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[未归类] 北京地区IELTS网上预约变更说明 [复制链接]

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发表于 2002-11-28 14:38:40 |显示全部楼层
北京地区IELTS网上预约变更说明 2002-11-25 16:23:06  

  1. 在北京参加IELTS考试的考生通过北语考试在线报名系统提交申请和在线支付考试费用。北京地区不受理其他报名方式。

  Candidates who plan to take IELTS test in Beijing must apply using the registration system on the web site of the Overseas Test Center, Beijing Language and Culture University and later pay the fees on line.

  2. 北语考试网站提前公布考试日期、报名限额、受理申请开始时间以交验书面申请表和领取准考证的时间。

  Web site:http://exam.blcu.edu.cn

  The above mentioned web site will in advance release all relevant information concerning registration procedures. This includes the test dates, the starting time for registration, the quota for each test, as well as when to collect the Confirmation Letter for the IELTS examination.

  3. 报名开始后,报名系统持续受理申请,直至额满。

  The registration system will keep processing applications until the quota has been completed for a particular test date.

  4. 系统动态显示各考期仍可申请的数额,数字为“0”时不接受该日期的申请。

  The system will show the number of vacant places that are still available for a particular test date. Figure “0” under a particular test date means that there are no more vacancies for that date.

  5. 考生逐项填写在线申请表。表格出现空项,将导致提交失败。

  If you submit an application that leaves any column in the form empty, your application will not be accepted by the system.

  6. 考生在申请表的下拉菜单中选取考试日期。(注意:如果申请表的考试日期选项栏为空白,表明报名系统暂不接受申请。)

  Candidates must make sure that they have chosen the right test date in the pull-down menu and then fill in the form completely. (Note: the system will not accept an application when the menu appears empty.)

  7. 复核申请信息无误后,点击“提交”按钮。点击“重置”按钮,可以重新填写信息。提交的信息必须确保完整、真实,提交后不能修改,也不允许转让他人。

  You should carefully check all the information you have supplied before clicking the “SUBMIT” button. If you want to change the information on the form, you need to click the “RESET” button. The information you submit must be complete and accurate because after it has been submitted it is not possible to change or transfer the information to others.

  8. 在随后出现的页面内选择考试日期和填写身份证号码。此号码必须和申请表的信息完全一致,否则可能造成注册失败和资金流失。如果重新填写信息,可点击“重置”按钮。

  Select a test date and fill the ID number in the dialogue box, both of which must be the same as the one on the on-line application form. If this information you provide is not consistent the application may fail, or wrong payment may happen. Click the “RESET” button if you want to make a change to the ID number.

  9. 在申请信息确认界面复核无误后,点击“网上支付”按钮,报名系统转向招商银行的网上支付系统。考生按照有关步骤实施网上付款。付款完成后,请务必记录定单号码,以便日后查询。

  Check your information again and then click the “On-Line Payment” button. The system will refer you to the China Merchants Bank’s payment system. You will then need to complete the on-line procedures in order to make the registration successful. Be sure to write down the order number that enables you to check your payment in the future.

  10. 考生申请成功后可以立即在线支付考试费用,也可以稍后通过北语考试网申请系统上的“网上支付”按钮进行支付。

  Applicants may pay the fees immediately after their application is completed, or pay the fees later by clicking the “On-Line Payment” button of the registration system.

  11. 考生应在提交报名申请的2天内通过招商银行的网上支付系统付清考试费1250元,招商银行网上服务手续费5元,合计1255元。逾期不保留申请记录。

  You need to pay the registration fees using the above mentioned system within 2 days of submitting your application. If you do not pay the fees within 2 days the reservation will be cancelled.(Test fee: 1250 Yuan / CMB on line service charge: 5 Yuan; Total: 1255 Yuan)

  12. 其他考生可以在线填充已报名考生未按时在线交费而被取消所留下的空额。

  If a candidate fails to pay the fee within 2 days, his or her place will become vacant and can be taken by another person.

  13. 网上注册和付费完成后,考生必须在指定时间(详见IELTS专栏)到考点交验申请表、身份证以及领取准考证。届时应携带考生本人填写和签名的考试申请表、考生身份证(报名和考试必须使用同一证件)、另交身份证复印件1份、3张近期6个月正面免冠两寸照片和成绩邮寄手续费人民币5元。

  Candidates who have successfully registered in the way described must come to the test center in time(see the IELTS page for details)to proceed with the formalities. The candidate needs to bring the completed application form signed by himself/herself, his/her ID card (note that this must be the same ID card as used for registration, and that the same one must also be used during the examination), one photocopy of the ID card signed by the candidate, three recent passport-size photographs as well as 5 Yuan (RMB) TRF mailing service charge.

  14. 考生领取交验申请表和身份证时,必须提供与在线注册一致的证件和报名材料。考生在考点领取准考证后完成正式注册。

  All registered candidates must complete the required registration procedures at the test center. Registration is rejected when a candidate fails to present his/her ID, or any other required documentation referred to in number 12.

  15. 取消考试:考生因故取消考试,必须填写准考证背面的《取消考试申请表》以及汇款单。在原注册考试14天之前的接待日(周一至三)携带准考证和身份证与考点联系办理(申请逾期和缺席考试均无退款)。确认后,通过邮局向考生邮寄退费人民币500元。

  Cancellation: The candidate must fill in the Cancellation Application Form on the back of the Confirmation Letter and a remittance order form, if he/she wants to cancel a registered test. It must be completed against the candidate’s ID and the Confirmation Letter no later than the Wednesday, 17 days before the test date for which he/she is registered. A refund of 500 Yuan shall be mailed to the candidate at a later date, but no refund for the overdue application and test absence.

  16. 延期考试:申请改考必须填写准考证背面的《更改考试日期申请表》,在原注册考试14天之前的接待日内(周一至三)携带准考证和身份证与考点联系办理。每名考生只允许办理1次申请推迟考试,费用:人民币500元。延考限推迟到下一次相邻有空额的考试日期。

  Deferral: The candidate must fill in the Deferral Application Form on the back of the Confirmation Letter, if he/she wants to postpone the registered test to the next one. It must be completed against the candidate’s ID and the Confirmation Letter no later than the Wednesday, 17 days before the registered test for which he/she is registered. A candidate can only make one deferral, and is limited to deferral to the next test date only. Fees: 500 Yuan (RMB)

  17. 考生在任何考点再次报考,间隔时间都不得少于90天。

  Candidates MUST NOT attempt to re-take the IELTS test at any center within 90 days.

  18. 考生注册违反考试规定或由于任何其他原因无法遵守报名规定,自行承担可能引起的后果。

  Candidates shall be responsible for any consequences that may arise from their failure to follow the registration rules.



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