bellie928 发表于 2003-6-10 19:02:10


发信人: patzh (晓强), 信区: Visa      
标  题: AI,CS@ROCHESTER,1kpasse,No.102,win9
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Tue Jun 10 14:22:48 2003), 转信

Window 9, a somewhat handsome American guy (V) and me (M)
M: Good Morning Sir! My Name is Zhang Xxx
V: Good mornig Zhang Xxx. How are you?
M: Fine. Thanks.
V: ...You are at the institution of computing technology?
M: ...Yes. I am a M.S. student at ICT, Chinese Academy of Scieces. I graduat
   in year 2000 from Peking University. And now I am going to University of
   Rochester to continue my study in Computer Science.
(at the same time, V is Looking at his computer and also listening to me.)
V: ...Why do you choose Universtiy of Rochester?
M: Exellent University. And of course, what I cares most is its computer sci
   program. Rochester is renowned in CS world for its research production an
d its
   faculty is strong...
V: your undergraduate institution?
M: Peking University. I graduated from Computer Science department and got m
   B.S. degree there. Then I entered Chinese Academy of Sciences without exa
   because of my exellent academic record...
V: You will get your M.S degree. You are going to Rochester to study for you
r Phd? Why?
   (it seems to be such a question, i don't remember it very well)
M: Well. I entered CAS three years before. I found myself a research-oriente
d person. When
   I was researching on my thesis, I found that most papers I refered to are
from the U.S.
   Few are from other countries. CS originned from the U.S. I am going to ge
t he most
   advanced education in computer science, so...
V: What are you planning to do after your phd study?
M: You Know. I have been in a national institution for 3 years. I know that
national institutions
   like ours, esp. in IT sector, enjoys goverment support and easy access to
the IT industry.
   ....(a lot of words and interrupted)
V: do?
M: Oh. Wait. I have not mentioned my plan yet. I am going to take a leading
position in such
   a national institution. Look. the director of our institution is from Pur
due University. The
   vice director from University of Southern California. And the director of
our division from
   Germanny. Their eduation in the Western coutries granted their position.
I am going to study
   in the advanced Computer Science countries...(looked at me for the last w
ords and interrupted)
V: Why do you think you can get that position?
M: Look. I have brought this for you. You may want to have a look.
(I handed in a printed webpage of my open source project)
(V looked and found it is in Chinese and put it down)
M: I am playing an active role in our institution. This is the downloading p
age of an open source
   project leaded by me...
(V seems to be impatient because he can't read the Chinese on it. Haha!)
V: What is the salary?
M: ...(sth about the policies and advantage of the bosses in our institution
)...The salary? I
  don't know the exact number, but..
(V look at me )
M: They are driving fancy cars!
(V smiled guiyily)
V: Will you find a job in the US?(something like that)
M: Actually. I have a long term goal. My dream.
(V looked up curriously)
M: I plan to start my own IT company.
V: in the US ?
  (Daja look. He is making the last struggle)
M: of couse not. Company in China. I have social connections here....
V: social connections?
   (Guiyiing again. maybe the bad phrase)
M: I mean the friends, advisors. My father...
(V begin to do sth with the papers)
V: %@())_@_!
M: what?
V: 签过了!
M: thank you! thank you very much!
(do sth with my papers and turn to the window to say "Have a nice day")
Window 10, 3 from Window 9 are waiting and excitedly talking....
Call home and friends...
Thank so many friends. Your names are unimportant. I know you are supporting
from the bottom of your hearts. Thank my family. My mom, dad, sister most...


flwmh 发表于 2011-10-27 10:25:55

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查看完整版本: AI,CS@ROCHESTER,1kpasse,No.102,win9