jiahongyuan 发表于 2010-5-20 17:37:48


本帖最后由 jiahongyuan 于 2010-5-20 18:45 编辑

when n is divided by 3, the remainder is 2. When n is divided by 4, the remainder is 1. When n is divided by 12, what is the remainder?

江雪 发表于 2010-5-20 18:06:25


“Well, I personally would go for a numerical approach for this one, but here's a way to work it algebraically:

Let n = 3j + 2, where j is a positive integer
Let t = 5k + 3, where k is a positive integer

nt = (3j+2)(5k+3) = 15jk + 9j + 10k + 6

So the question is: what is the remainder after 15jk + 9j + 10k + 6 is divided by 15? Well, 15jk is clearly divisible by 15. If we show that 9j and 10k are divisible by 15 as well, then we can determine the remainder (6).

(1) The fact that n - 2 is divisible by 5 means that 3j is divisible by 5. So j can be written as 5x, where x is a positive integer. That means we can rewrite 9j (in the question) as 45x, which is divisible by 15. But we don't know whether 10k is divisible by 15. Insufficient.

(2) That t is divisible by 3 means that 5k + 3 is divisible by 3, and therefore 5k is divisible by 3. So k can be written as 3y, where y is a positive integer. That means we can rewrite 10k (in the question) as 30y, which is divisible by 15. But we don't know whether 9j is divisible by 15. Insufficient.

(1&2) nt = 15jk + 9j + 10k + 6 = 15jk + 45x + 30y + 6. The remainder must be 6. Sufficient.”

jiahongyuan 发表于 2010-5-20 18:43:53

本帖最后由 jiahongyuan 于 2010-5-20 18:46 编辑

2# 江雪

jiahongyuan 发表于 2010-5-20 20:41:38

本帖最后由 jiahongyuan 于 2010-5-20 20:49 编辑



tony0411 发表于 2010-5-20 22:10:14

本帖最后由 tony0411 于 2010-5-20 22:11 编辑

3a +2 = 4b+1  ==> 4b - 3a = 1,   快速找到任意一组解满足这个方程且a,b均为整数, 例如a=1 b=1  a=5 b=4   然后a或b任意带回原方程求得一个数. 然后再用那个数除12.....    我觉得这样可能会快一些.

djy888 发表于 2010-6-24 16:32:14

5/3余2, 5/4余1, 5/12余5 => 5就是答案了

samson333 发表于 2010-8-2 02:51:48

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