发信人: stub (), 信区: EnglishTest标 题: 关于GRE作文的建议!
发信站: 北大未名站 (2003年05月25日20:35:42 星期天) , 站内信件
本来以为TWE5。0的成绩 应付G的作文应该还可以,听了孙远的作文便开始试着自己写
凭良心说孙远的作文讲解对ARGUMENT还是挺有帮助的 写过4 5篇后就有感觉了而且速度
也还成。但是对ISSUE来说 只能起一个引导和安慰的作用吧 他说ARG写到5。5 ——6。0
然后ISSUE写个3。5——4。0平均也可以4。5——5。0 当时确实多少消除了对作文的恐
惧。3月的成绩出来了 V680 Q800 作文只有4。0 而且百分比出奇的低只有27% 如果想申
请学校 恐怕这样的分数会带来很多的麻烦,而且G的百分比恐怕比分数还要重要一些
而且新加坡这样的鸟国 也闲作文底。希望7月后考作文的战友 引以为戒。
说到作文大家都会说到新概念4,有人说文章简单,词汇不丰富,但是我觉得 G的作文
才能潜移默化的使你的文章地道! 还有事实证明过多的或是牵强的加名人名言 只能
形成鲜明的对比。希望10月的战友能务实的准备作文,顺利到达彼岸。 完全同意作者的意见。还有一个建议就是:如果有条件,一定要找老外而且是专门教英文的老外帮你看作文。我上周拿了篇作文,找一个教写作的外教看,发现自己的作文确实有很多自己或者说中国老师比较难发现的问题。关键的是他们NATIVE对语言的那种敏感度,马上就知道你的错误和缺点在哪里。是该用THOUGH还是HOWEVER。 ..对哦..LILY有机会发几个出来吧:D:D
多数人没有条件 咱们完全可以自力更生的,看多点外国经典的essays 就行了。 你说的没错,有条件就找;没条件就自己上!自己培养语感。 还是摸不到边我贴上周他帮我看的吧.
TOPIC: The past is no predictor of the future.The statement above sounds arbitrary as we evaluate the relationship of past and future. Though I have to admit that the past couldn’t successfully and exactly predicts what would happen in the future,it would inspire us to depict a vague picture of the future or at least give us some instructive links.
The principles on the function of the world do not change much along with the change in time. So what could be applied in the past is still useful for the present days and the future. The strategy book Sun Zi: Art of War>>, written by Sun bin in ChunQiu dynasty thousands of years ago, is now still being valued not only by our Chinese but all over the world. Moreover, instead of only being in applied in war, it is regarded as one of the most necessary books to read for the business world. As time goes by, the world nowadays seems incredibly different .But the principle remains the same. The structure of the society, the world and life views, the relationship between people…….remain stable while adjusting themselves to the development of science and civilization of human being.
As a great person once said, history always repeats itself .The issues happened before would help us out of the trouble the trouble when we are scared by the uncertainties of future. Each civilization is born, it culminates, and it decays. This is demonstrated by the creation, prosperity and depression of the dynasties in China’s 5000 years long history .For everyone of us has a life span of several decades, we could find no answer to the question of the transition of the power when we are turning to the contemporary time .Once we cast our vision to the thousands of years before us ,the history would reveal the fact and the truth looms. It’s inevitable and no surprise that everything has a beginning and an end.
Studying the history would be beneficial for us to build up a more objective and complete judgment of values, which helps to predict the future. Issues recorded in long history of human being expose the merits and demerits of all kind s of people in different ages and cast light to a better understanding of human nature. No matter what you would plan to accomplish or achieve, it is no doubt that individual is the most important factor. Once one has a more reasonable and clear picture of what they are, the chances of success are apparently greater. These also can be applied to the matter of prediction of the future especially in a environment where human being dominate. Further, reading history make(少s) you experience more than you can actually do in real life. This is also instructive for you when you encounter the similar conditions after that.
