jiahongyuan 发表于 2010-5-21 11:40:33


http://sns.gter.net/attachment/201005/21/2709285_1274412794Kqnn.png in the rectangle above, tick marks divide each of two opposite sides into eight equal segments. the line segments p q r s and t have endpoints on the marks as shown which of the following lists the five segments in order of length from least to greates?
A) q r s p t
B) q r s t p
C) r q p s t
D) r q p t s
E) r q s p t

应该能用勾股定理算出来,但这第一句话理解不太清楚,我算出来的q s是相等的,但答案是E.请大侠们给解释一下.

djy888 发表于 2010-6-24 15:07:08

t是对角线最大 排除B,D
r最小,很明显 排除A
p比q,s都长,因为从顶点出发 选E
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