michaeleco 发表于 2010-7-18 22:18:35


本帖最后由 michaeleco 于 2010-7-18 22:20 编辑

Measles (Rubeola, Hard, Red, 10-day) - 2 doses no less than 1 month apart and administered both after your first birthday and after January 1, 1968; or physician diagnosis of disease; or copy of a lab report proving a significant level of antibodies for immunity to rubeola.

Mumps - 1 dose administered both after your first birthday and after January 1, 1968; or physician diagnosis of disease; or copy of a lab report proving a significant level of antibodies for immunity to mumps.

Rubella (German Measles, 3-day) - 1 dose administered both after your first birthday and after January 1, 1970; or copy of a lab report proving a significant level of antibodies for immunity to rubella. **Note: History of disease is not acceptable for compliance.

Vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella can be combined MMR.

看不太明白。。求指导 谢谢!
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