TEFouDAF 发表于 2010-2-21 12:14:54

issue13 在真实考试时抽到 经检验为4.5分 希望为大家研究GRE判分提供参考

本帖最后由 TEFouDAF 于 2010-8-12 20:10 编辑

TOPIC: ISSUE13 - "Many of the world's lesser-known languages are being lost as fewer and fewer
people speak them. The governments of countries in which these languages are spoken should act to
prevent such languages from becoming extinct."
WORDS: 474 TIME: 00:45:00 DATE:

Should the government of countries assume the responsibility to prevent the lesser-known languages
from being extinct? I agree insofar as on an academic level, these languages which are spoken by
fewer and fewer people deserve our protection as significant elements in the human culture and history.
However, government should be circumspect about its shortcomings when it comes to globalization.

The lesser-known languages have academical values by facilitating us to draw up the pedigree of a
series of the relevant languages, and to fathom the knowledge of linguistics, such as phonetics and
etymology. Correlated with dominant languages generally and even similar in vocabulary, grammar
and so forth, the lesser-known languages provide us with the possibility that we may find the hints and
clues of how the dominant language which are seemingly different from them have developed
throughout the history. For instance, linguistsare trying their best to figure out the pronunciation of the
chinese wordswhich are in the form of characters during the medieval era by referring various related
lesser-known languages which are spoken by ethnic minorities. If the languages are extinct, gone with
them are the would-be important implications that may lead to breakthroughs in the study of

In addition, it is necessary for us to spare no pains preventing those lesser-known languages from
being extinct, for these languages serve as a media through which its speakers express notions and
ideas in their distinct culture. How a group of people reckons upon nature, themselves as well as the
connection between nature and their own is undoubtedly inscribed in the language, by means of words
and expressions which are uniquely expressed and appropriately recounted. Supposing that few
actions were taken to impede the trend towards extinction, once the sounds of the language became
something onomatopoeic from the outer space and the scripts became illegible rune only bearing
mysterious concerns, it would be costly to interpret them when we suddenly find its values later on.

However, faced with the tide of the globalization, it will be unwise or improper to allocate undue
money and energy on preventing the extinction of the lesser-known language. Overextended
endeavour on such undertaking will influence the extent to which language barriers hinder the
effectiveness and efficiency of the international communication and exchange. Thus, rather than
intervening their extinction which may be a normal process of languages on a historical and liguistic
level, it would be more practical to encourage the populace to learn the communal language over the
world or to address other pressing social issues.

In sum, it is advisable for us to protect the lesser-known languages that are on the edge of extinction,
for their distinct values in linguistics and even in the history and culture of mankind. However, such
benefits must be weighed against the encumbrance in order to meet the efficacious distribution of the
social wealth and resources.

p.s https://bbs.gter.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1062517&page=2#pid1773631481

ieyangj08 发表于 2010-2-21 12:32:16


TEFouDAF 发表于 2010-2-21 13:05:29

這不是模考的 嗬嗬 是修改的習作

TEFouDAF 发表于 2010-2-21 15:55:49

求猛拍啊 畢竟不能帶著硬傷上場啊

ringtailbunny 发表于 2010-2-21 16:24:22


Should the government of countries assume the responsibility to prevent the lesser-known languages
from being extinct? I agree insofar as on an academic level, these languages which are spoken by
fewer and fewer people deserve our protection as significant elements in the human culture and history.
However, government should be circumspect about its shortcomings when it comes to globalization.

The lesser-known languages have academical values by facilitating us to draw up the pedigree(这个词好强大,不认识:L ) of a
series of the relevant languages, and to fathom the knowledge of linguistics, such as phonetics and
etymology.(推荐,只是推荐这里用一个such,and之前就也处理一下来个并列。) Correlated with dominant languages generally and even similar in vocabulary, grammar
and so forth, the lesser-known languages provide us with the possibility that we may find the hints and
clues of how the dominant language which are seemingly different from them(我不推荐这个them的用法,和前面的指代词离的有点远。偶的语法什么很烂的,语言上的意见你就随便听听,不用当回事啊~) have developed
throughout the history. For instance, linguistsare trying their best to figure out the pronunciation of the
chinese words which are in the form of characters during the medieval era by referring various related
lesser-known languages which are spoken by ethnic minorities. If the languages are extinct, gone with
them are the would-be important implications that may lead to breakthroughs in the study of

In addition, it is necessary for us to spare no pains(原来还可以这么说啊,偶就只会take pains,偷走了。。) preventing those lesser-known languages from
being extinct, for these languages serve as a media through which its speakers express notions and
ideas in their distinct culture. (看完那你折断的TS我说你的开头段啊,你的开头端给我的感觉的话你会在academic方面写一段,然后however之后写一段,结果证明,我估计错了。我推荐你的开头里面把你的二三段的关系用并列的关系描述出来会清晰一些)How a group of people reckons upon nature, themselves as well as the
connection between nature and their own(这个是什么?)is undoubtedly inscribed in the language, by means of (这个表达我也用的少,再次偷走)words
and expressions which are uniquely expressed and appropriately recounted. Supposing that few
actions were taken to impede the trend towards extinction, once the sounds of the language became
something onomatopoeic from the outer space and the scripts became illegible rune only bearing
mysterious concerns, it would be costly to interpret them when we suddenly find its values later on.
(指出两点,1.关联词有点少,读的有点云里雾里 2对与这种超级抽象的东西,可能的话有具体例子最好。 我觉得纯说理说到什么滴不算到位不大好把握。)

