bellie928 发表于 2003-6-20 00:32:29

6.19 梦圆北京大使馆--签经篇

发信人: applerabbit (Santa Monica), 信区: Visa
标  题: 6.19 梦圆北京大使馆--签经篇
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Thu Jun 19 13:46:22 2003), 转信


vo: applerabbit!
me: Yeah.
vo: So are you going to the United States? To which University?
me: Tulane University. Do you know its nickname?
vo: Oh, no, what is it?
me: We call it Southern Harvard (不好意思)
vo: Oh, then we can call Harvard as Northern Tulane?
me: (ft...) Yep, maybe:)
vo: So you are going to study....
me: Economics.
vo: What will you do after graduation?
me: I'll concentrate on ....I'll join the faculty and focus Tsinghua
    University. China has a serious environmental problem but few people can
    realize that it is also an economic problem. However, we can prove that,
    there're better choices like taxation and warrant, rather than mandatory
    fines or regulations, to make those polluting factories internalize their
    environmental costs.(见他不打断我,开始胡说)Many government officials
    and local managers take part-time courses at our School of E&M.
    I really appreciate this valuable human resource channel. You know, I must
    get in touch with those officials, I must get aware of what they need,
    because my work is to design effective policies to improve our social
    equality and efficiency.
vo: You want to be a faculty?
me: Yes.
vo: Have you talked about it with anybody there?
me: Sure. I'd talked about my future plan with my advisor. He also come back
    Tulane University. He wrote a letter for me. Would you like to see?
vo: En.
me: He got his degree in 1996. Then he come back and quickly become associate
    Professor in my department.
vo: Your transcript.
me: Here it is. You see, I always got the highest scores in my economic courses.
vo: I see. You've taken...micro, macro....
me: And econometrics. This course is among the hardest.
vo: I see. I believe you will come back....(画圈了)
me: (天哪,我准备的那么多台词都没有说呢)Many of my friends are curious about,
    why I want to pursue a Ph.D in....For me, I've determined to study this
    area even since I was a freshman. I am sad about our current environmental
    situation, and I am also sad about that, there is no effective policy to
    change this situation. So I want to design a set of instruments....
vo: Please take this card and window 10:)
me: Thank you. Nice day!

Where there is a will, there is a way.
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