Past is behind and future is in front of us, however, the constantly same factor in shaping the world is the action of human being. The better, thorough, and profound interpretation of the past would definitely contribute to the prediction of the future.
我们看了大概20来分钟的样子.1 首先他看了第一段和最后一段 他说有CONTRADICTION.第一段,我说的是COULDN'T 最后一段有个DEFINITELY,但我解释说我在第一段是说 至少INSPIRE,但你想想我觉的问题在于我表达的东西不够简单明快.会有人有感觉昏的.他再看第一段,THOUGH I HAVE TO,他说你第一句话用了ARBITRATY让人感觉态度很强硬,你应该用however转折.
2 第2 段,他说内容QUITE GOOD.第一句的观点,他也同意.只是有点WORDY,我问是不是CHINGLISH,他说也不算.但是incredibly different和But the principle不是FLOW SMOOTHLY.但整体来说,比较好,有观点有例子来SUPPORT,最后一句又总结了.
3 第3,4段就比较糟糕,虽然有观点,但是WANDER SOMEWHERE了.不集中,没有SUPPORT.他不知道我要说什么.语言上也有问题.第3段最后一句,他说完全废话.第4 段,individual is the most important factor他说你这个INDIVIDUAL 到底在说什么,他不明白.我想是INDIVIDUAL我意思没理解好,individual 不是我所要表达的人.而是说一个个体.(欢迎同学们指正)还是 the chance of success他说你具体要说什么,他也不知道.还有DOMINATE,他问我,我解释了好久,,他说无法理解.
后来,我觉的其实写GRE 的文章不需要一开始就强调要多么好的语言,关键在于把一个问题解释清楚.很结果化的写作.不用太多花招.就是一个观点,用东西去支持.平时要练习的就是怎么把 自己的一个观点可以说服别人.
PS:我平时上讨厌的课时就和一个我们班的MM写英语聊天.我感觉上,我们的英语大多数时候就是让人感觉想到哪就说到哪,很没有条理性,但我最近又开始看RUSSELL,他的文章结构绝对简单.而且写的东西就是首先一开始总领大纲,我有几个观点.然后FIRST ,SECOND ,NEXT,,,,,,,一个个说清楚.
XDJM有经验,欢迎来交流.我比较懒,好久没想东西了.感觉要解决条理不清的问题,关键是在BRAINSTORM的时候把东西想清楚,不然写的时候就很乱.对了,想清楚.他那天还说了思考的时候是混乱,但写作的时候绝对不可以.(很重要的!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!),所以建议我先TAKE NOTES.另外,一定要think in english, 不然就可能出现我想什么人家不明白的那种情况,他不知道你要表达什么.
to lily_chang
写的真好!让我看就看不出什么毛病来。 这可是好东东啊 对。。。表达的清楚与否很重要
谢谢LYLY哦,没想到你真的拿出来了 :D:D 非常感谢lily的generosity, 咱们一起共享!
他评价的第一点我不太明白呀。我没觉得你那个though不对。我对however和though的理解就是:前者是转折,是对前面所言的反对;后者是让步,是对后面所言的肯定。就是这么感觉的。。。所以你那个arbiturary和though没啥关系呀?关于3、4段我想可能是这样的。本身老外他不会很懂中国历史(专门研究的除外啦),所以看着他有点晕,加上你说的泛了点,他就更晕啦@__@是吧?不过我确实同意他说的和你自己理解的,就是一段一个主题,一定要明确,围绕着论证。不要东拉西扯的,中国人看着甍甍懂懂的,老外凭着他的语感就更糊涂了。 Each civilization is born, it culminates, and it decays.
1. 表达顺畅、清晰;
2. 观点要有,supporting例子也要有,而且必须为全文立场服务,不偏题;
3. 立场不可左摇右摆,要坚定,从一而终;
4. 最后,才是要注重语言的精练和复杂度。