However, faced with the tide of the globalization, it will be unwise or improper to allocate undue
money and energy on preventing the extinction of the lesser-known language.(楼主有木有发现,你的2,3亮点的TS有点冲突啊,吧第二点的TS说的加加条件不那么绝对就好了,你那里用得spare no pains:L 标志表情华丽登场!!) Overextended
endeavour on such undertaking will influence the extent to which language barriers hinder the
effectiveness and efficiency of the international communication and exchange. Thus, rather than
intervening their extinction which may be a normal process of languages on a historical and liguistic
level, it would be more practical to encourage the populace to learn the communal language over the
world or to address other pressing social issues.
还是一点,来个例子吧。个人建议:把ts改成在当今社会不大适合巴拉巴拉。。。比如说全球化巴拉巴拉。。。再加点具体的描述~基本没改动就可以看起来貌似有例子:L (再度出场,撒花~)那个什么,也算是结构上有说服力一些吧

In sum, it is advisable for us to protect the lesser-known languages that are on the edge of extinction,
for their distinct values in linguistics and even in the history and culture of mankind. However, such
benefits must be weighed against the encumbrance in order to meet the efficacious distribution of the
social wealth and resources.

楼主海量,文章写得已经很不错了,不过好的地方我就不说了,我觉得点评文章赞来赞去的没什么意思:L 。。。

ringtailbunny 发表于 2010-2-21 16:27:53


TEFouDAF 发表于 2010-2-21 17:13:08

6# ringtailbunny
等我明日解放了 定會回訪報答

不過我的邏輯很差的 詳見

ringtailbunny 发表于 2010-2-21 17:34:48


ringtailbunny 发表于 2010-2-21 18:14:38


TEFouDAF 发表于 2010-2-21 21:12:29

9# ringtailbunny

隨便取的而已 嗬嗬
重名極少 用各大蒐索引擎蒐索結果都是我

ringtailbunny 发表于 2010-2-21 22:09:35

还有ou是法语里面 或 的意思。刚刚忘了说了。常用介词。英语比法语简单太多了,法语都要丢的差不多了:L

TEFouDAF 发表于 2010-2-22 19:59:18

本帖最后由 TEFouDAF 于 2010-2-22 20:47 编辑

8# ringtailbunny
不過我之前都押寶在issue48 寫得時候已經回憶不起來我的原作了

TEFouDAF 发表于 2010-2-22 20:02:46

11# ringtailbunny
le Nouveau sans Frontières 才學了一二單元 下學期想選卻掉了

TEFouDAF 发表于 2010-2-22 20:06:20

TOPIC: ISSUE48 - "The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most
significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of
people whose identities have long been forgotten."
WORDS: 1 TIME: 00:00:27 DATE: 2010-2-20 21:56:38

With the advent of the new millennium, the focus of history study gradually distracts from the
overemphasis of the "famous few" to the masses whose identities have long been forgotten. To some
extent, it reveals the populace-oriented rather than the elite-centered method in the history research.
Feasible in some degrees, however, such kind of trend needs more scrutiny lest it should go to the
other extreme.

Admittedly, the renowned individuals are the key characters in the history, who set into motion a
sequence of the watershed historical events. For instance, when talking about the Europe in the 19th
century, Napoleon certainly occurs to us. Rising to his prominence under the First French Republic
and successfully repulsing the attacks that are set up by the Coalitions arrayed against France,
Napoleon Bonaparte shaped the politics in Europe in the early 19th century through his outstanding
military tactics along with exceptional political strategies. Additionally, in the realm of laws, he also
propelled the establishment of the Napoleonic Code, which laid the administrative and judicial
foundation for much of the Western Europe. For that matter, there is no denying that it is Napoleon,
the "famous few", who has made possible the trend of history. Thus, it may be unfair unless enough
emphasis has been placed on them.

However, since long time ago when we attributed the feats, which is too much for them to bear, to the
monarch or the emperor, we are prone to portray the famous individuals as nearly omnipotent in the
authoritative recordings of history. Nonetheless, it is unjust for them to deserve all the feats regardless
of considerable efforts made by the populace, who are ignoble or even nameless in the recordings
while do provide the impetus for history. Hardly can we depict the fate of Napoleon without the
French Revolution set on by the general public who assaulted the Bastille and declared their wish for
equal rights of citizen. It is through the endeavour of the groups to subvert the House of Bourbon that
the "famous few" gained the victory of the revolution. Without the general public and their efforts, the
pattern of history in the 19th century will probably remain unchanged, which still suffers feudalism
and inequality.

Even though it is legitimate for us to pay attention to the populace who are always ignored by us, we
must be circumspect about going to the other extreme. Undue emphasis on the general public will
undermine the paramount influence of the "famous few" and obscure the main track of the history to
some extent. Such should be keep in mind that groups rally only when incited and instigated by the
famous individuals. That is, the influence rendered by the general public spontaneously is somewhat
limited when compared to that of the famous individuals. In this sense, we should not overly extol the
role of the masses in sacrifice of the "famous few".

In sum, we should strike a balance between the groups of people and the notable individuals in the
study of history. Only in such way can we create an apt image of the mankind history with regard to
the indelible feats and contributions of them.

ringtailbunny 发表于 2010-2-22 22:52:05

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