fernandochang 发表于 2003-5-4 21:33:15

5 CR Qs from Taipei ~

Just don't know WHY~~~
Thank you for your explanations.

1. Nearly one in three subscribers to Financial Forecaster is a millionaire, and over half are in top management. Shouldn’t you subscribe to Financial Forecaster now?
A reader who is neither a millionaire nor in top management would be most likely to act in accordance        with the advertisement’s suggestion if he or she drew which of the following questionable conclusions invited by the advertisement?
(A)Among finance-related periodical, Financial Forecaster provides the most detailed financial information.
(B)Top managers cannot do their jobs properly without reading Financial Forecaster.
(C)The advertisement is placed where those who will be likely to read it are millionaires.
(D)The subscribers mentioned were helped to become millionaires or join top management by reading Financial Forecaster.
(E)Only those who will in fact become millionaires, or at least top managers, will read the advertisement.
2. Contrary to the charges made by some of its opponents, the provisions of the new deficit-reduction law for indiscriminate cuts in the federal budget are justified. Opponents should remember that the New Deal pulled this country out of great economic troubles even though some of its programs were later found to be unconstitutional.
The opponents could effectively defend their position against the author’s strategy by pointing out that
(A)the expertise of those opposing the law is outstanding.
(B)the lack of justification for the new law does not imply that those who drew it up were either inept or immoral.
(C)the practical application of the new law will not entail indiscriminate budget cuts.
(D)economic troubles present at the time of the New Deal were equal in severity to those that have led to the present law
(E)the fact that certain flawed programs or laws have improved the economy does not prove that every such program can do so.
3. Ross: The profitability of Company X, restored to private ownership five years ago, is clear evidence that businesses will always fare better under private than under public ownership.

Julia: Wrong. A close look at the records shows that X has been profitable since the appointment of a first-class manager, which happened while X was still in the public sector.

Which of the following best describes the weak point in Ross’s claim on which Julia’s response focuses?
(A)The evidence Ross cites comes from only a single observed case, that of Company X.
(B)The profitability of Company X might be only temporary.
(C)Ross’s statement leaves open the possibility that the cause he cites came after the effect he attributes to it.
(D)No mention is made of companies that are partly government owned and partly privately owned.
(E)No exact figures are given for the current profits of Company X.

4. Advertiser: The revenue that newspapers and magazines earn by publishing advertisements allows publishers to keep the prices per copy of their publications much lower than would otherwise be possible. Therefore, consumers benefit economically from advertising.

Consumer: But who pays for the advertising that pays for low-priced newspapers and magazines? We consumers do, because advertisers pass along advertising costs to us through the higher prices they charge for their products.
Which of the following best describes how the consumer counters the advertiser’s argument?
(A)By alleging something that, if true, would weaken the plausibility of the advertiser’s conclusion.
(B)By questioning the truth of the purportedly factual statement on which the advertiser’s conclusion is based.
(C)By offering an interpretation of the advertiser’s opening statement that, if accurate, shows that there is an implicit contradiction in it.
(D)By pointing out that the advertiser’s point of view is biased.
(E)By arguing that the advertiser too narrowly restricts the discussion to the effects of advertising that are economic.

5.Statement of a US copper mining company: Import quotas should be imposed on the less expensive copper mined outside the country to maintain price of copper in this country; otherwise, our companies will not be able to stay in business.

Response of a US copper wire manufacturer: US wire and cable manufacturers purchase about 70 percent of the copper mined in the US. If the copper prices we pay are not at the international level, our sales will drop, and then the demand for US copper will go down.

If the factual information presented by both companies is accurate, the best assessment of the logical relationship between the two arguments is that the wire manufacturer’s argument.
(A)is self-serving and irrelevant to the proposal of the mining company
(B)is circular, presupposing what it seeks to prove about the proposal of the mining company
(C)shows that the proposal of the mining company would have a negative effect on the mining company’s own business
(D)fails to give reason why the proposal if the mining company should not be put into effect to alleviate the concern of the mining company for staying in business
(E)establishes that even the mining company’s business will prosper if the mining company’s proposal is rejected

winnie123456 发表于 2003-5-6 06:47:48

1. Nearly one in three subscribers to Financial Forecaster is a millionaire, and over half are in top management. Shouldn’t you subscribe to Financial Forecaster now?
Financial Forecaster的每三個訂戶中,幾乎就有一個是百萬富翁,並有超過半數的人位于頂級管理層。您現在難道還不應該立即訂閲Financial Forecaster嗎?
A reader who is neither a millionaire nor in top management would be most likely to act in accordance with the advertisement’s suggestion if he or she drew which of the following questionable conclusions invited by the advertisement?

