每一门都有不同的要求,大家需要根据自己的实际情况和考试要求的不同,选择适合自己的考试。
9 N. n) {% }% ~4 X/ }. y: N

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