cauchy2012 发表于 2010-3-7 17:21:13



How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society.Unfortunately we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.

I agree with the speaker that how children are socialized today determines the destiny of society and unfortunately we have not ye learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society.A contrary view would indicate that it is the adult elites of today who are in power of most of the resources are the real host of society. Nevertheless,few would dispute that children whether socialized or not can spark a boon for the society.

In my perspective,under some circumstances,whether children are socialized will not affect the destiny of society.For example,the film “A Beautiful Mind”depicted vividly the legendary mathematician John Nash who is a genius in various fields of math and is awkward in talking and often solve the problem alone.We can not say that a well-socialized Nash will contribute more to math field and the world,since sometimes math work is just a one-person job.This illustrates the point that it is not necessary to socialize all the children to cater to the tastes of the adults and to brave the world.

However,we can not make a sweeping generalization so hastily. It is indubitable that socialized children will determine the destiny of society.Human beings perhaps will not have a shining future if our children are not socialized.For example,it has been a common phenomenon that nowadays children in expanding numbers are pampered,which has been presented in failed dealing with others,bad temper and sorts of debauch habits.Consider,how can we dare put our future on those pampered boys and girls,and how can we imagine the world rulers are just a batch of useless kings who only care about cuisine or hunting in their backyards?If so,human failure is inevitable,and regulation of the world failure is expected.Looking above,through possible breakdown of the world in the future not only do we discover who the not-socialized children are and are not compatible with,we also discover it is indispensable to socialize our children and educate them effectively.

Put another way,in this era of rapid social and technological change ,well-socialized children are precious wealth for the whole society.Few would dispute that these children who know more how to communicate with each other and is more cooperative might go a long way toward addressing the problems in the future efficiently.For instance,American celebrated physicist Richard Feynman who is very sociable and voluble with everyone around him,after winning the Nobel Prize for physics with another two physicist,talked(and I paraphrase):”I talked about the problem often with my friends and we chatted a lot whenever and wherever,sometimes in the cafeteria or the club.”Simply put,sometimes it is necessarily through these “ever-socialized” children can we realize the essence of the society,the harmony of society and the destiny of society.

To sum up,admittedly,our world do not consists of all the socialized children ,however,without socialized children ,the world will be less vibrant and less productive where few contracts and agreement between different people will be reached ,which human beings are lagging in a decreasingly civilized,respectable and tolerant society.

cauchy2012 发表于 2010-3-7 17:50:16


cauchy2012 发表于 2010-3-10 00:21:44


伪摇滚爱好者 发表于 2012-9-24 11:56:35


thebleach 发表于 2012-9-24 19:17:50

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