(A)Among finance-related periodical, Financial Forecaster provides the most detailed financial information.
在與金融相關的期刊中,Financial Forecaster提供了最相近的金融信息。
(B)Top managers cannot do their jobs properly without reading Financial Forecaster.
頂尖經理人如果不閲讀Financial Forecaster就不能正常開展工作。
(C)The advertisement is placed where those who will be likely to read it are millionaires.
(D)The subscribers mentioned were helped to become millionaires or join top management by reading Financial Forecaster.
文中所提及的訂戶,閲讀Financial Forecaster幫助他們成爲了百萬富翁或進入頂級管理層。
顯而易見,這一點是最吸引讀者之處,如果你得出了這樣的結論(姑且不論是否可信),你是不是也會趕快去定一份Financial Forecaster呢?
(E)Only those who will in fact become millionaires, or at least top managers, will read the advertisement.
2. Contrary to the charges made by some of its opponents, the provisions of the new deficit-reduction law for indiscriminate cuts in the federal budget are justified. Opponents should remember that the New Deal pulled this country out of great economic troubles even though some of its programs were later found to be unconstitutional.
The opponents could effectively defend their position against the author’s strategy by pointing out that
(A)the expertise of those opposing the law is outstanding.
(B)the lack of justification for the new law does not imply that those who drew it up were either inept or immoral.
(C)the practical application of the new law will not entail indiscriminate budget cuts.
(D)economic troubles present at the time of the New Deal were equal in severity to those that have led to the present law
(E)the fact that certain flawed programs or laws have improved the economy does not prove that every such program can do so.
3. Ross: The profitability of Company X, restored to private ownership five years ago, is clear evidence that businesses will always fare better under private than under public ownership.
Ross: X公司(5年前恢復到私有制)的利潤清楚地表明,商業在私有制之下比在公有制之下運作得更好。
Julia: Wrong. A close look at the records shows that X has been profitable since the appointment of a first-class manager, which happened while X was still in the public sector.
Julia: 錯誤。最近對一項紀錄的研究表明,X公司在委任第一級經理後就已經開始贏利了,那時該公司還是公有制體系。
Which of the following best describes the weak point in Ross’s claim on which Julia’s response focuses?
(A)The evidence Ross cites comes from only a single observed case, that of Company X.
(B)The profitability of Company X might be only temporary.
(C)Ross’s statement leaves open the possibility that the cause he cites came after the effect he attributes to it.
(D)No mention is made of companies that are partly government owned and partly privately owned.
(E)No exact figures are given for the current profits of Company X.

4. Advertiser: The revenue that newspapers and magazines earn by publishing advertisements allows publishers to keep the prices per copy of their publications much lower than would otherwise be possible. Therefore, consumers benefit economically from advertising.
Consumer: But who pays for the advertising that pays for low-priced newspapers and magazines? We consumers do, because advertisers pass along advertising costs to us through the higher prices they charge for their products.
Which of the following best describes how the consumer counters the advertiser’s argument?
(A)By alleging something that, if true, would weaken the plausibility of the advertiser’s conclusion.
(B)By questioning the truth of the purportedly factual statement on which the advertiser’s conclusion is based.
(C)By offering an interpretation of the advertiser’s opening statement that, if accurate, shows that there is an implicit contradiction in it.
(D)By pointing out that the advertiser’s point of view is biased.
(E)By arguing that the advertiser too narrowly restricts the discussion to the effects of advertising that are economic.

5.Statement of a US copper mining company: Import quotas should be imposed on the less expensive copper mined outside the country to maintain price of copper in this country; otherwise, our companies will not be able to stay in business.
Response of a US copper wire manufacturer: US wire and cable manufacturers purchase about 70 percent of the copper mined in the US. If the copper prices we pay are not at the international level, our sales will drop, and then the demand for US copper will go down.
If the factual information presented by both companies is accurate, the best assessment of the logical relationship between the two arguments is that the wire manufacturer’s argument.
(A)is self-serving and irrelevant to the proposal of the mining company
(B)is circular, presupposing what it seeks to prove about the proposal of the mining company
(C)shows that the proposal of the mining company would have a negative effect on the mining company’s own business
(D)fails to give reason why the proposal if the mining company should not be put into effect alleviate the concern of the mining company for staying in business
這個答案我翻譯起來感覺很奇怪,fernandochang 你是不是把句子抄錯了
“不能解釋”這個詞表明這個答案是錯誤的 
(E)establishes that even the mining company’s business will prosper if the mining company’s proposal is rejected

amorz 发表于 2003-5-6 10:25:18

winnie123456 ,great!!

加菲熊 发表于 2003-5-6 10:28:28




paisley 发表于 2003-5-6 20:48:45


monicahou 发表于 2003-5-6 21:41:51




starary 发表于 2003-5-6 21:45:24


winnie123456 发表于 2003-5-6 22:45:50



Daj 发表于 2003-5-7 05:02:30

what a pity ~~~~~
anyway , come here when you are free
need your  help a lot

angeikim 发表于 2003-5-7 21:22:08


monicahou 发表于 2003-5-8 06:47:43

thank you anyway!
your work is much appreciated!:)

ugeebo00 发表于 2010-7-28 08:32:15

婷利晰 发表于 2010-7-29 16:22:05

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