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[i习作temp] 【kaleidoscope】小组第三次作业 ISSUE40 by Azoi [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-8-6 10:36:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 azoi 于 2009-8-6 11:24 编辑

40"Scholars and researchers should not be concerned with whether their work makes a contribution to the larger society. It is more important that they pursue their individual interests, however unusual or idiosyncratic those interests may seem."

Should we emphasize the importance of the contribution to the larger society, or should we just hold a drifting attitude towards scholars and their researches? I fundamentally agree with the speaker's assertion, which is to encourage scientists to pursue their individual interests, while further reflection reveals that some proper guide would also be beneficial.

As is known to all, interest could serve as a best motivation in every scientific field, rendering scholars much productive and unyieldingly persistent. When we have an interest on something, we are highly likely to spend our time and energy thoroughly on it no matter how tough it would be, which is no exception for any scientist. If it's not because of the interest of thunders, how could Franklin dare to risk his life to fly an iron kite in a thunder stormy night? If it's not for the interest of heredity, how could Mendel, the preacher who discovered the law of inheritance, spent eight years of his life to conduct an experiment merely more than planting some peas? Such telling examples all contribute to the contention that it is under the guide of interest that one could achieve most in his specific field. On the contrary, we cannot imagine that we force Einstein to make any major progress in zoology. It is for the reason that when it comes to something we don't have an interested feeling about, we would lose our concentration before long.

Admitting that interest has played such an vital role in scientific fields, it's unwise for us to emphasize too much on the contribution to a larger society, which would cause nothing more than pressure and stress to researchers. Moreover, many scholars don't know exactly how their findings would be favorable to the society before further researches, thus they always remain a humble and discreet attitude towards their work. If someone claims that his researches would be a significant breakthrough to the scientific development hastily after he has done one, in all probability, the man is either a loser or a crook. Moreover, any actual discovery or invention, sooner or later, would find its way to serve the society. For instance, Penicillin, which has already saved million's life, was firstly discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming by accident. Albeit Fleming was never expecting he would make such an enormous contribution to the society before he had conducted the experiment, he eventually made it.

However, to encourage the dominant role of interest doesn’t mean there is no bottom line for every researcher. They must always be aware that they should never break laws or moral rules. Any research posing a threat to the existence of human being (such as the research on biological weapons) or causing society disturbances (such as the development in clone technology) should be checked in time. Furthermore, we must maintain a sustainable development for our human society.

To sum up, the optimal approach for scholars and researchers to make contributions to the society is to follow their interests, while some guide would be necessary when it come to some controversial subjects. Only by that way can we ensure a healthy and effective development of our society.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-8-6 13:56:12 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 wdassfm 于 2009-8-6 14:00 编辑

1# azoi
Should we emphasize the importance of the contribution to the larger society, or should we just hold a drifting attitude towards scholars and their researches? I fundamentally agree with the speaker's assertion, which is to encourage scientists to pursue their individual interests, while further reflection reveals that some proper guide would also be beneficial.

As is known to all, interest could serve as a best motivation in every scientific field,
rendering scholars much productive and unyieldingly persistent (
没有宾语?). When we have an interest on something, we are highly likely to spend our time and energy thoroughly on it no matter how tough it would be, which is no exception(觉得用especially true递进一下好吧) for any scientist. If it's(据说要写成it is,虽然我也很郁闷) not because of the interest of thunders, how could Franklin dare to risk his life to fly an iron kite in a thunder stormy night? If it's not for the interest of heredity, how could Mendel, the preacher who discovered the law of inheritance, spent eight years of his life to conduct an experiment merely (no) more than planting some peas? (反问加排比,大赞~) Such telling examples all contribute to the contention that it is under the guide of interest that one could achieve most in his specific field. On the contrary, we cannot imagine that we force Einstein to make any major progress in zoology. It is for the reason that when it comes to something we don't have an interested feeling about, we would lose our concentration before long.(这点提得好,赞一个)

这个有转折的意思啊!) that interest has played such an vital role in scientific fields, it's unwise for us to emphasize too much on the contribution to a larger society, which would cause nothing more than pressure and stress to researchers. Moreover, many scholars don't know exactly how their findings would be favorable to the society before further researches, thus they always remain a humble and discreet attitude towards their work(提的好). If someone claims that his researches would be a significant breakthrough to the scientific development hastily after he has done one, in all probability, the man is either a loser or a crook. Moreover, any actual discovery or invention, sooner or later, would find its way to serve the society. For instance, Penicillin, which has already saved million's life, was firstly discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming by accident. Albeit Fleming was never expecting he would make such an enormous contribution to the society before he had conducted the experiment, (yet) he eventually made it.(分论点提的有新意且融会贯通,正反论证强有力,大赞~)

However, to encourage the dominant role of interest doesn’t mean there is no
bottom line for every researcher. They must always be aware that they should never break laws or moral rules. Any research posing a threat to the existence of human being (such as the research on biological weapons) or causing society disturbances (such as the development in clone technology) should be checked in time. Furthermore (After all?), we must maintain a sustainable development for our human society.

To sum up, the
optimal approach for scholars and researchers to make contributions to the society is to follow their interests, while some guide would be necessary when it come to some controversial subjects. Only by that way can we ensure a healthy and effective development of our society.


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【kaleidoscope】小组第三次作业 ISSUE40 by Azoi


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