shadow1987 发表于 2010-7-21 18:32:18


本帖最后由 shadow1987 于 2010-7-21 18:35 编辑

复习AW是从这个月初开始的,一上来猛打猛冲写了十几篇,经验是有一些,缺点也不少,前天看了小哀姐对自己文章的批改,猛然发现自己从一开始就忽视了Issue结尾,其中包括body paragraph的last sentence和文章结尾段的conclusion。于是最近两天歇笔,研究了一下北美范文,结合我自己的思考,做了一些很个人化的总结,望各路高人指正。





废话说了一大堆,切入正题,结尾段怎么写?我们可以来看一个AW考了6分的native speaker是如何论述的:

Conclusion ties it(整篇文章) all together, but does not just repeat what you said in the body of the essay. You want to paraphrase what you said, try to keep it interesting and remember this should be the cherry on top of your essay ice cream.

冰激凌上的樱桃!据此我分析这个cherry有三种境界,最高境界是paraphrase what you said and keep it interesting,怎样还能保证它有趣呢?个人认为需要加入一些新的东西,这些东西可以是比较发散的,即有些论证点你放在body中去怕会写跑偏,那你就放结尾一笔带过,即展示了你思维的广度,也能保证结尾有趣;第二层境界就是纯粹的paraphrasing,也很好了,展示了你的词汇量和句型变化能力,第三层境界嘛,restatement及以下,你们懂的!呵呵

"There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws."

According to this statement, each person has a duty to not only obey just laws but also disobey unjust ones. In my view this statement is too extreme, in two respects. First, it wrongly categorizes any law as either just or unjust; and secondly, it recommends an ineffective and potentially harmful means of legal reform.

整体分析:introduction很经典,第一句paraphrase the topic,第二句摆观点说the topic is too extreme,并且点出有两方面问题,第三句简述这两方面问题,concise!nice!

结尾分析:有很多人喜欢把introduction的最后一句话写成自己的观点,像这种套路:In today's society……. Therefore, the author is incorrect in asserting that……and the alternate approach is more effective because…….Consequently, my view is that……。但是如上文,把观点放在段中,流畅的分析问题然后自然结尾,我认为没有模式化的痕迹,潇洒,得体,自然。当然,我也看到过很多篇北美范文用上述这种中规中矩的结构的,没有任何问题!

First, whether a law is just or unjust is rarely a straightforward issue. The fairness of any law depends on one's personal value system. This is especially true when it comes to personal freedoms. Consider, for example, the controversial issue of abortion. Individuals with particular religious beliefs tend to view laws allowing mothers an abortion choice as unjust, while individuals with other value systems might view such laws as just.

整体分析:上段提过the topic wrongly categorizes any law as either just or unjust,此段接着说the fairness of any law depends on one’s personal value system。很舒服,以堕胎为例,说得比较简单。

The fairness of a law also depends on one's personal interest, or stake, in the legal issue at hand. After all, in a democratic society the chief function of laws is to strike a balance among competing interests. Consider, for example, a law that regulates the toxic effluents a certain factory can emit into a nearby river. Such laws are designed chiefly to protect public health. But complying with the regulation might be costly for the company; the factory might be forced to lay off employees or shut down altogether, or increase the price of its products to compensate for the cost of compliance. At stake are the respective interests of the company's owners, employees, and customers, as well as the opposing interests of the region's residents whose health and safety are impacted. In short, the fairness of the law is subjective, depending largely on how one's personal interests are affected by it.

整体分析:段内结构好经典!第一句讲法律的公正性也取决于利益,次句开始举例,说化工厂,用四句话简单但是又充分的点到各方利益的冲突,最后in short,再点题,说法律公正很主观,取决于个人利益。

结尾分析:有必要把上两段的结尾句放在一起研究一下,我之前写段落结尾时扣得很死板,比如我观点是反对topic,然后body一定要举个例子,然后最后说,你看我例子证明topic错了吧,然后不管每段写什么,结尾一定重复这句话= =!其实我现在发现,结尾句和topic可以是不直接相关的,或者说完全没必要直接相关。什么叫各司其职,我一个分段落的任务不是证明整个大的topic是对是错,而是证明一个分论点对错就行了,最终,把分论点有力的支撑起来后,他们自然会把你的观点支撑起来。因此,段落结尾句只要总结小段落的作用就行了。

The second fundamental problem with the statement is that disobeying unjust laws often has the opposite affect of what was intended or hoped for. Most anyone would argue, for instance, that our federal system of income taxation is unfair in one respect or another. Yet the end result of widespread disobedience, in this case tax evasion, is to perpetuate the system. Free-riders only compel the government to maintain tax rates at high levels in order to ensure adequate revenue for the various programs in its budget.

整体分析:这段开始说另一个respect,即the topic推荐一种很糟的修改法律的方式:拒绝服从。首句不遵守法律会有opposite effect,次句举例开始说税收,例子挺好。

another fundamental problem with the statement is that by justifying a violation of one sort of law we find ourselves on a slippery slope toward sanctioning all types of illegal behavior, including egregiouscriminal conduct. Returning to the abortion example mentioned above, a person strongly opposed to the freedom-of-choice position might maintain that the illegal blocking of access to an abortion clinic amounts
to justifiable disobedience. However, it is a precariously short leap from this sort of civil disobedience to physical confrontations with clinic workers, then to the infliction
of property damage, then to the bombing of the clinic and potential murder.


In sum, because the inherent function of our laws is to balance competing interests, reasonable people with different priorities will always disagree about the fairness of specific laws. Accordingly, radical action such as resistance or disobedience is rarely justified merely by one's subjective viewpoint or personal interests. And in any event, disobedience is never justifiable when the legal rights or safety of innocent people are jeopardized as a result.

结尾分析:这个段落太精彩了,我先回顾一下作者的两个respects,其一是法律不能简单被归纳为是just还是unjust,其二是暴力不能很好的解决问题。回到原文,作者上来根本没有要paraphrase的感觉,而是要准备go a step further。第一句话就即总结了第一个respect,并且点出了认为法律不合理的根本问题,说法律的固有作用是平衡各方利益,而且是一种competing的利益,因此被视为不公平是很reasonable的。后面其实是总结第二个respect,说法律往往站在中立的角度思考问题,而resistance or disobedience往往站在天平的某一个立场,所以且不说法律公正与否,你们这些resistance or disobedience从出发点上看就是unjust的,特别是当伤及无辜的情况发生时!完全没有再攻击题目了!没有再重申什么the topic is to some extent too extreme!潇洒!但是这里注意下,据我目测如果文章脉络无法把握得像作者这样的话,结尾点题还是很重要的= =!



纠结帝 发表于 2010-7-21 19:53:21


lingli_xiaoai 发表于 2010-7-21 21:45:58

good. I wish you could overcome the problem we all have ( don't know how to end  paragraph properly) and (don't know how to begin a paragraph with smooth transition)

reading simple assay over and over is actually a good habit, every good writer starting by  learning how others write, then eventually form the style of their own.

shadow1987 发表于 2010-7-21 22:25:16

3# lingli_xiaoai

roger that! I will try to work these out!

travery 发表于 2012-9-18 10:53:12

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查看完整版本: 如何写好Issue结尾,以北美范文Issue17为例